JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 NUMBER 11 PAGES 2043^2062 2009 doi:10.1093/petrology/egp068 The High P^T Stability of Hydroxyl-apatite in Natural and Simplified MORBçan Experimental Study to 15 GPa with Implications for Transport and Storage of Phosphorus and Halogens in Subduction Zones JU«RGEN KONZETT1* AND DANIEL J. FROST2 INSTITUT FU«R MINERALOGIE UND PETROGRAPHIE, UNIVERSITA«T INNSBRUCK, INNRAIN 52, A-6020 INNSBRUCK, 1 AUSTRIA 2 BAYERISCHES GEOINSTITUT, UNIVERSITA«T BAYREUTH, D-95440 BAYREUTH, GERMANY RECEIVED OCTOBER 16, 2008; ACCEPTED SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 ADVANCE ACCESS PUBLICATION OCTOBER 12, 2009 Experiments have been conducted in the range 3^15 GPa and 850^ 18008C to investigate the P^T stability field of OH-apatite in an average mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and a model Mg-basalt, to study the compositional evolution of apatite and its breakdown products and the partitioning of P between phosphates and silicates. In the bulk compositions investigated OH-apatite is stable to 57·5 GPa at 9508C in a typical eclogite assemblage garnet þ omphacite þ SiO2 þ TiO2. This is 5 GPa below the breakdown P of pure OH-apatite. The high-P breakdown product is tuite [-Ca3(PO4)2]. Both apatite and tuite are stable in a wide range of subduction zone Tregimes but not along an average mantle adiabat. This precludes apatite or tuite stability in the asthenospheric mantle. Apatite may be stable in cold continental lithosphere (40 mW/m2) but is restricted to P54^5 GPa.The apatite breakdown reaction is an important limit for the crust^mantle transport of Cl in subduction zones and can contribute to the Cl depletion of subducted cust. Both apatite and tuite are important storage sites for large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and rare earth elements (REE), therefore apatite breakdown does not greatly affect LILE or REE transport in subduction zones. In an eclogite assemblage only garnet can accommodate significant P. In the presence of apatite or tuite, P2O5 contents in garnet range from 0·2 to 0·6 wt % between 3 and 11 GPa and increase to 0·8 wt % at 15 GPa in the absence of a detectable phosphate phase. The P-storage capacity of *Corresponding author. Telephone: þ43-(0)512-507-5506. Fax: þ43-(0)512-507-2926. E-mail: [email protected] clinopyroxene is limited to 250 ppm. Because of the extreme preference of P for the garnet structure, virtually the entire P budget of subducted MORB will be locked up in garnet well into the lower mantle provided fO2 is high enough to prevent the stability of a metal phase. KEY WORDS: apatite; MORB; tuite; phosphorus; high P^T stability I N T RO D U C T I O N Apatite [Ca5(PO4)3(OH, F, Cl)] is the most abundant naturally occuring phosphate and one of the most important halogen-bearing minerals on Earth. Apatite and merrillite [(Mg,Fe)2Ca18^x(Y,REE)xNa2^xP14O56] are also the two most common phosphates in extraterrestrial rocks (Jolliff et al., 2006). Apatite is not only of importance from a geological point of view but also plays a key role as a major P source for terrestrial ecosystems (Philippelli, 2002, and references therein). In addition, apatite is an essential constituent of many types of biomineralization involving bone and dental tissue (Elliott, 1994, 2002). Apatite sensu stricto is the most common representative of the apatite group of minerals with the general formula M10(ZO4)6X2. The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@ JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 Because of its remarkable flexibility the apatite structure can accommodate a multitude of metal cations on the Mposition (e.g. Ca, Sr, Ba, Y, REE, Pb, U, Th, Zn, Cu) and anion complexes such as (AsO4)3^, (SO4)2^, (CO3)2^, (SiO4)4^, (VO4)3^ that replace (PO4)3^ and OH^, Cl or F (Pan & Fleet, 2002, and references therein). In addition to the chemical complexity, order^disorder processes on the halogen site give rise to considerable structural complexity involving hexagonal and monoclinic polymorphs (Hughes et al., 1989, 1990; Bauer & Klee, 1993). An important part of the global phosphorus cycle is the subduction of oceanic and continental lithospheric material along convergent plate boundaries. To understand the residence and transport of P in the Earth’s deep interior, the role of both phosphate and silicate phases has to be considered. This is because under high P and T silicates are capable of accommodating significant amounts of P and, thus, become important subsolidus P carriers limiting the stability fields of phosphate phases. This study was undertaken to understand better the crust^mantle recycling of P and halogens in subduction zones and their storage and transport in the upper mantle and Transition Zone. It involved (1) the determination of the P^T stability of hydroxyl apatite and its high-T^highP breakdown products in bulk compositions typical for subducting oceanic crust, (2) a study of the compositional evolution of apatite and its breakdown products with P and T, and (3) a study of P partitioning between phosphates and silicates under subsolidus and near-solidus conditions to assess the role of silicates as P storage sites in the Earth’s mantle. The geological significance of apatite Apatite is the tenth most abundant mineral on Earth and a widespread phase in almost all igneous and metamorphic rocks. It carries an essential portion of the bulk P content of 0·1^0·3 wt % P2O5 for continental crust (e.g. Weaver & Tarney, 1984; Rudnick & Fountain, 1995; Rudnick & Gao, 2004; Kemp & Hawkesworth, 2004) and of 0·05^ 0·25 wt % P2O5 for typical mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB; see below). In magmatic rocks originating from deep-seated lithospheric and asthenospheric mantle sources, such as lamproites, lamprophyres and kimberlites, apatite is present as an abundant groundmass phase. This may lead to bulk P2O5 contents 41·0 wt % with values as high as 3·0 wt %. In many of these rocks P2O5 exceeds Na2O (Mitchell & Bergman, 1991; Mitchell, 1995). Apart from its importance as a P repository, apatite can also accommodate significant amounts of rare earth elements (REE) and large ion lithophile elements (LILE), sulfur, carbon, and halogens (e.g. Edgar, 1989; Rnsbo, 1989; Santos & Clayton, 1995; Parat & Holtz, 2004) and critically influence the trace element evolution of magmas (e.g. O’Reilly & Griffin, 1988, 2000; Piccoli & Candela, 2002). NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 Apatite is absent from primitive mantle rocks because of their low P contents of 90^100 ppm (McDonough & Frey, 1989; McDonough, 1990; McDonough & Sun, 1995; Palme & O’Neill, 2004; Pearson et al., 2004; Workman & Hart, 2005). Metasomatically altered mantle rocks, however, contain apatite as a common, albeit minor, constituent. Apatite has also been described as inclusions in diamonds (Lang & Walmsley, 1983; Guthrie et al., 1991). In many instances phlogopite and/or Ca-amphibole coexisting with apatite testifies to metasomatism by H2O-rich fluids or melts (e.g. Dawson & Smith, 1977; Wass et al., 1980; O’Reilly & Griffin, 1988, 2000; Ionov et al., 1997; Morishita et al., 2003). According to Smith (1981) apatite is the principal mantle reservoir for P and halogens. O’Reilly & Griffin (2000) have also suggested that U^Thrich apatite can critically influence the isotopic evolution and heat flow in metasomatically altered mantle segments. The role of silicates as phosphorus carriers in the crust and upper mantle In silicates P commonly substitutes for silicon on the crystallographic T-sites with a strong preference for isolated SiO4 tetrahedra in orthosilicates compared with the linked tetrahedra in chain silicates (see Koritnig, 1965; O’Neill & Mallmann, 2007). This behaviour is highly unusual for an incompatible trace element and makes garnet and the Mg2SiO4 polymorphs potential storage sites for P. P can be incorporated into garnet on a wt % level through a coupled substitution (Mg,Ca)2þ þ Si4þ ¼ Naþ þ P5þ, which is favoured at high pressures (e.g. Thompson, 1975; Hermann & Spandler, 2007) and which would lead to an Na-phosphate Na3Al2P3O12 with garnet structure (Thilo, 1941). In fact, Brunet et al. (2006) synthesized a complete range of Mg3Al2Si3O12^Na3Al2P3O12 solid solutions in the P^T range 15^17 GPa and 1200^16008C. The presence in natural high-P rocks of garnet with P contents of up to 2000 ppm typically coupled with high Na contents is consistent with the experimental results (e.g. Bishop et al., 1978; Schertl et al., 1991; Haggerty et al., 1994; Brunet & Lecocq, 1999; Ye et al., 2000). P-rich garnets, however, are not restricted to high-P environments. Up to 1·2 wt % P2O5 have been reported from pegmatitic garnets by Breiter et al. (2005), who proposed vacancy-producing substitutions of the type R2þ þ 2 Si4þ ¼ œ þ 2 P5þ to explain the presence of P in virtually Na-free garnets. P concentrations reported for olivine from common mantle peridotites and basalts range from 550 to 1750 ppm, with most values 1000 ppm (Reid et al., 1975; Bishop et al., 1978; Brunet & Chazot, 2001; Milman-Barris et al., 2008). Exchange mechanisms proposed for P incorporation into olivine are 2 P þ œ(M1,2) ¼ 2 Si þ (Mg, Fe)(M1,2) or 4 P þ œ ¼ 5 Si (Goodrich, 1984; Tropper et al., 2004). P2O5 concentrations of up to several wt %, rarely found in olivine from low-fO2 environments (Buseck & Clark, 1984; Goodrich, 1984; Agrell et al., 1998; 2044 KONZETT & FROST HIGH P^T STABILITY OF OH-APATITE Tropper et al., 2004), are explained by disequilibrium olivine^melt partitioning. P contents in ortho- and clinopyroxenes from mantle peridotites and eclogites are even lower than those in garnet and olivine and range from below the detection limit to 260 ppm (Reid et al., 1975; Bishop et al., 1978; Brunet & Chazot, 2001). This is consistent with the finding by Koritnig (1965) that P in silicates is inversely correlated with the degree of SiO4 tetrahedral polymerization. Previous experimental results on apatite stability and phase relations Most of the experimental studies of apatite stability have investigated its near-solidus behaviour and its ability to control the P, halogen, REE and LILE contents of the coexisting partial melts (e.g. Watson, 1979, 1980; Baker & Wyllie, 1992), or the partitioning of halogens between apatite and coexisting fluids or solids (e.g. Korshinsky, 1981; Zhu & Sverjensky,1991,1992; Brenan,1993) under P^T conditions corresponding to the crust or the uppermost mantle. In experiments under upper mantle P^T conditions Murayama et al. (1986) found that pure OH- and Fapatite breaks down to a previously unknown polymorph of Ca3(PO4)2 and that the breakdown reaction has a negative slope. Sugiyama & Tokonami (1987) showed that this new polymorph is isostructural with Ba3(PO4)2 (Roux et al., 1978) and named the phase g-Ca3(PO4)2 by analogy with the already known a’-, a-, and b-Ca3(PO4)2 polymorphs (Xie et al., 2003, and references therein). gCa3(PO4)2 was subsequently found as a shock-produced natural phase in the Suizhou chondrite and named tuite (Xie et al., 2002). A further phosphate with a Raman spectrum very similar to that of tuite had previously been described by Chen et al. (1995) from the Sixiangkou chondrite. Because of its high Cl content, however, this phase was identified as a high-P polymorph of Cl-apatite. No experiments have been conducted so far to study the P^T stability of apatite in representative peridotitic or basaltic bulk compositions and no data on subsolidus P partitioning between phosphates and silicates under the P^Tconditions of the Earth’s mantle and Transition Zone have been available. Likewise, nothing is known about the residence of P in the lower mantle, although recently Brunet et al. (2007) showed that six-coordinated P can be present in stishovite, with the implication that P may be stored in lower mantle silicates. Experimental and analytical techniques Two starting materials were used in the present study: (I) an average MORB as reported by Melson et al. (1976) and used by Yasuda et al. (1994); (II) a model Mg-basalt in the system SiO2^TiO2^Al2O3^MgO^CaO^Na2O consisting of a mixture of 30% garnet (prp90grs10) þ 60% clinopyroxene (di80jad10en10) þ 9% SiO2 þ1% TiO2 (Table 1). This bulk composition allows all important exchange reactions in an eclogitic assemblage to proceed but avoids experimental and analytical problems associated with the use of Fe-bearing starting materials. Both starting materials were prepared by mixing high purity (99·9%) and finely ground SiO2, TiO2, MgO, CaCO3 and Na2CO3 in ethanol for 20 min and stepwise decarbonation by heating to 8008C with intermittent checks of the loss on ignition. For higher reactivity, aluminum was added as g-Al2O3 after decarbonation. In a final step, 3 wt % synthetic OHapatite was added with homogenization for another 20 min. Bulk composition I was additionally doped with 10 trace elements (Nb, Ta, Zr, Y, Ba, Sr, Rb, Ce, Nd, Lu) with concentrations between 250 and 350 ppm. The starting materials were stored at 2008C for at least 72 h and then arc-welded into 2·0 or 1·6 mm outer diameter (o.d.) Pt100 capsules. Two capsules were stacked in an individual assembly and the length of a capsule did not exceed 1·7 mm for 2·0 mm o.d. capsules and 1·3 mm for 1·6 mm o.d. capsules. An inner graphite liner was used for Febearing starting materials to minimize Fe loss and to provide an upper limit for fO2 (see Holloway et al., 1992; Lesher et al., 2003; Konzett et al., 2008). Experiments (Table 2) were performed with 500 t and 1000 t multi-anvil presses at the Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Innsbruck (UI) and the Bavarian Research Institute of Experimental Geochemistry and Geophysics, University of Bayreuth (BGI), respectively. The 500 t Walker-type multi-anvil press operating at UI is a copy of the design used by the BGI with assembly sizes and materials identical to those employed at BGI. The multi-anvil press at the UI was calibrated to 10 GPa using the following phase transitions: quartz^coesite (Bose & Ganguly, 1995), garnet^perovskite in CaGeO3 (Susaki et al., 1985) and coesite^stishovite (Zhang et al., 1996) with excellent agreement between UI and BGI. Experimental and calibration conditions are similar to those described by Rubie et al. (1993) and Keppler & Frost (2005). Phase compositions were analyzed with a JEOL 8100 superprobe using 10 nA beam current and 15 kV acceleration voltage. Natural minerals and synthetic oxides were used for standardization in combination with the PRZ correction procedure. Measurement times were 20 s on peaks and 10 s on backgrounds of the X-ray lines. For garnet analyses, counting times for P, Na and Ti were increased to 50 s/25 s (Table 3). Clinopyroxene was analyzed using two sets of analytical conditions: in a first step the major element composition was determined using 10 nA beam current and counting times of 20 s on peaks and 10 s on backgrounds of the X-ray lines. To avoid damage-induced cation deficiencies a rastered beam was used. The accuracy of the total cation sums of the pyroxenes was controlled by analyzing a diospide standard (USNM 117733) under identical conditions (see Konzett et al., 2008). In a second 2045 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 Table 1: Compositions of the starting materials Bulk composition I Bulk composition II Average MORB model Mg-basalt MORB SiO2 48·3 53·8 TiO2 1·7 1·3 50·7 1·5 Al2O3 15·3 9·0 15·6 Fe2O3 1·0 — FeO 8·3 — MnO 0·2 — MgO 8·2 18·3 7·7 CaO 13·0 15·0 11·4 Na2O 2·7 1·3 2·7 K2O 0·2 P2O5 1·2 1·2 H2O P 0·1 0·1 100·0 100·0 — 1·0 8·9 — NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 Quenched melt or fluid may be present as a mixture of extremely fine-grained and needle-like quench phases dispersed between the solid phases or as a layer along the interface between the graphite liner and the experimental charge towards the hotter end of the capsule (Fig. 1e; see Lesher & Walker, 1988). In bulk composition II the quench is sufficiently abundant and homogeneous to be analyzed with a high degree of reproducibility. Garnet and clinopyroxene frequently show some compositional variation in P, Ti and Fe/Mg as a result of incomplete equilibration and/or partial Fe loss, especially in runs conducted at 510008C. When melt is present, Fe loss may be severe despite the use of a graphite liner. Phase relations 0·2 0·1 — 99·8 Bulk compositions I and II are doped with 3% synthetic OH-apatite. According to Melson et al. (1976). analytical session, P was analyzed using the conditions summarized in Table 3. The accuracy of the P analyses was ensured by intermittent measurements of P-doped glasses kindly provided by F. Brunet (see Brunet & Chazot, 2001). In addition to the electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), polymorphs of SiO2 and TiO2 and the phosphate phases were identified using laser-Raman spectroscopy. R E S U LT S Textures and chemical homogeneity of the run products All starting materials readily recrystallized to form euhedral to subhedral mineral grains. Clinopyroxene and the SiO2 polymorphs usually form the largest grains with 20^100 mm diameter (Fig. 1). At P410 GPa, where garnet is the dominant phase, the clinopyroxene grain size can decrease to 510 mm. This often allowed only a few reliable measurements to be made without beam overlap with adjacent garnet. Compared with clinopyroxene, garnet tends to form smaller grains, 10^20 mm in size, rarely reaching 50 mm in runs conducted at the highest temperatures. Apatite and tuite appear as rounded to elongated grains with an irregular grain shape and a size of up to 50 mm. In many samples both apatite and tuite show a strongly poikiloblastic texture (Fig. 1b and c) which makes electron microprobe analyses of these phases difficult. At P410 GPa, tuite and the TiO2 polymorphs are typically present as needles 53^5 mm in diameter and, hence, too small for electron microprobe analysis (Fig. 1a). Bulk composition I crystallized to form garnet þ omphacite þ coesite/stishovite þ rutile/TiO2-II þ apatite/ tuite in the P^Trange 7^11 GPa and 950^12008C, thus representing a phosphate-bearing eclogite. Towards higher P and T, clinopyroxene, TiO2-II and the phosphate phases disappear as a result of partitioning of Na, P and Ti into garnet (Fig. 2a, Table 2). This process forms a stishovitebearing garnetite at 13^15 GPa and 1350^16008C. The modal amount of garnet present in this P^T range cannot accommodate the entire bulk P budget as is obvious from the P2O5 contents of garnet. The remaining P could be stored in trace amounts of tuite not detected in the central section through the capsule or undetected fluid residing along grain boundaries of the graphite liner. Textural evidence for fluid formed by apatite breakdown and/or moisture adsorbed onto the starting material is provided by small amounts of quench phases (see above). It is only in run B07-16 at 15 GPa and 18008C that substantial amounts of quenched melt are present, coexisting with garnet and stishovite. Bulk composition II crystallized to form similar assemblages to composition I, except at P 4 GPa where additional small amounts of enstatite and magnesite are present (Fig. 1b and Table 2). The latter formed from trace amounts of CO2 inherited from the starting materials. Clinopyroxene, TiO2 and the phosphate phases are stable to slightly higher P and T of 13 GPa and 13508C compared with bulk composition I (Fig. 2b and Table 2). All runs using bulk composition II show small amounts of quenched fluid or melt. Phase compositions Averaged and representative compositions of phases from all experiments are given as Supplementary Data at Apatite and tuite In bulk composition I apatite is present in one experiment at 7 GPa and 9508C very close to its upper P stability limit where it is the major host for Sr and LREE 2046 KONZETT & FROST HIGH P^T STABILITY OF OH-APATITE Table 2: Summary of experimental run conditions and products Run Bulk Assembly no. P T (GPa) (8C) Position Duration Phases observed MA36 I 18/11 7·0 950 lower 363 h 15 min grt þ cpx þ coe þ rt þ ap B08-7 I 18/11 7·0 950 lower 190 h 47 min grt þ cpx þ coe þ rt þ ap MA37 I 18/11 7·0 1100 upper 262 h 20 min grt þ cpx þ coe þ rt þ Q MA41 I 18/11 7·5 950 lower 260 h 15 min grt þ cpx þ coe þ TiO2-II þ tu þ Q B06-9 I 18/11 8·0 950 upper 313 h 20 min grt þ cpx þ coe þ TiO2-II þ tu B05-17 I 18/11 8·0 1050 upper 186 h 07 min grt þ cpx þ coe þ TiO2-II þ tu (þ mag) B07-15 I 18/11 8·0 1125 upper 101 h 04 min B05-10 I 18/11 8·0 1200 upper 94 h 50 min grt þ cpx þ coe þ rt þ tu (þ mag) grt þ cpx þ coe þ TiO2-II þ Q B05-19 I 18/11 11·0 1100 upper 168 h 25 min grt þ cpx þ stish þ TiO2-II þ tu B05-3 I 18/11 11·0 1200 upper 72 h 45 min grt þ cpx þ stish þ TiO2-II þ tu B05-1 I 18/11 11·0 1350 upper 24 h 10 min grt þ cpx þ stish B05-5 I 14/8 13·0 1350 upper 23 h 10 min grt þ stish B05-7 I 14/8 15·0 1450 upper 14 h 00 min grt þ stish B07-17 I 14/8 15·0 1600 upper 05 h 00 min grt þ stish B07-16 I 14/8 15·0 1800 upper 04 h 22 min grt þ stish þ Q JKI-67 II PC 3·0 850 341 h 57 min grt þ cpx þ opx þ coe þ rt þ ap þ Q JKI-91 II PC 3·0 1000 508 h 06 min grt þ cpx þ rt þ Q MA32 II 18/11 4·0 900 lower 303 h 00 min grt þ cpx þ opx þ coe þ rt þ ap þ Q MA30 II 18/11 4·0 950 upper 334 h 45 min grt þ cpx þ opx þ rt þ Q MA23 II 18/11 5·0 950 lower 285 h 12 min grt þ cpx þ coe þ rt þ ap þ Q (þ mag) MA09 II 18/11 6·0 950 upper 185 h 51 min grt þ cpx þ coe þ rt þ ap þ Q (þ mag) MA51 II 18/11 6·0 1100 lower 145 h 55 min grt þ cpx þ coe þ rt þ Q MA26 II 18/11 7·0 950 lower 217 h 04 min grt þ cpx þ coe þ rt þ ap þ Q (þ mag) B08-7 II 18/11 7·0 950 upper 190 h 47 min grt þ cpx þ coe þ rt þ ap þ Q (þ mag) MA37 II 18/11 7·0 1100 lower 262 h 10 min grt þ cpx þ coe þ rt þ Q MA41 II 18/11 7·5 950 upper 236 h 15 min grt þ cpx þ coe þ TiO2-II þ tu þ Q (þ mag) B06-9 II 18/11 8·0 950 lower 313 h 20 min grt þ cpx þ coe þ TiO2-II þ tu þ Q (þ mag) B07-15 II 18/11 8·0 1125 lower 101 h 04 min grt þ cpx þ coe þ rt þ tu þ Q (þ mag) MA16 II 18/11 10·0 1200 upper 120 h 20 min grt þ cpx þ stish þ TiO2-II þ tu þ Q (þ mag) B05-3 II 14/8 11·0 1200 lower 72 h 54 min B05-1 II 14/8 11·0 1350 lower 24 h 10 min grt þ cpx þ stish þ TiO2-II þ tu þ Q (þ mag) B05-5 II 14/8 13·0 1350 lower 23 h 10 min grt þ cpx þ stish þ TiO2-II þ tu þ Q (þ mag) B05-7 II 14/8 15·0 1450 lower 14 h 00 min grt þ cpx þ stish þ Q grt þ cpx þ stish þ TiO2-II þ tu þ Q þ (þ mag) grt, garnet; cpx, clinopyroxene; rt, rutile; TiO2-II, TiO2 with a-PbO2 structure; coe, coesite; stish, stishovite; ap, apatite; tu, tuite; mag, magnesite; Q, quenched fluid or melt; PC, piston cylinder. Bulk compositions are given in Table 1. Position of the charge in the MA assembly with respect to the thermocouple (TC): upper, close to TC; lower, far from TC. (0·26 0·03 wt % SrO, 1·03 0·11 Ce2O3 and 1·12 0·06 wt % Nd2O3). In addition, significant MgO, FeO and SiO2 and Cl are present, the latter most likely inherited from the graphite used for the graphite liner. Spectrometer scans yielded no evidence for Rb, Ba, Lu and Y at concentration levels measurable by EMPA. Tuite from bulk composition I has distinctly higher Sr, Ce, Nd and Na but does not contain measurable Mg (Fig. 3b). In bulk composition II the only minor element measurable in apatite is Mg. Its concentration increases with increasing P from 1·0 wt % MgO at 3 GPa and 8508C to 1·8 wt % MgO at 7 GPa and 9508C, which is equivalent to 4·4 mol % Mg5(PO4)3(OH) solid solution (Fig. 3a). This increase in Mg with increasing P is consistent with the smaller ionic radius of Mg2þ compared with Ca2þ, irrespective of the coordination number (Shannon, 1976). 2047 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 Table 3: Analytical conditions for EMPA of garnet and clinopyroxene Garnet Clinopyroxene Acceleration voltage 15 kV 15 kV Beam current 10 nA 150 nA Analytical conditions for P X-ray line/crystal P-Ka/PETH P-Ka/PETH Counting time 50 s/25 s 100 s/50 s P standard natural F-apatite natural F-apatite Detection limit (ppm P) 70 15 Typical 2s error 12% for 1000 ppm P 8% for 200 ppm P Standards and counting times (peak/background) for remaining elements NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 compositions (e.g. Okamoto & Maruyama, 2004; Spandler et al., 2007; Konzett et al., 2008). In addition, up to 6 mol % Ca-Eskola pyroxene solid solution are present between 11008C and 12008C. In bulk composition II, clinopyroxene is a diopside^jadeite solid solution with 75^ 82 mol % diopsidess and 10^15 mol % jadeitess. There is very little compositional variation across the P^T region investigated and no significant Ca-Eskola solid solution is present. The P concentration in clinopyroxene ranges between 129 14 and 258 25 ppm P and slightly increases with P and T (Fig. 5). Clinopyroxenes 50 mm may show variations in their P contents that are outside the 2s error of a single analysis (Table 3). These variations, however, do not represent systematic core-to-rim zoning trends. No relation between major element composition and P concentrations could be observed (compare runs MA36 and MA26). Si pyrope (20/10) diopsidey (20/10) Ti rutile (50/25) rutile (20/10) Al pyrope (20/10) corundum (20/10) Accessory phases Mg diopside (20/10) diopside (20/10) Ca pyrope (20/10) diopside (20/10) Fe pyrope (20/10) pyrope (20/10) Mn tephroite (20/10) tephroite (20/10) Na jadeite (50/25) jadeite (20/10) Stishovite always contains significant Al2O3; it ranges between 0·3 and 0·9 wt % and increases with increasing T (Liu et al., 2006b; Litasov et al., 2007). Stishovite from bulk composition I also contains Fe3þ with a molar Al:Fe ratio of 1:1. The presence in stishovite of Al and Fe3þ is consistent with hydrogen incorporated through a substitution (Al3þ, Fe3þ) þ Hþ ¼ Si4þ (see Pawley et al., 1993; Litasov et al., 2007, and references therein). No P could be detected in stishovite using the analytical procedure applied to clinopyroxene. All TiO2 polymorphs contain significant Al2O3 and CaO and those from bulk composition I are also major hosts for Nb2O5, Ta2O5, and ZrO2. For a discussion of minor element incorporation into the TiO2 polymorphs the reader is referred to Vlassopoulos et al. (1993) and Bromiley & Hilairet (2005). Quenched melt or fluid from bulk composition II is siliceous with 37^41wt % SiO2 at P 6 GPa and has very high P2O5 contents of 5·9^7·6 wt %. At 15 GPa and 14508C the melt is carbonatitic with 2 wt % SiO2 and is again strongly enriched in P2O5 (5·1wt %). USNM standard 143968. yUSNM standard 117733 (see Jarosevich et al., 1980). By analogy with bulk composition I, Mg in tuite is always below the detection limit, yielding stoichiometric Ca3(PO4)2 in all experiments. Garnet In bulk composition I garnet forms a complex pyrope^ almandine^grossular solid solution with significant amounts of P, Na and Ti. In the presence of apatite or tuite P increases with increasing P and T from 0·2 wt % P2O5 at 7 GPa and 9508C to 0·6 wt % P2O5 at 11 GPa and 12008C. A maximum of 0·78 0·06 wt % P2O5 in the garnet is reached at P 13 GPa (Fig. 4a). In these experiments tuite could not be detected in the central section through the capsule. In bulk composition II P2O5 remains constant at 0·2^0·3 wt % to P 10 GPa and then increases to 0·6 wt % at 13 GPa and 13508C (Fig. 4b). Possible mechanisms responsible for P^Na^Ti incorporation into garnet are discussed below. Clinopyroxene In bulk composition I clinopyroxene forms a diopside^ jadeite solid solution with minor Ca-Tschermak’s pyroxene and enstatite solid solution. Jadeitess increases from 43 mol % at 7 GPa to 67 mol % at 11 GPa, which is in accordance with earlier studies that used comparable bulk Raman spectra of tuite and apatite Raman spectra of tuite show a very intense band at 976^ 979 cm^1 with less intense bands at 1094^1098 cm^1, 1001^ 1005 cm^1, 639^643 cm^1, 577^579 cm^1 and 411^414 cm^1. This is in very good agreement with band positions reported by Xie et al. (2002, 2003) for natural tuite and also for synthetic g-Ca3(PO4)2. Apart from these bands found in 22 spectra from seven experiments, weak bands at 1095^1097 cm^1, 520^525 cm^1, 192^194 cm^1, 176^ 177 cm^1, 150^153 cm^1 and in the range 414 and 192 cm^1 may also be present (Fig. 6a). These are thought to originate from undetected carbonate or silicate inclusions in tuite. The Raman spectrum of apatite (e.g. Nelson & Williamson, 1982) can be easily distinguished from that of 2048 KONZETT & FROST HIGH P^T STABILITY OF OH-APATITE Fig. 1. Back-scattered electron photomicrographs of run products from the high-P experiments: (a) bulk composition II; run MA23 at 5 GPa and 9508C; (b) bulk composition II, run MA41at 7·5 GPa and 9508C; (c) bulk composition I, run MA36 at 7 GPa and 9508C; (d) bulk composition I, run MA41at 7·5 GPa and 9508C; (e) bulk composition II, run MA30 at 4 GPa and 9508C. Abbreviations as in Fig. 2. tuite based on the shift of the major v1 PO4-stretching mode from 975 to 962 cm^1 (Fig. 6a and b). In apatite from bulk composition I a small band at 3508 cm^1 is present in addition to the main band at 3570 cm^1. This is consistent with the presence of small amounts of Cl (see Elliott, 1994). In spite of the presence of magnesite, the Raman spectra of apatite from bulk composition II do not provide conclusive evidence for CO3 groups. 2049 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 DISCUSSION The residence of phosphorus in basaltic rocks All volcanic and plutonic rocks of basic and intermediate composition contain small amounts of P usually of the order of51wt % P2O5 (LeMaitre,1976). MORBs typically have 0·05^0·25 wt % P2O5 (e.g. LeMaitre, 1976; Wilkinson & LeMaitre, 1987; Hart et al., 1999; Klein, 2004; Workman & Hart, 2005). Basalts and andesites from island arcs and active continental margins show a wider range in P concentrations from 0·1 to 0·7 wt % P2O5 (e.g. LeMaitre, 1976; Wilkinson & LeMaitre, 1987; Condie, 1993; Plank & Langmuir, 1998; Kelemen et al., 2004). Even higher concentrations of 0·5^1·6 wt % P2O5 are found in continental alkali-rich and feldspathoid-bearing basalts (LeMaitre, 1976; Wilkinson & LeMaitre, 1987; Farmer, 2004). P increases with increasing degree of differentiation together with Fe and Ti, which may lead to bulk P2O5 concentrations of several wt % (e.g. Leeman et al., NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 1976; Hill, 1988; McLelland et al., 1994; Costa & Caby, 2001; Sarapa«a« et al., 2005; White, 2007). Major hosts for P are olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase. The P concentration in these phases is a complex function of P, T, oxygen fugacity and SiO2 content of the coexisting melt (Libourel et al., 1994; Bindeman et al., 1998; Milman-Barris et al., 2008). Because of the high P-saturation concentration in basaltic melts, apatite is unlikely to be a phenocryst phase stable near the liquidus at the time of extrusion (Watson, 1979). Nevertheless, trace amounts of apatite are very common in basalts or gabbros (e.g. Anderson & Greenland, 1969; Neumann et al., 2000; Coogan et al., 2001; Meurer & Natland, 2001; Thy, 2003; Kaczmarek et al., 2008) and may form by a local build-up of P sufficient to reach P saturation (Green & Watson, 1982). In rare instances rocks with 30^40 vol. % apatite coexisting with FeTi-oxides may form from immiscible liquids that separated from strongly differentiated anorthositic^mangeritic magmas (Philpotts, 1967). Fig. 2. Schematic P^T diagrams summarizing experimental results. (a) Results for bulk composition I (Table 1); phases present in the experimental charges are represented by black or grey sectors within the run symbol; phases not detected are denoted by white sectors (see inset upper left). Abbreviations: SiO2, coesite or stishovite; cpx, clinopyroxene; TiO2, rutile or TiO2-II; ap, apatite; Q, quenched fluid or melt; grt, garnet; tu, tuite; M86, apatite^tuite reaction for pure hydroxyl-apatite according to Murayama et al. (1986); ACMA, average current mantle adiabat. (b) Results for bulk composition II; symbols and abbreviations as in (a), and mag, magnesite; opx, orthopyroxene. 2050 KONZETT & FROST HIGH P^T STABILITY OF OH-APATITE The role of apatite and tuite as phosphorus and LILE^REE carriers in subducted basalts Fig. 2. Continued During high-P metamorphism of MORB-type rocks P is redistributed from olivine and plagioclase to clinopyroxene and garnet. At P52 GPa both clinopyroxene and garnet are unable to store significant amounts of P. Therefore, this redistribution of P results in the formation of apatite in excess of that inherited from the basalt precursor. Monazite and xenotime are very rare in basalts (Lovering et al., 1973; Herd et al., 2004) as a result of bulk compositional constraints and, hence, do not play any significant role as P carriers in these rocks. By the time the basalt or gabbro reaches eclogite-facies conditions, a major portion of the bulk P content of the rock will be stored in apatite whereby 0·5% apatite is sufficient to store the entire MORB P budget of 0·2 wt % P2O5. In fact, apatite is an extremely common accessory phase in eclogites and has been reported from worldwide high-P (HP) and ultrahigh-P (UHP) localities of both crustal and mantle origin (e.g. Brueckner et al., 1998; Svensen et al., 2001; Heaman et al., 2002; Zack et al., 2002; Spandler et al., 2003; Baldwin et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2005; Srensen, 2006; Aulbach et al., 2007; Sun et al., 2007). At P43 GPa garnet starts to incorporate significant amounts of P (see above), which leads to a decrease in the modal amount of apatite. Fig. 3. Compositional variation with P and T of apatite and tuite. (a) Variation of the averaged MgO content in apatite for bulk composition II; numbers next to symbols are experimental temperatures; at 9508C two data points are plotted to compare the influence of the capsule position (u, upper; l, lower; see section on experimental and analytical conditions) on phase compositions. (b) Variation of averaged minor element concentrations in apatite and tuite in bulk composition I across the ap^tu reaction and in an isobaric section at 8 GPa; bars next to element abbreviations give 2s errors for these elements in a single EMP analysis under analytical conditions as outlined in the text. 2051 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 Because of the ability of garnet to incorporate significant P under UHP conditions, the question arises whether or not apatite will reach the P(^T) conditions of the apatite^ tuite reaction in a subducted MORB. To assess this problem the modal composition of run B08-7 (bulk composition I; 7 GPa and 9508C) was determined and the P storage capacity of garnet and clinopyroxene was calculated based on their averaged P2O5 concentrations (see Supplementary Data). The results (Table 4) show that NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 only 0·3% apatite is sufficient to supply all the P for garnet and clinopyroxene. If it is assumed that the bulk P2O5 content of 0·2 wt % in an average MORB is stored in apatite then only 60% of the apatite will have broken down by the time the P^T conditions of the apatite^tuite breakdown are reached. In rocks with a higher bulk P content the persistence of apatite is even more likely. It has to be emphasized, however, that this calculation is valid only for subsolidus conditions because of the rapid Fig. 4. Variation with P and T in the averaged P2O5 content of garnet (a) from bulk composition I and (b) from bulk composition II; numbers next to symbols are temperatures (8C); filled symbols represent P contents of garnets coexisting with apatite or tuite; dashed line gives approximate P of the ap^tu reaction. 2052 KONZETT & FROST HIGH P^T STABILITY OF OH-APATITE consumption of apatite in basic to intermediate melts close to the solidus (Watson, 1979). A further potential subsolidus P host not considered in the calculation is the fluid phase. Its role is difficult to assess because no data on P solubility in high-P fluids have been available so far. Run B08-7 (bulk composition II), however, provides evidence for limited solubility of P. Although needle-like quench phases show that a fluid phase was present during the experiment, abundant apatite crystals are still stable (Table 2). This indicates that small amounts of fluid are not able to induce the breakdown of significant amounts of apatite. The results of this study show that apatite has a much more restricted stability range than that indicated by Murayama et al. (1986). Hydroxyl apatite is not stable above 7·5 GPa at 9508C, which corresponds to a depth of 200 km. This is because silicate phases or phase components are involved in the tuite-forming reaction (see Brunet et al., 1999). During apatite breakdown both water and halogens are liberated (see below) whereas LILE and REE are retained and even concentrated in tuite, the latter taking over the role as a major P, LILE and REE carrier at depths 4200 km (see Fig. 3; see also Murayama et al., 1986; Sugiyama & Tokonami, 1987). The stoichiometry of the apatite^tuite reaction cannot be identified because of the absence of breakdown products in addition to those present (grt þ cpx þTiO2 þ SiO2) and the lack of significant compositional changes of garnet and clinopyroxene owing to the small amount of apatite in the starting material. If apatite þ tuite þ pyrope þ grossular þ diopside þ enstatite þ coesite þ H2O are considered as phases or phase components then the possible tuite-forming reactions are 12 apatite þ pyropess þ 6 coesite ¼ 18 tuite þ grossularss þ 3 diopsidess þ 6 H2 O 12 apatite þ 2 pyropess þ6 coesite ¼ 18 tuite þ 2 grossularss þ3 enstatitess þ 6H2 O 4 apatite þ enstatitess þ2 coesite ¼ Fig. 5. Averaged P contents in clinoproxene from bulk compositions I and II as a function of P and T. 6 tuite þ 2 diopsidess þ2 H2 O: Fig. 6. Unpolarized Raman spectra (a) for tuite and (b) for apatite from bulk compositions I and II; bold numbers give positions of Raman bands as observed in this study, numbers in parentheses give band positions observed by Xie et al. (2003) for tuite and by Nelson & Williamson (1982) for apatite. 2053 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 This study confirms the conjecture of Sugiyama & Tokonami (1987) that both apatite and tuite are important carriers of LILE and REE to depths in the upper mantle and Transition Zone. A comparison of minor element variations in apatite and tuite in bulk composition I indicates different incorporation mechanisms for the LREE in both phases. In tuite, Ce and Nd are accompanied by significant Na. Their co-variation, including data from an incompletely equilibrated tuite core (see Fig. 7a), which is close to a 1:1 trendline, indicates a substitution REE3þ þ Naþ ¼ 2 Ca2þ (Rnsbo, 1989; Pan & Fleet, 2002). By comparison, apatite, although showing significant Ce þ Nd contents, has very low Na contents, which are inconsistent with a substitution REE3þ þ Naþ ¼ 2 Ca2þ. Instead, significant Si contents point to a substitution REE3þ þ Si4þ ¼ Ca2þ þ P5þ (Fig. 7b) (Pan & Fleet, 2002). For tuite the potential role of Si in coupled substitutions cannot be assessed with confidence because almost all tuites show tiny inclusions of silicate phases, which make a reliable determination of Si impossible. In any case the Na^REE systematics in tuite do not require a significant contribution of Si-involving REE exchange mechanisms. Table 4: P budget for run B08-7 (7 GPa and 9508C) using bulk composition I The role of apatite as halogen and water carrier in subducted basalts Mineral phases present Modal amount (%) grt cpx 54 32 coe rt 8 1 Average P2O5 concentration (wt %) 0·19 0·039 — — Amount of P2O5 stored (wt %) 0·103 0·012 — — 6·0 — — ap 3 Fraction of typical MORB-type P2O5 budget of 0·2 wt % (%) 51·5 Amount of ap required to supply 0·12 wt % P2O5 (wt %) 0·28 Amount of ap required to store 0·2 wt % P2O5 (wt %) 0·47 Modal amounts calculated from bulk and averaged mineral compositions (Table 1 and Electronic Appendix). Apatite is an important potential subsolidus halogen reservoir during high-P metamorphism and crust-to-mantle transport of basalts in subduction zones, but it does not play any significant role as a water reservoir (Fig. 8). Whereas apatite from felsic igneous rocks is mostly F-rich, that from mafic rocks shows a wide range in OH^F^Cl ratios (e.g. Wass et al., 1980; Exley & Smith, 1982; Ionov et al., 1997; O’Reilly & Griffin, 1988, 2000; Piccoli & Candela, 2002). Unlike silicates, halogen incorporation into apatite is not subject to crystal chemical constraints (Mg^Cl avoidance; e.g. Volvinger et al., 1985; Oberti et al., 1993; Kullerud, 1995). Primitive MORB has a bulk Cl content of 20^50 ppm (Oppenheimer, 2004, and references therein). To store this amount of Cl, 0·4^1·1wt % Cl in apatite is required if it is assumed that the typical bulk P2O5 concentration of 0·2 wt % is entirely locked up in apatite (Fig. 8). The very few reports on halogen contents of eclogitic apatite show a wide range in Cl from 0·02 to 1·7 wt % Fig. 7. Compositional variation of REE^Na^Si with P and T in apatite and tuite from bulk composition I: (a) Na vs (Ce þ Nd) for both apatite (filled symbols) and tuite (open symbols); numbers next to symbols in inset lower right are P (GPa)/T (8C); (b) Si vs (Ce þ Nd) for apatite. 2054 KONZETT & FROST HIGH P^T STABILITY OF OH-APATITE (Svensen et al., 2001; Zack et al., 2002; Miller et al., 2007; Glodny et al., 2008). This shows that apatite is indeed a major host for Cl in subducted MORB. Apart from apatite, the only solid phase stable to depths 100 km that can accommodate Cl on a wt % level is halite. This phase is occasionally found in eclogites as daughter crystals in saline fluid inclusions (e.g. Philippot et al., 1998, and references therein; Svensen et al., 2001) and it may also be present in the matrix of eclogites. Unfortunately, the common method of wet polishing of thin sections will dissolve away any trace amounts of matrix halite. Hence, halite may be more widespread in eclogites than is commonly assumed based on evidence from fluid inclusions. A mechanism that may form halite during subduction is progressive desiccation of saline fluid inclusions as a result of the increasing OH solubility in clinopyroxene with increasing P (see Katayama & Nakashima, 2003). The role of phengite and nominally anhydrous phases as Cl carriers in eclogites is difficult to assess because of a lack of data. Svensen et al. (2001) have shown that even in the presence of concentrated brines the Cl contents of phengite are 0·03 wt %. It is only in very rare instances that phengite with 40·1wt % Cl is reported from eclogites (John & Schenk, 2003). Secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) analyses of clinopyroxenes from peridotites have yielded highly variable Cl contents of 20^ 400 ppm (Scambelluri et al., 2004; Ottolini & Le Fe'vre, 2007). Whether Cl contents of the order of several hundred Fig. 8. Cl and H2O storage capacity of 0·47 wt % (OH, Cl)-apatite (amount of apatite required to store average MORB P budget of 0·2 wt % P2O5) as a function of mol % Cl-ap or wt % Cl in apatite (upper scale); horizontal grey bar represents range of average Cl concentration in MORB reported by Oppenheimer (2004); vertical grey bar gives Cl concentration in apatite required to store the corresponding average bulk Cl content. ppm are incorporated into the pyroxene lattice or originate from sub-microscopic fluid inclusions is not yet clear. The subsolidus breakdown of apatite at a depth of 200 km is a barrier for the crust-to-mantle transport of halogens in subducted basalts and will result in a fractionation of F and Cl. Whereas OH and F can at least in part be redistributed into nominally anhydrous phases such as omphacite (see Koch-Mu«ller et al., 2004; Katayama et al., 2006) and/or hydrous silicate phases (e.g. phengite, topazOH, Mg-pumpellyite, lawsonite) Cl is most probably lost to the fluid. This is because of its strong incompatibility in hydrous silicates except for very Fe-rich bulk compositions. Thus, apatite breakdown contributes to the Cl depletion of subducted oceanic crust and the reflux of Cl to the surface (Straub & Layne, 2003). Phosphorus in eclogitic silicate phases In a plot of Na vs (P þ Ti) (Fig. 9a) for garnet from bulk composition I, the data points are aligned very close to a 1:1 trendline in the P^T range 7^8 GPa and 950^12008C. Fig. 9. Variation of the minor element composition of garnet from bulk composition I with P and T: (a) Na vs (Ti þ P); (b) Na vs (P þ Ti þ [6]Si). In legend, numbers next to symbols are P (GPa)/T (8C). 2055 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 Fig. 10. Variation of the minor and major element composition of garnet from bulk composition I: (a) with T from 950 to 12008C in an isobaric section at 8 GPa; (b) and (c) for garnet from run B05-10 at 8 GPa and 12008C. This indicates that Na is fully compensated by substitutions [8] Na[4]P[8]M2þ^1[4]Si^1 and [8]Na[6]Ti[8]M2þ^1[6]Al^1 as observed in earlier studies (e.g. Thompson, 1975; Haggerty et al., 1994; Brunet et al., 2006; Hermann & Spandler, 2007). At P48 GPa the data points increasingly deviate from a 1:1 towards a 2:1 trend. This suggests that substantial Na not associated with P and Ti is incorporated into garnet. The excess of Na compared with (P þ Ti) (Fig. 9b) can be attributed to a substitution [8] Na[6]Si[8]M2þ^1[6]Al^1 (Ringwood & Major, 1971), which introduces a majorite component. The unusually low Na, Ti and P concentration in garnet from B07-16 is a result of partitioning of these elements into coexisting melt. In an 8 GPa isobaric series of experiments there is little variation in P between 9508C and 11258C as a result of buffering by tuite. By contrast, both Ti and Na strongly increase with T. Figure 10a shows that P^Na^Ti variation in garnet can be largely attributed to a combination of NaPM2þ^1Si^1 and NaTiM2þ^1Al^1 between 950 and 11258C. It is only in the 12008C experiment (B05-10) that data points start to significantly deviate from the 1:1 trend in (Ti þ P) vs Na towards higher Ti þ P. The negative Ti^ Ca and Ti^Al correlations for garnet from B05-10 (Fig. 10b and c) are consistent with Ti incorporation through an exchange [8]Ca[6]Ti[6]Al^2 (see Zhang et al., 2003). Garnet analyses from bulk composition II also show a positive correlation between Na, P and Ti with Na and P plotting on a 1:1 trendline at P510 GPa and T511258C (Fig. 11a). This indicates that NaPM2þ^1Si^1 accounts for most if not all Na and P in the garnet. Towards higher P and T, Ti becomes increasingly important through NaTiM2þ^1Al^1. In contrast to bulk composition I, however, there is no indication for [8]Na[6]Si[8]M2þ^1[6]Al^1. This is because all garnet analyses, even those with up to 0·3 [6]Si a.p.f.u., plot on or above a 1:1 trendline in the Na vs (P þ Ti) diagram (Fig. 11b). Data from experiments at 13 and 15 GPa show the strongest deviation towards high (Ti þ P) and a strong negative correlation between [6]Si and Ti. This would be consistent with Ti incorporation through an exchange [6]M2þ[6]Ti[6]Si^2. Averaged analyses of coexisting quenched melt or fluid and garnet from runs at 4, 6 and 15 GPa in bulk composition II were used to calculate partition coefficients for P. This is justified because of the compositional homogeneity of the quench, which is comparable with that of the solid phases. The resulting DPgrt^melt/fluid is 0·05 and 0·03 at 4 and 6 GPa. The strong increase of P in garnet with increasing P yields DPgrt^melt/fluid ¼ 0·11at 15 GPa. It is interesting to note that the P2O5 content of the carbonatitic melt or fluid is lower than that of the siliceous melts or fluids. Compared with melt and garnet, the P storage capacity of clinoproxene is negligible in the investigated bulk compositions across the entire pyroxene P stability interval. Between 4 and 11 GPa, DPgrt^cpx shows little variation between 5·9 and 7·5 when buffered by apatite or tuite. In the absence of a detectable phosphate phase DPgrt^cpx may increase to 10·4 as a result of the increasing P^(Na^Ti) solubility in garnet close to the upper P stability limit of clinopyroxene. Brunet et al. (2007) synthesized stishovite with 1wt % P2O5 at 18 GPa and 16008C and showed that P in this 2056 KONZETT & FROST HIGH P^T STABILITY OF OH-APATITE P^Ti^(Na)-rich garnet (Haggerty et al., 1994; Ye et al., 2000). Likewise, the DPgrt^cpx values 51 calculated for coexisting garnet and clinopyroxene from mantle eclogites reported by Bishop et al. (1978) are a strong indication for disequilibrium element partitioning. Thus, the comparison of Na^Ti^P contents of garnets from UHP metapelites and metabasic rocks with experimental data indicates that garnet rarely preserves its high-P^high-T equilibrium composition. This has to be kept in mind when thermobarometric data are retrieved from UHP assemblages. S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S Fig. 11. Variation of the minor element composition of garnet from bulk composition II with P and T: (a) Na vs P; (b) Na vs (P þ Ti). Numbers next to symbols are P (GPa)/T (8C). phase is present in six-fold coordination. This study, however, indicates that stishovite coexisting with garnet is unlikely to be a major storage site for P because of the extremely strong preference of P for the garnet structure. Hermann & Spandler (2007) pointed out the discrepancy between significant Na, Ti, and P contents of metapelitic garnets experimentally equilibrated at 2·5^4·5 GPa and 600^10508C and the very low concentration of these elements in the majority of natural HP and UHP rocks. This was attributed to substantial re-equilibration during the comparatively slow uplift and exhumation of continental crustal rocks. The same discrepancy can be observed for the garnets of this study compared with those from many natural UHP crustal and mantle eclogites (e.g. Reid et al., 1976; Bishop et al., 1978; Nowlan et al., 2000; Zhang et al., 2003; Katayama et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2006a). A (partial) removal of P, Na and Ti from garnet therefore seems to be a widespread phenomenon even in mantle eclogites despite their extremely rapid ascent to the surface. In fact, evidence for this removal is occasionally provided by oriented apatite and rutile inclusions in garnet that are interpreted as exsolution from an originally (1) Apatite is an important storage site for LILE, REE and halogens in subducted basaltic oceanic crust. In an average MORB and a model Mg-basalt its stability is limited to 57·5 GPa at 9508C in a typical eclogite assemblage garnet þ clinopyroxene þ SiO2 þ TiO2. This is 5 GPa lower than the upper P stability limit of pure OH-apatite and corresponds to a depth of 200 km. The high-P breakdown product of apatite is tuite [g-Ca3(PO4)2]. (2) Both apatite and tuite are stable in a wide range of subduction zone T regimes but not along an average mantle adiabat. This precludes apatite or tuite stability in the asthenospheric mantle. Apatite may be stable in cold continental lithosphere (40 mW/m2) but is restricted to P 5 4^5 GPa. (3) Apatite breakdown is an important limit for Cl transport in subduction zones and can contribute to the Cl depletion of subducted crust. This is because with the exception of (Na, K)Cl no subsolidus phases are available in an average MORB that can accommodate significant Cl at P47 GPa. In comparison, apatite breakdown has much less impact on F and H2O storage and transport in subduction zones because both H and F can be accommodated by hydrous phases and/or nominally anhydrous minerals. (4) Apatite shows a continuous and bulk compositiondependent increase in MgO with increasing P reaching 1·9 wt % at 7 GPa and 9508C equivalent to 4·4 mol % Mg5(PO4)3(OH) solid solution. This is consistent with the much smaller ionic radius of Mg compared with Ca. (5) Tuite can accommodate the same or even higher amounts of LILE and REE compared with apatite. Thus, subsolidus apatite breakdown does not greatly affect LILE or REE transport in subduction zones. A comparison of element correlations indicates different mechanisms of REE incorporation, namely Naþ þ REE3þ ¼ 2 Ca2þ for tuite and Si4þ þ REE3þ ¼ Ca2þ þ P5þ for apatite. (6) Only garnet can accommodate significant P in an assemblage garnet þ omphacite þ SiO2 þ TiO2. In the presence of apatite or tuite, P2O5 contents in garnet are in the range of 0·2^0·6 wt % between 3 and 11 GPa and increase to 0·8 wt % at 15 GPa in the absence of a 2057 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 detectable phosphate phase. This increase in P is associated with the strongly increased solubility of Na and Ti (NaTimajorite component). (7) The P storage capacity of clinopyroxene is limited to 250 ppm P and is, to a first approximation, independent of its composition. Attempts to detect P in stishovite were unsuccessful because of concentrations below the detection limit of EMPA. (8) Under subsolidus conditions apatite is likely to reach its upper P stability limit in subducted MORB despite the increasing P solubility in garnet. This is based on the bulk P2O5 content of an average MORB and its modal composition along with the P storage capacity of eclogitic silicate phases. (9) As a result of the extreme preference of P for the garnet structure, virtually the entire P budget of subducted MORB will be locked up in garnet well into the lower mantle, provided fO2 is high enough to prevent the stability of a metal phase. AC K N O W L E D G E M E N T S We are indebted to Hubert Schulze from BGI for his skilful sample preparation and to Rainhard Kaindl (University of Innsbruck) for assistance during Raman measurements. Fabrice Brunet kindly provided samples of phosphorusdoped glass standards. Reviews by Fabrice Brunet, Cliff Shaw and Ron Frost helped to correct various inaccuracies and to improve the style of the manuscript. Their support is gratefully acknowledged. 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