Answers to questions asked during the Smarter Balanced

Answers to questions asked during the Smarter Balanced in
Washington Webinar #4, 3/20/2014
Q: We were told several times, back before we committed to the Field Test and a
couple of times since, that we must start testing in the windows that we have chosen
(which are the 2nd and 3rd windows) but we could run over into the next window if we
need to. We have called the hotline about something else and in the course of the
conversation have been told that this is not the case, and that we need to finish testing
in the window. Which is true?
A: What we have been saying is true – you can continue testing students in the next
block if you need to. I have passed the misinformation from the helpdesk along to the
vendor. Thank you for alerting us to it.
Q: I am unsure what to do with the incident log. Where do I send it each day?
A: The Incident Log should be uploaded to the SFTP each day.
Q: Are there specific forms that need to be signed saying that people are proctor trained
or scribe trained or read-aloud trained?
A: The forms will be available at
Q: What is the earliest amount of time that a proctor can share the activity scenario with
their class prior to testing these same students on the Performance task of the Smarter
Balanced assessments?
A: Three days prior to the Performance Task administration.
Q: Is there a tracking tool on the field test (similar to the line guide on the MSP)?
A: No, there is no ‘line guide’ tool available on the field test.
Q: TAM, TUG, ORS, TIDE Usability Implementation Guide...CRAZY Will it be this be as
complicated next year? How are districts managing this ever increasing heap? Can we
cut to the chase...what should teachers read?
A: Smarter Balanced has developed an array of resources to help district and school
personnel understand and deliver this completely new test administration system. Part
of the challenge is to create comparable testing experiences across 22+ states and
territories. District assessment coordinators facilitating the field test in Washington will
have an opportunity to provide feedback on resources, identifying which were helpful
and whether any are not needed or in need significant revision. Professional and
constructive feedback will be appreciated by the consortium.
Q: We noticed in some of the practice PTs that YouTube was a suggested resource. It is
currently blocked to students in our district. Are there a list of resources, websites, etc.
that students may need to access during Smarter Balanced field testing that we could
have ahead of time to ensure students will be able to access them?
A: Page 80 of the Technical Specifications Manual includes a list of URLs that should be
whitelisted for the secure browser and training/practice sites. An edit was recently made
to include Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
IP Addresses and URLs for Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus Tool
The embedded Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus tool retrieves content from two
URLs. These URLs should also be open or whitelisted to ensure that students can access
dictionary and thesaurus search results.
IP Address
Q: As our students are working in the practice test we are having some technical issues
in which the browser randomly flashes "sign in Page" or "You have come to the end of
this segment page" between each question. Additionally, students seem to be
randomly kicked out resulting in loss of information and the inability to return to the latter
questions in the test without basically going into the test and entering erroneous
answers. It would be nice to be able to go directly to a question within the test. We are
reporting this to the help desk however their knowledge and familiarity about the test
and their responses seems to be limited.
A: We have escalated this inquiry beyond the help desk, but do not yet have an answer.
Q: Are students allowed to use a stylus when using a iPad or a touchscreen laptop?
A: Yes, the requirement is to have an external keyboard and a pointing device, and this
would work as an alternative to a mouse for the latter functionality.
Q: Is OSPI being included in the communication loop with SBAC in terms of issues that
we are having with the software? Will we have a contact at OSPI that we can contact
about our issues? Being able to talk with someone at OSPI that can communicate with
Smarter Balanced folks directly would be very beneficial.
A: Please contact Assessment Operations at 360-725-6348. Staff will have the latest
information from Smarter Balanced and will be able to relay concerns to the consortium.
Data / TIDE / Pre-ID
Q: Is there a "generic" test ticket to use with students who have missed the CEDARS
upload and we need to fill out by hand?
A: Blank/generic test tickets could be generated using the same Access database that is
available to create complete test tickets. Use the instructions provided with that
database to upload an excel file, but leave blank rows at the top – 8 blank rows creates 1
page of 8 blank tickets. The database and corresponding instructions are available on
OSPI’s Smarter Balanced Field Test page:
Q: Should we enter new students or not since there will be New and Moved Student
uploads? If we do and then you do, then are the students duplicated in the system?
A: Please only add records not covered by the New and Moved files. Unique student
records are defined by the Smarter Balanced SSID (four digit school code and ten digit
Washington state SSID). If a record is uploaded that matches the SB SSID, all
demographic data associated with that record will be updated.
Q: For our students needing accommodations, not being able to have them log in during
a practice session that provides those accommodations such as ELL or Read the ELA
Passages is a real problem for them to become familiar with the software. What can be
done to change this? If we had access to TIDE sooner would we be able to build
practice sessions for them?
A: Both the practice tests and the training tests have most accommodations but the TA
interface within TIDE does not provide access to practice or training tests, it is just the
interface used to create actual testing sessions and test records. TIDE access has been
available for some time.
Q: Our building who will be testing in Window 2 said that their test tickets were
organized correctly for ELA but the Math tickets were all alpha by student. My
understanding was that the sort order we applied through WAMS would be applied and
that didn't seem to happen. Additionally, the sort order for Reading (in WAMS) was
supposed to transfer over to the other content areas and it does not appear that
happened either.
A: Test tickets with group sorts applied are sorted by group within grade level. Reading
group was applied to the ELA tickets and the math group was applied to math tickets. In
order to investigate, OSPI would need to know which site was affected. Please contact
[email protected] to follow up.
Q: Will the "flag for review" option will be available during all windows of the Field test,
as well as next year?
A: The flag for review option should be available in all windows during the field test.
Q: Does the session ID change each time a teacher starts a test session?
A: Yes.
Q: If students are working on the PT for ELA is the test session ID the same for all days?
A: Based on the functionality within the TA interface, a TA could create a session with
multiple parts of the assessment included under a single session ID or multiple sessions
with separate IDs. So, a ‘test session’ within TIDE could be the grade 3 ELA PT or both
sections (PT and non-PT) of the grade 3 ELA exam.
Q: Are test tickets to be used for all test sessions in a content? If so, teachers need to
keep them secure between testing sessions?
A: That is how it should be handled when multiple parts of the test are selected into a
test session. Each session will generate a new session ID that would be required to log
in to that session. Another option would be to create separate sessions for each
subsection of the test, in which case, a student should receive a separate ticket for each
session that can be signed and stored following each session (there would be no need
to redistribute). Test tickets are an ad-hoc, interim support for the field test intended to
provide login information to students in a reasonably convenient way since TIDE does
not currently have an analog to MSP test session tickets. While they must be treated
securely once they have all the data elements necessary to log in to a test session, the
storage of each individual test ticket should follow district security policies regarding
storage of test materials.
Q: In TIDE, can users be uploaded in batches by school for example? Or does an
upload overwrite an already uploaded file?
A: User uploads to TIDE can be done in multiple batches; each upload appends the
existing user list. New records are added with each upload, but records with email
addresses that are duplicates of existing user email addresses are rejected.
Q: Will staff entered as TAs in TIDE receive an email verification that includes login
A: Yes, that process should be the same for all users.
Q: Can you provide a definition for "stimuli" and "text". There has been some confusion
about what can be read aloud for accommodations.
A: Stimuli presented for a question or set of questions may be in the form of text, audio
clips, or video clips. Stimuli for questions assessing Claim 1 (reading) are in the form of
Q: Confirming that the resources provided in ELA PT 1 will be available on ELA PT 2 so
students can reference during the write.
A: Yes, the stimuli used in Part 1 of the performance task to answer the research
questions will also be available to the students during Part 2 for the full write. Any notes
the student included on the notepad during Part 1 will also still be available during Part
2. While the embedded notepad is the preferred mode for note taking, students may use
scratch paper to make notes. See the Online Field Test Administration Manual (TAM),
page 19 for TA instructions regarding scratch paper use during the performance tasks.
From the TAM, p. 19: While the embedded notepad is the preferred mode for note taking,
students may use scratch paper to make notes. To ensure that students using scratch paper for
notes have the same allowance as students using the online notes, TAs should collect students’
scratch paper at the completion of Part 1 of the ELA PT and securely store them for students’
use during Part 2 of the ELA PT. Likewise, the mathematics PT may extend beyond one testing
session. In this situation, TAs should collect scratch paper and/or graph paper used in the first
session and securely store it for students’ use in the subsequent testing session. The retention
of scratch paper is only allowed for the PTs. Following the conclusion of the PT all scratch paper
and/or graph paper must be collected and securely destroyed to maintain test security. Prior to
collecting scratch or graph paper for use in a subsequent session, TAs should ensure that
students have written their names (or some appropriate identifying information) on the notes
so that they can be redistributed securely.
2015 Operational Tests
Q: Will schools be scheduled to test during a specific window next year? When will we
A: OSPI should announce 2015 testing windows within the next week or two. As is
currently the case in grades 3-8, districts will have flexibility to select dates within the
window (even for grade 11).
Q: Is there a plan for how sped students will be scored next year? (Level 2B on MSP)
We are wondering about how to adjust verbiage on IEPs.
A: There will continue to be options for students served in special education: meeting
standard with a lower cut score; a lower grade level assessment; locally determined
assessment; and the Wa-AIM (Access to Instruction and Measurement), which is the
new version of the WAAS-Portfolio. The alternate assessment office is working on a
communication about these alternatives.
Q: For calendar planning purposes will there be similar down times during the actual
window next year? We’re trying to schedule snow days as well as spring break.
A: We don’t know yet. We have an RFP out for an operational vendor, and once
selected (in late May) will work with them to establish calendars.
Q: Recommendation...the state should set the grade level windows statewide.
Digital Library
Q: Who will manage and maintain the registration process for access to the Digital
A: Districts will distribute passwords.
Q: I thought the Formative resources were to be available this spring. Spring is here
today :) Release for Fall 2014 now?
A: The consortium has consistently said, as did this webinar, the Digital Library will be
available (in a “soft launch”) in April. That is still the intent.
Q: Where can I learn more about the law that requires principals to meet with parents
about the SBA test results?
A: Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill (ESSB) 5946 of 2013. See Section 105.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 105 A new section is added to chapter 28A.655 RCW to read as follows:
(1) The definitions in this subsection apply throughout this section and section 106 of this act
unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(a) "Basic" means a score on the statewide student assessment at a level two in a four-level
scoring system.
(b) "Below basic" means a score on the statewide student assessment at a level one in a fourlevel scoring system.
(c) "Not meet the state standard" means a score on the statewide student assessment at
either a level one or a level two in a four-level scoring system.
(2) Beginning in the 2014-15 school year, for any student who receives a score of below basic
on the third grade statewide student assessment in English language arts, a meeting must be
scheduled before the end of the school year between the student's parent or guardian, teacher,
and the principal of the school the student attends or the principal's designee to discuss
appropriate grade placement and recommended intensive strategies to improve the student's
reading skills. For students to be placed in fourth grade, the strategies discussed must include an
intensive improvement strategy provided, supported, or contracted by the school district that
includes a summer program or other option identified by the parents, teacher, principal, or
principal's designee as appropriately meeting the student's need to prepare for fourth grade.
The parents or guardians must be fully informed about the strategies and the parent's or
guardian's consent must be obtained regarding the appropriate grade placement and the
intensive improvement strategy to be implemented. The school district must implement the
strategy selected in consultation with the student's parents or guardians.
(3) If a student does not have a score in English language arts on the third grade statewide
student assessment but the district determines, using district or classroom-based diagnostic
assessments or another standardized assessment, that the student's performance is equivalent
to below basic in English language arts, the policy in subsection (2) of this section applies.
(4) Students participating in the transitional bilingual instruction program are exempt from
the policy in subsection (2) of this section, unless the student has participated in the transitional
bilingual instruction program for three school years and receives a score of below basic on the
third grade statewide student assessment in English language arts.
(5) Students with disabilities whose individualized education program includes specially
designed instruction in reading or English language arts are exempt from subsections (2), (3),
and (4) of this section. Communication and consultation with parents or guardians of such
students shall occur through the individualized education program process required under
chapter 28A.155 RCW and associated administrative rules.
Q: Will principals have to meet with every third-grader or just children not meeting
A: Just those not meeting standard. I apologize if I said or implied otherwise.
Q: Will students who do not pass the 10th grade exit exam next year take Smarter
Balanced assessment in 11th in addition or instead of a re-take opportunity?
A: All 11th graders will take the 11th grade Smarter Balanced assessments, whether or
not they met standard on the 10th grade exit exam. Students who do not meet standard
on the 10th grade exit exam may also retake the 10th grade exit exam in 11th or 12th
grade or access CAA/CIA Options if eligible.
Q: On the Practice Test, why can't you leave a question blank and flag it to go back to
later? Also why do you have to go thru all the questions to get to the ones you flagged?
A: I don’t know, but imagine limited resources were directed to other functionality.
Q: Thanks for all your information!
A: Thank you!