modelling of soil-foundation-structure system

Shrabony Adhikary, Yogendra Singh and D. K. Paul
Department of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee
The behavior of structures based on compliant soils and subjected to dynamic actions depend
to a large extent on the soil and foundation properties. The deformations and stresses in the
supporting soil are induced due to the base shear and moment generated in the vibrating
structure since in reality the structure is not fixed base. The soil deformations further lead to
the modification of the structural response. The dynamic interrelationship where the response
of the soil influences the motion of the structure and the response of the structure influences
the motion of the soil is called soil-structure interaction. In recent times it has gained the
interest of researches and engineers in the field of structural dynamics, soil dynamics wave
mechanics all over the world. For the past several years efforts have been made to develop a
rational procedure to incorporate SSI in the structural design.
There are two primary issues that are related to the mechanism of the soil-foundation
structure interaction and it consists of inertial and kinematic interaction.
Inertial interaction results from the flexibility of the soil-foundation system. In reality the
structure and foundation have mass and when there is acceleration acting on the mass inertial
forces will be developed. This inertial force will try to move the soil underneath the structure
and when the soil is compliant the forces transmitted to it by the foundation will produce
foundation movement. This is not the case for a fixed- base structure. The inertial interaction
phenomenon is shown in the Fig. 1.
Fig.1 Inertial Interaction
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In the structural analysis model the flexibility of the soil-foundation system should therefore
be considered. This is known as flexible foundation effects. This is one of the primary
categories for SSI effects. FEMA 356, ATC-40 addresses these effects by considering the
stiffness and strength properties of the underlying soil. These effects lead to the increase of
vibration period and damping ratio of structures. The flexible base model is shown in Fig. 2.
Fig.2 Flexible Base Modeled with Structural and Geotechnical Components of the Foundation
To consider the inertial interaction inertial loading should be applied to the structure. Inertial
loading depends on the foundation input motion or the base slab motion. When the structure
is assumed to be fixed base the free-field motion acts as the foundation input motion. But the
presence of stiff foundation in soil will cause the foundation input motion (base slab motion)
to deviate from the free-field motion. Kinematic interaction reduces foundation motions
relative to the free-field due to the differences in stiffness between the foundation and
surrounding soil. If we consider a rigid block subjected to horizontal component of free field
motion then we find that due to its axial stiffness it cannot deform incoherently. The rigid
foundations act as a low pass filter by averaging out the high frequency components of the
seismic motion. The two effects that have been identified are the base-slab averaging effect
and the embedment effect. Embedment effect is also associated with the reduction in ground
motion. The effects are very sensitive to the short period structures. The effects arising of the
wave propagation considerations (an independent of the structure) are known as kinematic
interaction effects. An illustration is made in the Fig. 3.
Fig.3 Kinematic Interaction
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Foundation damping effects are also the results of inertial soil–structure interaction. It results
from the relative movement of the foundation and the supporting soil .It is associated with
the radiation of seismic waves away from the foundation and hysteric damping within the
soil itself. The result can be a reduction in shaking demand. Foundation damping is shown in
Fig. 4.
Fig.4 Foundation Damping
2.1 Approaches for Modeling Soil Medium (Foundation Flexibility)
There are classically two approaches for modeling soil media, namely Winklerian approach
and Continuum approach.
(i) Winkler model
In Winkler’s model the soil medium is represented by a no of identical but mutually
independent, closely spaced, discrete, linearly elastic springs. According to this idealization,
deformation of foundation due to applied load is confined to the loaded region only. Fig. 5
shows the physical representation of the Winkler foundation.
Fig.5 Winkler Foundation
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(ii) Elastic continuum model
The physical representation of the infinite soil media or the elastic half space will generate an
elastic continuum model. A semi-infinite, homogeneous, isotropic, linear elastic solid
subjected to a concentrated force acting normal to the plane boundary will represent such
model. In this case, some continuous function is assumed to represent the behaviour of soil
medium. This approach provides much more information on the stresses and deformations
within soil mass than Winkler model. It has also the important advantage of simplicity of the
input parameters, viz., modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio.
The movement of the foundation is generally considered in two perpendicular horizontal
directions and in vertical direction. The rotations of the same about these three directions
should also be considered as shown in Fig.6. For buildings with isolated footing, below each
column, three translational springs along three directions and three rotational springs about
those mutually perpendicular axes should be put together to simulate the effect of soilflexibility, as suggested in well accepted literature (Gazetas,1991). The stiffness of these
springs for footings resting on homogeneous elastic half space have been computed as
explained in the literature. It has been observed that the stiffness of the springs are dependent
on the frequency of the forcing function though stiffness properties are frequency
independent. This frequency dependence is incorporated by multiplying the equivalent spring
stiffness by a frequency-dependent factor. However some studies suggest that this stiffness
can be considered as frequency independent with good results. Hence, the effect of such
multiplication factor is not, in general, considered in studies.
Table 1 Equivalent Spring Stiffness
Degrees of freedom
Horizontal(lateral direction)
Horizontal(longitudinal direction)
Rocking (about longitudinal)
Rocking(about lateral)
Stiffness of equivalent spring soil
2GL /(1   )(0.73  1.5 0.75 ) with  Ab / 4 L2
2GL /(2   )(2  2.5 0.85 ) with  Ab / 4 L2
2GL /(2  )(2  2.5 0.85 )  0.2 /(0.75  )GL1  ( B / L)
G /(1   )I bx 0.75 ( L / B) 0.25 2.4  0.5( B / L)
3G /(1  )I bY 0.75 ( L / B) 0.15
3.5GI bZ
( B / L) 0.4 ( I bz / B 4 ) 0.2
Ab is the area of foundation considered ,b and l , half length and half width of the rectangular
foundation respectively, I bx , I by , I bz moment of inertia of the foundation area with respect to
the longitudinal, lateral and vertical axis.
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Fig. 6 Stiffness of Equivalent Soil Spring
3.1 Soil Flexibility for Shallow Bearing Foundations as considered in FEMA-356
Method 1
For shallow bearing footings that are rigid with respect to the supporting soil, an uncoupled
spring model will represent the foundation stiffness (Fig. 7). The equivalent spring constants
shall be calculated as specified in the Table 2
Fig.7 (a) Idealized Elasto-Plastic Load- Deformation Behavior for Soils
(b) Uncoupled Spring Model for rigid footings
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Table 2 Elastic Solution for Rigid Footing Spring Constraints
Method 2
For shallow bearing foundations that are not rigid with respect to the supporting soils, a finite
element representation of linear or nonlinear foundation behavior using Winkler models shall
be used. Distributed vertical stiffness properties shall be calculated by dividing the total
vertical stiffness by the area. Uniformly distributed rotational stiffness properties shall be
calculated by dividing the total rotational stiffness of the footing by the moment of inertia of
the footing in the direction of loading. Vertical and rotational stiffnesses shall be decoupled
for a Winkler model. It shall be permitted to use the procedure illustrated in Fig.8 to
decouple these stiffnesses.
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Fig.8 Vertical Stiffness Modeling for Shallow Bearing Footing
Method 3
For shallow bearing foundations that are flexible relative to the supporting soil, based on
approved theoretical solutions for beams or plates on elastic supports, the foundation
stiffness shall be permitted to be calculated by a decoupled Winkler model using a unit
subgrade spring coefficient. For flexible foundation systems, the unit subgrade spring
coefficient, ksv , shall be calculated by Eq.1
k sv 
B(1   )
G = Shear modulus
B = Width of footing
= Poisson’s ratio
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4.1 Winkler Model
The analytical subgrade reaction model, typically known as the Winkler model, can be used
for the analysis of piles under lateral loading (Fleming et al. 1985). The pile group is
investigated in terms of: (1) horizontal stiffness of the soil at the level of the pile cap and
surrounding the piles, and (2) soil to pile vertical stiffness interaction. The finite element
model used in the pile group analysis is presented in Fig. 9. The pile can be modeled as beam
elements and the surrounding soil modeled as an array of uncoupled spring elements using
truss elements according to the discrete finite element as shown in Figure 10. It can be shown
that the accuracy in the finite element model concerning the lateral response of piles is
directly dependent on the pile discretization. For the given study (Silva) six beam elements
with a length of D/6 were used at the pile head, and using a quadratic regression, the element
sizes were increased to D/2 at the pile tip elevation, as shown in Fig.10.
Fig.9 Pile Group Finite Element Model
4.1.1 Horizontal Soil Model Surrounding Piles
Effects of the soil surrounding the piles in the horizontal direction were modeled in terms of
elements with axial stiffness only. These elements were placed only on one side of the pile
with equal axial stiffness in compression and tension. A bilinear relation between the
horizontal soil pressure and lateral displacement, as shown in Figure 11, was used to idealize
the soil strength. The analyses described in this section were performed using the soil types
(Coefficient of Subgrade Reaction, kS for Soft Soil: 3000 kN/m3; Stiff Soil: 30,000 kN/m3).
The bilinear horizontal soil model expressed in terms of the soil pressure was given by
(Pender 1978; Poulos 1971)
∆ ;
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Fig.10 Finite Element Model for Single Piles
Fig.11 Bilinear Soil Model
The soil spring stiffness at any depth was obtained according to the relation
where Ks is the equivalent spring stiffness, kS is the coefficient of subgrade reaction
given in kN/m3, and ΔZ is the spacing between the springs at a depth Z.
Assuming the coefficient of subgrade reaction was normalized in terms of a nominal pile
diameter of 1.80m, then kS may be expressed in terms of the nominal pile diameter D* and
the pile section diameter D. Thus, the soil normalized spring stiffness was given by
In Eq. (4) the limiting soil pressure, pult, was obtained according to the relation
(Fleming 1985)
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where Kp, is the passive earth pressure coefficient, ϕs is the soil friction angle, which
for sands is usually taken as 35o. Based on this soil friction angle, Kp then has a value of 3.70.
In Eq. (5) σ’v is the vertical effective stress at a depth Z expressed in terms of the soil unit
weight, γ, by the relation
Change of the soil properties during cyclic response may lead to permanent deformations in
the soil layer, and the soil ultimate strength and stiffness decay with each cycle.
4.1.2 Horizontal Soil Model Surrounding Pile Cap
The seismic response of the pile group was also characterized in terms of the passive
pressure that develops in front of the pile cap. This was conducted by positioning a spring in
front of the pile cap as illustrated in Fig.9. The pile cap spring stiffness was computed
according to the expression
where Hcap and Wcap are the height and width of the pile cap, respectively.
4.1.3 Vertical End Bearing Stiffness
The soil structure interaction in the vertical direction of the piles was modeled using vertical
elements with axial stiffness. Modeling of the soil-structure interaction in the axial direction
is described next. The vertical end bearing stiffness, Kvb, (only for piles in compression) was
given by
This expression is similar to Eq. (4) but the distance between the springs is equal to half the
pile diameter. This indicates that the vertical end bearing resistance was modeled equally to
the horizontal spring stiffness, which is located at the bottom of the piles.
4.1.4 Vertical Skin Friction Resistance Stiffness
The vertical skin friction resistance stiffness, Kvfi, was given by (Pender 1978; Poulos 1971)
Where η is the pile ratio, and λ is the pile-soil stiffness ratio given by
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where Es_tip is the soil young modulus at the pile tip. In Eq. (10) α is an expression that was
used in order to distribute the effects of the soil vertical stiffness along the length of the piles.
As described in this section these elements were positioned along the piles according to these
different conditions: (1) a single vertical spring was positioned at the bottom of the piles (see
Fig. 12a), and (2) springs were distributed vertically along the length of the piles (see
Fig.12b). These conditions are described next.
4.1.5 Single Vertical Spring at Bottom of Piles
For the condition where a single vertical spring was positioned at bottom of the piles α=1.00.
In this case the vertical soil structure interaction (i.e. skin friction and end bearing)
formulation was defined as depicted in Fig. 12a.
4.1.6 Distributed Vertical Springs Along Length of Piles
For distributed vertical springs positioned along the full length the total skin friction
resistance given by the piles α is given by
In Eq. (13) α is significantly smaller than 1 and summation of all α’s along the length of the
pile is nearly 1.00, which indicates that the total stiffness given by these two approaches are
similar and can be compared directly. In addition, the vertical stiffness increases along the
length of the piles in terms of the relation Z/L, which is to take into account the change in the
soil Youngs’s modulus along the length of the piles.
Fig.12 Model for vertical soil springs
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4.2 p-y Method
The simplicity and versatility of the Winkler soil model makes it a popular method of
modeling piles today, particularly in seismic engineering. A pseudostatic version of the
Winkler model, known as the “p-y method” is commonly recommended in design codes for
seismic engineering. In this method the soil characteristics in the soil-pile interaction has
been described by three types of nonlinear resistance-displacement curves that is, (a) p-y
curves, which describe the relationship between the lateral soil pressure (horizontal force per
unit length of pile) and the corresponding pile displacement; (b) t-z curve, which describe the
relationship between skin friction (vertical force per unit length of pile) and the relative
vertical displacement between the pile and the soil; and (c) q-z curves, which describe the
relationship between the bearing stress (vertical force on effective pile tip area) at the pile tip
and the pile tip settlement. All three types of curves assume the soil behavior to be nonlinear.
Again the Winker model assumes that these springs are uncoupled, that is the stiffness of one
spring does not affect another. Analytical solution for the soil-pile system accounting for
nonlinear soil behavior is quite complicated and they need advanced computer program for
analysis. The nonlinear pile and nonlinear soil spring behavior can be solved numerically
using nonlinear finite element method. Details of the curves for different soil types are given
in API-RP2A-2000. For more details on the method Reese and Impe (2011) can be referred.
Fig.13Modeling of soil-pile foundation using ‘p-y’ method
5. Effect of Foundation Soil Flexibility on Response of Structures
Flexibility reduces the overall stiffness of the structure and increases the natural period of the
system. Considerable change in spectral acceleration with natural period is observed from the
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shape of the response spectrum curve. Thus the change in natural period may alter the
seismic response of any structure considerably. In addition to this, soil medium imparts
damping due to its inherent characteristics. Moreover, the relationship between the periods of
vibration of structure and that of supporting soil is important regarding the seismic response
of the structure. The displacements increase with the increase in soil-flexibility. These show
that the soil–structure interaction should be accounted for in the analysis of dynamic
behavior of structures, in practice. Hence, soil–structure interaction under dynamic loads is
an important aspect to predict the overall structural response.
1. American Petroleum Institute (API RP2A-WSD: 2000). Recommended practice for planning,
designing and construction fixed offshore platforms-working stress design. 2000, Washington,
2. FEMA 356.(2000), Prestandard and Commentry for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings,
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Building Seismic Safety Council, Washington, D.C.
3. Fleming, W. G. K., Weltman, A. J., Randolph, M. F., Elson, W. K. (1985), Piling Engineering,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1985.
4. Gazetas, G. (1991), Formulas and Charts for Impedances of Surface and Embedded Foundations,
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering., 117, 9: 1363-1381.
5. Pender, M. J., (1978) Aseismic Pile Foundation Design Analysis, Bulletin of the New Zealand
National Society for Earthquake Engineering, 11, 2: 49 - 160.
6. Poulos, H. G. (1971), Behavior of Laterally Loaded Piles: I - Single Piles, Proceedings of the
American Society of Civil Engineers, 97, No. SM5, May 1971: 711-731.
7. Reese, L.C., and Van Impe, W.F. 2001. Single Piles and Pile Groups under Lateral Loading,
8. Silva, Pedro F. Seismic Evaluation of Full-Moment Connection CISS Piles/Foundation Systems.
9. Silva, P. F., and Manzari, M. T., 2008. Nonlinear Pushover Analysis of Bridge Columns
Supported on Full-Moment Connection CISS Piles on Clays, Earthquake Spectra, 24: 751–774.
The authors would like to acknowledge that the information give in this lecture notes has
been collected and edited from literature and would not be used for any commercial
purpose but for educating masses on the subject. Most of the material has been collected
from FEMA 356 and Silva and Manzari 2008.
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