Bobby Glen

Celebrating the History
of Chemical Information
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The problem with predicting the future!
“The wise speak only of what they know”
Did you spot Google (or Facebook, or Twitter) – and
– So why are you not on a beach in the Bahamas
How about the Polymerase Chain Reaction, who saw that
coming? Thermophillic bacteria, chain reactions and
cooking proteins
They said graphene couldn‟t be made – but they didn‟t
think of making it with Sellotape!
But taking a different tack, we are on a ‘historical trajectory’:
The future is here. It's just not widely distributed yet." -William Gibson
So, what pointers are there to chemical information futures?
One thing is certain, the scale of Chemical Data will
continue to increase enormously…
Biological data
Chemical data
• 180,079,582,087 nucleotide bases
•60,475,000 (86,000,000) chemical
•over 800 organisms
•55833 protein x-ray crystal structures
•12 million citations in medline
• 40 main stream databases from EBI
•Ensemble : 24 million gene predictions
•3,700,000 chemical reactions
•501,857 x-ray structures
•613,000 available reagents
•Bielstein has 600,000 reaction
•European patents – 150,000,000
•150,000 applications/year
•400,000 chemical patent
•Over 100 countries in patent
cooperation treaty (PCT)
•>270,000 organic x-ray structures
•Combichem libraries of
Billions of compounds
The BIG ‘connection’ => innovation
This implies a clear need to make maximum use of this astronomi
amount of data...
We have a „universe‟ of data - so,
what are the opportunities, what
are the bottlenecks, what is
• Finding data and knowledge – its a network
• What is ‘chemistry’ - do we really capture
• What are the trends and where will they
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Finding data - Information Engineering
and The Kevin Bacon Game
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is a trivia game based on the concept of
the small world phenomenon and rests on the assumption that any
individual can be linked through his or her film roles to actor Kevin
Bacon within six steps.
Its about starting from one point in information space and ending at
another. Of course, in chemical information ‘space’ we don’t know
where we’re going (often) so we go down lots of rabbit holes, never to
I’ve come to the conclusion that chemical information is all about networks. There is
an awful lot of it, it’s embedded in a large complex network of journals, articles,
blogs, books...(peoples heads)... and the tools to find the ‘information’ are
“Thus, science is not merely a set of ideas but also the flow of
these ideas through a multipartite and highly differentiated
social system.” (Martin Rosval)
Where are we now? - Analysing the science citation network
Tracing Science networks based on journal
The physical size of each module or ‘‘field’’
on the map reflects the fraction of time
that a random surfer spends following
citations within that module.
By analysing such networks, we can see
patterns in ‘scientific thought’ appearing
from the structure.
Suppose we are looking for a piece of
information. The connection from our
starting point to the information is often a
‘random walk’. Can we quantify this and
TimeWalkers and Spatial Dynamics of Aging
optimise the process?
Information L. Lizana, M. Rosvall, and K.
Sneppen. L. Lizana, M. Rosvall and K. Sneppen
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104:040603 (2010
The connectivity of the sciences – who cites who and where?
60,000,000 citations from more than 7000 journals over the past decade.
7,940 journals connected by 9.2 million citations
Maps of random walks on complex networks reveal community structure. Martin Rosvall, Carl T. Bergstrom PNAS,
, 105(4), 1118-1123 and Hierarchical organization in large integrated systems, M. Rosvall, C. T. Bergstrom
(Submitted on 3 Oct 2010) for some fascinating network models
The connectivity of the sciences – who cites who and where?
60,000,000 citations from more than 7000 journals over the past decade.
7,940 journals connected by 9.2 million citations
Maps of random walks on complex networks reveal community structure. Martin Rosvall, Carl T. Bergstrom
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 105, No. 4. (29 January 2008), pp. 1118-1123 and
Hierarchical organization in large integrated systems, M. Rosvall, C. T. Bergstrom (Submitted on 3 Oct 2010) for some fascinating network models
The connectivity of the sciences – who cites who and where?
60,000,000 citations from more than 7000 journals over the past decade.
7,940 journals connected by 9.2 million citations
Maps of random walks on complex networks reveal community structure. Martin Rosvall, Carl T. Bergstrom
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 105, No. 4. (29 January 2008), pp. 1118-1123 and
Hierarchical organization in large integrated systems, M. Rosvall, C. T. Bergstrom (Submitted on 3 Oct 2010) for some fascinating network models
agents to
search for
The Future
A knowledge network –
the best route through is by
choosing the best exit routes
Self organising networks of
‘Agents’ use local information to
establish locally connected networks
6-degrees of Kevin Bacon
M. Rosvall, P. Minnhagen, K. Sneppen
Phys. Rev. E. 71:66111 (2005)
The Ecology of Chemical Information
Will Cloud computing change the way we use computers?
Within the cloud will exist an „ecosystem‟ of data and
programs. There will be an awful lot of it.
Autonomous software program. Not a virus, more like a
bacteria. Learns, mutates, inhabits its own ecosystem,
contributes to the environment – is symbiotic.
An example currently being developed: A negotiator (which
will negotiate with other robots) for the best deal in
purchasing electronics – IBM is developing these
Could we do the same for chemical information? Also, if
really smart e.g. Design a synthesis, or at least find the
expert. It could learn – which scientists knows this
chemistry (what works), identify uses for compounds and
also find potential customers.
Chem4Word is being developed to be semantically rich – and
can identify what you „intend‟ through chemical „intuition‟ and
avoid errors. Could this be extended to e.g. discover
synthetic reactions or even suggest research topics based
on intuitive information networks?
The ‘Cloud’
Where does the data come from? Open Science ?
More recent developments in data availability are changing the way
that research is performed. It has become more common for
individuals, Universities, companies, publishers, government – to
make data available on a grand scale to the community. In
Chemical information, this has been less common than say
bioinformatics, however, that is changing in interesting ways.
Recent initiatives such as Pubchem, which contains 63M records on
37M unique chemical structures and 1500 bioassays is an example
of a resource that is publicly available. Another example is the
ChEMBL database, from EBI, of bioactivities of compounds and the
recent acquisition of ChemSpider by the RSC to make chemical data
available freely. CCDC have made available structures and tools for
Linked chemical data on
The web (Rafael Sidi),
Chemspider gains prominence
If we have the data, how do we interact with
computers? An opportunity is the „humanisation‟
of computers. Helping humans find knowledge
Developments in Natural Language Processing for example, means
that complex human-created documents can be processed by robots
to extract useful information, and in particular concepts, that can be
searched for or re-used by other robots.
The publishing Industry is well aware of the potential, as are
companies interested in Intellectual Property, and the better use of
patents. This is currently a $Billion industry in patent searching.
Strangely, it’s largely unsolved. Patents tend to be written in as an
obscure way as possible! So searching is difficult.
There is significant investment going into enhanced search methods
to utilise language approaches to finding information. The semantic
processing of legacy data is the immediate need, but over the long
term much effort will be devoted to tools that can enhance content
during the publishing process, so that later use is better facilitated.
Much of this work in Chemistry was spearheaded by Peter MurrayRust’s group and has given us wide visibility among other scientists.
Project Prospect is now a major RSC initiative along with ChemSpider.
Example: a search of PubMed for “compounds in
grapefruit” – fetched 200 abstracts- chemistry marked up
A similarity search for compounds
“Like Limonene”
Of course, natural language processing is quite challenging – my favourite,
Time Flies Like an Arrow : Fruit Flies like a Banana
But, what is chemistry – how can chemistry
be represented - a difficult problem!
500 years of reductionism
Going from ‘alchemy’ to beautifully constructed mathematical algorithms
representing ‘idealised’ chemistry
Notice the yellow film
this is a chemical –
Actually, its a purified (>95%)
mixture of (mostly) one
substance. Real chemicals don’t
exist as connection tables.
The next generation of chemical information tools
should capture the history of the materials
which went to make up the substance, as
well as its measured and predicted properties. Including
Human/robotic senses – video, scene interpretation, spectroscopy...
To do this, we will need a robot chemist (of sorts) to help capture data
Produced by Sankar Viswanathan, Greg Weeks, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at
Astounding Stories,
March, 1931
When we look at this scene, we add a huge amount of information from
our senses and knowledge – but it nearly all gets lost!
Representing chemistry needs to be re-engineered to represent materials
and processes
Not a smiles string or a
connection Table !!
When we look at this scene, we add a huge amount of information from our senses
and knowledge – but it nearly all gets lost!
Representing chemistry needs to be re-engineered to represent materials and
Not a smiles string or a
connection Table !!
“We can all appreciate that synthesis is both
an art and a craft. At one level it can be seen as
a process to deliver materials in appropriate
quantities and purities for further functional
evaluation. At its best, however, it is an
exquisite masterpiece that bears both the
hallmark and signature of its creator and
stands the test of time.”
Steve Ley, Organic Chemist
The first step is the automated lab – data capture using the human senses integrated into
robotics. Integrating the real and virtual worlds.
Video camera (Networked)
Flow chemistry controller
Precisely controlled
Chemistry (networked)
Data capture
Data Capture
Supported reagents
Novel reactors
- instrumented
Data capture will be part of ‘Pervasive computing’
• Pervasive computing – now arriving
– Allows acquisition and access to information, data,
knowledge, decisions at all times
– For example: intelligent fume cupboards, safety
monitoring, reaction monitoring and control –
design experiments (e.g. In flow chemistry)
– Electronic Lab notebook is a start in this direction,
we recently implemented one.
– Can access from any ‘device’ – e.g. Chemspider and
SciFinder are accessible on a smartphone
– Information is retained – major plus!!
– What can we do in this area? – new devices?
– This fits in with our interest in ‘Virtual Laboratory
Notebooks (VLN)’ a step further
Chemical information will increasingly be
derived from Simulation – coming of age
• Petabyte computing (GPU’s), the cloud, the 3DWeb, infiniband (300-1000Gb/sec)...
• Chemical information should not be static – the
dynamic properties of molecules and materials
are increasingly seen as important data
• Millisecond simulations of complex biological
phenomena are now possible
• There will be an increasing use of simulation to
check, predict and design materials
• This is a challenge to discover, archive, select
appropriate knowledge/data
Maragakis et al., Microsecond Molecular Dynamics Simulation Shows Effect of Slow Loop Dynamics on
Backbone Amide Order Parameters of Proteins J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 6155-6158
Simulation – is it coming of age?
A major ongoing development is in the simulation of realistic molecular properties.
The goal of experimentalists is often not to make the material itself, but to create a
material that displays particular properties – whether it’s an LED, a detergent or a drug.
So the ability to simulate and predict the way substances behave is really what matters.
The development of high performance computing is clearly getting to the point where
realistic simulations of the properties of materials is possible, whether it is the formation
of aggregates and micelles of polymers, or the diffusion and docking of a small molecule
into a protein.
Airbus can design a complex aircraft on the computer but simple estimates of the
solubility of molecules like caffeine are not yet possible.
Still, we have to develop better models of physical phenomena. One of the biggest
problems is in filling the gaps between length scales. We can do a
Molecule, how about a flask of molecules?
Maragakis et al., Microsecond Molecular Dynamics Simulation Shows Effect of Slow Loop Dynamics on
Backbone Amide Order Parameters of ProteinsJ. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 6155-6158
Example model – 5-HT1B : 9 Cl- ions, 20493 water
molecules, 249 DPPC phospholipids and the 390 amino
acids. In total there are 77867 ‘particles’
The model is run until
Convergence – the RMSD’s
stay in a similar range. Usually
about 300nS, but can potentially
be run up to Micro seconds
Example model – 5-HT1B : 9 Cl- ions, 20493 water
molecules, 249 DPPC phospholipids and the 390 amino
acids. In total there are 77867 ‘particles’
The model is run until
Convergence – the RMSD’s
stay in a similar range. Usually
about 300nS, but can potentially
be run up to Micro seconds
Nanotechnology Applications: DNA sensors
Trans-membrane pores as DNA sequencers…
S. aureus toxin: -hemolysin – simplified pore.
Side-directed mutagenesis to modulate properties.
Correlate simulations with experiments, rationalize
data at molecular level.
Thanks to: Peter Bond, Cambridge
Coarse-Grained Simulations of Membrane Proteins
peptide location
-70 kT
Self-assembly simulations (μs timescale) of
peptides in lipid bilayers.
Validation against spectroscopic data, e.g.
solid-state NMR data, expt/simulated
partition energies.
Membrane protein insertion, CGDB.
Thanks to: Peter Bond, Cambridge
Future trends - Data and the sociology
of chemistry
• Chemical Information access is being transformed (continuously) by
the internet. This is the biggest change since the invention of the
stone tablet. We all know this.
• Its unstoppable
– Where does the publishing model stand?
– Where do librarians sit?
• Is here a future upheaval in data access models – like music – an
iTunes for Chemistry? How can we ‘free’ chemical information from
‘Alcatraz’ models to Open models and keep (expensive) quality
Future trends - Data and the sociology
of chemistry
• Some observations
• Quality will become even more important
– Peer review (people/robots)
– We could easily be engulfed in a sea of ‘bad science’
• The library will become the internet and vice-versa. Librarians will
become ever more expert at search, cataloguing and technology
access – and identifying trusted sources of data
• Technology will be driven by social computing/gaming/commerce
and will continue to accelerate. Watch this space!
• Competition to established publishers will appear from unexpected
directions – ‘assymetric publishing’, e.g. Crowdsourcing, peer-2peer models of data, open repositories...
I‟m hugely optimistic for the central role of chemical
information "all is for the best in the best of all
possible worlds"
• Everything is
• Chemistry is
Cambridge University's Space Flight science
club/Parkside and Coleridge community
Robert Glen October 2010