Animal Farm - Canvas by Instructure

Animal Farm Analysis
Animal Farm
(fill in the blanks with words or names that
parallel the events of the Russian Revolution)
 Irresponsible leader/________________
 Lives in a house full of ______________ but
gives the animals none
 Incompetent—forgets to ___________
animals, gets __________________
 Dream of perfect society called __________
 animals do all the _____________;
__________ get the money
 Animals will _________________
 Dies before revolution
 unplanned, spontaneous rebellion against
_____________________ because he
 Mr. Jones is _____________________
 Snowball fights valiantly; ______________
is nowhere to be found
 Farm is renamed ____________________
 7 __________________ called ___________
 no owners, no rich, no poor
 all animals are _______________
 everyone owns the farm
smart, idealistic, good speaker
really wants to make life better for all
one of the leaders of the _______________
creates ____________________ for the
betterment of _______________________
 planned to build a ______________ to make
the farm self-sufficient
 chased into exile by _______________
Russian Allegory
Czar Nicholas II
 Poor leader
 People were starving, not enough food, yet he and his
family lived richly
 Sometimes brutal with opponents – he sent out soldiers to
kill the protesting women
Karl Marx
 Envisioned a new socialism
 “workers of the world unite” and take over the government
 “From each according to his ability to each according to
his needs.”
 dies before Russian Revolution
Russian Revolution of 1917
 March 1917, lines of women in front of food stores
suddenly begin to demonstrate and riot because of lack of
food. Czar sends soldiers out to kill the women, but the
soldiers end up joining them
 Czar abdicates (resigns) a week later and leaves the
 Vladimir Lenin takes power; communism begins
 all people are equal; all jobs are necessary to society
 government owns everything, people own the government
 no rich, no poor, no social classes
Vladimir Ilich Lenin & Leon Trotsky
 pure communist; followers of Marx
 believed that educated elite should rule
 genuinely wanted to improve life in Russia
 Lenin’s programs and policies led to economic prosperity
for peasants
 wanted to change Russia from an agricultural community
to an industrial one
 Lenin died; Trotsky was chased into hiding by Stalin’s
KGB (secret police)
 Trotsky was found by KGB 20 years later and murdered
Animal Farm Analysis
 Not as smart or clever as _______________
 Claimed Snowball’s ideas for the
_____________ as his own
 Wanted power; _______________ all
 Used ______________, _____________,
and __________________ to control
 Does most of the ____________
 Convinces animals to believe and follow
 ________________ and manipulates the
 Teaches the sheep “Four legs good, two legs
 trained to instill ____________ in the
 completely loyal to __________________
 killed or intimidated any _______________
of Napoleon
 tells animals about ________________
 promotes hard work to get to a “better place”
 doesn’t work himself
 ________________ wanted him to stay
because he taught the animals to work and
not complain
 Was vain—loved___________________
 Was not concerned with the big picture of
 Went to anyone who ___________________
 Left _______________________
Joseph Stalin
 Not as educated as Lenin or Trotsky
 Didn’t follow Marx’s ideas
 Spoke out against Trotsky’s ideas about
industrialization, then claimed them as his
 Wanted power; killed all who opposed him
 Used KGB, church, and propaganda to
control his society
 Signed treaty with Hitler, but was eventually
betrayed by him
 Purpose was to support Stalin’s image
 Used lies and manipulations to convince the
people that Stalin was working for them
 Controlled all newspapers so that people
only knew what the government wanted
them to
 Used slogans, fear, repetition, and
manipulation to control the people
KGB—Secret Police
 hired and trained to control the people
 used force, often killed entire families for
 totally loyal to leadership
Christian Orthodox Church/Religion
 Marx said it was the “opiate of the people”
 Told people to work and not complain; hard
work gets you into heaven
 Taught peace; Stalin used it to stop violent
 Leaders didn’t have to do hard work
 Received benefits and luxuries from Stalin
Middle and Upper Class
 Enjoyed luxuries
 Educated, did not do difficult work
 Didn’t care about the revolution; only about
what they had
 Left Russia for other countries after the
Animal Farm Analysis
 Strong, ___________________
 Believed in Animal Farm and that ____________
work would lead to his __________
 Trusted __________________, said
“__________is __________ ___________.”
 Betrayed by _____________________
 Old, wise __________________
 Didn’t believe anything ever ______________
 Knows how to ______________, but doesn’t
participate in the ________________
 Speaks up only when __________________ is
being taken to be ____________________
_____________ forced to sell their ____________
for money
 Hens _______________ and start
________________ their own eggs
 Napoleon punishes them by _____________
 _______________ eventually wins
Confession and Murder of the ___________
 They had been loyal and did what ____________
said all along
 ________________ to dreams and crimes they
didn’t commit
 were ______________ in front of all the animals
 created ___________ among all the animals
Mr. Frederick
 Lived ____________________ to
 Attacks Animal Farm and
______________________________ the
 When he saw he was beaten, he and his men
 Forged __________________ and ended up not
Proletariat—working class
 Did the difficult, undesirable jobs
 Uneducated
 Believed that hard work leads to success
 Believed Stalin because he said he was a communist
 Betrayed by Stalin; used for their work, their lives
never improved
Skeptical people
 Didn’t believe revolution would affect their lives
 Somewhat educated, but didn’t speak about their
 Can help, but choose not to
 Speak up only when it’s too late
Rapid Industrialization (to quickly move the
country from agrarian to industrial)
 Stalin took all the land from the private owners
 Farmers destroyed their own property and killed their
own animals in protest
 Stalin killed them or sent them to forced labor camps
 Declared “war by starvation”—the farmers destroyed
their own food and Stalin didn’t help them
Stalin’s Reign of Terror
 2/3 of the governing class were murdered in what
was called “The Great Purge”
 arrests, accusations, torture, executions, labor camps
 created an atmosphere of fear; wiped out the
possibility of opposition
 Replaced both the Czar and religious leaders
 Had been enemies with Stalin for years
 Signed a non-aggression pact with Stalin in 1939
 Launched a surprise invasion of Soviet Union in
 Army was eventually defeated
Animal Farm Analysis
Mr. Pilkington
 Lived ____________________ to Animal Farm
 Attacks Animal Farm with
________________and __________________
 Spreads rumors about the _____________ of
Animal Farm
 Tries to make ________________ with
Napoleon, but he keeps changing his mind
 When Napoleon sent for help, sends a message,
 Sells some _____________________ to
 Says, “If you have your _____________ animals
to contend with, we have our
 He and Napoleon _________________ while
playing cards
Capitalist Countries (specifically the U.S. and U.K.)
 Philosophy is that production is the
responsibility of the individual; every person
gets what they earn
 Capitalist countries almost signed an antiGerman alliance with Russia, but it fell apart
last minute
 Became partners with Russia after Hitler broke
the non-aggression pact
 Does not join WWII when Stalin asks for help
Social classes are determined by education and
 Orwell thought that capitalist countries were
just as bad as communist countries