syllabus20152016.week of 040416.pages

Final version: week of 4/4/16
Weekly Lesson Plans for Dr. Schiller
Week of April 4, 2016
Monday, April 4, 2016 :
Period 1A:
8:00 - 9:38 am
9:38 - 9:48 am
Period 2A:
9:54 - 11:24 am
Period 3A:
11:30 - 1:00 pm
1:00 - 1:30 PM
Period 4A:
1:36 - 3:06 pm
AP Macroeconomics: Periods 2A and 3A
★ Answer all Unit 6 m.c. questions
WARMUP: Homework check
Daily quiz:
What is NOT an out-of-pocket cost of going to college full-time? Not getting a full-time job
What does it mean if a PPF has a curved frontier? the resources are specialized; not equally suited for both good
If there is a decrease in demand for a good, what will happen to equilibrium price and quantity? both will decrease
Shifting the SAS curve to the left does what to price level and unemployment? both increase
What do state is the economy in after the SAS curve has shifted to the left? stagflation
If the price for a good is set below the equilibrium price, will there be a shortage or a surplus? Shortage
Grade and go over quiz
Collect quizzes
Check to make sure proper names are on AP list
Finish going over test
Go over Activities 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3
Finish going over test
World History:
★ Finish the class-work, if you did not finish it in class
★ Bring your covered textbook and binder to class every day
WARMUP: Silent reading
Tell the students they will continue to work on the poem in groups tomorrow
Hand out Venn Diagrams to students
Go over what the three big areas mean? only in the 14 points, only in the Treaty of Versailles, or in
Handout the following:
Final version: week of 4/4/16
1. Summary of President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points, which h he hoped would be part of the
Treaty of Versailles; and
2. Selected Terms of the Treaty of Versailles
Working alone, read both documents and then write the appropriate information in the Venn
Diagram. They may NOT use their phones to look up words. They can use one of the two
dictionaries I’ve left on the desk, of they may ask you.
When finished, staple the Venn diagram to the two other handouts and turn in (put it in the
homework box)
Tuesday, April 5, 2016 :
Period 1B:
8:00 - 9:18 am
9:18 - 9:23 am
Period 2B:
9:29 - 10:36 am
Period 3B:
10:42 - 11:49 am
11:49 - 12:19 pm
Period 4B:
12:25 - 1:32 pm
AP History of Art:
★ Print out the Neoclassical/Romanticism/Realism m.c. questions and answer them. Due Monday.
★ Extra-credit AP review session on Thursday, from 3:15 - 4:45
WARMUP: Turn in homework
Hand back papers
Finish DVD about Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera
If time, go over answer to Baroque/Rococo questions
AP Macroeconomics: Period 3B
★ Answer all Unit 6 m.c. questions
WARMUP: Homework check
Daily quiz:
What is NOT an out-of-pocket cost of going to college full-time? Not getting a full-time job
What does it mean if a PPF has a curved frontier? the resources are specialized; not equally suited for both good
If there is a decrease in demand for a good, what will happen to equilibrium price and quantity? both will decrease
Shifting the SAS curve to the left does what to price level and unemployment? both increase
What state is the economy in after the SAS curve has shifted to the left? stagflation
If the price for a good is set below the equilibrium price, will there be a shortage or a surplus? Shortage
Grade and go over quiz
Collect quizzes
Check to make sure proper names are on AP list
Go over Activities 6-2 and 6-3
Work on homework
Final version: week of 4/4/16
World History:
★ MUST BE TYPED AND IS DUE MONDAY, APRIL 11: Read Chapter 11, Section 5, “Rev
Revolution and Civil War in Russia”. Then:
1. Copy the timeline on p. 375 and add all the other dates and what happened on them onto the
2. Define in full sentences the 4 key terms on p.375
3. Answer in full sentences questions 3-6 on p.381
WARMUP: Turn in homework
Silent reading
Get into your previous groups of 4
Hand back papers that were given to me for safekeeping
out copies of poem “Dulce et decorum est”
Groups continue to “translate” the poem “Dulce et decorum est” into language they understand
Turn in translation
Take homework handout
Wednesday, April 6, 2016 :
Period 1A:
8:00 - 9:38 am
9:38 - 9:48 am
Period 2A:
9:54 - 11:24 am
Period 3A:
11:30 - 1:00 pm
1:00 - 1:30 PM
Period 4A:
1:36 - 3:06 pm
AP Macroeconomics: Periods 2A and 3A
★ Activity 7-1
★ Today’s ap review is cancelled—sorry!
★ Period 2A and 3A test next Thursday, April 14: m.c. and free-response
WARMUP: Homework check
Daily quiz:
What is a country’s infrastructure? public goods like highways
When money is used to purchase goods and services, what kind of money demand is that? transitionary demand
Describe in order the four parts of a business cycle. Expansionary period, peak, contractionary period, trough
What two concepts are illustrated by a ppf? choice and scarcity
What are the three coordination questions that every economy must answer? what will be produced, how will it be
produced, and for whom will it be produced
e.c. Why does the official unemployment rate understate the actual unemployment level in the economy? discouraged
workers, underemployed workers
Grade and go over quiz
Collect quizzes
Final version: week of 4/4/16
Finish going over Activity 6-3
Go over homework m.c. questions
Hand out short free-response question:
Assume the economy of Andersonland is in a long-run equilibrium with full employment. In the short
run, nominal wages are fixed.
(a) Draw a correctly labeled graph of short-run aggregate supply, long-run aggregate supply, and
aggregate demand. Show each of the following.
(i) Equilibrium output, labeled Y1
(ii) Equilibrium price level, labeled PL1
(b) Assume that there is an increase in exports from Andersonland. On your graph in part (a), show the
effect of higher exports on the equilibrium in the short run, labeling the new equilibrium output and
price level Y2
and PL2, respectively.
(c) Based on your answer in part (b), what is the impact of higher exports on real wages in the short
run? Explain.
(d) As a result of the increase in exports, export-oriented industries in Andersonland increase
expenditures on new container ships and equipment.
(i) What component of aggregate demand will change?
(ii) What is the impact on the long-run aggregate supply? Explain.
Go over answer to above problem
Begin Activity 7-1
World History:
★ MUST BE TYPED AND IS DUE MONDAY, APRIL 11: Read Chapter 11, Section 5, “Revolution
and Civil War in Russia”. Then:
1. Copy the timeline on p. 375 and add all the other dates and what happened on them onto the
2. Define in full sentences the 4 key terms on p.375
3. Answer in full sentences questions 3-6 on p.381
★ If you haven’t already done this, read the Document-Based Assessment on p.317 about the
Armenian Genocide and answer the 3 multiple choice questions using full sentences! DUE
★ Bring your covered textbook and binder to class every day
WARMUP: Silent reading
Who hasn’t turned in Armenian Genocide DBQ questions
Lecture about Russia and the Russian Revolution:
• Russia had been ruled for hundreds of years
• King called “tsar” or “czar”
• the Romanov family had ruled for 300 years.
• Russia had rich nobles (people with titles) and poor peasants
• so revolution brewed
• main revolutionary group were “communists”
Final version: week of 4/4/16
• Karl Marx had defined communism as everybody shares and does everything, but Russia’s
communism has never been like that
• the main “communist” group were the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin
• Tsar Alexander exiled Lenin
• Lenin and Germany made a deal: if Germany smuggled Lenin into Russia, then when Lenin took
over he’d pull Russia out of World War I
• Germany wanted Russia out of the war so instead of having a western front with France and an
eastern front with Russia, they’d only have the western front and could send all their soldiers to
fight France.
• When Lenin took over he did pull Russia out of WWI.
Introduce video “A&E Biography: Rasputin”—advisor to Tsar and Tsar’s wife and helped their
hemophiliac son (blood can’t clot, just keeps flowing out till you are dead) stay healthy
Video: Rasputin
Thursday, April 7, 2016 :
Period 1B:
8:00 - 9:38 am
9:38 - 9:48 am
Period 2B:
9:54 - 11:24 am
Period 3B:
11:30 - 1:00 pm
1:00 - 1:30 PM
Period 4B:
1:36 - 3:06 pm
AP History of Art:
★ Print out the Neoclassical/Romanticism/Realism m.c. questions and answer them. Due Monday.
★ Final exam begins on Friday, April 21 - Thursday, April 27 (3 class periods)
★ Extra-credit AP review session on Sunday, 10 am - noon, at AMC Topanga—bring ap review book!
WARMUP: Turn in homework
Hand back papers
Go over answer to Baroque/Rococo questions
Take out Romanticism packet
Go over Romanticism powerpoint (including some Khan podcasts)
AP Macroeconomics: Period 3B
★ Today’s ap review is cancelled—sorry!
★ Period 3B test next Wednesday, April 13: m.c. and free-response
WARMUP: Homework check
Daily quiz:
What is a country’s infrastructure? public goods like highways
When money is used to purchase goods and services, what kind of money demand is that? transitionary demand
Describe in order the four parts of a business cycle. Expansionary period, peak, contractionary period, trough
What two concepts are illustrated by a ppf? choice and scarcity
Final version: week of 4/4/16
What are the three coordination questions that every economy must answer? what will be produced, how will it be
produced, and for whom will it be produced
e.c. Why does the official unemployment rate understate the actual unemployment level in the economy? discouraged
workers, underemployed workers
Grade and go over quiz
Collect quizzes
Go over homework m.c. questions
Hand out short free-response problem:
Assume the economy of Andersonland is in a long-run equilibrium with full employment. In the short
run, nominal wages are fixed.
(a) Draw a correctly labeled graph of short-run aggregate supply, long-run aggregate supply, and
aggregate demand. Show each of the following.
(i) Equilibrium output, labeled Y1
(ii) Equilibrium price level, labeled PL1
(b) Assume that there is an increase in exports from Andersonland. On your graph in part (a), show the
effect of higher exports on the equilibrium in the short run, labeling the new equilibrium output and
price level Y2
and PL2, respectively.
(c) Based on your answer in part (b), what is the impact of higher exports on real wages in the short
run? Explain.
(d) As a result of the increase in exports, export-oriented industries in Andersonland increase
expenditures on new container ships and equipment.
(i) What component of aggregate demand will change?
(ii) What is the impact on the long-run aggregate supply? Explain.
Go over answer to above problem
Begin Activity 7-1
World History:
★ MUST BE TYPED AND IS DUE MONDAY, APRIL 11: Read Chapter 11, Section 5, “Revolution
and Civil War in Russia”. Then:
1. Copy the timeline on p. 375 and add all the other dates and what happened on them onto the
2. Define in full sentences the 4 key terms on p.375
3. Answer in full sentences questions 3-6 on p.381
★ If you haven’t already done this, read the Document-Based Assessment on p.317 about the
Armenian Genocide and answer the 3 multiple choice questions using full sentences! DUE
★ Bring your covered textbook and binder to class every day
WARMUP: Turn in p.317 homework, if you didn’t already
Silent reading
Hand back papers
Debrief “Rasputin” biography video:
1. had hypnotic eyes
Final version: week of 4/4/16
drank a lot, had a lot of sex, and was a peasant, all of which made many nobles angry
had a mysterious power to heal the Tsar’s male heir of hemophilia incidents
was very influential over the Tsarina (Tsar’s wife)
When the Tsar was at the front, the Tsarina ran the country, relying mostly on Rasputin’s advice
Took more than 3 tries to kill Rasputin, including poison and gunshots!
isolationism: not getting involved with other countries
Go over 14 points/Treaty of Versailles Venn Diagram
Only in Wilson’s 14 points handout
• Peace without victory (no winners, no losers)
• No more secret treaties
• there shall be a worldwide reduction in weapons and arms
• colonial claims over land and regions will be fair
• Austria-Hungary would be allowed to remain independent country
• borders of Italy would include all land in which Italians are living (i.e. would give the AustroHungarian land at north of Italy to Italy)
• freedom of the seas
Only in the Treaty of Versailles handout
• Germany had to pay reparations to the allies of 6,600 million pounds
• Germany has to accept blame for war (“war guilt clause”)
• German army limited to 100,000 soldiers
• All German and Turkish (Ottoman Empire) colonies were taken away and put under Allied control
• Austria-Hungary was divided into several independent countries
• The German navy was limited to 36 ships and no submarines (U-boats)
• No German Air force
In both:
• Poland is independent
• League of Nations created (though Congress refused to let US join)
• Alsace-Lorraine was returned to France
Friday, April 8, 2016 :
Period 1A:
8:00 - 9:38 am
9:38 - 9:48 am
Period 2A:
9:54 - 11:24 am
Period 3A:
11:30 - 1:00 pm
1:00 - 1:30 PM
Period 4A:
1:36 - 3:06 pm
AP Macroeconomics: Periods 2A and 3A
★ Activity 7-3
★ AP Macro review, extra-credit, next Wednesday, April 13, 3:15-4:45, here
★ Period 2A and 3A test next Thursday, April 14: m.c. and free-response
Final version: week of 4/4/16
WARMUP: Homework check
Daily quiz:
1. What is the economic indicator for inflation? CPI
2. Who provide inputs in the Circular Flow? household
3. How can you tell that a comparative advantage problem is an input problem, and not an output
problem? the inputs are variable, the output is constant
4. If the price of Coca-Cola increases, what happens to demand for Pepsi? D increases
5. What are the 3 types of business organizations? corporation, partnership, sole proprietor
e.c. What is the formula for CPI? CPI = current year market basket cost
x. 100
base year market basked cost
Grade and go over quiz
Collect quizzes
Read notice to class:
Dear AP Colleague:
The AP® Exam in your subject has a reading period in the free-response section and we
want your students to use it to their full advantage.
Eight AP Exams — Biology, English Language and Composition, European History, Latin,
Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, U.S. History, and World History — have a 10- or 15minute reading period in Section II.
Making the Most of the Reading Period
Here's how the reading period works and how we think it can help:
•The time allotted for the reading period is part of the overall Section II timing.
•The reading period gives students time to read the questions and any related sources and
documents (if applicable) and to plan their responses.
•We strongly encourage students to take full advantage of this time, and we think this will
lead to thoughtful, well-organized responses.
•However, should students choose to begin writing their response before the reading period
is over, they are free to do so.
As always, thank you for playing a critical role in helping your students get ready for the
Advanced Placement Program
Hand out long free-response problem:
1. Assume that the United States economy is currently in a recession in a short-run equilibrium.
(a) Draw a correctly labeled graph of the short-run and long-run Phillips curves. Use the letter A to
label a point that could represent the current state of the economy in recession.
(b) Draw a correctly labeled graph of aggregate demand and aggregate supply in the recession and
show each of the following.
(i) The long-run equilibrium output, labeled Yf
(ii) The current equilibrium output and price levels, labeled Ye and PLe, respectively
Final version: week of 4/4/16
(c) To balance the federal budget, suppose that the government decides to raise income taxes while
maintaining the current level of government spending. On the graph drawn in part (b), show the effect
of the increase in taxes. Label the new equilibrium output and price levels Y2 and PL2, respectively.
(d) Assume that the Federal Reserve uses monetary policy to stimulate the economy.
(i) What open-market policy should the Federal Reserve implement?
(ii) Using a correctly labeled graph of the money market, show how the policy in part (d)(i) affects
nominal interest rates.
(iii) What will be the impact of the policy on the price level?Explain.
(e) Now assume instead that the government and the Federal Reserve take no policy action in response
to the recession.
(i) In the long run, will the short-run aggregate supply increase, decrease, or remain unchanged?
Explain. (ii) In the long run, what will happen to the natural rate of unemployment?
Go over answer to above problem
World History:
★ MUST BE TYPED AND IS DUE MONDAY, APRIL 11: Read Chapter 11, Section 5, “Revolution
and Civil War in Russia”. Then:
1. Copy the timeline on p. 375 and add all the other dates and what happened on them onto the
2. Define in full sentences the 4 key terms on p.375
3. Answer in full sentences questions 3-6 on p.381
★ Bring your covered textbook and binder to class every day
WARMUP: Turn in Venn diagram homework, if you didn’t already
Silent reading
If you still have Mester 1 final about children working in textile factories, please bring it in
Hand back papers
Daily quiz on things we went over yesterday:
1. Who was the Russian who had eyes that were hypnotizing? Rasputin
2. When did the Tsar’s wife run Russia? When the Tsar was at the front
3. What is something that both Wilson’s 14 points and the Treaty of Versailles contained? league of
nations or poland is independent
4. What is something that only the 14 points contained? freedom of seas, no secret treaties or peace
without victory
5. What was the name of the clause in the Treaty of Versailles that made Germany take the blame for
World War I? “War Guilt Clause”
e.c. Who was the leader of the revolutionaries who took over Russia and killed the royal family?
Grade and go over quiz
Collect quiz
Open textbook to p.317
Go over p.317 homework on Armenian genocide