July/August 2013 - The Manluk Centre

July / August 2013
Your Guide to What's Happening in Wetaskiwin
Main Street Revitalization – Phase II
Wetaskiwin Firefighter Recognized
for 20 Years of Exemplary Service
We’re half-way there! Phase II of Wetaskiwin’s Main Street Revitalization is expected to wrap
up by October 2013, and will be completed in four sections spanning from 50 Street to 53
Street along 50 Avenue (Main Street).
Businesses Still Open
Though portions of Wetaskiwin’s Main Street are closed to vehicle traffic throughout the
duration of Phase II of the revitalization, pedestrians can still access every business in the
downtown core.
Feel free to visit the Main Street project office at 5208 - 50 Avenue in Wetaskiwin, phone
1-403-348-3913 or email [email protected] for more information on Wetaskiwin’s
Downtown Revitalization. You can also visit www.wetaskiwin.ca for current road closure
information and to view an estimated construction time line.
(L to R: Mayor Bill Elliot, Alex Plant, Alberta Lt. Gov. Donald Ethel and Fire Chief Merlin Klassen)
Alex Plant, a veteran member of Wetaskiwin Fire Services, received the Federal Fire Services
Exemplary Service Medal on June 13 for 20 years of exemplary service. Congratulations, Alex!
Photo courtesy of Sarmiati Stabner
Main Street Revitalization
Update on the Manluk Centre
Go Volunteer
Sister City Program Update
Norwood School Elects New ‘Mayor’
Local Mechanic to Represent Canada
Summer Activities & Camps,
Swim Programs & Pool Schedule
Summer Hours for Bylaw Services
Wetaskiwin’s Bylaw Services, a branch of the City of Wetaskiwin’s Protective Services, have
extended their hours of operation this summer.
Beginning this week, residents can contact Bylaw Services at 780-361-4401 between the
hours of 8 AM and 6 PM from Monday to Friday, as well as from 7 AM to 3:30 PM
on Saturdays.
These extended hours will continue until the beginning of September, when the regular
hours of 8 AM to 4 PM from Monday to Friday will resume.
Published by the City of Wetaskiwin | wetaskiwin.ca
780-361-4400 | www.wetaskiwininmotion.com | (c) 2013 City of Wetaskiwin
Update on the Manluk Centre:
Wetaskiwin Regional Aquatics & Fitness
Wetaskiwin Co-op Sponsors Competition Pool
The Wetaskiwin Cooperative Association Ltd has purchased the naming rights to the
competition pool, located within the new Manluk Centre: Wetaskiwin Regional Aquatics &
Currently under construction, the 25-metre competition pool will feature six swimming
lanes, each one measuring 2.5 metres wide. Designed with aquatic athletes in mind, the
Co-op Competition Pool will be in high demand for both training and competitive events.
“The Wetaskiwin Co-op and its Board of Directors are happy to support this major addition
to the City of Wetaskiwin and the region we serve,” said Allan Halter, General Manager of
the Wetaskiwin Co-op. “We feel that this project adds significant value to area residents
and we’re inspired to show our support by purchasing the naming rights of the Wetaskiwin
Co-op Competition Pool.”
Did You Know?
•The Board Rider feature in the new pool will be the only one in Canada! The wave
height will be adjustable, and more than one rider can surf at a time.
•The Manluk Centre will be able to accommodate swim competitions without closing
the facility to the public.
•There will be two water slides in the new pool, one of which will have a timer so that
you can race your friends.
•The whirlpool and the leisure pool can easily be accessed by those with mobility
issues through a zero-entry ramp system.
As most of you know, our highly anticipated pool has a new name! The Manluk Centre:
Wetaskiwin Regional Aquatics & Fitness is well on its way to completion, with a few
construction updates provided below:
•The new whirlpool will seat 39 people. That’s three times as many as the Aboussafy
Aquatic Centre’s hot tub.
Concrete has been poured for the deck areas, as well as the second floor fitness and multipurpose rooms. This brings the total volume of concrete used in the facility to over 2000
cubic metres. That’s over 200 concrete truck loads!
•The Co-op Competition Pool will hold 1,000,000 litres of water, which is the
equivalent of nearly 4500 bath tubs.
•Every drop of water in the Co-op Competition Pool will be filtered six times every day,
using both intricate filtration systems and UV light technology.
Some infill concrete is left to complete for the lazy river and beach entry on the leisure
pool. The frames for all the windows and doors are being installed, and pressure/leak
testing has begun on the water piping for the filtration system.
•The Wetaskiwin Co-op Competition Pool will measure a depth of 4.30 metres at the
deep end, as compared to the Aboussafy Aquatic Centre’s deep end measurement of
3.71 metres.
Drywall crews are now working on the south side of the exterior, and the roofing crews are
working on the slide tower and main pool roof areas, having completed the mechanical
roof area. All roof decking is now in place.
•The increased depth of the Wetaskiwin Co-op Competition Pool ensures the
accommodation of all sanctioned swimming or diving events.
•The Wetaskiwin Co-op Competition Pool will have 10 underwater red lights, as
compared to no underwater lighting in the Aboussafy Aquatic Centre.
Over the next few weeks we will see the pool areas cleaned, tested and readied for the tile
crews to start. While filling and cleaning the pool basins, master pools will also be cleaning
out debris and doing the final checks on pipes and the filter system.
Go Volunteer
Go Volunteer is a community connector, and provides
a platform where not-for-profit organizations can post
volunteer positions for current/potential volunteers to
browse through and find their perfect!
•The 11 metre ceiling height ensures that the Wetaskiwin Co-op Competition Pool can
comfortably accommodate both 1-metre and 3-metre diving boards.
Sister City Program Update
(Wetaskiwin & Ashoro)
Some readers may recall hearing or reading about a group of 14 Wetaskiwin student
delegates who had the opportunity to visit Ashoro this past April and see for themselves
what life was really like in the Northern Japanese town. Ashoro has reciprocated by
sending 15 students from Japan to Wetaskiwin every two years to show them the world
from a Canadian perspective.
This year, however, marks a new and exciting chapter in the Sister City relationship
between Wetaskiwin and Ashoro. The Town of Ashoro believes so highly in the value of this
exchange program that they will now to pay for each Grade 10 class to visit Wetaskiwin on
an annual basis.
Go Volunteer connects over 1,500 organizations with passionate, skilled volunteers who
are willing to lend their time and talent.
Featured Opportunity:
Emergency Social Service/Reception Centre Volunteer
Ashoro’s Grade 10 student delegation will arrive in Wetaskiwin this October (2013), and
I encourage you to become a billet or home-stay family for one of these students. It’s
not easy traveling across the world to a new and strange country, but I know that these
students will be warmly welcomed to Wetaskiwin. If you would like to become a billet/
home-stay family, please contact Kinni at 780-361-4416.
Emergency Social Services (ESS) are services provided on a short-term basis to preserve the
emotional and physical well-being of those affected by an emergency or disaster. ESS plays
an important role in emergency management by:
I feel so fortunate to be involved in the exchange program, and am excited to see both
communities continue to strengthen their unique bond—one that provides such an
amazing opportunity for our youth.
To browse current volunteer opportunities in Wetaskiwin, please visit www.govolunteer.ca
• helping people meet their basic survival needs during a disaster
• reuniting families separated by disaster
• providing people affected by a disaster with accurate and up-to-date information
When a large emergency or disaster strikes which affects a large area or community, The
City’s Emergency Management Agency will respond by opening up one or more reception
centres in an appropriate area. A reception centre is a safe gathering place where evacuees
and individuals affected by an emergency or disaster can gather to get information, to
register their safety and whereabouts, to make inquiries about loved ones and to receive
assistance for basic needs such as food, clothing and lodging.
Volunteers are needed to help with various positions in different areas in a reception
centre. Some of these areas include: meet & greet, food services, transportation,
information, translation services, frontline assistance, security, first aid, family reunification,
child care, pet care, recreation, emotional support, logistics and administrative support.
There are no meetings, however, each volunteer is expected to attend training sessions,
participate in exercises and be available on short notice to assist evacuees at a temporary
reception centre.
Complete training for specific tasks will be provided by and facilitated through the City’s
Emergency Management Office.
If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, please contact City of Wetaskiwin FCSS
at 780-361-4425.
Ian Ruskowsky
Coordinator of International Relations | Ashoro, Japan
Class 1 Water Restriction in Effect
Hello, my name is Ian Ruskowsky and I am the current Coordinator of International Relations
for the Sister City program between Wetaskiwin and Ashoro, Japan—a program that is nearly a
quarter century old. I am a Wetaskiwin citizen who has been hired by our Sister City of Ashoro,
Japan to help facilitate any student and adult exchanges—including cultural exchanges
between the two cities year-round— and assist in after-school and evening programs.
Living in Ashoro for nearly two years has been both challenging and rewarding in
many aspects. When I first arrived, I only knew the word “konichiwa” and I based all my
assumptions on what Japan was like from the movie Karate Kid. I am now able to fumble
through a basic conversation in Japanese and I am completely aware that the Karate Kid
movie was nothing more than the usual Hollywood stereotype. Although I am starting
to feel fairly comfortable in my new home, challenges and changes keep on presenting
themselves—the most recent one being a new approach to the Wetaskiwin/Ashoro
exchange program.
A water restriction is in effect for City of Wetaskiwin residents until September 1, 2013.
A Class 1 water restriction means that the watering of lawns, gardens and the washing
of vehicles will be restricted to every other day as follows:
• Addresses ending with odd numbers (1,3,5,7,9) are permitted to water on odd
numbered days
• Addresses ending with even numbers (0,2,4,6,8) may water on even numbered
• Commercial businesses are exempt from the watering restriction unless
otherwise stated by Wetaskiwin City Council.
Increased water use in the summer is an issue when everyone waters their lawn/garden
on the same day. By spreading the watering evenly over two days we prevent our water
treatment and distribution system from being strained by periods of high usage.
Norwood School Elects New ‘Mayor’
Congratulations to Kyra Gusdal
(pictured with Alderman Glenn
Ruecker), who was elected on June 11
as Norwood School’s new Mayor.
Local Mechanic to Represent Canada at
International World Skills Competition
Tyler was first nominated by the Alberta Provincial Apprenticeship Board to compete in
the 2011 Provincial Skills Competition, in which he earned a silver medal. He then went on
to win the 2012 Alberta Provincial Skills Canada Competition, which secured his spot in
the 2012 National Skills Competition. Tyler took home gold in the Edmonton-based 2012
National Skills Competition, advancing him as a representative of Team Canada in the
upcoming 2013 World Skills International Competition.
“The 2013 International Skills Competition takes place over four days,” said Tyler. “I will have
to rotate through six workstations, and will have a maximum of three hours at each station
to complete the required task. I won’t know what I need to do at each workstation until the
competition begins.”
The City would also like to recognize
Victoria Paddicombe, Benson Pitcher,
Sheree Jones, Matthew Grekul and
Taylor Dunning-Horvath for their
excellent campaign efforts.
Congratulations, Tyler, on representing Canada (but especially Wetaskiwin) at World Skills
International 2013. Your home town will be cheering you on—have no doubt about it.
The six candidates touched on a
variety of topics before the official
vote was taken, including public
transportation, the preservation of
wetlands, economic development,
sports & leisure opportunities, as well
as pothole repairs and the expansion
of the skate park.
7th Annual Women’s Conference
Kyra presented her winning speech to
Wetaskiwin City Council at their June
24th meeting.
Brought to you by City of Wetaskiwin FCSS
The Women’s Conference is a great opportunity
to get together with the women in your life and
enjoy a day out! Learn new things with exciting
presentations and network with other women in
your community. This year we’re excited to feature
workshops that focus on personal development and
women’s health, as well as some fashion and fun.
New Identification Measures for Voters
Monday, October 21, 2013 is the election date for most municipalities in Alberta. This
election marks the first time that all electors will be required to show identification prior
to voting.
Tyler Kenyon, an apprentice mechanic with Wetaskiwin’s J&E Motors, is one of 35 Canadian
representatives participating the 42nd Annual World Skills International competition, to be
hosted in Leipzig, Germany this year from July 2 – 7.
Election information will be available on www.wetaskiwin.ca throughout the summer,
with potential candidate information packages available for download. Physical
copies of potential candidate information packages can be picked up at Wetaskiwin
City Hall (4705 – 50 Avenue) from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Monday to Friday.
Held every two years, World Skills International is as highly regarded as the Olympic
Games in most countries. More than 1,000 17-to 22-year old vocational and skilled
students from every imaginable trade compete head-to-head, making it the largest skills
competition on Earth.
Please contact Iain Mac Lean, Manager of Legislative Services, at 780-361-4459 or at
[email protected] with any inquiries.
“I’m nervous, but very excited about this competition,” said Tyler Kenyon. “I’ve seen a fair
amount of our wonderful country, and am really honoured to be representing Canada at
the World Skills International Competition.”
Summer Activities
Summer Camps
Upcoming Events:
July 14: Children’s Day
August 4: Ice Cream Festival
Alberta Central Railway Museum, www.abcentralrailway.com
August 18: Railway Day
Alberta Central Railway Museum, www.abcentralrailway.com
Aug 31 & Sept 1: Harvest Festival
Reynolds-Alberta Museum, www.reynoldsalbertamuseum.com
September 5: Tour of Alberta
50 Street Wetaskiwin, www.tourofalberta.ca
Sept. 21 & 22: Metal Art Show & Sale
Reynolds-Alberta Museum, www.reynoldsalbertamuseum.com
May – September - Edmonton International Raceway
Wetaskiwin Civic Centre
This half-day camp for children ages 4-6
focuses on meeting new friends, while
learning new games, activities, crafts and
having fun! Register soon to receive the
special Early Bird prices.
Dates: July 15-19, 2013 OR August 6-9, 2013
Cost: $60 - Early Bird; $75 - Regular
Active for Life Camp
Wetaskiwin Civic Centre
This full day camp for children ages 8-12
introduces you to a world of new activities,
games and more to help you be active for
life! Space is limited so register early.
Dates: August 12-16, 2013
Cost: $125 - Early Bird; $150 - Regular
Races run every weekend until September, www.edmontonraceway.com
Sport for Life Camp
Live Theatre - Wetaskiwin Theatre Society
Ever heard of Sepak Takraw or Goalball?
This camp for ages 10-13 will introduce you
to these sports and others as well as help
you improve your skills in sports you already
know. Register early as space is limited!
Dates: July 29 - August 2, 2013
Seasonal Shows, www.wetaskiwintheatresociety.com
May 18 to October 14, 2014 – The Fabulous Fifties
Reynolds-Alberta Museum
Explore the car culture of the 1950’s:
• Drive-Ins
• Car Tunes
• “Only in Canada”
• Aviation Influence
• Foreign Invasion
• Chrome Dreams: Color and Style
• Designer Influence: the People behind the Designs
British Soccer Camps
There are more than 25 vehicles from the 1950s in this exhibit, including the feature vehicle;
a 1955 Bel Air Nomad, the latest project completed by the museum’s Restoration Shop.
Norm Brown Field
Improve your soccer skills with coaches from
the United Kingdom in the ‘British Soccer
Camp’. This camp is offered to kids ages 3-19
with a variety of options for each age group
and skill level. Sign up before May 24 and
receive a free t-shirt and soccer ball!
Dates: July 8-12, 2013
Cost: Please inquire at Aboussafy Centre
Summer 2013 Leadership Programs
Assistant Water Safety Instructor
Tues – Fri
July 2 - 5
8 - 4pm
Water Safety Instructor
Mon – Thurs
July 29 - Aug 1
8 - 4pm
Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross
Tues – Fri
& Mon – Thurs
July 2 - 5 & 8 - 11 9am - 12noon
Thurs / Fri / Sat
August 15 - 17
8:30am - 5pm
Mon – Fri
August 26 - 29
8am - 5:30pm
(AWSI is a Pre-Requisite for WSI)
National Lifeguard &
Aquatic Emergency Care
To find out more please call 780-361-4425
Summer Reading Kick Off
Date: Saturday, July 6
Time: 10:30 AM until 1:30 PM
Visit the library on July 6 (rain or shine) and help us celebrate summer reading with
fun games, face painting, balloon animals, crafts for all ages and a bouncy house!
All ages are welcome. The activities are free, but we will also be fundraising with hot
dogs and treats.
Knight Haven Medieval Camp
Wetaskiwin Civic Centre
Go back in time with the Knight Haven
Medieval Camp. This camp is offered for
children ages 8-12 and immerses them in
the past with interactive history lessons
on heraldry, chivalry, battle tactics, guilds,
theater and fashion.
Dates: July 22-26, 2013
Cost: $170
Wetaskiwin Civic Centre
This half-day camp for kids ages 5-7 focuses
on learning healthy, active living skills
through co-operative game play and other
new and exciting activities. Register soon to
receive special Early Bird prices.
Dates: July 15-19, 2013 OR Aug. 6-9, 2013
To find out more about these camps
and other programs visit
www.wetaskiwin.ca/camps. To register
please visit the Aboussafy Aquatic Centre.
July 2-5, 2013*
July 8-11, 2013
Children 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
Dates: July 8 until August 22
Mondays (10 AM- 1 PM): Join us at By-the-Lake Park for games and crafts (weather
permitting. If the weather is poor, activities will take place at the library.)
Tuesdays (10 AM- 1 PM): LEGO, Wii play and games at the library.
Wednesdays (10 AM- 1 PM): Crafts and games at the library.
Thursdays (10 AM): Story time with Tamara at the library, as well as a special visit with
the Library Puppies. Movie Time will follow at 10:30 AM.
Summer Day Camps
Dates: Fridays, July 5, 19 and August 9 | Cost: $25 per day
Keep your children aged 6-12 busy with crafts, games and activities at the library!
Please pre-register your child with Tamara at the library for these special day camps.
For more information please visit the library in-person at 5002 – 51 Avenue,
Wetaskiwin. You can also find out more about upcoming library events online at
Aboussafy Pool Schedule
Welcome to the Aboussafy Aquatic Centre’s Red Cross Swim program, Canada’s largest and
most recognized swimming and water safety program. With an emphasis on swimming
skills, water safety, and fitness activities, Red Cross Swim sets the foundation for a lifetime
of swimming and fitness. Below is our summer lesson schedule for July and August 2013.
T/W/Th/F Summer Reading Club 2013
Remember to pick up and drop off your weekly reading logs to win prizes!
Fun for Life Camp
Summer Swim Lessons
Session #1
Tickets go on sale as of September 1 and are only
$25.00 per person. A continental breakfast, lunch
and all workshops are included in the ticket price.
Purchase your ticket(s) at the City of Wetaskiwin
FCSS Office, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 4705 – 50 Avenue
Summer Fun
at the Wetaskiwin Public Library
Play For Life Camp
Alberta Central Railway Museum, www.abcentralrailway.com
Date: Saturday, October 5, 2013 at Montgomery
Glen Golf Club
Pool Schedule for July & August 2013
*Lessons start on Tuesday due to Monday being a holiday.
Session #2
Session #3
M/T/W/Th July 15-18, 2013
July 22-25, 2013
T/W/Th/F August 6-9, 2013*
August 12-15, 2013
*Lessons start on Tuesday due to Monday being a holiday.
Red Cross Babysitter Course
Session #1: Friday
July 19
9am - 5pm
Session #2: Friday
August 16
9am - 5pm
Session #4
August 19-22, 2013
August 26-29, 2013
Minimum age
4-12 months
12-24 months
Sea Turtle
24-36 months
Sea Otter, Salamander ,
Sunfish , Crocodile , Whale
Time frame
3-5 years
Swim Kids
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Swim Kids
7, 8, 9
Swim Kids 10
Swim Kids
5, 6, 7, 8
6 years
Registration: Registration for any of our lessons must be done in person at the Aboussafy
Aquatic Centre. In order to complete the process, payment must be made with the
registration. Please bring your child’s previous report card with you for the instructor.
The Aboussafy Aquatic Centre will be
closed from September 3 - 13, 2013
in order for the annual maintenance
to take place. We apologize for any
Please visit www.wetaskiwin.ca
for more information.
Please help us save the environment by recycling this newsletter once you
have finished reading it. Thank you — the City of Wetaskiwin