Document # 1: Relations with the Church Napoleon did not believe

Document # 1: Relations with the Church
Napoleon did not believe in religion, but he knew he could use the
church to get power. He said:
“I can control the people through the Roman Catholic Church. I
can tell the church what to do and they can tell the people what to
do.” – 1801
Under Napoleon, the Roman Catholic Church became the official
church of France. They put the following rules in place:
• The people of France should worship the Roman Catholic
• The government of France (Napoleon) will choose the bishops
and archbishops (high priests)
• The government of France will pay the salaries of church
Document # 2: The Code of Napoleon (1804)
Napoleon wrote a new code for France. Under
Napoleon’s code of law, everyone was equal (at least
all the adult men were). Here are some laws from
Napoleon’s code:
• All men are equal before the law, no matter what
social class they are in
• No one can be forced to give up their property
• Anybody can have any job they want, no matter
what social class they’re in
• Everyone pays taxes
• Everyone gets an education
Document # 3 – “Napoleon: Tough but Fair”
Napoleon ruled with an iron hand and crushed those who
spoke out against him. Napoleon also controlled the press and
all the newspapers in his country. Napoleon’s police used
spies everywhere to listen to what the people were saying.
On the other hand, Napoleon’s government was supportive for
many people of France. Napoleon brought in extra money
through taxes and brought in another 700 million francs
(French money) every year. Napoleon built these and charged
people to use them.
He wanted to make Paris the loveliest city the world would
ever see.
Under Napoleon, the economy improved and people’s lives
became better.”
Document # 4 – The Empire of Napoleon
Napoleon brought
stability and happiness to
France. But he was not
satisfied with just ruling
Europe. There was a
short period of peace, but
after these few years,
France was at war again.
For ten years, Napoleon
fought against Spain,
Britain, Russia, Austria
and Sweden and won
most of these battles.
Napoleon said:
“Soldiers of France! All of you want to bring glory to the people of
France.”– Napoleon Bonaparte
Document # 5 – The Third of May 1808, by Francisco de Goya
The painting “The Third of May 1808”, by Francisco Goya, shows
the invasion of Spain by Napoleon. The French soldiers (on the
right) are killing innocent Spanish civilians. The Spanish people
refused to accept Napoleon's rule of their nation.
Document # 6 – The Wars of Napoleon
The Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815) lasted 16 years. To fight these wars,
many troops were needed from France and its territories. Because there
were not enough volunteers and many casualties (dead soldiers due to
disease, wounds, starvation, drowning, etc), many were forced to join the
Casualties from the Wars of Napoleon
From France and its allies
400,000 killed in action
600,000 dead of other causes
-------------------------------1,000,000 (one million) dead or
missing French
Countries Fighting France
400,000 Russians dead or missing
400,000 Prussians dead or missing
200,000 Austrians dead or missing
300,000 Spanish dead or missing
200,000 British dead or missing
--------------------------------------1,500,000 TOTAL enemy forces
dead or missing
Napoleon Bonaparte: Hero or Tyrant?
Tyrant: ____________________________________________
Some called Napoleon Bonaparte a brave hero; some thought he was a
terrible tyrant. With your group, you will read each document (there are
6) and describe the information in each document and decide for yourself.
For each station, you will describe the information in the documents in your own
words. Some documents show Napoleon as both hero and tyrant. Explain why in each
Document #
1 – Relations
with the
2 – The Code
of Napoleon
3 – Napoleon:
Tough but Fair
4 - The Empire
of Napoleon
5 – The Third
of May, 1808
6 – The Wars
of Napoleon
Wrap – Up: Based on the information you read, was Napoleon a hero or a
tyrant in your opinion? Back up your opinion with examples.