general anesthesia information

_____________________________ PATRICIA J. MERKLEY DMD, BDS
Dentistry Performed Under General Anesthesia
For some children, treatment in the dental o ce se ing is too di cult due to extensive dental needs
coupled with a high level of anxiety or fear. Many very young children (or some older children with special
needs) with extensive dental needs have yet to develop coping mechanisms that would a ow them to
cooperate for dental treatment. These patients are o en best treated while they are asleep under general
anesthesia. General anesthesia is a contro ed state of unconsciousness that eliminates awareness,
movement and discomfort during dental treatment. When a child is asleep under general anesthesia Dr.
Merkley wi be able to complete a of the child’s dental treatment in one visit.
Dr. Merkley treats her general anesthesia cases in the o ce, which is site certi ed by the Missouri Dental
Board, or at Southeast Hospital. The general anesthesia is provided by an anesthesiologist who is a
physician that specializes in pu ing people to sleep with general anesthesia. The general anesthesia for a
dental case is virtua y the same as the general anesthesia provided when a child has a surgery to remove
the tonsils. The anesthesiologist wi use an anesthetic gas delivered through a breathing tube that wi
keep the child asleep during the procedure. While the child is asleep Dr. Merkley wi be able to complete a
of the child’s dental treatment in one visit. The entire procedure is considered outpatient surgery meaning
that the child wi have the surgery and leave the o ce or hospital later that day.
General anesthesia is safe but as with any surgery there is always some risk associated anytime a patient is
put to sleep under general anesthesia. It can be used safely and e ectively when administered by an
appropriately-trained individual in an appropriately-equipped facility. Dr. Merkley requires that any child
undergoing dental treatment with general anesthesia must rst have a physical evaluation by the child’s
primary care medical provider and be cleared for surgery. Some children with pre-existing medical
conditions may also need to be evaluated at Southeast Hospital by an anesthesiologist during an evaluation
appointment before the actual surgery date. Dr. Merkley wi be happy to discuss the bene ts and risks of
general anesthesia if this treatment is recommended for your child.
_____________________________ PATRICIA J. MERKLEY DMD, BDS
BOARD CERTIFIED PEDIATRIC DENTIST Points to remember on the day of surgery
We do request that two adults accompany the child to the hospital the day of
surgery and that at least one remains at the facility at a times. It is also
important that one adult is available to watch the child on your drive back
home while the other drives.
Nothing to eat or drink a er midnight. If your child has anything to eat or drink
a er midnight, their general anesthesia CANNOT be completed.
A pre-operative physical must be completed within 30 days of the surgery date.
Our sta wi provide you with a form that your child's primary care physician
must complete within 30 days of the appointment.
Please notify our o ce if your child is sick. Most of the time the procedure is
cance ed if your child is sick or running a fever. This is at the discretion of Dr.
Merkley and the Anesthesiologist.
This procedure wi be a same day surgery and your child wi be discharged
from the o ce or hospital on the same day as treatment. A er the procedure
is complete your child wi recover in a post-operative recovery area until they
are stable, alert, and ready to be discharged.
Once you return home your child wi likely be tired. It is best to let the child
rest at home with minimal activity until the next day
_________________________________________________________ Guardian signature acknowledging understanding of pre-operative instructions
__________ Date