This is a review guide. This means that you should not study only

This is a review guide. This means that you should not study only this material but use this to guide
the areas you need to focus on. Use everything in your notebook to help you prepare including:
1) Know all the following terms and how they relate to one another. Be able to give examples or recognize
them in a scenario:
 Somatic Cell
 Spindle Fibers
 Nucleotide
 Haploid
 Aster Fibers
 Cell Cycle
 Diploid
 Mitotic Apparatus
 Mitosis
 Prophase
 Centromere
 Cytokinesis
 Metaphase
 Kinetochore
 Karyokinesis
 Anaphase
 Centrioles
 Chromosome
 Telophase
 Cleavage Furrow
 Gene
 Gap 1
 Cell Plate
 Chromatin
 S Stage
 Zygote
 Chromatid
 Gap 2
 DNA Replication
 Duplicated
 Interphase
 Tetrad
 Interkinesis
 Crossing over
 Unduplicated
 Meiosis
 Eggs
 Polar Bodies
 Sperm
 Homologous
 Autosomes
 Genetic Diversity
 Gamete
Know all of the information below. Use this as a guide to make sure you have covered all topics that
could come up on your exam.
2) Be able to write out the full name for DNA.
3) Know how to draw and label a nucleotide.
4) Describe what DNA has to do with cell division.
5) Know the location of chromosomes inside of a cell, how many are found in human cells and how many of
those are autosomal.
6) Know the organelles where you can find DNA in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
7) Be able to draw and label a complete cell cycle and know what happens in each component of the cell
8) Be able to list in order the stages of the cell cycle which is referred to as the “M phase”, what is being
divided in each stage, and how many chromosomes there are at the end of each stage.
9) Be able to list, in order, the 12 stages of meiosis.
10) Describe the specific goals of both mitosis and meiosis.
11) Name the possible end products of meiosis II.
12) Know how do the chromosomes differ (in a human) at the end of mitosis and meiosis I.
13) Know the basic steps of DNA replication and the enzymes that complete the tasks, and when in the cell
cycle this would take place., and where in each type of cell this would take place
14) Know what occurs in the S stage, what the S stands for.
15) Describe at least 2 specific things that control the cell cycle.
16) Explain if the daughter cells would be impacted if there is a mistake during the S phase. Be able to justify
your answer.
17) Be able to differentiate between chromatin, chromatids and chromosome, and know the types of
18) Using a) number of steps, b) end results, c) type of cell that undergoes process and d) goals, contrast
meiosis with mitosis. You may find this easier to do in a table format.
19) Be able to describe the difference between karyokinesis and mitosis.
20) Determine if cytokinesis part of the M phase and be able to justify your answer.
21) Be able to give examples of haploid and diploid cells in a human.
22) Know the letter we use to describe chromosome number, what that number is for humans, and be able to
determine that number in a given scenario.
23) Determine if most cells undergo mitosis or meiosis and be able to justify your answer.
24) Know how many sperm and eggs are made during meiosis, the differences in their production, the
differences in the end product, and the number of end products as well as what happens to each end
25) List all the components of the mitotic apparatus and provide each items job. (Hint, there are 4 things)
26) Describe what “DNA recombination” is, when in meiosis it occurs and when in mitosis it occurs.
27) Be able compare meiosis and mitosis using a T chart or a Venn diagram.