Untitled - Shodhganga

Books of Edmund Wilson
Wilson, Edmund :
(With John Peale Bishop). The Undertaker's Garland
New York, Allfred A.Knopf, 1922.
A Literary Chronicle: 1920-1950. Barden City, New
York: Doubleday, 1956.
Contains Selections from
Classics and Commercials and the Shores of Light.
A piece off Mv Mind: Reflections at Sixty. New York:
Farrar, Straus and Cuddahy, 1956.
Conversations from the earlier years of My Life. New
York, Farrar, Straus and Girouk, 1967.
A Window on Russia. New York: Farrar, Straus and
Girouk, 1972.
Apologies to the Iroauouis (with “The Mohawks in
High Stell’ by Jospeh Mitchell). New York : Farrar,
Straus and Cudahy, 1959.
Axel’s Castle : A study in the of 1870-1930.
rpt. London, Flamingo, 1984.
Classics and Commercials: A Literary Chronicle of
the Forties. 1950; rpt. Farrar &
Straus, 1955.
Discordant Encounters: Plays and dialogues. New
York. Albert and Charles Boni, 1926.
Eight Essays: Garden City, New York, Doubleday,
Europe Without Baedeker: sketches among the Ruins
of Italy, greace and England.
Garden City, New
York, Doubleday, Doran, 1947.
Five Plays,
New York: Farrar, Straus and Young,
I Thought of Daisy. rev.Ed. 1929, New York, Farrar,
Sraus, 1957.
Letters on Literature and Politics. 1912-1972. Ed.
Elena Wilson. London and Henley; Routledge And
Kegan Paul, 1977.
Memoirs of the Hecate Country.. Rev. ed. 1946.
London: W.H.AIIan, 1958.
Note-Books of Night. 1942 ; rpt. London, Seeker and
Warburg, 1945.
Canada: An American’s
Culture. New York: Farrar, Straus and girouk, 1965.
Patriotic Gore : Studies in the Literature of the
American Civil War. NewYork: Oxford Univ. Press,
Poets. Farewell - New York, Charles Scribner's Sons,
Blond and
in four
Civilizations: Zuni, Haiti, Soviet russia, Israel.
York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1956.
The American Earthquake: A Documentary of the
Twenties and Thirties. 1958. rpt. New York: Anchor,
The American Jitters: A Year of the Slump. New York
and London: Charles Scrbner’s Sons, 1932.
The Bit between mv Teeth: A literary Chronicle of
New York: farrar, Straus and Giroux,
The Cold War and the Income Tax: A Protest. New
York: Farrar, Straus, 1963.
The Day of Light : A Literary Chronicle of the
Twenties and Thirties. New York, Farrar, Straus and
Young, 1952.
The Devils and Canon Barham: Essays on poets,
Novelists and Monsters, NewYork, Farrar, Straus and
Girouk, 1973.
The Duke of Palermo and Other Flays, with and
Open Letter to Mike Nichols.
New York: Farrar,
Straus and Girouk, 1971,
The Fruits of the MLA.
New York: New York
Tevbiew, 1969.
The Little Blue Light: A play in three Acts. New York,
Farrar & Straus, 1950.
The Scrolls from the Dead Sea.
New York:
Univ. Press, 1955.
The Thrities:
From Notebooks and Diaries of the
period. Ed. With an introduction by Leon Edel. New
York: Farrar, Strauss and Girouk, 1983.
The Trioole Thinkers : Ten Essays on Literature.
NewYork, Harcourt, Brace, 1930.
The Tripple Thinkers: Twelve Essays on Literary
Subjects. NewYork: Oxford Univ. Press, 1948.
The Twenties: From Notebooks and diaries of the
period. Ed with an introduction by Leon Edel. New
York: Farrar, Straus, 1975.
The Wound and the Bow :
Seven Studies in
Literature. 1941. rpt. NewYork, Oxford Univ. Press,
This room and this gin and these Sandwiches: three
plays. NewYork; NewRepubic, 1937.
To the Finland Station : A Study in the writing and
acting of History. Rev. Ed. 1940; London and Basingstocks Macmillan, 1972.
Travels in Two Democracies.
New York, Harcourt,
Brace, 1936.
Upstate: Records and Recollections of Northern New
York, New York: straus and Grouk, 1971.
Six Major Uncollected Articles Of Wilson
Wilson, Edmund :
“Art, the proletariat and Mark”. New Republic. 76,
(23, August, 1933), PP.41-45.
“Brokers and Pioneers.” New Republic. 7023 March
1932), pp. 142-45.
“Lincoln Steffens and Upton Sinclair." New Republic.
76 (23 August 1933), pp.41-45.
“The Literary Class War II.“ New Republic. 70 (11
May 1932), PP.347-49.
“Uncle Mathew : Review of Lionel Trilling’s Mathew
Arnold.” New Republic. 98 (22 March 1939, PP.199-
What do the Liberals Hope for? New Republic. 199
(10 February 1932), PP.345-48.
Edited Books
Wilson, Edmund., ed.
The Collected Essays of John Peale Bishop.
York and London: Scribner, 1948.
The Crack-up with Other Uncollected pieces, NoteBooks and Unpublished etters by F.Scott Fitzgerald,
New York; New Directions, 1945.
The Last tycoon:
An Unfinished Novel by F.Scott
Fitztgerald: Together with the Great Gatsby and
Selected stories. New York, Scribner, 1941.
The Shock of Recognition:
The Development of
Literature in the United States Recorded by Men who
Made it. Garden City, New York: Doubleday Doran,
Secondary Sources
Aaron, Daniel.,:
Writers on the Left : Episodes in American Literary
Communism 96, rpt, New York; Octagon, 1974.
Adamic, Louis., :
My America. 1928-38.
New York: Harper & Broters,
Babbitt, Irving., :
“The Critic and American Life” in American Literature
Service: The Twentieth Century.
1962; rpt. New
Delhi: Light and Life, 1975.
Baker, Houston, Jr., ed.
Twentieth Century Intepretations of Native Son. New
Jersay: Spectrum, 1972.
Barrett, Marvin., :
The Jazz Age. New York: G.B.Putnam’s sons, 1959.
Bate, Walter J.:
“Edmund Wilson” in Criticism of the Major Text, ed.
Walter Bate. 1952; rpt; New York; Harcourt, Brace,
Jovanovich, 1970. PP.587-88.
Belkind, Allen., ed.:
The Critics and The Writer’s Intention. Carbondale:
Southern llinois University, Press, 1971.
Berthroff, Warner:
Minnesota Press, 1968.
Blake, Nelson, M.A.,:
History of American Life and Thought.
New York:
Mcgraw-Hill, 1972.
Bloom, Alexander.,
Prodigal Sons: The New York Intellectuals and Their
World. New York; Oxford University Press, 1986.
Bloom, Harold :
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London, University of
Chicago Press, 1971.
Borkund, Elmer, ed., :
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1977, p.516-526.
Brooks, Van Wyck.,:
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1915: rpt. New York;
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Costa, Richard Hauer:
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Syracuse, New York, Syracuse University Press,
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]” in American Criticism
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of Modem Literary Criticism.
New York, alfred
A.Knopt, 1948. PP. 19-48.
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New York: Harcourt, Braces, 1955 PP. 93-97.
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Edmund wilson: A Study of Literary Vocation in Our
Time, Urbana: University of Illinois press. 1965.
Pells, Richard H.,:
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Penn, Warren, Robert.,:
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1956. rpt. Ludhiana: Lyall Bokk Dept. 1970, pp.26976.
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Edmund Wilson as a Critic, Pondicherry, 1988.
Ramsey, Richard D., :
Edmund Wilson: A Bibliography.
New York: David
Lewis, 1971,
Riiey, Carolyn ed.,:
Contemporary Literary Criticism.. Vol 1 to 24, Detroit,
Gale Research Company, 1973.
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“Edmund Wilson” in Robinson’s : The 100 Most
Important People in the World Today.
New York,
G.P.Putnams sons, 1970.
Schartz, Delmore.,:
“The Writing of Edmund Wilson” in Selected Essays
of Delmore Schwartz, ed. Donald Dike and David
Zucker. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970.
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in Stoll’s From Shakespeare to Joyce :
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Beyond Culture :
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New York, the viking press, 1964.
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New York, Harcourt Brace, 1975.
Trilling, Lionel., ed.:
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Shores” in vidal’s The Second American Revolution
and Other Essays. 1976-1982.
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Press, 1978.
Waugh, Patricia. ,:
Post Modernism. London. Edward Arnold. 1992.
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London John Hopkins University Press. 1979.
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1900-1950. London: Jonathan Cape, 1986.
A History of Modern Criticism
volumes New Haven Yale University Press, 1986.
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Wilson, F.R. :
Leavis and Lionel Trilinq. Manchester: Carcent New
Press, 1980. pp. 17-43.
Tertiary Sources : Selected Reviews Of Wilson’s Major Texts :
Review of The Triple Thinkers.
New Yorker. (24
p.29 January 1949) p.64.
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pp.313, 318.
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Oct. 1952) pp. 117-118.
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1952). p.840.
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|LS ( 4 November,
1960) p.710.
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“Speaking of Books”, New York Times Book Review.
(11 June 1944) p. 2.
Adams, Rober M., :
“Masks and Delays :
Edmund Wilson and Critic”.
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Commentary. 65
(January 1978) pp. 29-33.
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“The Discipline of Poetry”. Virginia Quarterly Review
(2 November 1952) p.18.
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Review of the Axel’s Castle, International Journal of
Ethics. 42 (January 1932) p.249.
Broderick, John.,:
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Common Weal. 46 (2 May 1947)
Brown, John.,:
“A Man of Letters :
Edmund Wilson (1895-19720.
Word Literature Today. 52 (Autumn 1978)
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“A Day with Edmund Wilson.
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Prairie Schooner. 49
Brunauer, Dalma.,:
“A Man of Letters :
Edmund Wilson (1895-19720.
World Literature Today. 52 (Autumn 1978)
Burke, Kenneth.,:
“Boring from Within.” New Republic. 65. (4 February
1931) pp. 326-29.
Cantwell, Robert,:
“Wilson as Journalist”
Nation, 186
(22 February
1958) p.166-70,
Carol, Janet,:
“The Literary Criticism of Edmund Wilson.” PAIL. 43,
(August 1982) p. 443-A.
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“Book of the Times. “New York times ( I January
1944) p.11.
Chase, Richard.,:
“Wilson as Critic". Nation. 186 (22 February 1958)
pp.161, 164, 166.
Chase, Richard., :
Review of The Shores of Light, Partisan Review, 20
(January-February 1953) pp. 112-114.
Chevalier, Haakon.,:
Review of the Axel’s Castle,
University of California
Chronicle. 33 (Oct. 1931) pp. 478-82.
Coates, R.M., :
Review of The Wound and The Bow, New Republic,
105, (25 August 1941) pp. 257-58.
Cowley, Malcolm.,:
“A farewell to the 1930’s,“ New Republic, 101, [8th
November 1939] ,p. 42 - 44.
“Edmund Wilson’s specimen Days,”
New Republic
127 (7 October 1940) pp.17-18.
“Postscript to a Paragraph,"
New Republic. 87 (16
June 1936) pp. 134-135.
“The 193Q’s Were an Age of Faith,“ New York Times
Book review f13 December 19641 pp. 4-5, 14-17.
“While They Waited for Lefty", Saturday Review, 47
[6th June 1964] p.16-19, 61.
“A Rememberance of the Red Romance,” Esauire. 61
[March 1964] p.124-30.
Collins, Saard.,:
“Criticism in America III: the End of the Anti Humanist
Myth.” Bookman. 72 (October 1930) pp. 145-64, 20928.
Corbett Edward., :
“America’s Sainte-Beauve.”
Commonweal. 72 (13
May 1960) pp. 173-75.
Costa, Richard.,:
“Edmund Wilson : a Memoir and a Review." Quarter.
5 (Winter 1972) pp.36-42.
Cowiay, Malcolm.,:
Exile’s Return: A Literary odyssey of the 1920’s.
1934; rpt. New York; Viking. 1951.
Cowley, Malcolm.,:
“Flight from the Masses." New Republic. 87 (3 June
1936) pp. 134-135.
Daiches, David.,:
Review of The Wound and the Bow, New Republic.
105, (25 August 1941) pp. 257-58.
Dayananda, James.,:
“Edmund Wilson’s Marxist Criticism”.
Indian Journal
of American Studies. 3 [June 1973} pp.1-22.
“Edmund Wilson and the Thirties.
Lock Haven
Review, 12 (1971) pp.1-23.
Dabney, Lewis.,:
“Edmund Wilson’s Russian Legacy.
“Indian Journal
of American Studies. 3 (June 1973) pp.23-31.
“Edmund Wilson and The Wound and the Bow”,
Sewanee Review. 91 (Winter 1983) p. 155-65.
“The Career of Edmund Wilson,"
New Oreans
Review. 9 (Fall 1982) pp. 89-99.
“Edmund Wilson and Patriotic Gore,“
University Forum. 5 (Fall 1962) p.20-26.
“The Career of Edmund Wilson,"
Review. 9 (Fall 1982) pp. 89-99.
New Oreans
University Forum. 5 (Fall 1962) p.20-26.
Dayananda, James.,:
“Marxist Contribution to Edmund Wilson’s Criticism,”
DAIL, 30 (December 1969). 2524-A.
DeVoto, Bernard.,:
“My Dear Edmund Wilson".
Saturday Review of
Literature. 15 [13 February 1937] pp. 8.20.
Dolmatch, Theodore, D., : “Edmund Wilson : The Man of Letter as Journalist. “
Journal of Popular Culture. 15 (Fall 1981) 78-85.
, “Edmund wilson as Literary Critic”.
University of
Kansas Review. 17 [Winter 1974] pp. 58-72.
Ehrempreis, Irvin.,:
“Teacher”. New York Review of Books. 22 [12 June
1975] pp. 3-6.
Farelly, John.,:
Review of The Triple Thinkers, New Republic. 121
(22 November 1948) pp. 24-25.
Fargnoli, Joseph.,:
“Edmund Wilson of the New Yorker"
Scrutiny. 18
[Winter 1951-52] pp. 3-6.
Fargnoli, Joseph.,:
“Edmund Wilson of the New Yorker”
Scrutiny. 18
[Winter 1951-52] pp. 229-33.
Fiedler, Leslie.,:
Review of the wound and Bow, New Leader. 306 (13
December 1947) p.15.
Fiess, Edward.,:
“Edmund Wilson : Art and Ideas”, Antioch Review.
[1 Sept. 1941] pp. 356-67.
Fiess, Edward., :
“Edmund Wilson of the New: Art and Ideas,” Antioch
Review. 1 (Sept. 1941) pp.356-67.
Florinsky, Michael!.,:
Review of To the Finland Station, New York Times
Book Review. 6 (October, 1940) p.5-8.
Freeman, Joseph.,:
“Edmund Wilson’s globe of Glass,” New Masses. 27
[12 April 1938] pp.73-79.
Gallagher, Brian T., :
“Incuraby History-Minded:
Edmund Wilson as a
Writer.” Markham Review. 11 [Fal 1981] pp. 17-20.
Genizi, Haim.,:
“Edmund Wilson and the Modern Monthly 1934-35:
Aphase in Wilson’s Radicaism”. Journal of American
Studies. 7 [December 1873] pp. 301-19.
Genizi, Haim.,:
“Homage Wilson and the Modern Monthly 1934-35 ;
Aphase in Wilson’s Radicaism”. Journal of American
Studies. 7 (December 1973) pp. 301-19.
Getiein, Frank.,:
Review of The Shores of Light, Commonweal. (12
December 1952) p.262.
Gill, Bredam.,:
“Homage to Edmund Wilson”. Princeton University
Library Chronicle. 34 [spring 1973] pp. 158-167.
Gilman, Richard.,:
“Edmund Wilson, Then and Now”,
New Republic.
155 [2 July 1966] pp.23-28,
Haowel, Fober.,:
February 1931] pp. 324-26.
Hacker, Louis., :
Review of to The Finland Station, Saturday Review
of Literature. 22 (5 October 1940) pp. 11-12.
Herron, Jerry.,:
“The Haunted Man and the Two Scrooges”, Studies
in Short Fiction. 19 [Winter 1982] pp. 45-50.
Howe, Irving., :
“Edmund Wilson: A Re-Examination",
Nation. 167
[16 October 1948] pp. 99-105.
Jones, Howard.,:
Review of to The Finland Station., Value Review, 30
(Winter 1941) pp. 393-95.
Jones, Howard M.,:
“The limits of Contemporary Criticism".
Review of Lierature. 24 [6 September 1941] pp. 34,17.
Josephson, Mathew.,:
“Encounters with Edmund Wilson", Southern Review.
11 [October 1975] pp. 731-65.
Kaufmann, R.J.,:
“The Critic as Custodian of Sanity : Edmund Wilson",
Critical quarterly. [Summer 1959] pp. 85-98.
Kazin, Alfred.,:
“The Imagination of Man of Letters”,
Scholar. 34 {Winter 1964-65] pp. 19-27.
Kazin, Alfred., :
“Edmund Wilson : His Life and Books".
Monthly. 220 [July 1967] pp. 80-83.
Kermode, Frank.,:
“Edmund Wilson and Maril Parz",
Encounter. 16
[May 1961] pp. 69-73.
Kirkpatrick, Kenneth., :
“Edmund Castle : A Study of Edmund Wilson’s Major
Works, 1945-62”, DAI. 47 [September, 1986] pp. 901A.
Kosteinetz, Richard., :
[Winter 1966] pp. 71-72.
Krim, Seymour.,:
“A Trademark of Quality”, Hudson Review. 4 [ Sprin
1951 pp. 150-55.
Leavis, F.R., :
Review of the Wound and the Bow, Scrutiny. 11
(Summer 1942) pp.72-72.
Levin, Harry., :
“The Last American Man of Letters”, TLS f11 October
1974. p.1128-1130.
Matthiessen, F.O.,:
“A Critic of Importance”, Yale Review. 20 [June 1931
McCarthy, Norma.,:
“Edmund Wilson",
North American Review. 146
[autum 1938] pp. 192-97.
Mcsweeney, Kerry., :
“Edmund Wilson
Truly Human
Canadian Review of American Studies. 4 [Spring
1973] pp. 63-71.
McSweeney, Kerry.,:
“My Single Aim Has Been Literature :
Wilson’s Letters",
Critical quarterly. 21 [Autumn
1979] pp. 63-71.
Miller, Perr,,:
“Essays and Asides :
A Passion for Literature”,
Nation. 172 [27 January 1951] pp.87.88.
Niebuhr, Reinhold.,:
Review of To The Finland Station. Nation. 151 (28
Sept, 1940) p. 274-76.
0 “Brian, Justin., :
Review of Axel’s Castle. Commonweal. 13 (29 April
1931) p. 721-22.
Perenyi, Eleanor.,:
“Wilson” Esauire. 60 TJulv: 19631
Phillips, William., :
“The Wholeness of Literature;
Edmund Wilson’s
Essavs”. American Mercurv. 75 fNovember 19521 pp.
Rasoe, Burton., :
Review of Axel’s Castle.
New York Herald Tribune
Books. 7(1 March 1931) p.7.
Savin, Mark Davind.,:
“More Violent The Contraries : A Study of Edmund
Wilson.0 DAI, 37 [August 1976] p. 973-A.
Scott, W.T.,:
Review of The Shores of Liaht, Saturday Review. 35
(15 November 1952) p.25.
Soby, James T,,:
“Writer Vs Artist” Saturday Review of Literature. 29
[17 August 1946] pp. 24-26.
Spiller, Robert E .,:
“The Influence of Edmund Wilson
: The Dual
Tradition. “Nation, 186, [22 February 1958] pp. 15961.
Symons, Julian., :
“Axel and After. “JLS [7 Novemebr 1980] p.1249.
Tale, Allen.,:
“Three Types of Poetrvt II. “New Republic. 78 (28 Mar
1934] p. 180-82.
Taylor, Mar., :
“Edmund Wilson and Literature. “Commonweal. 96
[14 July 1972] p. 386-87.
Todd, Charless.,:
“Upstate with Edmund Wilson.” New York Historv 54
[January 1973] pp,52-58.
Tory, William., :
Review of Axel’s Castle, New York Times Book
Review (22 February 1931) p.2.
Tuttleton, James., :
“The Vexations of Modernism : Edmund Wilson's Axel
Castle. “American Scholar. 57 [spring 1988] p.26872.
Updike, John.,:
“Memoris of Hecate Country by Edmund wiison,” New
Republic. [17 January 1976] pp. 40-41.
Whicher, Geaorge F.,:
Review of The Triple Thinkers, New York Herald
Tribune Weekly. 25 (2 January 1949) p.5.
Wilson, Ted.,:
“The Muse and Edmund Wilson, “Poetry. 52 [June
1938] pp. 144-52.
Young, Stark., :
“Dear Mr. Wilson," New Republic. 91 [9 June 1937]
Zbel, Morton D., :
“The Turn of the Screw. “Nation. 153 [11 October
1941] pp. 348-50.
-tt ! V‘