Victor MANOLIU - incas bulletin

Address: Ion Mihalache Bd. 42-52,ap.132,sect.1,Bucharest, Romania
Telephone: +40.21-3196623 Mobile +40-788017808
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Position and Organization
Period of time
Laboratory head, INCAS,
Bucharest ,ROMANIA
Materials laboratory
Laboratory head, senior
researcher I, ICMAV, Bucharest,
Tribology laboratory
Senior researcher, senior
researcher III, Head team,
Materials laboratory
Head Department Assistant,
Factory of chemical equipmentGrivita Rosie, Bucharest,
Casting department
Laboratory Head, Casting
department, 23 August
Company, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Analysis and test laboratory
BSc (Eng)
Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, Politehnica University
Bucharest, Romania,1963
Tribology, Bucharest, 1981
 The tribological study of some sub-assemblies or parts of the machine building industry, (pumps,
bearings, guides, seals, etc.), iron and steel industry (tuyeres, lance tips, bearings, etc.), energy (co
generative systems, compressors, etc.), aviation (“hot parts” of turbo engines, helicopter blades,
bearings, etc.) strongly loaded and associated solutions for increasing the functional performances
by materials and advanced technologies confirmed in industrial applications.
 Temperature, erosion ,corrosion resistant coating duplex or triplex, based on complex alloys
associated to cooper support with application in metallurgy.
 Chemical analysis, rapid methods, of steel and slags with effect on the consumption of ferrousalloys.
 Materials and constructive solutions roll-rail associated for the transport system
TRANSINCREST, exhaust system based on Coanda effect and non conventional energies (solar
and wind programs.
 Coordination of the INCREST technological development collective associated with the
achievement of experimental models for unconventional energy
 Tribological research regarding the wear amelioration of premature appearance of the Pitting
phenomenon modified martensite (structural modification DEA type) at the ball bearings, roll-roll
and seal systems from the tractor caterpillar.
 The generation on the basis of theoretical and experimental research of design themes for unique
complex installations, patented in Romania and abroad to control (bilayer bearings adherence,
thermal shock, contact surfaces at high speeds).
 Studies on the report of micro-structure, morphology alloys-specific pressure, cooling gradient
composition, primary structure in case of centrifugal casting of alloys from the tribological class
“soft matrix-hard inclusions“.
 The study, structural and compositional aspects of adhesion area of anti friction alloys with
structure Charpy
 Contributions to the study of feasibility, objectives and directions of work associated with the
establishment of the research and production company in the field of aviation – METAV S.A.
 Coordination of research, conception and execution of the technology and control achievement of
large sizes bushings, up to 2000 mm diameter, for the main equipments of technological flow.
 Conception on the basis of investigations carried out of two unit of execution and control of the
fabrication line of the rolling mills journals and eliminating import (diameters 200÷600 mm –
C.S.Hunedoara, diameters 650÷2000 mm – Arcelor Mittal Steel Galati).
 Thermo-mechanical processes, structural changes, technological parameters associated to the
achievement of performance carbon fibers in dynamic regime for aeronautics from raw materials,
PAN fibers.
 Coordination at the foundation of Aviation Materials Research Institute of the scientific activity
in the field of tribology, performance metal and carbon fibers.
 Conception and realization of the fabrication technology ,fighter experiments, homologation for
aviation of a vitro ceramic protection for turbo engines.
 Morpho structural characterization (SEM, EDS, WAXD) and thermal shock testing, thermal
barrier effect of new heat-resistant enamel, as protective and thermal barrier coatings in aircraft
 The study of new multilayer architecture, associated to complex tribological solicitations,
corrosion, erosion, abrasion, thermal, which acts simultaneously at high values.
 Research, development of new TBC multilayer structures, micronic or nanostructured for the
aerospace, metallurgy, power industry.
 The study of inter facial delamination mechanism of multilayer ceramic structures in relation to
extreme thermal and mechanical solicitations.
 Conceiving and realization in a collective of an installation and method for the evaluation of
thermal shock resistance of materials for aerospace industries, iron and steel industry, machine
building industry.
 Specializations and joint activities in representatives research centers in the coatings field on
European FP contracts base and as visitor; Welding Institute Kiev -Ukraine; LCMTS Limoges France; RWTH Aachen -Germany; AMTT Seibersdorf -Austria; IMMG, Patras -Greece,etc.
 Contributions to the initiation, work plan realization, of some projects which have become
international FP7 contracts in progress (TheBarCode, ESPOSA-task materials) and ESA/ROSA
 Contributions to foundation materials laboratory of INCAS.
 Member of the INCAS Scientific Council.
 INCAS Bulletin editorial board member.
 Realization of 8 Romanian patents and 3 abroad applied in the aeronautical, metallurgy and power
industry fields and two proposal in progress.
1. V.Raszillier, V. Manoliu .s.a.1974,” Study of tin-based alloys using JXA-50 A microscopes”, the
2nd electronic microscopy symposium, 1-2November, Bucharest, R.S.Romania
2. V. Manoliu, V. Rasziller, s. a.1975, “About some adherence aspects of the alloys cast on steel
bushing”, National Conference of Mechanics, Bucharest, 1975.R.S.Romania
3. V. Manoliu, P. Lucuta, s.a.1975,” Anti friction alloys formations study, from steel bonding zone
utilizing JXA-50 A microscope”, Symposium of electronic microscopy, Bucharest, R.S.Romania
4. V. Manoliu, P. Lucuta -s. a. 1976,” Determining the sensitivity response of non destructive
ultrasonic test, of the anti friction tin base alloy utilized at rolling mill”, Jubilee Session,
INCREST, Bucharest, R.S.Romania.
5. V. Manoliu, Gh. Ionescu .s. a.1980,” Structural and composition aspects on adhesion of anti
friction alloy tin base”, Tribotehnica 80, Hunedoara, R.S.Romania
6. P. Lucuta, V. Manoliu 1981,” The study of adhesion area of tin-based alloys with structure type
Charpy”, Studies and research in physics, Ed Academia RSR, Bucharest, R.S.Romania
1981- 2000
7. F. Vasiliu, I. Pencea, V. Manoliu, I. Dinca, “Micro structural characterization of partially
stabilized Zirconia coatings, used as thermal barrier”, Conference" Progress in Physics, 261-263,
October 1984, Sibiu, R.S.Romania
8. F. Vasiliu, C. Sarbu, I. Pencea, V. Manoliu, I. Dinca,“Evaluation of some plasma-sprayed
zirconia coatings resistant to corrosion and used as thermal barrier”, in Proceedings Electron
Microscopy Congress, pp. 1105-1108, October. 1985, Budapest, Hungary
9. F. Vasiliu, I. Pencea, V. Manoliu, I. Dinca, “Thermall Stability of Sprayed Zirconia Coatiags as
Related to substrate Selection”, The American Ceramic Society Bull. vol. 64(9), 1985, p. 12681271.
10. V. Manoliu, I. Dinca, I. Pencea, C. Sarbu, F. Vasiliu,“ Research on the protection of some turbojet
engines elements by enameling” ,Construction Machinery, vol. 8 (1986), no. 5, pp. 274-278.
11. V. Manoliu, I. Dinca, I. Pencea, F. Vasiliu,” Study of thermal stability of thermo-resistant layer of
plasma sprayed Zirconia” in Conference Progress in Physics, pp484-485, October. 1986, Galati,
12. V. Manoliu, F. Vasiliu, C. Sarbu, I. Pencea, A. Georgescu, „Morpho-structural characterization
of heat-resistant enamels subjected to simulated thermal cycles” in Proceedings of the Fifth
Conference on Friction, Lubrication and Wear”, pp.103-107, September 1987, Bucharest,
13. I. Pencea, M. Branzei, D. Stroe Gall, M. Miculescu, V. Manoliu, „Thermal barrier of refractory
EV –enamel”, The 7th European Conf. on Thermo physical Prop, 5-8 September, 1987,
Bratislava, ISSN 1572-9567
14. I. Pencea, M.F. Pencea, C. Sfăt, V. Manoliu, C. Serghie, “Research on improving the fine
structure of carbonaceous materials by heat treatment at high temperatures”, (> 3500°C)”, 1998,
TPSRM, p.353-358
15. V. Manoliu, I. Pencea, L. Vrabie, A. Ghica, “Ceramic materials used as coatings resistant to high
temperatures and oxidation”, International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering,
BRAMAT’'99, Scientific Bulletin, v. IV, p.479-483
16. C. Dumitrescu, I. Pencea, V. Manoliu, F. Vasiliu, F. Barca, R. Păunescu – “SEM, EDS and WAXD
characterization of a new enamel used as protective and thermal barrier coatings in aircraft
engines”, Conference Proceedings “The Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering”, 14-15 October
1999, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 303-312
17. I. Pencea , C. Dumitrescu, F. Vasiliu, Mariana Pencea, “SAXS and SEM characterization of active
carbon fiber porosity” in Proceedings of the Int. Conf. “Ecological Protection of Planet Earth I”,
5-8 June 2001, Xanthy, Greece, v II, pp1049-1051.
18. I. Pencea , C. Dumitrescu, V. Manoliu, F. Vasiliu, Mariana Pencea, I. Antoniac, “Cyclic Thermal
Shock Testing and Structural Characterization of High Temperature corrosion and Erosion
Enamel Coatings Designed to Protect Hot Working Super alloy Surface”, Conference Proceedings
“The Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering”, 9-10 May, 2001, Hanover, Germany, pp. 6-1-6-6
19. I.Pencea, V.Manoliu, F. Vasiliu, M.Britchi, M.Olteanu, „SEM, EDS and WAXD microstructural
characterization of a new enamel used as a protective and thermal barrier”, Int. J. of Materials
and Product Technology, v.6, Nos.6/7, 2001
20. N. Constantin, V. Manoliu, Gh. Ionescu, A. Stefan, “Protective ceramic coatings for aircraft
engines”,Conference Reability and Diagnostics of Transport Structures and Means 2002,
Pardubice, Czech Republic, 26-27 September 2002, published in the edition I 2002 “Reability and
Diagnostics of Transport Structures and Means 2002”, ISBN80-7194-464-5
21. V. Manoliu, A. Stefan, Gh. Ionescu, “Multilayer coatings resistant to high temperatures, thermal
shock and erosive wear with applications in aerospace and related industries”, Scientific Session
"Aerospatiale- stage I/2002,Bucharest,Romania
22. V. Manoliu, A. Stefan, Gh. Ionescu, “Multilayer coatings resistant to high temperatures, thermal
shock and erosive wear with applications in aerospace and related industries”, Scientific Session
"Aerospatiale- stage II/2003,Bucharest,Romania
23. V. Manoliu, D. Gheorghe, P. Nedelcu, Gh. Ionescu,” Ceramic layers on cooper support applied at
metallurgical furnace”, International Conference EUROMAT 2003, Geneva 1-5 September 2003
24. V Manoliu, A. Stefan, Gh. Ionescu, “Temperature erosion , corrosion resistant coatings,
associated to copper support with application in metallurgy”, ARTCAST 2004, 14-15 May,
Galati, ISBN 973-8316-43-X
25. V. Manoliu, Gh. Ionescu, A. Stefan”“Multilayered ceramics within the co generative system in the
power industry”,The 6-th International Symposium “Materials and Metallurgy” of Metallurgical
Society SHMD’2004, June 20-24, 2004, Sibenic, Croatia, published in vol. 43 Metalurgija 43,
ISSN 0543-5846
26. V. Manoliu, A. Ştefan, Gh.Ionescu, T. Lamba, “Coatings for turbo engines”, National Scientific
Communications Session "Terra Dacica - Romania, Millennium 3" in May 2006, Brasov
27. V. Manoliu, “Quick thermal shock test installation”, Symposium “High technologies, innovation
policy and regional development” – First MINOS-EURONET Strategy Forum on the impact of
converging technology, 18-19 May, 2006, Bucharest, Romania
28. V. Manoliu, Gh. Ionescu, A. Stefan, C. Valcu “Principle regarding the thermal test of materials in
extreme conditions”,15th IFHTS&SMT20 Congress, 24 – 29 September 2006, Vienna, Austria,
published in 20th Surface Modification Technologies(SMT), September 2006
29. A. Ştefan, D. Bojin, V. Manoliu, Scientific Bulletin, “Ceramic layer as thermal barrier”, UPB,
nr.3, vol. 69, serial B, 2007
30. V. Manoliu, Gh. Ionescu, A Stefan, T. Lamba, A. Moga, “ Advance coatings for turbo engines”,
Scientific Session with international participation "Education and research at European standards,"
11 to 12 May 2007 Brasov
31. V. Manoliu, A. Stefan, Gh. Ionescu, T. Lamba “Multifunctional multilayer coatings stressed at
extreme thermal conditions”,E-MRS 2006 Spring Meeting Exhibition, Strasbourg, France – May
28 · June 1, 2007
32. V. Manoliu, A. Ştefan, Gh. Ionescu, T. Lambă, A. Moga „Micro and nano composite materials
for thermal barrier coatings”,International Conference ICSAM 07, 2-6 September 2007, Patras,
33. V. Manoliu, A. Stefan, Gh. Ionescu ,G. Cosmeleata C. Lungu „Protection coatings, resistant at
temperature, abrasion and corrosion wear, associated to the cooper support”, EUROMAT 2007,
Nuremberg, Germany, 10-13 September 2007
34. V. Manoliu, A. Stefan, Gh. Ionescu, S. Gaman, D. Bojin,” Nanostructured ceramic composites as
thermal barrier coatings”, Nanostructured and functional polymer – based materials and
nanocomposite Conference,16-18 April 2008, Rome, Italy
35. V. Manoliu, S. Gaman, A Stefan, Gh. Ionescu, C Serghie, I. Trusca,” Nanostructure coatings
36. V. Manoliu, A. Stefan, Gh. Ionescu, S. Gaman, I. Dinca, A. Stan „Nanostructured multilayer
behavior at quick thermal shock”, The Materials Science and Engineering Congress, Nuremberg
,Germany, 1-4 September 2008
37. A. Buzaianu, A.F.Olteanu, I. Rusu, V. Manoliu, “History on the Use of Industrial MagnesiumThorium Alloys in Romania.and Radio-Protection Aspect”, Annual International Conference on
Sustainable Development through Nuclear Research and Education-*NUCLEAR 2008, *ISBN
978-973-0-05700-3,* *28-30 May 2008, Pitesti Romania;
38. A. Stefan, Gh. Ionescu, S. Gaman, M. Lungu, I. Trusca, INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF
NANOLAYERS AND NANOPARTICLES, “The 4th IUPAC- Sponsored International Symposium
on Macro- and Supramolecular Architectures and Materials MAM-08”, 2008,Dusseldorf,
39. Pencea, I., Miculescu M., Pencea. M., Sfat, C. E., M. Branzei, V. Manoliu, “Thermal barrier
effect estimation of a new refractory enamel”, Optoelectronic and Advanced Materials – Rapid**
Communications, OAM-RC**, Vol. 3 ISS. 5, 2009 (Printing date May 25, 2009),* p. 439 – 445,*,
indexation ISI, ISI Web of Science [Science Citation Index Expanded].
40. V. Manoliu, N. Marin, A. Stefan, Gh. Ionescu, S. Gaman,” Multilayered structures zirconia base
in aerospace field” , AFASES,20-22 May 2009,Brasov, Romania
41. V. Manoliu, Gh. Ionescu, A. Stefan, C. Serghie, S. Ilina, C. Vilcu „Quick Thermal Test Shock
Installation-QTS1”, INCAS, p. 116-121., Scientific Bulletin INCAS,2009
42. V. Manoliu, Gh. Ionescu, C. Vilcu, ”Method for testing materials in thermal extreme conditions”,
AFASES 27-29 May, 2010,Brasov, Romania
43. A. Stefan, V. Manoliu, D. Bojin, Gh. Ionescu, C. Valcu, ”Structural changes induced by extreme
temperatures in multilayer ceramic structures” International Conference of Aerospace Sciences
"AEROSPATIAL 2010,20-21 October, Bucharest, Romania
44. V. Manoliu, Gh. Ionescu, S. Ilina, C. Valcu, “Wear factors acting on aviation turbo engines”, The
13th international conference of scientific papers “scientific research and education in the air
force”,26-28 May,2011,Brasov, Romania
45. S. Ilina, Gh. Ionescu, V. Manoliu, R. R.Piticescu, „Nanostructured zirconia layers as thermal
barrier coatings” „INCAS BULLETIN”, INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research
“Elie Carafoli”, 2011,Bucharest, Romania, Vol. 3,Number 3, ISSN 2247 – 4528
46. V. Manoliu, Gh. Ionescu, A. Toader, C. Ban, S. Ilina “ Influence of thermal shock tests on thermal
barrier coatings” Bratislava, Slovakia,01.09.2011-03.09.2011,Proceedings of International
Conference on Innovative Technologies IN-TECH-pag.223-225-ISBN 978-80-904502-6-4
47. S. Dimitriu, V. Manoliu, A. Buzaianu, Gh. Ionescu, A. Stefan, „Behavior of some ceramic TBC
structures in extreme thermal conditions”, Fray International Symposium, CANCUN, Mexico
48. S. Dumitriu, V. Manoliu, E. Alexandrescu, Gh. Ionescu, A. Stefan, A. Mihailescu „Advanced
structural multilayer architecture for turbo engines”,The 4th international Conference of Materials
Science and Technologies, ROMAT 2012,October 17th-19th ,2012, Bucharest, Romania,
49. Gh. Ionescu ,V. Manoliu ,E. Alexandrescu ,A. Stefan ,A. Mihailescu „The behavior at quick
thermal shock of multilayer ceramic protection”,Proceedings International Conference of
Aerospace Science AEROSPATIAL 2012, Bucharest, 11-12 October 2012,ISSN 2067-8622,
50. „New multiconvolutional approach for uncertainty estimation. Case study for uncertainty
estimation of the compression strength test results”, Proceedings International Conference of
Aerospace Science AEROSPATIAL 2012,Bucharest, 11-12 October 2012,ISSN 2067-8622 I.
Pencea, V. Manoliu, Gh. Ionescu
51. L. G. Pintilei, V. Manoliu, Gh. Ionescu, G. N. Basescu, S. C. Iacob Strugariu, C. Munteanu BEHAVIOUR
The 4th International Conference „Advanced Composite Materials Engineering” COMAT 2012, 18-20
October 2012,Brasov, Romania, ISBN 978-973-131-164-7,pages 245-251;
II. Participation in technical scientific research projects at INCREST company – National
Institute for Technical and Scientific Creation, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Researches regarding the causes of premature appearance of the Pitting phenomenon at the ball
bearings – 1971
Researches regarding the influence of the modified martensite (structural modification DEA type)
concerning the bearings durability, in the case of inner ring of the ball bearings – 1971
Friction and wear researches of the spherical joint from the tractors direction
system to eliminate lubrication and to decrease the wear -1971
Researches regarding the amelioration of the wear at the pin-bearing assembly from the caterpillar
of the tractors – 1971
Theoretical and experimental laboratory researches for the determination of the load distribution
in the case of three cone drilling bearings and of the sliding behavior of the anti-friction materials
ICEM bronze, CAROBRONZE and a silver base bearing for the experimental drilling bearing 1972
Researches for the wear amelioration of the tractor caterpillar in its contact with the ground –
Laboratory sample researches regarding the carrying out and the behavior of the thin tin alloy
layer – 1972
Laboratory researches regarding the sliding behavior of the experimental bearing in the version:
ICEM bronze, CAROBRONZE, silver base alloy – 1973
Researches regarding the wear amelioration at the roll-roll system of the tractor caterpillar – 1973
Studies for the seal system improvement of the rolls from the tractor caterpillar- 1973
Researches regarding the development of the inner finishing machine license RI-0-90.Phase
4.Research regarding the nature and the association of the materials for air bearing with relative
high speed – 1973
Researches regarding the functional characteristics of the rolling mill bearings with tin anti
friction alloy – 1973
Tin base alloy rolling mill bearings with fine structure –1974
Researches regarding the manufacturing at C.S. HUNEDOARA of the rolling mill bearings, size
24”, 26” and 30” – 1974
Experimental equipment for the manufacturing at C.S. HUNEDOARA of the rolling mill bearings
size 24”, 26” and 30”-1974
- Chemical treatment bath system;
- Anti friction alloy furnace;
- Horizontally centrifugal casting machine;
Radiation investigation of the superficial layers situation, as result of the friction and wear – 1974
Studies of some anti friction tin base alloys utilizing JXA-50A electronic microscope – 1974
Researches, drawing and manufacturing of a centrifugal casting machine for 9 ½” – 14” rolling
mill bearings – 1976
Researches, drawing and manufacturing of a machine to place and repair the bearing bushings –
The determination of the optimum characteristics for the roll-rail assembly of the air transport
system TRANSINCREST – 1976
Researches of some anti friction alloys and on the tribological phenomena appearing at the
bearing elements contact utilizing JXA-5-A electronic microscope and X-ray diffraction – 1976
Drawing themes for casting bearings type 46”-72, 50”-72, 64”-72 and  1120 mm.
- Centrifugal casting machine;
- Rotating and fixing device;
- Anti friction alloy melting furnace;
- Anti friction alloy melting furnace from the steel bushing;
- Chemical treatment baths system;
Researches, manufacturing of a model and the elaboration of the documentation for an ultrasonic
nondestructive testing machine, to check the adherence of the anti friction alloy on the steel
bushing – 1977
Researches regarding the durability of the roll-rail association for the transport system
TRANSINCREST and the optimum material associations – 1977
Report as regards the tension measurements and the calculation data for the TRANSINCREST
tube system – 1978
Manufacturing technology and optimum economical version for mounting of the rail in the tube –
Testing machine for roll-bogie. Necessary apparatus and measurement condition establishment –
Researches regarding the tools durability utilized at I. Av. Craiova factory – 1979
Researches regarding the geometrical and micro geometrical parameters of the rolling mill bearing
bushings before and after casting – 1980
Structural aspects of the tin base anti friction alloy adherence on the steel bushing – 1980
Design themes for equipment of the manufacturing line of the rolling mill bearings with diameter
up to  1560mm – 1980
Experiments to determine the fatigue behavior of bars and parts BTP – IAR 330 1981
Research to achieve rolling and welding steel bushing. Determination of roughness values
associated with the types of alloys made – 1981
Research in order to increase endurance in the functioning of the tuyeres, -1981
Research on conventional materials and technologies for supersonic aircraft materials -1982
R99 part expertise, tested in the structure laboratory – 1983
Research on the thermal protection of some parts strained at thermal shock, corrosion and erosion
wear (rib, shoe lining) – 1984
Email vitreous, resistant to thermal shock and corrosive wears -1984
Lubrication Technologies of hydraulic distributors’ elements -1984
Expertise on the causes of broken parts UA and UB 51-8106 51-8008 – 1984
Hydraulic cylinder sub assembly, main and anterior jamb UA and UB 51-800 51-8100 – 1984
Study materials and technologies used to produce piezo ceramic elements utilized in fluid
automation – 1984
Research on the establishment of enameling technology for parts with complex geometry, utilizing
an email vitreous, resistant to thermal shock and corrosive wear – 1985
Research regarding the corrosive and erosive wear and thermal shock strains – 1985
Expertise parts tested – 1985
Establishing the experiment enameling technology parts of the turbo engines (fire tube, screen,
diffuser) – 1986
Documentary research on the world news in the materials used in aerospace industry – 1987
Chemical- structural expertise of 6061 alloy, batches 259 2575 and 993 – 1990
III. Participation in technical scientific research projects at ICMAV company – Research
Institute for Aviation Materials, Bucharest, ROMANIA (1990-2000)
Project feasibility study for the development of systems for obtaining carbon fiber – 1992
Research on determination of the work parameters for PAN Pre carbonization and carbonization1992
Research on determination of the work parameters for pre carbonization and carbonization in
dynamic regime; Research on the establishment of the thermo oxidation parameters for indigenous
PAN; Achievement of devices for guide and winding – 1993
The correlation of thermal expansion coefficient, with the raw materials characteristics and
manufacturing technological parameters, of carbon graphitic products – 1994
Determinations by X-ray diffraction and micro analytical techniques of the superconducting
phases in BSCCO ceramic type – 1994
Research on characterization of materials synthesized from the BSCCO system through advanced
electron microscopy techniques coupled with compositional and structural microanalyses – 1994
Research on implementation of PAN carbon fiber in the laboratory – 1995
Research on optimization of high module carbon fiber (graphite fiber) made under laboratory
conditions in Romania – 1995
Micro structure research of some ceramic oxide and some ceramic coatings of complex properties,
with applications in engineering and especially for aircraft constructions; – 1995
Research on the development of some ceramic coatings by unconventional technologies, for
industrial equipment – 1996
Research on the development of advanced thermal barrier structures with applications in
aerospace industry, in particular gas turbines and metallurgy.– 1996
Research on the achievement of advanced ceramic structures for the metallurgical industry – 1999
Research on, the development of composite graphite molybdenum disulphide with applications in
machine building
IV. Participation in technical scientific research projects at INCAS company – National
Institute for Aerospace Research, Bucharest, ROMANIA (2000-2013)
Continuous method for determining static pressure distribution on the aerodynamic surfaces using
pressure sensitive luminescent paints – 2001-2002
Advanced tribological materials for special applications – 2001-2003
Advanced functional coatings for turbine power – 2001-2004
Optimizing performance in use of composite structures by developing new materials and
technology assessment- 2002-2004
Research on the achievement of CC composite materials with applications in aircraft braking
systems – 2002-2004
Design, construction and development of experimental installation and testing method for
determining the behavior of materials used in aerospace and other fields related to thermal shock –
Multidisciplinary research on behavior in extreme thermal conditions of advanced materials in the
field of security, defense, etc -2005-2006
Innovative type of composite sandwich panels, honeycomb core mogapan type to acquire and
absorb noise in urban and extra-urban traffic – 2006-2008
Research on increasing reliability of co generative groups and reducing production costs by
increasing automation and alignment with European community norms – 2006-2008
Advanced technologies for developing ecological anti friction layers of metal-carbon type -20062008
Advanced materials for aerospace: CC- composites, with mezzo phase matrix, with carbon
nanotubes and fiber-metal laminate composites additives – 2006-2008
Integrated technologies for obtaining multilayer structures, on copper support, high temperatures,
erosion and contact with liquid metal resistant, with special purpose -2006-2008
Polymer- nanocomposites inorganic stratified as hybrid layered nano-scale reinforced -2006-2008
Advanced materials for aerospace and transportation: Nanocomposites polymer-carbon fiber /
glass reinforced with carbon or silicon carbide structures – 2007-2009
Advanced composite structures for aerospace and transport – 2007-2009
Compositional gradient materials based on micro and nanostructured Zirconia for hightemperature structures with applications in energy and aerospace industry – 2008-2011
Efficient Systems and Propulsion for Small Aircraft - ESPOSA -contract 284859-FP7-2011-2014
Hybrid ablative development for re-entry in planetary atmospheric thermal protection acronym
HYDRA- FP-7 – SPACE-2011-1/283797-2012-2014
Development of multifunctinal Thermal Barrier Coatings and modeling tools for high temperature
power generation with improved efficiency” - TheBarCode -Grant agreement no:310750-FP7 –
Integrated Evaluation System for Advanced Multilayered Materials in Aerospace and Related
Industries”- ATLAS – 2012-2015
V. Leadership in various research projects at INCREST company – National Institute for
Technical and Scientific Creation, Bucharest, ROMANIA
1. Researches of some tin base alloys for rolling mill bearings utilizing JXA-50A electronic
microscope and X-ray diffraction in order to improve the anti friction and adherence properties –
2. Nondestructive ultrasonic testing machine. Ultrasonic control method of the adherence of the tin
base anti friction alloy on the steel bushing for the 9 ½” rolling mill bearings-1975.
3. Researches to establish the casting technology of the 24”, 26” and 30” rolling mill bearings –
4. Nondestructive ultrasonic testing machine – 1975.
5. Some aspects of the adherence of the casting alloy on the steel bushing – 1975.
6. Researches regarding the solar energy conversion in low temperature thermal energy and
mechanical energy. Researches, manufacturing and testing of an equipment to extract salt from
seawater and some models for thermo solar engines – 1976.
7. The determination of the answering sensibility of the nondestructive ultrasonic test for the tin base
anti friction alloy adherence at the steel bushing – 1976.
8. Researches regarding the manufacture of the rolling mill bearings of large size 905mm and
1270mm – 1978.
9. Researches regarding the manufacturing of the  1260 mm rolling mill bearings – 1979.
10. Research in order to increase endurance in the functioning of the tuyeres, -1981
11. Research on the thermal protection of some parts strained at thermal shock, corrosion and erosion
wear (rib, shoe lining) – 1984
12. Research on the establishment of enameling technology for parts with complex geometry, utilizing
an email vitreous, resistant to thermal shock and corrosive wear – 1985
13. Research regarding the corrosive and erosive wear and thermal shock strains – 1985
VI. Leadership in various research projects at ICMAV company – Research Institute for
Aviation Materials, Bucharest, ROMANIA (1990-2000)
14. Project feasibility study for the development of systems for obtaining carbon fiber – 1992
15. Research on determination of the work parameters for PAN Pre carbonization and carbonization –
16. Research on determination of the work parameters for pre carbonization and carbonization in
dynamic regime; Research on the establishment of the thermo oxidation parameters for indigenous
PAN; Achievement of devices for guide and winding – 1993
17. The correlation of thermal expansion coefficient, with the raw materials characteristics and
manufacturing technological parameters, of carbon graphitic products – 1994
18. Determinations by X-ray diffraction and micro analytical techniques of the superconducting
phases in BSCCO ceramic type – 1994
19. Research on characterization of materials synthesized from the BSCCO system through advanced
electron microscopy techniques coupled with compositional and structural microanalysis – 1994
20. Research on implementation of PAN carbon fiber in the laboratory – 1995
21. Research on optimization of high module carbon fiber (graphite fiber) made under laboratory
conditions in Romania – 1995
22. Micro structure research of some ceramic oxide and some ceramic coatings of complex properties,
with applications in engineering and especially for aircraft constructions; – 1995
23. Research on the development of some ceramic coatings by unconventional technologies, for
industrial equipment – 1996
24. Research on the development of advanced thermal barrier structures with applications in
aerospace industry, in particular gas turbines and metallurgy. – 1996
25. Research on the achievement of advanced ceramic structures for the metallurgical industry – 1999
26. Research on, the development of composite graphite molybdenum disulphide with applications in
machine building industry
VII. Leadership in various research projects at INCAS company – National Institute for
Aerospace Research, Bucharest, ROMANIA (2000-2011)
27. Multilayer coatings resistant to high temperatures, thermal shock and erosive wear with
applications in aerospace and related industries 2001-2003
28. Research on the development of some advanced light alloys in aerospace applications – 20022003
29. Multilayer materials for extreme thermal conditions in aeronautics; Installation and test method2006-2008
30. Compositional gradient materials based on micro and nanostructured Zirconia for hightemperature structures with applications in energy and aerospace industry – 2008-2011
VIII. Reviewer of theses submitted for publication
Research on the correlation between factors that influence non-uniform deformation and laminates
quality -Eng. Silviu Samoilescu, 1978
Sterile of coal, constitution, structure, influence in technological processes-Eng Maria Capelos –
Research on the superior powder metallurgy materials– Eng. Laura Lavinia Ilie – 1999
Studies and research on the increase of the resistance to wear and corrosion of the turbine blade
surfaces by means of thermal deposition -Eng. Geanina Laura PINTILEI- 2012
IX. Member in doctorate theses committee
Contributions concerning the influence of the structure, on the physical-mechanical properties of
the composites materials laminated type and sandwich structures – Eng. Vasile MOGA- 1997,
Politehnica University Bucharest
Contributions concerning the achievement and micro structural characterization of some
multilayer ceramic protections based on ZrO2 resistant at temperature and thermal shock – Phys.
Adriana STEFAN- 2006, Politehnica University Bucharest
Studies and research on the increase of the resistance to wear and corrosion of the turbine blade
surfaces by means of thermal deposition -Eng. Geanina Laura PINTILEI- 2012 ,Politehnica
University Gh. Asachi, Iasi
X. Awards and distinctions
Participation in the project with title “Advanced materials for aerospace industry: carbon-carbon
composites mesophasic matrix with nanotubes fillers and hybrid fiber/metal composites – X1C05
–COMPAS” which won second place for excellence, Education and research Ministry, ANCS
for R & D projects complex, 2007.
Participation as Director in the project with title “Multilayered materials for extreme thermal
conditions in aeronautics. Installation and test method”, which won second place for excellence,
Education and research Ministry, ANCS for R & D projects complex, 2008.
1. Nondestructive ultrasonic testing machine for the cylindrical parts
V. Manoliu, A.Lutescu, Gh. Ionescu
Romanian patent no. 66002
2. Device for nondestructive ultrasonic testing of cilindrical parts
V. Manoliu, A. Lutescu, Gh. Ionescu
USA patent no.4.018.082
3. Machine pour le controle nondestructif par ultrasons de pieces cylindrique
V. Manoliu, A. Lutescu, Gh. Ionescu
French patent no. 7532141
4. Machine pour le controle nondestructif par ultrasons de pieces eylindrique
V. Manoliu, A. Lutescu, Gh. Ionescu
Swiss patent no. 592307
5.Transporting and placing machine for tin coated steel bushing
Gh. Ionescu, V. Manoliu, A. Lutescu, A. Serban
Romanian patent no. 85439
6. Centrifugal casting technology of the bearings bushings
V. Manoliu, Gh. Ionescu, V.Raszillier, A. Lutescu, P. Lucuta
Romanian patent no. 88931
7. Centrifugal casting machine
Gh. Ionescu, V. Manoliu, A. Lutescu, A. Serban
Romanian patent no. 88930
8. Centrifugal casting machine.
Gh. Ionescu, V. Manoliu, A. Lutescu, A. Serban
Romanian patent no. 90679
9.Tuyeres realization process
Manoliu Victor, Mateescu Iulian, Dinca Ion, Banu Stefan, Strugari Florin, Severineanu
Romanian patent no. 86449
10.Procedure for obtaining carbon fibers and installation for the process
Dinca Ion, Manoliu Victor, Vrabie Laurentiu, Andrei Florin
Romanian patent no. 11941 B1 /1996
11. Process to obtain a vitreous enamel
Manoliu Victor, Mateescu Iulian, Pascut Melania, Dinca Ion
Romanian patent no. 94233