[F. p. 1 in E. 11-30

The culprits were lashed before they confessed the
crime that they had committed on the eighth day of June of
seventeen hu.ndred and seventy-five.
I should declare, as by these presents I do declare
that the crime [that they committed] has been duly proven.
That is why these proceedings are recalled in order to
deliver sentence.
Thus I have decreed, ordered and signed.
In witness whereof I certify.
Earon de Ripperda
Attesting Witness
Attesting Witness
Fern 0 de Reramendi
Antonio de las Barzen.as
[F. p. 1 in E.
$ E 1 V T EN C E
Inasmuch as the four culprits are convicted [of the
murder-of a man], as has been proven in these proceedings
according to law, and taking into consideration that they
are ignorant Indians who have been in prison in the Guardroom
of this Royal Presidio for ten and a half months, I do
not sentence them to the death //penalty which they deserve.
^ sentence them to three years of exile and work in
^ tos. and bonanza. If the priest of.the
the obrajes of _a
mission claims them, they will be taken to the Mission of
San Bernardo de Rio Grande-where they were born after
they serve the term of the [above-mentioned] sentence.
Judging definitively in form, I thus pronounce, declare
and order, on the said day, month and year, acting as has
been stated.
In witness,whereof I certify.
Baron de Ripperda
Attesting Witness
Attesting Witness
Ferno de Beramendi
Antonio de las Barzena:s
[D.S. 1-lv pp. in E.
In the said Royal Presidio and villa, on the thirtieth
day of the month of January, of seventeen hundred and seventysix, acting as juez receptor, in the absence of a notary,
royal or public, for there is none as prescribed by law,
and on this paper because there is none with a seal,
[I], the Governor of this province [state the following]:
The four culprits sentenced in these proceedings have
not been sent [to the obrajes of patos and bonanza] to
serve the term of the sentence.
They //were confined to the mission close [to this
presidio], but two of them, named Francisco the poor and
Enrique, fled from the mission.
In consequence, only the other culprits, called
Silvestre and Pedro shou.ld be sent [to the obrajes of patos
and 'bonanza to serve the term of the sentence.
Thus I have decreed, ordered and signed.
In witness whereof I certify.
Baron de Ripperda
Attesting Witness
Attesting Witness
Fern 0 de.Deramendi
Antonio de las Barzenas
[D.S. lv-2 pp. in E.