
Year: Year 8
Term: Autumn
Subject: History
Topic: The Middle Passage
Subject Teacher:
Group (If known):
Date given:
26th September 2016
Level achieved in this
Home Learning Booklet:
Date to hand in
Effort in this Home Learning
3 4
1 = Excellent
4 = Needs major improvement
3rd October 2016
Achievement Points this Home Learning
1 for Effort = 2 Achievement Points
2 for Effort = 1 Achievement Points
3 or 4 for Effort = 0 Achievement Points
Teacher feedback: Teachers will tick the appropriate boxes and highlight the appropriate terms when giving
feedback on the work completed
WWW (what went well)
EBI (even better if)
Other Feedback:
Student response:
Accuracy of punctuation, spelling and grammar
The Middle Passage
Look at the cartoon below:
1. Describe what is happening in this cartoon.
These sentences are about the attitudes of Europeans at that time and the way they
treated African slaves. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words/ phrases.
a) As many slaves as possible were packed onto each ship so that the slave traders
could make as big a ____________ as possible.
b) Europeans treated the Africans with a total lack of _____________ on the slave
c) Cruel __________________ were used to make the slaves do what they were told
and not cause trouble.
d) In the picture, the captain of the ship is _______________ at the suffering of the
slave being punished.
3. Finish this sentence in your own words “ We know that the female slave being
punished by the slave trader feels humiliated by what is happening
The cartoon was drawn for a reason; the artist had a particular purpose in mind.
Read each statement and write TRUE or FALSE beside each one.
The cartoon was drawn to show that slave traders were firm but fair with the
The cartoon was drawn to provide information about the slave ships to people who
didn’t know what the middle passage was like.
This cartoon was drawn to show people how the slave trade led to the humiliation
and torture of human beings.
This cartoon was drawn to convince people that slaves often broke the rules and
needed to be punished.
This cartoon was drawn to convince people that the slave trade was cruel and had
to be stopped.
Wherever there is a choice of words that are in bold in the sentences below, underline
the correct word.
a) The person who drew the cartoon was a supporter or/ against the slave trade.
b) The person who drew this cartoon knew/ didn’t know what conditions during the Middle
Passage were really like.
c) This cartoon is impartial/ biased evidence.
d) Biased evidence can be/ isn’t useful to historians because it shows what some people
thought and believed at the time it was drawn.
If you have access to the internet, watch this 35 minute film on YouTube The Passage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDQSUvP9oxw . It is a
short animated movie telling the story of one African who was captured and taken to the New
World as slave.
7. Use the handout you studied in class, the picture and, if you were able to watch it,
the film, to help you complete this task.
Imagine you were one of the Africans captured and taken as a slave to the New World.
Write an account of your experiences (tell your story) using as much factual information in
your account as you can. As well as giving factual information, try to show empathy by
describing what you would have been thinking and feeling during the journey. Read the
mark scheme before you start your answer and try to achieve as high a level as you can.
 Answer in full sentences remembering to use all the relevant punctuation.
 Try to break your answer up into separate paragraphs.
 Check the spelling of key words
 Remember to include relevant facts and details in your answer
 Remember to describe thoughts and feelings
Mark Scheme
Entry Level 3: You are able to construct simple stories about the past but your narrative is a bit
uneven and lacking in detail. You may have, and made some basic errors
Level 1: You can construct a narrative about the past that describes what happened but with no
development or organisation. You use some information to support your narrative, but this may lack
detail and/or relevance
Level 2: You can construct a descriptive narrative of the past with some development, but there is
little evidence of organisation. You can use factual information as support throughout their
narrative, but this may be patchy in places and lack relevance
Level 3: You can construct a descriptive narrative about the past and show hints of analysis within
your work. There are hints of organisation, but this does not yet have an impact on the overall
structure. The information that you use to support your narrative is sometimes accurate, but may
lack relevance in places.