LISTA DE EXERCÍCIOS 1 According to the text, we can infer that

Unidade Senador Canedo
Professor (a):
Aluno (a):
Gustavo Higor
Série: 1ª
Data: ____/ ____/ 2017.
- A lista deverá ser respondida na própria folha impressa ou em folha de papel almaço.
- Caso seja respondida em folha de papel almaço deverá conter cabeçalho completo (Data, nome, disciplina,
nome do professor e série).
- As listas que não forem realizadas conforme orientações serão desconsideradas.
1 According to the text, we can infer that CHUÍ Ecotourism Tours:
a) (
) provides courses for people who want to learn about the environment.
b) (
) does not have an office in other states of Brazil.
c) (
) is worried about the importance of the greenhouse effect.
d) (
) offers tours at reasonable prices.
Unid. Senador Canedo (62) 3010-0291 – – e-mail: [email protected]
2) Match the columns.
a) If you want to make a reservation,
( ) great variety of wildlife.
b) Their office is not
( ) you can stay in inns, hostels and camping areas instead.
c) The southern region of Brazil is
( ) open on Sundays.
d) If you don't want to spend money on hotels
( ) known for its beautiful landscapes.
e) The Ecological Reserve of Taim has a
( ) you will not pay anything for that.
3) Find in the text:
a) an example of a profession:
b) the opposite of poor:
c) a synonym for take pictures:
d) a word that means a specific area in which climate, landscape, animals, and plants are constantly
interacting: ________________________________
4) Change the words given into nouns to complete the sentences.
a) A psychologist is someone you should trust to help you make good __________. (decide)
b) __________ is a feeling that affects everyone from time to time. (sad)
c) If we want to help our planet, we all must take __________. (act)
d) People who don’t like to be alone hate _________________. (lonely)
5) Now look at the time indicated in each sentence and write what the children are/aren't doing. (Present
7 a.m.: go to school with Lucy
12:30 p.m.: eat lunch at home
5:00 p.m.: no studying / watch TV
9 a.m. tennis lesson
2:00 p.m.: wash the dishes
8:00 p.m.: grocery shopping with dad
a) It's 7 a.m. Sonya is_______________________________
b) It's 12:30. She
c) It's 5 p.m. She
_____________________________ studying, she_____________________ TV.
d) It's 9 a.m. Benny ______________________________
e) It's 2 p.m. He ________________________________
Unid. Senador Canedo (62) 3010-0291 – – e-mail: [email protected]
Read the text to answer questions 6 to 9.
A dedicated teenager
Jane is a very intelligent teenager. She is fifteen years old and has two brothers. She goes to school in
the morning and helps her parents in the afternoon. In the evening, she studies English at a school. She
loves ice cream and barbecue; she eats an ice cream every day and, on the weekend, she eats barbecue.
Her brothers don’t like to study but they help their parents too. They want to open a small restaurant
because they like to work with food. Jane likes science and she wants to be a doctor. Her father tells her
that it is necessary to study a lot to be a doctor. Jane tells her father: “Yes, you are correct. This is my
dream and I know it is possible because I am dedicated.”
Jane’s family has problems but they believe there are solutions and they never give up. Jane doesn’t
have everything she wants but she works hard.
Teenager: adolescente Has(have na terceira pessoa, forma afirmativa): tem Want: querer Open: abrir
Tell: dizer, contar A lot: muito Dedicated: dedicado(a) Give up: desistir Everything: tudo Works hard:
trabalha duro, se esforça bastante.
6) How old is Jane? __________________________________________________________
7) When does she go to school? ________________________________________________
8) Does Jane have everything she wants? _________________________________________
9) Write (T) for true or (F) for false.
Jane doesn't help her mother in the afternoon. ( )
Jane studies English at a university. ( )
She doesn't like meat. ( )
Her brothers love to study. ( )
Jane wants to be a doctor. ( )
10) Mark the correct option.
1. (UDESC) – There´s a lot of gold in the North of Brazil, and now people there ____________ for it.
People _______ for this mineral wherever it is.
a) searching – is searching
b) are searching – search
c) are searching – searches
d) searches – are searching
Unid. Senador Canedo (62) 3010-0291 – – e-mail: [email protected]
2. Aunt Maria never _________ to the meeting on time.
a) comes
b) is coming
c) come
d) came
e) will come
3) The policeman usually ____________ early in the morning.
a) wakes up
b) wake up
c) woke up
d) waking up
4) (ACAFE) Be careful! The old man ____________ every word that you are saying.
a) has understanding
b) understanding
c) undesrtands
d) is understanding
5) We usually ________ our breakfast at 7am, but today we _________ it a little later because it’s holiday.
a) have – is having
b) are having – have
c) have – are having
d) has – is having
Good studies!!
Unid. Senador Canedo (62) 3010-0291 – – e-mail: [email protected]