vol 6-28.pages - Village of Pelly

Aug 10/15
On July
23, 1983, Air Canada’s Flight 143, with
69 people onboard, ran out of fuel at an
altitude of 41,000 ft. The pilot managed
to glide the plane down safely as he was
a very experienced glider pilot. 22,300
pounds of jet fuel had been put in
instead of 22,300 kg.
Cats sleep 70% of their lifetime. We
humans only sleep 30%
What is a BULLY
Original Definition:
sweetheart, darling – used of either sex
"I kiss his dirty shoe, and from heartstring I love the lovely bully. What is thy
name?" – William Shakespeare, Henry
V, 1600
About the Word:
The meaning of bully has been
changing for almost five hundred years
now, with the earliest evidence of the
word dating back to the 1530s.
Along the path from heartthrob to
harasser bully has also meant 'a man of
outstanding physical powers,' 'a hired
ruffian,' 'the boss of a logging camp,'
'any of several blennioid fishes,' and
numerous other things.
Cats can re-hydrate by drinking seawater,
due to their extremely efficient kidneys.
A Sunday school teacher was giving
her class the assignment for the next
"Next Sunday," she said, "we are going
to talk about liars, and in preparation
for our lesson I want you all to read the
Seventeenth Chapter of Mark."
The following week, at the beginning of
the class meeting, the teacher said,
"Now then, all of you who have
prepared for the lesson by reading the
Seventeenth Chapter of Mark, please
step to the front of the room."
About half the class rose and came
"The rest of you may leave," said the
teacher, "these students are the ones
I want to talk to. There is no
Seventeenth Chapter in the Book of
Amelia Dyer (1837 - 1896 - England) is
one of the most prolific serial killers in
history. She is estimated to have killed
200-400 children
Q: What's the definition of mixed
A: When you see your motherin-law backing off a cliff in your
brand new car.
Year 6 #28
Heart Attack
The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer
fewer heart attacks than the British or
The French eat a lot of fat and also suffer
fewer heart attacks than the British or
The Japanese drink very little red wine
and suffer fewer heart attacks than the
British or Americans.
The Italians drink excessive amounts of
red wine and also suffer fewer heart
attacks than the British or Americans.
The Germans drink a lot of beer and eat
lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer
heart attacks than the British or
CONCLUSION: Eat and drink what you
like. Speaking English is apparently what
kills you.
Light House
Events 2015
Aug 12 - Village Meeting (about
Main St ??? - probably in the
Hall, when 7 pm?)
Aug 19 - Heritage Guild
Meeting (3rd Wed)
Sep 1 - School begins
Sept 23, 6:21 A.M. first day of
Nov 1 - Daylight savings time
Dec 25 - is a Friday
"I believe in luck: how else can
you explain the success of those
you dislike?"
At the height of Rin Tin Tin's fame,
a chef prepared him a
daily steak lunch.
Classical musicians
played to aid his
The 2015 Perseid meteor
shower will probably be
fine on the mornings of
August 11, 12, 13 and
14, with the nod going to
August 13. On a dark,
moonless night, you can
often see 50 or more
meteors per hour from
northerly latitudes
A blind man was describing his favourite
sport, sky diving.
When asked how this was accomplished, he
said that things were all done for him:
"I am placed in the door and told when to
"My hand is placed on my release ring for
me, and out I go"
"But how do you know when you are going
to land?" he was asked.
"I have a very keen sense of smell and I can
smell the trees and grass
when I am 300 feet from the ground" he
"But how do you know when to lift your legs
for the final arrival on the ground?" he was
again asked.
He quickly answered "Oh, the dog's leash
goes slack".
During World War II, from late 1944 to
the middle of 1945, Japan released
over 9,000 balloons carrying bombs,
sent to the United States and Canada.
On January 12, 1945, 11 year old Tony
Frischholz was walking along a rural
road in Minton, Saskatchewan when
he saw a large balloon heading
towards him. The huge hydrogen-filled
balloon, which was close to 10 metres
wide, was also filled with bombs.
Not far away 15 year old Ralph Melle
was in a pickup truck with his father
and uncle when the same balloon
appeared alongside the road and
descended into a valley. The three got
out of the truck and went to
investigate. Ralph stepped on one of
the bombs but fortunately it failed to
go off. Another bomb had destroyed a
fence when it exploded.
Opposite or the same?
1. Left can mean either remaining or
departed. If the gentlemen have
withdrawn to the drawing room for
after-dinner cigars, who’s left? (The
gentlemen have left and the ladies are
2. Dust, along with the next two words,
is a noun turned into a verb meaning
either to add or to remove the thing in
question. Only the context will tell you
which it is. When you dust are you
applying dust or removing it? It
depends whether you’re dusting the
crops or the furniture.
3. Seed can also go either way. If you
seed the lawn you add seeds, but if
you seed a tomato you remove them.
4. Stone is another verb to use with
caution. You can stone some peaches,
but please don’t stone your neighbour
(even if he says he likes to get stoned).
The secret of a good sermon is to have a good
beginning and a good
ending; and to have the two as close together
as possible.
~George Burns
Santa Claus has the right idea ...
Visit people only once a year.
~Victor Borge
What would men be without women?
Scarce, sir .. mighty scarce.
~Mark Twain
By all means, marry.
If you get a good wife, you'll become
happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become
a philosopher.
There's a basketball court above the
US Supreme Court. It's known as the
Highest Court in the Land.
Some Amazing Facts
The medical term for ice cream
headaches is sphenopalatine
Wendy's founder Dave Thomas
dropped out of high school but
picked up his GED in 1993. His GED
class voted him Most Likely to
Sleeping through winter is
hibernation, while sleeping through
summer is estivation.
Marie Curie's notebooks are still
radioactive. Researchers hoping to
view them must sign a disclaimer.
A 2009 search for the Loch Ness
Monster came up empty. Scientists
did find over 100,000 golf balls.
In the mid-1960s, Slumber Party
Barbie came with a book called
"How to Lose Weight." One of the
tips was "Don’t eat.”
A British man changed his name to
Tim Pppppppppprice to make it
harder for telemarketers to
Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in
Hiroshima for work when the first
A-bomb hit, made it home to
Nagasaki for the second, and
lived to be 93.
Nutella was invented during WWII,
when an Italian pastry maker mixed
hazelnuts into chocolate to extend
Cats “Headbutt” people because
they make them feel safe, or they
trust them.
USS New York battle ship was built
with 24 tons of steel salvaged from
the World Trade Centre to
commemorate the victims of 9/11.
According to Newton's Law of
Motion, when a car going 60 miles
per hour in one direction gets hit by
a mosquito going one mile per hour
in the opposite direction, the car
will slow down one-millionth of a
mile per hour.
Mormon leader Brigham Young
had 57 children with 16 of his 27
All packaged products sold in India have
a “maximum retail price” printed on the
package by the manufacturer and it is
illegal for a store to charge more than
that. India is the only country with this
system. (would be nice)
There are no Wal-Mart's in New York
City due to intense opposition from
local unions and politicians.
Cats have been blamed for the global
extinction of 33 species.
The fir
st su
cloned ccessfully
named cat was
There is a tow
has had a cat
in Alaska that
as mayor for 15
When cats bring dead mice or birds back to their owners, “…they
are teaching their human counterparts to hunt or helping their
human as if feeding ‘an elderly cat, or an inept kitten.”