Connecting children to healthy food and nature What does it mean

Connecting children to healthy food and nature
What does it mean to be a “GROW” School Garden
GROW assists you in getting your garden established and provides garden coordination,
programming, and maintenance during the growing season.
GROW coordination and maintenance includes:
● Obtaining plant starts and seeds
● Obtaining compost and soil to amend the soil
● Planting gardens
● Weeding and watering gardens
● Recruiting all volunteers needed to help in the garden
● Obtain materials to repair or replace garden tools, etc.
● Ensuring PTO, parents, principal, and district staff are kept informed
GROW programming includes:
● Co-host one GROW garden event per school year with the PTO and/or staff (this will
work best if it is combined with another event like a bike rodeo)
○ See attached proposal
● Lessons connected to curriculum will be made available to each classroom. Examples
○ Recipe demonstrations
○ Soil lessons
○ Seed Saving lessons
● Curriculum connected to garden programming. Examples include:
○ Hands on 4th and 5th grade science curriculum connected lesson
GROW La Crosse will be responsible for obtaining all materials needed for the programming
lessons including food for recipe demonstrations and supplies for planning lessons
Thanks to our corporate sponsor!!
Connecting children to healthy food and nature
How to “GROW” a school garden at your school
Principal Support:
● Submit GROW garden application
● Support GROW garden programming including a garden event school year in
collaboration with PTO. See details on “GROW Garden Party” sheet.
Teacher Support:
● Identify two lead garden teachers
● GROW staff will attend at least one staff meeting per year to do one or all of the
following: provide information, educate teachers about GROW, and/or provide one
PTO Support
● Must agree to financially support GROW garden programming at schools and elect one
parent to be garden representative.
● Must agree to help disseminate information and assist with recruiting volunteers for
● Encourage parent support to attend GROW fundraisers.
Thanks to our corporate sponsor!!!
Connecting children to healthy food and nature
Upon becoming a “GROW” Garden School
Volunteer Recruitment:
● The PTO, teachers, and principal will be required to assist GROW with volunteer
recruitment by sending home information and e-mails.
Grant writing:
● The principal and or teachers may be asked to collaborate on writing grants for garden
supplies, etc.
Information Disbursement:
● An article about GROW La Crosse will be submitted to be printed in the school
newsletter a minimum of twice per year.
● A GROW employee will attend PTO meetings each year as needed to provide updates
about what is happening in the garden.
● At the staff meeting GROW attends each year they will be given a garden update
Data Collection:
● School staff will be required to assist GROW La Crosse in collecting data if needed.
● A sign will be placed in the garden stating “This is a GROW School Garden.” It will
include our logo and that of our corporate sponsor. It may have information about any
grant funders who helped get the garden started.
Thanks to our corporate sponsor!!!
Connecting children to healthy food and nature
Application to GROW a School Garden:
GROW Garden proposal should include:
1. Desired location for garden?
2. Size of garden desired, including desire for a hoop house and/or greenhouse and what
size you would like?
3. Hopes for what your school will get from having a garden?
4. Number of children at your school and number of children who receive free and
reduced lunch?
5. What is your vision for the garden in five years?
Please list the names and emails of the two lead garden teachers:
Please list the name and e-mail of your PTO president and the date your school holds their
PTO/Steering committee meetings (may add lines/use back of form if needed).
Application Approval (name and signature):
1. Principal: _____________________ (name) _____________________ (signature/date)
2. Lead Teacher: _________________ (name) _____________________ (signature/date)
3. PTO President: ________________ (name) _____________________ (signature/date)
Applications are due May 31st and schools will be selected by the end of August for the following
school year. Schools will be selected by the La Crosse Public School District in collaboration with
GROW La Crosse
Thanks to our corporate sponsor!!