11/02/2016 - Tollgate Community Junior School

Gold Book
Well done to the following children whose names
have been recorded in the gold Book since
the last newsletter:
Karma Brooks, Cohen Bennetts, Ben Evans, Joshua
Holden, Paige Muchavaira-Bramble, Gus Flaherty,
Daisy-Mae Friend, Ashleigh Verrall, Emily Nye,
Logan Finlayson, Aaron Edkins and Amber Collison
3.9.15 to
Tollgate FM News
The holiday week may well be an ideal time to tune into
Tollgate FM and catch up with our recent releases.
We have two programmes that look back to the very
successful pantomime, which had particular interest for us
as Charlie and Zephan were sharing the part of
Michael. They look back on that wonderful experience and
we hear from some of those who went to watch.
Over recent months we have been releasing weekly
editions of Maths Shootout which gives everyone a chance
to pit their number skills against those of our presenters,
and now, we are adding Forty Second Factfiles, again,
releasing weekly. For this series we have collected
together some of the most amazing facts to feed your mind
and set you thinking.
We also have a 3-month back catalogue, so if you missed a
programme earlier you can catch up at your leisure.
Releasing in the first part of next term we have a wonderful
story in our Worlds of Imagination strand, written and
presented by Emily Ludlam and Kitty Britsch. It is called,
Clockwork Life.
This week, local comedian, Tucker, spent a morning with
one of our production teams, helping them to put together a
four-part series entitled The TFM Comedy Season. The
children learnt a great deal and laughed just as much! That
series will be releasing in April.
Find us at tollgatefm.co.uk or on dbprimary (go to the
Tollgate School community and click on gallery).
Church Visits
Many thanks to the parents and friends of Tollgate who
accompanied our Year 3 children on their visits to St
Andrew’s Church, St Anthony’s Church and to Eastbourne
Synagogue. The visits enabled the children to compare and
contrast places of worship as part of their RE work; thank
you also to the Church and Synagogue leaders for making
us feel so welcome.
Attendance %
Thank you to ASDA
We are very grateful to ASDA and
parents for supporting the pizza
making that Year 3 did this week.
The children had a super time
weighing, measuring and making
the pizzas from scratch. The whole
experience was practical, hands-on and demonstrated to the
children that pizzas do not originally come from a flat
cardboard box!
Viking Day
Huge congratulations to all the Year 5 children (and
staff!) who turned up in Viking costume last week.
They all had a terrific day, learning in a very active way about
how the Vikings lived and why they settled in Britain. The
children really enjoyed their learning and we were
congratulated by the visiting teacher on our children’s
enthusiasm and active involvement.
We currently have a vacancy for a midday supervisory
assistant to work over the lunch time period. If you are
interested in the position please contact Mrs Garland
[email protected] Closing date 24th February
Reminder about Safeguarding Leads
Play Leaders
A reminder that as part of our Safeguarding at Tollgate, we
have 3 members of the Leadership team who have been
trained as Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Fegan takes overall
charge of Safeguarding and in her absence myself or Mr
Walsh take on the role. If you have any queries or concerns
about our Safeguarding policy and procedures please do
not hesitate to contact Mrs Fegan in the first instance.
We are delighted that we now have 3 lunchtime Play Leaders
whose job is to interact with children and facilitate lunchtime
games. On one lunchtime this week I counted over 30
children who were directly involved with a Play Leader which
is really positive. A reminder that our library is also open
every lunchtime, supervised by Mr Doak, making it possible
for children to have a range of choices available to them at
Our teacher with responsibility for teaching children how to
keep safe online is Mrs Stephens; we will be planning a
whole-school event on e-safety that will involve parents and
carers in the Spring/Summer term.
Blackland reminders
We have had a very positive response to our Year 4
residential trip later this year, with over 60 deposits being
paid already. A reminder that deposits for the trip and forms
need to be returned to school as soon as possible; deadline
is 26th February 2016, with FULL payment made by Friday
20th May 2016.
Ash Wednesday Assembly
On Wednesday we had a
special Ash Wednesday
assembly, led by Fr David and
Fr Alex. We were delighted to
welcome Bishop Richard,
Bishop of Lewes and also Bishop Thomas, Bishop of
Freetown, Sierra Leone who both joined us. There was a
lovely atmosphere during the
assembly, where the meaning of
Ash Wednesday and Lent were
explained. Well done to Tiarne for
reading so well at a moment’s notice
in front of all the children, staff and
important visitors!
Good Luck to Choral Speakers
We send our Choral Speakers every good wish as they
prepare to take part in the annual Eastbourne Festival of
Music and Drama. They have been superbly trained by Mrs
Huxley and Mrs James, re-telling from memory a poem
entitled ‘When Daddy fell in the pond’ and an extract from
James and the Giant Peach.
Super writing
Well done to Kitty Britsch who for homework wrote a fantastic
re-telling of Beowulf. I have included here the first page to
give you a flavour of the writing!
Bubbling pots, bubbling pans, fragrant smells in swarms in
the air. Mouth-watering meat and brittle bread; the hall of
Skidrock feasting fair.
Many sat along the wriggling mead benches, but one, the
King’s daughter, was shifty. Keeley. Silver armour, rustling
chainmail and daring helmet. Blonde hair stroked her skin,
her fate was set.
Suddenly, silence. Eerie shadows bounced across the wall,
hollowed like a ghost; slinky and tall. Crunch, crunch! Cold as
death was the Hall.
With a swish of a cloak, silence ceased and babble creased.
A bard. Thin cheeks, white skin and in one hand was a lyre
the size of a tin. ‘What must you speak of?’ boomed the King.
‘Of her, my King, of Erinarla my King’, quivered the bard. The
King’s brow furrowed.
Slowly, the bard started up: ‘This story is a tale of future, past
and present…’
Key Dates
Friday 12th February 2016 - Last day of term 3
Monday 22nd February 2016 - Start of Term 4
Thursday 3rd March 2016 - World Book Day
Stephen Dennis, Headteacher