The Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction Candy Lab Due

The Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction Candy Lab
Due: Friday March 9th, 2012.
1. Your task is to work in groups of 3-4 and recreate the different steps of the sliding filament theory
using candy. 4 per group max.
2. Materials for this lab are the following;
Various candy, supplementary sliding filament theory notes and a smart phone (for pics only).
3. Once each stage is complete members of the group are permitted to use their smart phones to take
pictures of the candy representing the various stages of the sliding filament theory. (Or you may prefer
to draw your stages by hand). Both are acceptable. Drawings need to be on white paper without lines
and labelling should be done in a sharp pencil only. Computer generated labels are also acceptable. Be
creative. Ensure that you have the correct names for the candy you are using.
4. Students are reminded that cell phones are only permitted for the pictures of the different stages.
Marks will be deducted if any student is abusing this task and the phone will be taken away.
5. Each stage should include some type of legend or labelling. For example; Green skittles are ATP. Each
stage should also be numbered and have a title. For example; Stage 1 Rest
Marking: Weight (4)
1. Each member of the group will be responsible to hand in their own lab. Your pics will be marked
showing each of the 5 stages. The marking scheme is below. Do not hand in exact labs. Only the pics
should be the same.
Clear pictures
Creativity of task
Terminology and content in relation to the
Each stage numbered with a title
Title page and overall spelling
Legend or labelling (consistency)