The NU8Z 160/80 Meter Inverted “L” Antenna

The NU8Z 160/80 Meter Inverted “L” Antenna
1. I used two 6 ft ground rods and 2 full size ¼ wave radial bent around my fence line
2. May need to tweak dimensions. The position of the coil on the wire determines the 80
meter resonance point. And the number of turns on the coil determines how much wire
you will need down-stream of the coil to achieve 160 meter resonance.
3. Make sure the wire on the coil is close spaced. This means one turn touching the other.
The only separation is the thickness of the insulation on the wire.
4. The PVC coil is not critical. Dimensions may vary a bit, but will affect the length of wire
beyond the coil. In general the coil has to be substantial enough to provide a high
impedance on 80 meters so that it functions somewhat like a trap.
5. The antenna has a 125 (2:1) bandwidth on 80 and a 70khz (2:1) bandwidth on 160
6. The NU8Z Inverted “L” works pretty well considering its size. I have worked over 120
counties in the last 2 years on 160 meters. Have fun!