MINUTES Speaker: Dorothy Hallock, President, Hallock/Gross Inc

Arizona Association of Environmental Professionals
Monthly Meeting
September 28, 2010
6:00 P.M.
Sun Up Brewing Company
322 E Camelback Rd
Phoenix, AZ
Attendees: Jeff Johnson, Dorothy Hallock, Pat Mariella, Mike Zorba, Nancy Favour, Gary Reese, Ali
Fakih, Ruth Greenspan, James Lemon, Laurel Arndt, Deil Lundin, Marcie Martin, Maggie Bowler, April
Carroll, Diana Dun, Hugh Davidson.
Call to Order – approximately 6:30 pm
Introduction of Members- All
Approval of Minutes from July 27, 2010 (Jeff Johnson, Ali Fakih) – approved
Treasurer Report – Mike Zorba
a. General Fund= $2997.61
b. MMF= $ 13,098.90
c. Distributions: Sun Up, President’s trip to NAEP meeting in Pittsburgh.
Dorothy Hallock, President, Hallock/Gross Inc.,
NEPA Compliance on Tribal Lands
AZAEP Fundraising Golf Outing – Joe
Annual Golf Tourney will be Friday, November 19 at the Kokopelli Golf Club, Gilbert, AZ
If interested in volunteering or working on Golf Committee contact one of the Committee
members (Ralph Ellis, Kevin Grove, Jon Nelson, Joe Pinto, Greg Wold).
NAEP National Conference: April 26-29, 2011 – Denver, CO. www.naep.org
o Call For Papers is out; deadline is September 30, 2010
NAEP Environmental Excellence Awards – nominations due September 30, 2010.
NAEP Board meeting: October 16, Denver, CO. - Nancy
Other Business – All
a. Newsletter• Looking for a member to volunteer a Editor of newsletter or website news
b. Speaker Coordinator - Mike Zorba
• If you would like to present, know an associate that would like to present
or have topics of interest, please contact Mike Zorba
[email protected] or Beth Defend [email protected].
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c. Workshop/Seminar- Jessica Cheng
• AZAEP Board is proposing to hold a ½ day workshop/seminar in the
spring. Any input on a topic(s) should be forwarded to Jessica at
[email protected].
h. Membership Renewal
• Reminder to renew your membership if it’s due.
Announcements – All
Next Meeting – October 26, 6 PM Sun Up Brewery
Speaker: Dr. Laurie Lapat, AMEC (later changed to Ali Fakih)
Topic: BioRemediation
Location: Sun Up Brewery, Phoenix
November 23 meeting will be in Tucson
Speaker(s): Scholarship winners – Sarah Rinkevich and Jesse Minor
Topic: Wolf Reintroduction in Eastern Arizona and Fire Regimes in the Sky Islands
Location: Tucson - TBD
Adjourn – approximately 7:55 pm.
Arizona Association of Environmental Professionals
Officers and Board Members
President: Nancy Favour 480-214-7931
[email protected]
Vice President: Ali Fakih 480-516-5514
[email protected]
Treasurer: Mike Zorba 480-807-0095
[email protected]
Secretary: Jessica Cheng 480-967-1343
[email protected]
At-Large/Listserve: Mike Dawson 520-624-4326 x 177
[email protected]
At-Large: Dorothy Hallock 480-967-4356
[email protected]
At-Large: Pat Mariella
[email protected]
Past President: Joe Pinto 602-506-8068
[email protected]
Next AZAEP Board meeting: Wednesday October 14, noon-1:00 conference call.
Members are welcome to participate – please contact Nancy for more information.
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