À la quatrième À terre Adagio Allegro Allongé Aplomb Arabesque

BALLET TERMS A-Z https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_ballet
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A la seconde Aposition of the leg to the side or a movement with the leg held to the side
in second position, as in a pirouette à la seconde, in which a dancer turns with the working leg à
la hauteur ('elevated') in second position
Also, one of the directions of the body, facing the audience (i.e. en face), arms in second
position, with one leg extended to second position.
À la quatrième
One of the directions of body, facing the audience (en face), arms in second position, with one
leg extended either to fourth position in front (quatrième devant) or fourth position behind
(quatrième derrière).
À terre
Touching the floor.
Italian or French adage meaning 'slowly, at ease.'
1. Slow movements performed with fluidity and grace.
2. The section of a grand pas (e.g., grand pas de deux), often referred to as grand adage,
that features dance partnering.
Brisk, lively motion. An attribute of many movements, including those in which a dancer is
airborne (e.g., assemblé, changement,entrechat, sauté, sissonne, soubresaut).
Meaning 'elongated.'
The apparent elegance and precision exhibited by a confident, accomplished dancer.
First Arabesque
A body position in which a dancer stands on one leg (the supporting leg) with the other leg
(the working leg) turned out and extended behind the body, with both legs held straight. Several
variations of arabesque can be found among the various ballet styles.
Meaning 'rounded' A position of the hand. Rounded, in contrast with allongé ('stretched out', as in
Literally 'assembled' Sometimes also pas assemblé. A jump that lands on two feet. When
initiated from two feet, the working leg performs a battement glissé/dégagé, brushing out. The
dancer launches into a jump, with the second foot then meeting the first foot before landing. A
petit assemblé is when a dancer is standing on one foot with the other extended. The dancer
then does a small jump to meet the first foot.
Attitude derrière
A position in which a dancer stands on one leg (the supporting leg) while the other leg
(working leg) is raised at hip height ("a la hauteur") and turned out with knee bent to form an
angle of approximately 90° between the thigh and the lower leg. The height of the knee versus
the foot and the angle of the knee flexion will vary depending on the techniques. The working leg
can be held behind (derrière), in front (devant), or to the side (à la seconde) of the body. The
alignment of the thigh compared to the midline in Attitude derriere will vary depending on the
techniques. The foot of the supporting leg may be flat on the floor, en demi-pointe (ball of the
foot), or en pointe (tips of the toes). The standing leg can be straight or bend ("fondu"). Attitude
was originally created to display the emotional zone of the leg: the knee to the ankle (Citation
Avant, en
Meaning 'forwards' A movement towards the front, as opposed to en arrière, which is conversely
a movement towards the back. For example, a step travelling en avant moves forwards towards
the audience, as in sissonne en avant.
Arrière, en
Meaning 'backwards' A movement towards the back, as opposed to en avant.
A rocking sequence of three steps — fondu, relevé, fondu (down, up, down) — executed in three
counts. Before the first count, one foot extends in a dégagé to second position (balancé de côté)
or to the front (balancé en avant) or rear (balancé en arrière). The second foot in the sequence
(in any direction) assembles behind the first to relevé in fifth or fourth position.
Swinging the working leg between front (devant) and back (derrière) through first position,
usually in conjunction with grands battements or attitudes and involving seesaw like shifting of
the upper body in opposition to the legs. Similar to en cloche.
(Italian) A principal female ballet dancer.
(Italian) A principal male ballet dancer.
Ballet technique
The foundational principles of body movement and form used in ballet.
A ballet fan or enthusiast.
Showing lightness of movement in leaps and jumps. A dancer exhibiting ballon will appear to
spring effortlessly, float in mid-air, and land softly.
In classical ballet, the term balloné is a step where the leg is extended to the second or fourth
position (can be front, side, or back) at 45 degrees. The knee is then bent and the foot brought to
a sur le cou-de-pied position.
A ballotté is a step in classical ballet that consists of coupé dessous performed with a rocking
and swinging movement. The step can be performed with straight knees at 45 degrees or with
développés at 90 degrees.
A sturdy horizontal bar, approximately waist height, used during ballet warm-up exercises and
training. Fixed barres are typically mounted on mirror-covered walls; portable barres can be
relocated as needed.
('beating, beat') A movement of the working leg, often rapidly, to the front (en avant or à la
quatrième devant), side (à la seconde), or back (en arrière or à la quatrième derrière).
Common battements typically referred to by their abbreviated names: battement tendu,
battement glissé/tendu jeté/dégagé, battementfrappé, battement fondu, battement relevé lent.
(Also, battement retiré, battement piqué, battement développé, according to Gail Grant.[2])
Common battements (referred to as battement):
Grand battement: brushing the working leg out to à la hauteur (elevated), generally 90
degrees or higher. Includes grand battement en cloche and grand battement
jeté balançoire (Rus.).
Grand battement en rond / arrondi (Fr.) ('circle'/'rounded'): 1) brushing the working leg to
fourth à la hauteur and arcing the raised leg through second to the opposite fourth (i.e. in
contrast to en croix 'cross', which returns the leg back to the ground in each position) or 2) if
performed as Grand rond de jambe jeté, brushing the working leg through petit
développé (cou-de-pied) or développé to seconde à la hauteur and briskly arcing the raised
leg around to fourth derrière (en dehors) or fourth devant (en dedans).
Petit battement: an alternating beating of the working foot from cou-de-pied front or
wrapped to cou-de-pied back, the working leg held in petit retiré
(Petit) battement serré / battu ('tightened'/'beaten'): non-alternating beating of the working
foot at cou-de-pied (front, wrapped, or back)
A movement in which the feet quickly pass each other, back to front, creating a flapping or
"beating" effect, often performed in connection with jumps and turns.
Meaning 'beaten' A movement with an extra beating of the feet included, as in jeté battu.
literally 'broken' A jump consisting of an assemblé with a beat of the feet/legs, changing to fifth
position and back again in the air before landing. Examples: one leg could be thrust from fifth
position to second position in the air with the second leg reaching the first in mid-air executing a
beat before landing back in the original fifth position. An execution of brisé devant could start
croisé in fifth position brushing out to fourth with a changement in air and back again to the
original fifth by the time of landing. A brisé derrière would be executed similarly with the front foot
initiating the movement and brushing to effacé derriére. The back foot brushes through first to
dégagé effacé devant, the back leg thrusts up to meet the front leg, beaten to the front, and both
feet landing in the starting fifth position. A dancer may practice petits battements in preparation
for brisés. Brisé volé are many brisés completed in quick succession alternating front and back.
Bras croisés
Literally 'crossed arms') Arm placement in which one arm is extended in second position away
from the audience while the other is curved in first position (Cecchetti fourth position en avant or
RAD/French third position).
LA flashy, showy and elaborate style of dance that involves a lot of elaborate steps and style to
similar music. Usually during a key solo.
Abbreviation for pas de bourrée couru. Quick, even movements, often en pointe, giving the
appearance of gliding. The word originates from an old French dance resembling the
gavotte.[citation needed].
Meaning 'caper. An allegro step in which the extended legs are beaten in the air. Cabrioles are
divided into two categories: petite, which are executed at 45 degrees, and grande, which are
executed at 90 degrees. The working leg is thrust into the air, the underneath leg follows and
beats against the first leg, sending it higher. The landing is then made on the underneath leg.
Cabriole may be done devant, derrière and à la seconde in any given position of the body such
as croisé, effacé, écarté, and so on.
Literally 'arched.') A bending at the waist in any direction, forward, backward, or to the side.
Also known as "chaînés turns," a common abbreviation for tours chaînés déboulés, a series of
quick, 360 degree turns that alternate the feet while traveling along a straight line or in a circular
path. The majority of the turn is on the leading foot, with feet held in a tight first position en
pointe or demi-pointe.
Literally 'change, changing.' Common abbreviated name for changement de pieds. A jump in
which the feet change positions in the air. For example, beginning in fifth position with the right
foot front, plié, jump switching the right leg to the back, and land in fifth position with the left foot
front. In the Vaganova vocabulary, petit changement de pieds indicates a changement where the
feet barely leave the floor.
Literally 'chased.' A slide forward, backward, or sideways with both legs bent, then springing into
the air with legs straight and together. It can be done either in a gallop or by pushing the leading
foot along the floor in a plié to cause an upward spring. It is typically performed in a series or as
part of a combination of other movements.
Cloche, en
Meaning 'like a bell.') Refers to brushing through first position from fourth devant or fourth
derrière to the opposite fourth with the upper body held upright. Can be done continuously, as is
often done with grands battements and attitudes. Similar to Balançoire, which additionally allows
seesaw like upper-body shifting in counterpoint to the legs.
The Vaganova system may refer to en cloche as "passé la jambe" or "battement passé la
Literally 'tail.') The concluding segment of a performance or suite of dances comprising a grand
pas (e.g., grand pas de deux). A particularly large or complex coda may be called a grand coda.
If a large group of dancers participate, the terms coda générale or grand coda générale may be
Corps de ballet
The ensemble of a ballet company, especially the ensemble apart from the featured dancers.
Being a part of the corps means one is neither a soloist nor a principal dancer.
In some systems, a dancer of higher rank than a member of the corps de ballet, performing in
small ensembles and small solo roles but not ranked as a soloist.
Côté, de
A movement to the side.
Position of the arched working foot raised to, on, or around the ankle. This could be in front
(["conditional"] devant), behind (["conditional"] derrière), or wrapped (sur le cou-de-pied: devant wrapped heel front, toes back; derrière - wrapped toes front, heel back), depending on the
activity and the school of ballet.
Meaning 'cut.') Coupé is both a step and action. It is commonly executed from cou-de-pied front
to cou-de-pied back or vice versa. It may also be done from an extended leg position
into fondu or directly through fifth position (as in concluding a jeté). Coupé can only be performed
through a closed leg position.
The Vaganova School rarely uses the term coupé except as the preparation for specific allegros.
Rather, "tombé through fifth position" is more commonly used.[4]
In the United States, "coupé" may be used to denote the position cou-de-pied, not unlike "passé"
is used to denote the position retiré in addition to the action of passing through retiré.
'Run,' past participle, as in 'making small quick steps.') In most cases, this holds the calves
together and the feet in a tight fifth position en pointe or demi-pointe and travels forward,
backward, or to either side. E.g. pas de bourrée couru (also called bourrée for short).
Croisé, croisée
Meaning 'crossed.' One of the positions of the body or épaulement. Facing one of the corners of
the stage, the body presents at an oblique angle to the audience, such that the audience can see
still both shoulders and hips. The working leg may be crossed to the front (devant) or to the back
Croisé is used in the third, fourth, and fifth positions of the legs. A dancer is in croisé devant if at
a 45 angle to the audience, the downstage leg (closest to the audience) is working to the front
and the arms are open in third or fourth with the downstage arm being the one in second. A
dancer is in croisé derrière if at a 45 degree angle to the audience, the upstage leg (farthest from
the audience) is working to the back and the arms are open in third, fourth,
or allongé in arabesque with the upstage arm being the one out towards second, e.g. arabesque
croisée or Russian fourth arabesque. Croisé derrière in the Russian school alternatively has the
upstage leg working to the back, but the downstage arm out to second.
Examples of croisé: the front leg is the right leg and the dancer is facing the front-left corner of
the stage; or the front leg is the left, and the dancer is facing his/her front-right corner.
Croix, en
Meaning 'in the shape of a cross.') Term often used during barre exercises to indicate that a step
is done to the front, to the side, to the back, and then again to the side (as in the shape of a
Finishing closed in either first or fifth position.
(Italian) A male ballet dancer.
Danseur noble
(Italian) A highly accomplished male ballet dancer.
(Italian) A female ballet dancer.
Literally 'hurtled,' as in 'with great speed.') Another name denoting the same move as
a chaîné (i.e. les tours chaînés déboulés). A fast sequence of half turns performed by stepping
onto one leg, and completing the turn by stepping onto the other, performed on the balls of the
feet or high on the toes, with the legs held very close together. These can be performed in a
circle (en manège) or in a straight line (chaîné).
Dedans, en
En dehors; en dedans
(French pronunciation: [ɑ̃ dədɑ̃]; 'inwards.') Inside movement. Circular movement where a leg that
starts at the back or the side moves towards the front. For the right leg, this is a counterclockwise circle. For the left leg, this is a clockwise circle. For example, in a rond de jambe en
dedans, starting from first position, the foot first extends to tendu back, then moves to tendu to
the side, and then tendu front, and back in again to first position. In a pirouette en dedans, the
body turns such that the working leg moving forward or ahead of the supporting leg. Opposite
of en dehors.
Meaning disengaged. Common abbreviation for battement dégagé, the foot of the working leg
sharply brushes through the floor through tendu pointed in the air 45 degrees or lower. Dégagé is
part of the (initiating) execution of jumps such as jeté, assemblé, brisé, and glissade.
Primarily a Cecchetti/RAD term, this is known as battement tendu jeté in the Russian School
or battement glissé in the French School.
Dehors, en
'outwards.' Circular movement where a leg that starts at the front or the side moves towards the
back. For the working leg, this is a clockwise circle. For example, in a rond de jambe en dehors,
starting from first position, the foot (either left or right) would first extend tendu front, move
to tendu to the side, and then tendu back, and back in again to first position. In a pirouette en
dehors, the body turns in the direction of the working leg (the leg raised in retiré passé). Opposite
of en dedans.
Meaning 'half.' Applied to plié, pointe, and other movements or positions to indicate a smaller or
lesser version.
A pivoted half turn executed on both feet. For example, if starting right foot front in 5th position,
demi-plié and then relevé onto demi-pointe while pivoting a half turn inwards/en dedans towards
the direction of the back foot (here left). The feet will have now changed position with the left foot
in front in 5th position. Plié and straighten the legs.
Supporting one's body weight on the balls of one or both feet, heels raised off the floor.
Literally 'behind.' At or to the back. For example, a battement tendu derrière is a battement
tendu to the rear.
Literally 'under’. Used to indicate that the front leg should be brought to close behind the other
leg during a step. For example, assemblé, pas de bourrée, and glissade can be designated
as under or dessous.
Used to indicate that the back leg should be brought to close in front of the other leg during a
step. For example, assemblé, pas de bourrée, and glissade can be designated
as over or dessus.
Facing or moving to the front, as in tendu devant or attitude devant.
Common abbreviation for temps développé. A movement in which the leg is first lifted to retiré,
then fully extended outward, passing through attitude. It can be done to the front (devant), to the
side (à la seconde), or to the back (derrière).
Meaning 'double.' Making two of a movement, such as in double rond de jambe en l'air.
Literally 'spread,' as in 'separated.') One of the basic positions of the body facing the audience at
an oblique angle and with the downstage leg open insecond position, along the other diagonal,
either touching the floor or en l'air. The arms are held in an attitude position with the arm on the
same side as the working leg (i.e. the downstage arm) raised en haut and the other arm in
second (i.e. fourth ouvert). The gaze is directed to the raised arm along the same diagonal.
In schools that recognize an écarté derrière, such as the French school, écarté devant is
described above, and écarté derrière differs in having the working leg in second being on the
same side as the corner the body is facing, i.e. the upstage leg is the working leg; the upstage
arm is en haut.
Literally 'escaped.' A movement done from a closed (first or fifth) position to an open (second or
fourth) position. There are two kinds of échappés:échappé sauté and échappé sur les
pointes or demi-pointes. In an échappé sauté, a dancer takes a deep plié followed by a jump in
which the legs "escape" into either second (usually when initiating from first position) or fourth
position (usually when initiating from fifth position) landing in demi-plié. In échappé sur le
pointes/demi-pointes a dancer begins with a deep plié, springs onto les pointes or demi-pointes,
ending in either second position (when starting from first position) or fourth (when starting from
fifth) with knees straight. The dancer may or may not return to the initial position, depending on
the choreography.
Effacé, effacée
Literally 'erased,' as in 'obscured.') One of the positions of the body or épaulement in which a
dancer stands at an oblique angle to the audience such that part of the body is almost hidden
from the audience's view. The working leg is the upstage leg (farthest from audience), and the
arms are such that the downstage arm (nearest the audience) crosses the body or the face (such
as in fourth ouvert with the downstage arm en haut). This position is the opposite of croisé and is
considered ouvert('open'). Effacé may also be used to qualify a pose in which the legs are open
(i.e. not crossed).
In schools that recognize an effacé derrière, such as the French and Russian schools, the above
describes effacé devant, and effacé derrière differs in having the downstage leg working to the
back with the downstage arm remaining the one en haut.
Examples of effacé: right working leg and dancer facing corner to his/her front-right (stage right),
or left working leg and dancer facing corner to his/her front-left (stage left).
'Raised, lifted.' Rising to pointe or demi-pointe from straight legs and flat feet.[5] This term is used
in some schools in contrast with relevé (in effect, 'relifted'), which is taken to indicate a rise
from plié (bent knees). In other schools (French, Russian, textbook Cecchetti), relevé covers
both these concepts.
A small traveling step (en avant or en arrière) where each leg is alternately brought to cou-depied, passing the previous standing leg in doing so, i.e. a changement emboîté. (This may have
the look of running in place.) This step is known as a petit jeté in RAD and the French school.
A grand emboîté is a traveling jump where each leg is alternately brought to attitude in the air,
each foot passing the previous one in alternating.
Meaning 'in.' A preposition used in description of a dancer's position (e.g., en plié, en relevé, en
pointe) or holding the meaning 'towards' when describing direction of a movement (en avant, en
arrière, en dedans, en dehors = 'to the front,' 'to the back', 'to the inside,' 'to the outside').
En avant
See Avant
En arrière
See Arrière
En cloche
See Cloche
En croix
See Croix
Front side back side ( in the shape of a cross )
En dedans
See Dedans
En dehors
See Dehors
En face
See Face
En pointe
See Pointe
Entrechat quatre
'Intertwined.' "A step of beating in which the dancer jumps into the air and rapidly crosses the
legs before and behind."[6] In an entrechat quatre ('four'), starting from fifth position, right foot
front, a dancer will jump up with legs crossed, execute a changement beating the right thigh at
the back of the left thigh, then bring the right leg in front again beating the front of the left thigh,
and land in the same position as started. In an entrechat six ('six'), three changes of the feet are
made in the air, ultimately changing which foot is in front. Even-numbered entrechats indicate the
number of times the legs cross in and out in the air: a regular changement is two (one out, one
in), entrechat quatre is two outs, two ins; six is three and three; huit is four and four.
1. The initial part of a grand pas, which serves as an introduction for the suite of dances
comprising the grand pas.
2. The initial appearance of a lead character or characters of a ballet on stage.
'Shouldered.' One of the positions of the body or épaulement where the body is at an oblique
angle to the audience, the downstage arm is allongé in front and the downstage shoulder
appears prominent to the audience as the downstage leg works to the back (e.g. second
'Shouldering.' Rotation of the shoulders and head relative to the hips in a pose or a step. This
term relates only to the movement of the body from the waist up. The head generally looks over
shoulder that is forward (downstage).
Face, en
'Facing, in front of.') En face indicates facing something directly, generally the audience.
'Given way', past participle.) A slide or brush-through transition step following a preceding jump
or position. Failli is often used as shorthand for a sissonne (ouverte +pas) failli, indicating a jump
from two feet landing on one (sissonne) with the back foot then sliding through to the front
(chassé passé), and this is often done in conjunction with an assemblé: (sissonne) failli
assemblé. E.g. From croisé, the upstage leg opens behind on the sissonne as the body changes
direction in the air to land ouverte effacé; the back leg which is now downstage slides through in
a chassé passé to fourth in front, ending the dancer croisé the corner opposite the original. This
chassé passé is the (pas) failli. An assemblé (dessus/over) to the opposite corner would reorient
the body back to its the original position. Failli phrased with arabesque indicates the brushed
follow-through of an arabesqued leg from elevated behind to fourth in front as lead-in to a
following step.
First position (feet)
Turned out legs with the feet pointing in opposite directions, heels touching.
Fermé, fermée
'Closed.' Converse of ouvert(e) ('open'). Fermé may refer to positions (the first, fifth, and third
positions of the feet are positions fermées), limbs, directions, or certain exercises or steps.
Example: a sissonne fermée ends with closed legs.
Fish dive
A fish dive lift
A partnering dance lift, often performed as part of a pas de deux, in which the male dancer
supports the female in a poisson position.
Flic flac
Familiar French term for battement fouetté à terre. A step where the foot of the working leg
sweeps flexed across the floor from pointed à la seconde (en l'air, as in dégagé) to pointed at
cou-de-pied devant or derrière.
Literally 'melted.') Abbreviation for battement fondu, a lowering of the body made by bending the
knee of the supporting leg, the working leg extending out à terre or in the air. Saint-Léon wrote,
"Fondu is on one leg what a plié is on two." Fondu at the barre often refers to battement fondu
développé, where the supporting leg begins fondu with the foot of the working leg at cou-depied; the working leg extends out through a petit développé as the supporting leg straightens.
Dancer performingFouetté en tournant en dehors
Literally 'whipped.' Fouetté itself refers to a move where a quick pivot on the supporting leg
changes the orientation of the body and the working leg. E.g. An 180-degree or 90-degree
fouetté could involve a working leg beginning extended elevated in front; the supporting leg rising
onto demi-pointe or pointe quickly executing a "half" turn inside/en dedans, leading to the
working leg ending in arabesque and the body now facing the opposite direction or stage
direction. (This brand of action can be seen in both tour jetés and walt turns (pas de valse en
tournant).) A fouetté could also change the leg/body orientation from, for example, en face à la
seconde to épaulé (second) arabesque/croisé first arabesque or effacé devant, if outside/en
dehors, via a 45-degree turn.
Fouetté is also common shorthand for fouetté rond de jambe en tournant (pictured here en
dehors). A fouetté turn is a turn that begins with the supporting leg in plié. As the supporting foot
transitions to demi-pointe or pointe, in an en dehors turn, the working leg extends forward and
then whips around to the side as the working foot is retracted to the supporting knee in retiré,
creating the impetus to rotate one turn. The working leg returns out of retiré nearing the end of a
single rotation to restart the entire leg motion for successive rotations.
Fouetté jeté
A leap that begins with a fouetté.
'Struck.' Abbreviation of battement frappé. Action of extending the working foot out from cou-depied. In Cecchetti, RAD, and American ballet, on flat, this action involves brushing a flexed (or
non-pointed relaxed) foot from cou-de-pied through the floor, the ball of the foot (lightly) striking
as extending out pointed through dégagé. In the Russian school, a pointed foot at cou-de-pied
extends directly out to dégagé height without brushing through the floor. On demi-pointe,
Cecchetti employs the Russian style of non-brushed pointed foot directly out. Other schools may
use a flexed foot without the strike or a non-brushed pointed foot on demi-pointe.
Frappés are commonly done in singles, doubles, or triples. Double and triple frappés involve
tapping the foot (flexed or pointed) at both cou-de-pied devant (or wrapped) and derrière before
extending out. (E.g. Double frappé front would be cou-de-pied back, cou-de-pied front, dégagé
front. Double frappé back would be front, back, [dégagé] back. Triple frappé front would be front,
back, front, [dégagé] front.)
Literally 'glide. A traveling step starting in fifth position from demi-plié. The leading foot brushes
out to dégagé as weight bears on the trailing leg, weight is shifted to the leading leg via a jump
and the trailing foot extends out of plié into degagé. The leading foot lands tombé and the trailing
foot slides in to meet the leading foot in fifth position demi-plié. A glissade can be done en
avant, en arrière, dessous (leading front foot ends back), dessus (leading back foot ends front),
or without achangement of feet.
Glissade précipitée
'Precipitated glide.' A quick glissade generally done leading into a following step, such as
with glissade jeté or glissade assemblé.
Grand écart
Literally 'big gap.') Opening the legs to 180°, front or sideways. Known as 'spagat' in German or
'the splits' in English,
Grand plié
A full plié or bending of the knees. Throughout the movement, the pelvis should be kept neutral,
the back straight and aligned with the heels, the legs turned out, and the knees over the feet.
From standing to bent this should be fluid. A purpose of the grand plié is to warm up the ankles
and stretch the calves.
Grand jeté
A grand jeté
A long horizontal jump, starting from one leg and landing on the other. Known as a split in the air.
It is most often done forward and usually involves doing full leg splits in mid-air. It consists
basically of a grand écart with a moving jump. The front leg brushes straight into the air in
a grand battement, as opposed to from développé (or an unfolding motion). The back leg follows
Grand pas
A suite of individual dances that serves as a showpiece for lead dancers, demi-soloists, and in
some cases the corps de ballet. Often regarded as the pièce de résistance of a ballet. It usually
consists of an entreé, a grand adage, and a coda, which brings the suite to a conclusion. After
the adage, it may include a dance for the corps de ballet (often referred to as the ballabile),
variations for demi-soloists, variations for lead ballerina and danseur, or some combinations of
Various types of "grand pas" are found in ballet, including:
A grand pas d'action is one that contributes to a ballet's story.
In a grand pas classique, classical ballet technique prevails and no character dances are
A grand pas de deux serves as the pièce de résistance for the principal male and female
characters of a full-length ballet.
A grand pas danced by three or four dancers is a grand pas de trois or grand pas de quatre,
"A male dancer's step in which the dancer jumps into the air with the legs drawn up, one in front
of the other, then reverses their position [...] several times before landing with the feet apart
again."[7] This step can look akin to swimming in air.
'Thrown.' A leap in which one leg appears to be thrown in the direction of the movement (en
avant, en arrière, or sideways). There are several kinds ofjetés, including jeté / jeté
ordinaire (RAD) / pas jeté (Rus.), grand jeté, and tour jeté (ABT) / grand jeté en
tournant (Fr./Cecc.) / jeté entrelacé (Rus.), or the common compound step coupé jeté (en
Jeté (jeté ordinaire/pas jeté) refers to a jump initiated en plié, with the pointed working foot
brushing out in dégagé from cou-de-pied (derrière) to seconde (action similar to a nonRussian-style flat frappé), weight being transferred via a jump propelled by pushing off the
standing leg from plié, the leading leg landing tombé and the foot of the other/former
standing leg ending cou-de-pied (derrière). Some schools (including ABT at one point) may
still refer to this as a petit jeté.
Grand jeté: see grand jeté, a jump initiated with a grand battement en avant of the leading
leg while pushing off the trailing leg from plié (usually led into by some moving step such as
chassé, glissade en avant, or pas couru), the trailing leg brushing to grand battement
derrière while in the air, the jump ultimately landing on the leading leg. Resembles the splits
(en l'air).
Tour jeté / jeté entralacé ('turn'/'interlaced') is a grand jeté done turning: a jump initiated
with a grand battement en avant of the leading leg, followed by a fouetté turning the direction
of the body 180 degrees and the trailing leg brushing through to a grand battement derrière,
the jump landing arabesque with the leading leg now the standing (landing) leg.
Coupé jeté en tournant is a compound step, usually done in multiples en manège ('in a
circle'), of a coupé (changing the supporting foot) initiating the first quarter of a turn leading
into a grand jeté completing the 360-degree rotation of the turn.
Petit jeté in RAD and the French school[6] refers to a one-footed changement passing
through cou-de-pied and is what other schools refer to as a changement emboîté.
Ouvert, ouverte
'Open, opened.' Converse of fermé(e) ('closed'). Ouvert may refer to positions (the second and
fourth positions of the feet are positions ouvertes), limbs, directions, or certain exercises or steps.
In the French School, this term is used to indicate a position or direction of the body similar to
Dancing performed by a pair of dancers, typically a male and a female, in which the pair strives
to achieve a harmony of coordinated movements so that the audience remains unaware of the
mechanics. A dance that is focused on a single pair of partnering dancers is a pas de deux. For a
male dancer, partnering may involve lifting, catching, and carrying a partner, and providing
assistance and support for leaps, promenades and pirouettes.
Literally 'step.') A dance, or a suite of dances as in grand pas.
Pas de basque
'Step of the Basques.') Halfway between a step and a leap, taken on the floor (glissé) or with a
jump (sauté); it can be done moving toward the front or toward the back. This step can also be
found in Scottish highland dance.
Starting in fifth position croisé, a dancer executes a plié while brushing the downstage leg out
to tendu front. The downstage leg does a demi rond de jambe to the opposite corner while the
body turns to face that corner. Weight is quickly transferred to that brushed leg, now upstage,
allowing the dancer to pass the newly downstage leg through first position via a chassé passé to
fourth devant, ending croisé the new corner, and finishing by bringing the upstage leg in to close
Pas de bourrée
Jazz dance pas de bourrée, which differs slightly from ballet
'Step of bourrée.') A quick sequence of movements beginning with extension of the first leg while
demi-plié, closing the first leg to the second as both transition to relevé (demi-pointe or pointe),
extending the second leg to an open position while relevé, and closing the first leg to the second
in demi-plié (or optionally with legs straight if performed quickly or as the final step of an
enchainement). Variants include:
pas de bourrée derrière - 'behind' / pas de bourrée devant - 'front'
pas de bourrée dessus - 'over,' initially closing the working foot in front / pas de bourrée
dessous - 'under,' initially closing the working foot behind
pas de bourrée en arriere - 'traveling backward' / pas be bourrée en avant - 'traveling
pas be bourrée en tournant en dedans - 'turning inward' / pas de bourrée en tournant en
dehors - 'turning outward'
pas de bourrée ouvert - 'open,' an open->closed->open sequence
pas de bourrée piqué - 'pricked,' with working leg quickly lifted after pricking the floor
pas de bourrée couru - 'running,' also 'flowing like a river'
Pas de chat
Pas de chat
'Step of the cat.' A traveling sideways jump where while mid-air the legs are successively bent,
brought to retiré, feet as high up as possible, knees apart. The Dance of the Cygnets from Swan
Lake involves sixteen pas de chat performed by four dancers holding hands, arms interlaced.
In the Cecchetti and French schools, this may be referred to as a saut de chat ('jump of the cat').
Grand pas de chat
A jump where the leading leg extends forward through grand battement or développé and the
trailing leg remains in retiré until landing.
"Russian" pas de chat
A jump where the legs are successively brought to attitude derrière instead of retiré.[6] This
variant of the pas de chat appears in several Petipa ballets (e.g. the 4th variation in Paquita).
Pas de cheval
'Step of the horse.' A movement of the leg to cou-de-pied and sharply out to pointe
tendue through a petit développé.
Pas de deux
('Step of two.') A dance duet, usually performed by a female and a male dancer.
Pas de poisson
'Step of the fish.') A type of soubresaut, or a jump without a change of feet. From fifth position, a
dancer executes a deep demi-plié and then jumps arching the back with straight legs behind, so
that the body is curved like a fish jumping out of water. Also called temps de poisson.
Pas de quatre
('Step of four.') A dance by four dancers.
Pas de trois
('Step of three.') A dance by three dancers.
Pas de valse
'Waltz step.' A sequence of three steps — fondu, relevé, elevé (down, up, up) — always
advancing (like a march), done in three counts to music generally in 3/4 time, traveling in any
direction or while turning (en tournant). The feet do not assemble (or "cross each other") on any
step as occurs in a balancé; each step instead passes the last.
Literally 'passed.') Passing the working foot through from back to front or vice versa. Generally
used to refer to retiré passé, indicating passing the foot of the working leg past the knee of the
supporting leg (on, below, or above) from back to front or front to back. Retiré passé may initiate
or complete by sliding the working foot up or down the supporting leg from or to the floor, may be
executed directly from an open position such as in pirouette from fourth, or may transition from
knee to another position such as arabesque or attitude (as in développé). A chassé can also
pass through from back to front as in (sissonne) failli: chassé passé.
Arabesque penché
'Tilted' Tilting the body forward about the hip of the supporting leg so that the head is lower than
the working leg, as in arabesque penché.
Petit saut
'small jump.' A small jump, in which the feet do not change positions in mid-air; also called temps
levé sauté in the Vaganova vocabulary.
Meaning 'pricked. A movement in which the raised, pointed foot of the working leg is lowered so
that it pricks the floor and then either rebounds upward (as in battement piqué) or becomes a
supporting foot. In the latter case, it may be used to transfer a stance from one leg to the other by
stepping out directly onto an en pointe or demi-pointe foot and often immediately precedes a
movement that entails elevating the new working leg, such as a piquéarabesque.
In Cecchetti and RAD, the term posé is used instead of piqué outside of the battement: piqué
arabesque and ABT piqué turn/tour piqué (en dedans) / Rus. tour dégagé = RAD/Cecc. posé
arabesque and posé turn/posé en tournant.
Piqué turn
A tour piqué or piqué turn is a traveling turn executed by the leg stepping out onto an en pointe
or demi-pointe foot becoming the supporting leg while the working leg moves from plié to retiré
derrière, if an en dedans turn, or retiré devant, if an en dehors turn. In fast piqué turns, petit retiré
may be executed instead (i.e. working foot at cou-de-pied). Most commonly done en dedans,
piqué turns en dehors are also referred to as lame ducks.
A non-traveling turn on one leg, of one or more rotations, often starting with one or both legs
in plié and rising onto demi-pointe or pointe. The non-supporting leg is generally held
in retiré devant ('front')—when initiated from fourth, this would be a retiré passé—but could also
be held in other positions such as seconde. Pirouettes are most often executed en dehors,
turning outwards in the direction of the working leg, but can also be done en dedans, turning
inwards in the direction of the supporting leg. (e.g. En dehors turns clockwise (to the right) if the
right leg is working and the left leg supporting/standing.) Spotting is employed to help maintain
balance. A pirouette may return to its starting position or finish in arabesque or attitude.
In other genres of dance, such as jazz or modern, it is common to see pirouettes performed with
legs parallel (i.e. sixth position) instead of turned out as in ballet.
Literally 'bent.' A smooth and continuous bending of the knees outward with the upper body held
In demi-plié, a dancer bends the knees while maintaining turnout, the knees ending directly
above the line of the toes without releasing the heels from the floor. As soon as the bottom of the
bend is reached, the bend is reversed and the legs are straightened.
In grand plié, in first, third, crossed fourth, and fifth positions, the heels come off the ground past
demi-plié with the feet ending in high demi-pointe at the bottom of the bend. In second and open
fourth positions, the heels stay on the ground in grand plié.
Pointe, en
An en pointefoot in a pointe shoe
Supporting one's body weight on the tips of the toes, usually while wearing structurally
reinforced pointe shoes.
Pointe technique
The part of classical ballet technique that concerns pointe work (dancing on the tips of the toes).
Pointe work
Performing steps while on the tips of the toes, with feet fully extended and wearing pointe shoes,
a structurally reinforced type of shoe designed specifically for this purpose. Most often performed
by women.
Literally 'fish.' A body position in which the back is arched and legs are crossed in fifth position or
the working leg is held retiré. This position may be assumed while jumping or in partnering lifts,
as in a fish dive.
Port de bras
'Carriage of the arms.') An exercise for the movement of the arms (and in some schools, the
upper body) to different positions. For example, a basic port de bras exercise could move from
fifth en bas ('low') (i.e. bras bas or preparatory position) to first arm position, to second arm
position, back down to fifth en bas. A fullport de bras could move from en bas to en haut ('high',
i.e. overhead) and back down. Port de bras movements vary by school and by action.
The phrase port de bras is used in some schools and parts of the world to indicate a bending
forward, backward, or circularly of the body at the waist, generally to be followed by bringing the
upper body back to center/upright again, e.g. "port de bras forward," "port de bras back," "circular
port de bras/grand port de bras." Bending at the waist is otherwise known as cambré.
A term of the Cecchetti school and RAD. From a fondu, a dancer steps with a straight leg onto
an en pointe or demi-pointe foot, then brings the working leg to cou-de-pied, so that if the step is
repeated, the working leg will execute a petit développé. This can be done in any direction or
turning (the later also known as tour piqué).
Positions of the arms
There are two basic positions of the arms. In one, the dancer keeps the fingers of both arms
almost touching to form an oval/round shape, either near the hips, at navel level, or raised above
the dancer's head. In the other, the arms are extended to the sides with the elbows slightly bent.
These positions may be combined to give other positions.
Different schools, such as Vaganova, French, and Cecchetti, Russian often use different names
for similar arm positions. The Russian school names three arm positions while the other schools
name five.
Bras bas ('arms low') (RAD)/bras au repos ('at rest') (French), preparatory position (Rus.), or
fifth en bas (Cecc.) holds the arms low and slightly rounded near the hip.
First position holds the arms round or oval in front of the body somewhere between the naval
and breastbone (depending on the school and movement), the fingertips of the hands
approaching each other. In Cecchetti, the hands stay a little lower at tutu height.
Second position in all schools holds the arms extended out to the side, the inner part of the
upper arm parallel to the ground with the forearms and palms facing the audience. The
roundness and shoulder height of the arms varies by school.
Third position in the French/RAD schools holds one arm in second with the other arm in first.
The Russian equivalent of this may be petit bras.
Third position in Cecchetti holds one arm in a Cecchetti first and the other arm in demiseconde.
Third position in the Russian school holds both arms slightly rounded overhead. This is
equivalent to fifth position (en haut) in other schools.
Fourth position or fourth ouvert ('open') consists of one arm en haut ('high,' i.e. raised
overhead) and the other open to second position. This is called fourth en haut in Cecchetti.
The Russian school does not designate a fourth position; the Russian equivalent may
be grand bras.
Fourth position croisé ('crossed') or Spanish fourth in Cecchetti consists of one arm en
haut and the other held in first position/Cecchetti fifth en avant.
Fifth position in the French/RAD schools and fifth en haut in Cecchetti holds the arms en
haut slightly rounded, fingertips approaching each other. This is called third position in the
Russian school, which does not designate a fifth (or fourth) position. Cecchetti also
recognizes a fifth en bas, the preparatory/bras bas position in other schools, and afifth en
avant, arms rounded between naval/chest height, known as first position in other schools.
Demi-bras ('half arms') holds the arms between first and second position, outstretched with
palms presented towards the audience.
Demi-seconde ('half second') holds the arms low out to the side as if grazing the tutu, palms
generally down.
Positions of the body
There are eight to eleven positions of the body in ballet, eight in Cecchetti and RAD and ten or
eleven in the Russian and French schools. The general positions are croisé, à la
quatrième, effacé, à la seconde, écarté, and épaulé. Cecchetti and RAD's eight include croisé
devant, à la quatrième devant, effacé (devant), à la seconde, croisé derrière, écarté,
épaulé, and à la quatrième derrière. The Russian school further
divides effacé and épaulé into effacé devant, effacé derrière, épaulé devant, and épaulé derrière,
and the Russian arm positions on croisé derrière are the converse of Cecchetti/RAD's. In
addition, the French school further divides écarté into écarté devant and écarté derrière.
Positions of the feet
The standard, basic placements of feet on the floor. Modern-day classical ballet employs five
positions, known as the first position, second position, third position, fourth position, and fifth
Pulling Up
Pulling up is critical to the simple act of rising up on balance and involves the use of the entire
body. The feeling of being simultaneously grounded and "pulled up" is necessary for many steps
in ballet. To pull up, a dancer must lift the ribcage and sternum but keep the shoulders down,
relaxed and centered over the hips, which requires use of the abdominal muscles. In addition,
the dancer must stabilize the pelvis, maintaining a neutral position, and keep the back straight to
avoid arching and going off balance.
Four of something, as in pas de quatre (a dance by four dancers).
Meaning 'fourth'.
An attitude presented on a turn.[8]
Relevé in second position
'Raised, lifted.' Rising onto the balls (demi-pointe) or toes (pointe) of one or both feet. See
also élevé.
Relevé lent
Lifted slowly.' Abbreviation of battement relevé lent. Term from the Russian school indicating
raising the leg slowly from pointe tendue to 45 degrees or higher off the ground. Contrasts
with (battement) tendu jeté, aka dégagé, in which the leg brushes out propulsively from a position
through tendu to elevated off the ground, and (temps) développé, in which the leg passes
through retiré (or petit retiré) to à la hauteur or demi-hauteur, i.e. elevated off the ground.
Working leg in retiré devant
A position of the working leg in which the leg is raised turned out and bent at the knee to the side
so that the toe is located directly in front of or behind the supporting knee. This is commonly used
in pirouettes and as an intermediate position in other movements such asdéveloppé front.
A bravura jump in which one lands on the leg from which one pushes off after that leg travels
around the other leg lifted to 90 degrees.
Rond de jambe
Meaning 'leg circle.' Half-circle made by the pointed foot, from fourth front or back through
second position to the opposite fourth and returning through first position again to repeat, in
effect tracing out the letter "D." Starting front going back is called rond de jambe en dehors while
starting back and going front is calledrond de jambe en dedans.
Rond de jambe à terre/par terre: ('on the ground.') The extended leg with pointed toe
remains on the ground to sweep around in a semi-circle.
Rond de jambe attitude: the leg is swung around from front to side and into attitude position
behind as the supporting foot goes en pointe. (See also attitude.)
Rond de jambe en l'air: ('in the air.') The leg is lifted and sustained to the side (à la
seconde), with movement being limited to below the knee. If the thigh is held at 90 degrees
from the body, the toe draws a circle approximately between the knee of the supporting leg
and second position in the air. If the thigh is held lower (e.g. 45 degrees), the circle is drawn
to the calf of the supporting leg. This is commonly done in singles, doubles, and/or sauté.
Grand rond de jambe (en l'air): the leg is extended and sustained at grand
battement height to draw a semi-circle in the air.
Demi-grand rond de jambe (en l'air): the leg is extended and sustained off the ground
while moving from fourth devant or derrière to second or vice versa, thus drawing only half of
the full semi-circle.[9]
Another name for changement battu. A changement with a beating of the legs preceding the foot
change. Example: with the right foot in front in fifth position, plié, jump, beat the right thigh
against the left (back thigh) and continue with a changement moving the right leg to behind the
left, landing fifth position left foot front.
Literally 'jumped.' Used to indicate a step executed jumping, e.g. sauté arabesque is
an arabesque performed while jumping on the supporting leg.
Saut de chat
In RAD and American ballet, saut de chat refers to a jump similar to a grande jété differing in that
the front leg extends through a développé instead of a grand battement. This is called a grande
jété développé in other schools.
In the French and Cecchetti schools, saut de chat refers to what RAD/ABT call a pas de chat.
Second position (feet)
Legs turned out with feet pointing in opposite directions and heels at least shoulder-width apart.
A term that refers to the reverse of a winging, indicating a foot where the heel is too far back so
the toes are in front of the ankle and heel, breaking the line of the leg at the ankle. If a dancer
sickles an en pointe or demi-pointe foot, the ankle could collapse to the outside, resulting in a
sprain. A working foot should be straight to the side and mildly winged to the front or back.
A jump done from two feet to one foot. Named after the originator of the step. In a sissonne
over (dessus) the back foot closes in front, and in a sissonne under (dessous) the front foot
closes behind. Sissonnes finishing on two feet include the sissonne fermée, sissonne tombée,
and sissonne fondue.
A sudden spring or small jump from both feet, traveling forward in either first, third, or fifth
position and landing on both feet in the same position as they started.
Literally 'under-over.' A relevé, or rise, into a tight fifth position, feet touching and ankles crossed,
giving the appearance of one foot with two heels. A term from the Cecchetti school, sussous ('over-under') is the equivalent term in the French and Russian schools.[10]
Soutenu en tournant
'Sustained.' Similar to tours chaînés (déboulés), a soutenu turn is a turn usually done in multiples
in quick succession. The dancer first executes a demi-plié while extending the leading leg
in tendu, stepping onto that leg en pointe/demi-pointe (making it the standing leg), then bringing
the other leg to 5th position in front of the standing leg and finally turning (effectively, an
unwinding motion). At the end of the rotation, the originally crossed-over foot in front should now
be in 5th position behind.
Common abbreviation of assemblé soutenu en tournant (Cecc.). This is known as a glissade en
tourant in the Russian school.
When done at the barre en demi-pointe to switch sides, only half a turn is done instead of a full
turn, and the foot does not extend out into tendu. Differs from a détourné in that there is a
repositioning of the feet on finishing (and a crossing action, if not initiated in 5th) vs. just a pivot
to half turn.
A configuration of the legs in which the legs are extended in opposite directions, either to the side
(straddle split) or with one leg forward and the other back (front split). This is employed in various
movements, including grand jeté and arabesque penchée.
Sur le cou-de-pied
literally 'on the neck of the foot.' The arched working foot is placed wrapped at the part of the leg
between the base of the calf and the beginning of the ankle. On the accent devant (front), the
heel of the working foot is placed in front of the leg, while the toes point to the back, allowing the
instep (cou-de-pied in French) of the working foot to hug the lower leg. On the accent derrière
(back), the heel of the working leg is placed behind the leg with the toes pointing to the back. The
action of alternating between devant and derrière is seen in a petit battement.
Tendu in first position
Literally 'stretched.' Gradually extending the working leg to the front (tendu devant), side, or back,
passing from flat to demi-pointe to point where only the toes are touching the floor (tendu à
terre), or only the pointed toes are elevated (en l'air). A common abbreviation for battement
Temps levé
Literally 'time raised.') A term from the Cecchetti school indicating a hop on one foot while the
other is raised in any position. The instep is fully arched when leaving the ground and the spring
must come from the pointing of the toe and the extension of the leg after the demi-plié.
In the Cecchetti method, the specifically indicates a spring from fifth position while raising one
foot to sur le cou-de-pied. In the Russian and French schools, this is known assissonne simple.
Temps levé sauté
Literally 'time raised jumped.') A term from the Russian school. This can be executed with both
feet from first, second, third, fourth, or fifth position starting with a demi-plié, leading to a jump in
the air that lands with the feet in the same position as they started. (Otherwise known as simply
a saut or sauté.) This can also be performed from one foot, while the other maintains the same
position it had before starting the jump (i.e. the same as temps levé).
Temps lié
'time linked.' A term indicating the transfer of weight from one leg to another by shifting through to
the position without any sort of gliding or sliding movement.
Tours en l'air
Literally 'turn in the air.' A jump, typically done by males, with a full rotation in the air. The landing
can be on both feet, on one leg with the other extended in attitude or arabesque, or down on one
knee as at the end of a variation. A single tour is a 360° rotation, a double is 720°. Vaslav
Nijinsky was known to perform tripletours en l'air.
Literally 'fallen.' The action of falling, typically used as a lead-in movement to a traveling step,
e.g. pas de bourrée. A tombé en avant begins with a coupéto the front moving to a dégagé to
fourth position devant, the extended foot coming down to the floor with the leg en plié, shifting the
weight of the body onto the front leg and lifting the back leg off the floor in dégagé (to fourth
derrière). A tombé through second starts with a dégagé of the leading leg to second position, the
leading foot coming to the floor with the leg in plié, and the trailing leg lifting off the floor in
dégagé to (the opposite-side) second position. A tombé en avant can also be initiated with a
small sliding hop instead of a coupé.
In the Vaganova school, the full term is sissonne ouverte tombée.
Triple Runs
One big step, followed by two little steps, that can be done in a circle.
Turnout in first position of the feet
Rotation of the legs at the hips, resulting in knees and feet facing away from each other.
A classic ballet skirt, typically flat at the waist or hip level, made of several layers of tulle or
A solo dance.
A sequence of steps performed in sync with waltz music, as in pas de waltz en tournant.