Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 5, 2014

2001 N. Western Ave., Edmond, OK 73012
Office: 405-359-2700 ● Fax: 405-341-0023 ● Rectory: 405-330-2699
Rev. Stephen Hamilton - Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Gregory Nguyen - Parochial Vicar 359-2700
[email protected]
Katie Gordy - Pastoral Associate,
Director of Religious Education, Spiritual Counseling
[email protected]
Stacy Sample - Bulletin Editor/Office Manager
[email protected] 359-2700
Sheryl Lacy - Facility Manager
[email protected]
Carmen Snow - Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano
[email protected]
Marie Connolly - Music Director
[email protected]
Melani Roewe - Music Director
[email protected]
Julie Blatt - Youth Orchestra
[email protected]
Kelli Pereira - RCIA Director
[email protected]
Carrie Harkey - Youth Ministry Director 550-0494
[email protected]
24 hours/7days a week
Tuesday - Thursday
By Appointment
5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
5 p.m.
8,10:30 a.m.
1 p.m. Spanish
4:15 P.M.
3 p.m.
WEDDINGS Contact church office six months in
BAPTISMS Contact the Church Office at 359-2700
Noon Monday
Nick Caporale, Knights of Columbus
Marcus Hamman, Pastoral Council
St. Vincent de Paul
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 5, 2014
Next Sunday:
Is 5:1-7/Phil 4:6-9/Mt 21:33-43
Gal 1:6-12/Lk 10:25-37
Gal 1:13-24/Lk 10:38-42
Gal 2:1-2, 7-14/Lk 11:1-4
Gal 3:1-5/Lk 11:5-13
Gal 3:7-14/Lk 11:15-26
Gal 3:22-29/Lk 11:27-28
Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/Mt 22:1
-14 or 22:1-10
Saturday, October 4
5 p.m.
† Maxine Hightower
Sunday, October 5
8 a.m.
For the Parish
10:30 a.m.
† Ramon Gonzalez
1 p.m.
† Francisco Macias Alva
Tuesday, October 7
5:30 p.m.
† Harvey Bryant
Wednesday, October 8
5:30 p.m.
† Elizabeth Caudill
Thursday, October 9
5:30 p.m.
† Bob Perkins
Friday, October 10
7:30 a.m.
† John Setter
Saturday, October 11
5 p.m.
† Marlena Chenault
Sunday, October 12
8 a.m.
† Madeline Sample
10:30 a.m.
For the Parish
1 p.m.
† Antonio Fonseca
Sunday, October 5
9-11:30 a.m. - Religious Education
9 a.m. - Adult Bible Study - Mother Teresa
Noon - Jr. High/H.S. Youth Birth Choice Walk
2 p.m. - Birth Choice Walk - Myriad Botanical Gardens
Monday, October 6
7 p.m. - Knights of Columbus - St. Michael/Youth Rm.
7 p.m. - Ladies of St. Monica - Parish Hall
Tuesday, October 7
9:30 a.m. - Bible Timeline - St. Michael
4:15-5:30 p.m. - Religious Education
6 p.m. - Cub Scouts - St. Patrick/Mother Teresa
6:30 p.m. - Boy Scouts - Parish Hall
7 p.m. - Matthew Bible Study - St. Anthony
Wednesday, October 8
9:30 a.m. - Revelation Bible Study - St. Michael
5:15-6:30 p.m. - Religious Education (1st-8th Grade)
6:15 p.m. - Confirmation I Students - Hall
7 p.m. - 11th/12th Grade RE - Youth Rm.
7 p.m. - Adult/Bell Choir - Church/St. Cecilia
7 p.m. - Isaiah Study - St. Patrick
Thursday, October 9
4:15 p.m. - Medjugorje Prayer Group - St. Anthony
6:30 p.m. - Stewardship Board - St. Patrick
7 p.m. - Breaking Open the Word - Mother Teresa
7 p.m. - Talleres de Oracion - St. Michael
Friday, October 10
5:30 a.m. - St. Augustine Men’s Group
7 p.m. - Familias Para Cristo - Youth Rm.
7 p.m. - Wedding - Church
8 p.m. - Reception - Parish Center
Saturday, October 11
September 27, 28
Sunday Offering .............................. $20,153.03
Less Charity 10% ............................ $2,015.30
Parish Offering ............................. $18,137.73
All St. Monica parishioners are asked to
contribute 8% of their weekly income to the parish.
Give electronically at
and select “online giving.”
2 Welcome to St. Monica Catholic Church
8:30 a.m. - Cleaners - Church/Parish Center
6 p.m. - Parents of Young Children - Parish Hall
Sunday, October 12
9-11:30 a.m. - Religious Education
9 a.m. - Pancake Breakfast - Hall/Kitchen
9 a.m. - Adult Bible Study - Mother Teresa
Pray the Rosary
Before all Weekend Masses
30 minutes before Masses start
October 5, 2014
Ladies of St. Monica (Women’s Society) - will
gather on Monday, Oct. 6, from 9:30-11 a.m. or 78:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall for The Art of Rosary
Making. For more information contact Patty Christian
at 580-774-4652, Joyce Greenlee at 471-1859 or Beth
Jeffcoat at 210-857-8830.
Parents of Young Children
Save the Date - Oct. 11
Every second Saturday of the month, the St. Monica
Parents of Young Children group gather for a little
grown-up fun. The next event is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 11, at 6:30 p.m. If you'd like to join us,
please send an email to [email protected] with the ages of any children
needing childcare by Monday, Oct. 6. Additional details will be provided closer to the date.
Also, November's gathering is a Murder Mystery
Dinner. If you would like to attend, please RSVP by
Wednesday, Oct. 1, so that characters can be assigned. For more information, email: [email protected]. We always have a great time,
hope you can join in on the fun!
Lighthouse Catholic Media - Parenting for Purity: Jason Evert provides parents with ten powerful
strategies to safeguard the innocence of their children
and effectively communicate the benefits and beauty
of chastity. This CD is a "must listen" in today's culture.
Liturgical Training Weekend
for Lectors and
Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion
after all Masses October 25 and 26
All Saints Day Celebration
Save the date. Come celebrate the “Vigil” of All
Saints Day on Saturday, Nov. 1 after the 5 p.m. Mass,
with a potluck meal and activities for the kids in the
Parish Hall.
Dress as your favorite saint, Bible character or animal. Convert a costume you already have (ex., sailor come as St. Erasmus, Lion – Daniel and the lions den).
Don’t stress about costumes, there are a lot of ideas
on the web. Please no scary or gory costumes.
Birth Choice Life Walk
The Birth Choice of Oklahoma, Inc. Life Walk will
take place on Sunday, Oct. 5, at the Myriad Botanical
Gardens in downtown Oklahoma City. Registration
begins at 1 p.m., with the Life Walk beginning at 2
p.m. Register with a minimum of $25 in donations and
get a chance to win an iPad (must be present to win).
Register with a minimum of $100 in donations and get
a free walk T-shirt. Activities include: children and
teen activities, food court and live music by the band
zero2sixty. For more information visit
Spiritual Book Club
7 Secrets of the Eucharist, by Vinny Flynn is our book
for discussion on Tuesday, Oct. 14, at 7 p.m. in the St.
Michael Room. Continually citing the Catechism of
the Catholic Church, the Councils, Popes and saints,
the author presents very profound insights into the
Holy Eucharist is clear, simple ways. Also recommended is Dominus Est - It Is the Lord!, an eloquent meditation on reverence for the Holy Eucharist
by Bishop Athanasius Schneider.
November: Angels and Saints: A Biblical Guide to
Friendship with God's Holy Ones by Scott Hahn
For more information/questions, please call Ali Howard at 330-6618 or e-mail: [email protected].
Bulletin Supporter of the Week
Kimmi Houston - 823-2515
Metro First Realty
Please Patronize our Sponsors. Their
generosity makes this publication
available to you
at no cost to the parish
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
RE Teachers/Aides Needed
We still need co-teachers for 4th and 6th grade on
Tuesday from 4:15-5:30 p.m.
Teen RE Aides are also needed for Kindergarten
during the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sundays, Kindergarten
on Tuesdays from 4:15-5:30 p.m. Please contact Katie
Gordy to volunteer at [email protected] or 3592700.
Anniversary Mass
Archbishop Coakley invites married couples who are
celebrating milestone anniversaries (25, 40, 50+) in
the calendar year 2014 to attend a special Anniversary
Mass on Sunday, Nov. 16, at 3 p.m. at Our Lady of
Perpetual Help Cathedral, 3214 North Lake Avenue,
(NW 32 & Western) Oklahoma City. A reception
will follow. It is imperative that, if you plan to attend,
you contact the Office of Family Life at (405) 7218944. The archbishop will be imparting his blessing,
and the local Catholic community will rejoice in your
example and commitment to the Sacrament of Marriage.
Substance Addiction Ministry
If you or a loved one are suffering from alcohol or
drug addiction and need assistance, please call 3979497.
Stewardship of Time, Talent
and Treasure
Please complete your Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure forms and return to the office or
place in the Narthex in the “completed forms” box.
Extra forms are available in the Narthex and Parish Office. Please make your commitment to the
Lord by completing your Treasure of Intent card.
At St. Monica, it is suggested that 8% be given to
the parish, 1% to Archdiocesan collections and 1%
to other charities of your choice.
4 Welcome to St. Monica Catholic Church
Youth Schedule
Sunday, Oct. 5, Noon-4:30 p.m. - Birth Choice Walk
Parent drivers needed
Sunday, Oct. 12 - No Youth
Sunday, Oct. 19, 4-5:30 p.m. - Youth Rm.
Fr. Simeon speaking on Faith & Christ
Saturday, Nov. 1, 6 p.m. - All Saints Celebration-Hall
Sunday, Oct. 5 - Noon-4:30 p.m. Birth Choice Walk
Parent drivers needed
Sunday, Oct. 12 - No Youth
Sunday, Oct. 19, 2-3:30 p.m. - Youth Rm.
Fr. Simeon speaking on Faith & Christ
Saturday, Nov. 1, 6 p.m. - All Saints Celebration-Hall
Youth Ministry Director
Carrie Harkey - 550-0494/[email protected]
Youth Group Collecting Diapers
for Birth Choice
The Youth Group will collect packages of diapers
after all weekend Masses Oct. 4/5 to represent the
parish in the Birth Choice pamper pyramid competition.
We are challenged to see which youth group can
work together to build the highest diaper pyramid for
a chance to win the prized blue shoe trophy. Help us
reach our goal, while donating to this worthy cause
supporting life.
Youth Group Participates in ROPES course
St. Monica youth gathered at the ROPES COURSE
for a day of team building adventures.
October 5, 2014
I want to share some words on the Holy Sacrifice of the
Mass, its value, and the practice of offering Mass intentions.
First, to be clear, the Holy Mass is the re-presentation of
the one and same sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, offered
now in an unbloody way in accord with the command of
Jesus when he said, “Do this in memory of me” (Lk. 22:19).
The document on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican
Council says, “At the Last Supper, on the night he was betrayed, our Savior instituted the Eucharistic Sacrifice of his
Body and Blood. This he did in order to perpetuate the
Sacrifice of the Cross throughout the ages until he should
come again” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 47, Second Vatican
Ecumenical Council, italics mine). Notice what the Church
has always and continues to say about the Holy Mass: Jesus
instituted a sacrifice in order to perpetuate his sacrifice on
the Cross. The Holy Mass is first and foremost a sacrifice.
We can never forget this. There are many erroneous currents circulating among the popular mindset of many people in the Church who think that the Mass is first or mainly
a meal, a shared gathering of the community of faith, or
sort of a play where we re-enact the Last Supper. These
are all false as far as any claim to their primacy goes.
There are aspects of the Holy Mass that may, in part,
touch upon some of these other characteristics; but, we
must be clear that the Mass is always and everywhere, first
and foremost, a sacrifice: the very same sacrifice of Jesus
on the Cross.
What is the value of each and every Holy Mass? The sacrifice of Jesus is what redeems the whole world for all time.
In the Holy Mass, Jesus has left disciples of every age a
means to connect with the saving value of his sacrifice. In
the Holy Mass, it is as if we are transported to be witnesses at the foot of the Cross. If we open ourselves to
living in communion with Jesus, his Church, and his commands then we reap untold graces by participation at Holy
Mass and, most perfectly, by worthy reception of Holy
Communion (having first confessed all sins). Whenever
the Holy Mass is offered, the Church offers the most perfect gift we can offer to God: the very same Son He sent as
His greatest gift to us! It is this gift offered that makes the
Holy Mass the best and most perfect prayer mankind can
offer to God. Vatican II says this about the value of the
Holy Eucharist made present at Holy Mass, “[I]n the Most
Sacred Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the
Church, namely Christ himself our Pasch” (Presbyterorum
Ordinis, 5b, Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, italics
Because of the value and the impact of the grace made present at every Holy Mass, it has become custom to request
and to offer Mass intentions. While at the Holy Mass
prayer and sacrifice is always offered for the world and for
the Church, for the living and for the dead, the Mass intenTwenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
tion is the specific intention for which the priest prays and
offers the Mass. People are encouraged to request Mass
intentions for the living and for the dead or for some special need or event. The requested intention should be specific. In other words, “For a Special Intention” is rather
vague and, unless arranged directly with the priest (so he
knows for what he is praying), it is not usually the type of
intention that should be requested. Mass intentions always
have value whenever and wherever the Mass is offered.
You are encouraged to request Mass intentions through
the Parish Office. Mass intentions are scheduled on a first
come, first served basis. It is typical to make an offering to
the parish of $10 per requested Mass intention. That offering is the Mass stipend offered to the priest. Please understand, this is not “buying” a Mass. And please never,
never use such language. Requests for Mass intentions will
always be honored even if a stipend is not or cannot be
paid. The Mass stipend was simply a way from ages past to
supplement the meager income of the priest. Anymore
these days the Mass stipend is simply a small sacrificial offering by which you make a gift to the parish for the requested Mass intention. In the bulletin you see listed the
Mass schedule for the week and the Mass intentions. It is
this public printing of intentions that is the means by which
we communicate the specific intention for each Mass.
Most often these intentions are for specific people. The
name of a person listed with a cross before his name, usually is an indication that the Mass intention is for the repose of the soul of the person listed. You are encouraged
to continue this venerable practice of requesting Mass intentions. Many people like to request Mass intentions for a
specific date, for instance on anniversaries of important
events (weddings, birthdays, death days, etc.). This is a fine
thing to do. However, we cannot always accommodate
specific dates for various reasons. Please remember and
understand that the real value is that the Mass intention is
offered; the date is not important because the Mass has
value into eternity, not based on a calendar date. You
might like to know that this past Monday I chose to offer
my daily Mass for Adam Daniels and his followers (yes, the
Satanist). He offered a false “mass.” The Catholic Church
has the real Mass. As a priest I can offer the real Mass and,
as the Church, the Body of Christ, we include even people
like him in our prayers. I am entirely serious that we need
to offer prayer for his conversion and freedom in Christ
Jesus. It is a happy providence that so soon after the satanic “mass” today, October 5, is the feast day of Blessed
Bartolo Longo. He is the one through whose intercession
I have been asking you to pray for Adam Daniels and for
other Satanists.
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Stephen Hamilton
Beginning Experience – Hope for a new beginning. There is help for the heartache of separation,
divorce and widowhood at a Beginning Experience
Weekend. This weekend program helps deal with the
natural grief process and offers an opportunity,
through God, for turning the pain of loss into an experience of positive growth. Trained team members
who have suffered the loss of a loved one share their
own experience as they lead participants through
presentations, private reflections and small group
sharing. The next Beginning Experience Weekend,
which is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Oklahoma
City, will take place at the Catholic Pastoral Center,
Oct. 3-5. Contact the Office of Family Life at (405)
721-8944 for registration information or to download
the registration form, please visit the website Life.
Catholic Charities 2014 Appeal
“Serving with Love”
Julie was a single mother who was without a home
and a future plan. While taking care of her dying
mother she slowly slipped into homelessness without
knowing it was happening. After staying at multiple
shelters, she and her daughter arrived at Catholic
Charities’ Holy Family Home where they were met
with compassion and love. Because of your generosity
through the Annual Appeal, she along with her Catholic Charities case manager created a plan for success.
Today, she is now enrolled full-time at a local university and her daughter is performing well at school.
With plans to work in the financial sector after
graduation this spring, there is no doubt that Julie and
her daughter have a bright future ahead.
Your support of the Catholic Charities Appeal
makes possible the work of the agency year round
and successes like Julie’s possible. Please make a gift
today at or using an appeal
brochure available in the Narthex and the Parish Office.
Natural Family Planning
There is a healthy, life-giving, alternative that follows
the Church’s teachings regarding contraception, instead of artificial reproductive technologies. The
Sympto Thermal Method of Natural Family Planning is
effective to achieve and avoid pregnancy. Fall classes
will be held at St. Monica on Sundays at 12:30 p.m. in
the St. Patrick Room on Oct. 26 and Nov. 23. Child
care is available if needed. For more information contact: Matthew and Michaela Dietrich at 319-541-3181
or [email protected]. Also visit the Couple to Couple League at CCLI.
Region 10 Catholic Youth Conference
Needs Volunteers
Volunteers, 18 and older, are needed for the Region
10 Catholic Youth Conference to be held FridaySunday, Nov. 21-23, in Oklahoma City. Hosted by the
archdiocesan Youth and Young Adult Office, the
event features keynote speakers, Leah Darrow, Jackie
Francois and Ben Barresi, as well as emcee, Ben
With the theme of “Striving and Thriving,” the
event is for high school students from Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas in 9th-12th grades.
Those who would like to volunteer either prior to
or during the event should contact Becky Jaime in the
Youth and Young Adult Office at 721-9220 or e-mail
at [email protected].
Ice Cream Contest Winners
Greg and Jamie Sparks and family were
the winners of the Homemade Ice Cream
contest held this past Sunday and received
a Los Arcos gift card with their watermelon ice cream, chosen as the as the best
tasting. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed many delicious types of home made
ice cream and good fellowship.
6 Welcome to St. Monica Catholic Church
October 5, 2014
In Our Thoughts and Prayers
Sept. 24
Nov. 2
40 DAYS FOR LIFE - Runs through Nov. 2
40 Days For Life, a peaceful prayer campaign to end
abortion runs through Nov. 2. This is a great community project and hope you will be involved in protecting life.
The 24 hour vigil is being held on the public sidewalk in front of the Clinic Outpatient Services for
Women located at 6112 N.W. 63rd, Oklahoma
City. For more information, please contact: Debby
Krisch at (405) 824-5578 or [email protected];
Karen Kenworthy at (405) 471-9604 or
[email protected].
Sick and Suffering: Hunter Bieren, Gerry Bohmann, Kris Krittenbrink, Austin Harkey, Allen family,
Tena Franklin, Howard Jeffcoat, Nick Walker, Dave
Widhalm, Jim Arthur, Joe Layn & family, Bill Baker,
Regina Duggan, Blake Gerstenberger, Christine EdyRoy, Jennifer Hobbs, Violet Hobbs, Alicia Booher,
Grant Gosling, Jacque Litsch, Shannon Simenson &
family, Jackson Waddle, Kimali Howard, Vincent
O’Neill, Cryss Baker, Margaret DiMonico, Derrick
Miracle, Gennie Domeier, Harry Oshman, Dena
Frigoso, Ralph & Lena Setter, Sharron Masterson,
John Ruffner, Mary LeGrand, Pedro Gamonal Ruiz,
Logan McDaniel, Andra Legere, Linda Krist, Scott
Noll, Jill Thomas, Bobbie Filippo, Lori Ackman,
Deanna Biddle, Gail Norris, Micah Calise, Mike
Kenny, Mary Durand, Donna Miner, Fayelene
O’Connell, Rita Lawrence, Keaton Barron, Brock
Hart, Dick and Peg Feuerborn, Faye Norton, Anne
Foreman, Pat Lenhart, Jeanette Bollman, Lisa
McLaughlin, Debbie Yandell, Doug & Marla Robinson.
St. Monica Postulant & Seminarians: Veronica
Allen, Kelly Edwards, Jerome Krug, Tomas Sandoval,
Chad Thurman.
Military Overseas: Christopher Legere, Daniel
Broda, Jacob Seibold, Jeremy Easley, George Perry Jr.
Come and See Weekend will be held Nov. 8-10 at
Conception Seminary College. The weekend is a trip
for young men who are juniors and seniors in high
school and older who would like to visit a seminary.
This is an excellent opportunity to meet seminarians
who are discerning their call to the Priesthood. This
visit is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Oklahoma
City Vocations Office and is free. For more information contact Fr. Stephen Hamilton at 359-2700 or the
Vocations Office at 721-9351 or email [email protected]. The deadline to register is Oct. 31.
Encounter with God’s Call weekend
Families, couples and single persons
are welcome and encouraged to
spend time before the
Blessed Sacrament
To sign up for a Holy Hour,
contact Toni Harrelson at 341-2199
or [email protected]
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sacristan Altar Boys
SAT Oct 11
SUNDAY, Oct 12
Michelle Schaefer
Melani Roewe
Kateri Krug
Wilbert Hundl
Nick Samarripas
Rick Hufnagel
Mark Cooper
Mark Gales
Janet Long
Lowell Highfill
Gales family
Chip Long
Amy Highfill
Daniel Jack
Need volunteer
Carla Jack
Greg Greenlee
Tony Orel
Alisa Zelnicek
Joyce Greenlee
Fonda Brousseau
Jennifer Carney
Lenny Sever
Chris Karbs
Christina Dukeman
Mary Sever
Bob Stracke
Kristin Schwarz
Joe Brevetti
M Brevetti-Walker
Cathy Krittenbrink
Steve Yandell
Jerry Krittenbrink
Helen O’Connor
Sheila Nardelli
Austin Sykora
Zach Bowen
Colton Edelen
Corbin Lacy
Jonathan Blatt
Martin Samwel
Evan Highfill
Noah Orel
Dexter Onyekuru
Ciaren Pedulla
Rachel Berland
Need volunteer
Hayden Zehrung
Horario de Ministerios 12 de octubre, 2014
Proclamadores de la Palabra: Claudia García, Arturo
Ministro de Eucaristía: Lourdes Velasco
Monaguillos: José Esparza, Edgar Esparza, Jesus Velasco
27º domingo del tiempo ordinario
Tema: Lo que es bueno y verdadero, piensen es estas cosas.
Apuntes de la Palabra
Texto sugerido para compartir la fe: Segunda lectura de
hoy, Pablo a los filipenses
Paso uno: Escuchar la Palabra
Al escuchar la palabra proclamada hoy, ¿cuál amonestación
de Pablo les llama la atención? ¿Qué línea de esta lectura
toca su corazón?
Paso dos: Ver tu vida
Pregunta para los niños: ¿Qué te hace sentir en paz interiormente? ¿Qué te hace sentir inquieto?
Pregunta para los jóvenes: ¿Qué estrategia seguirás como
joven para asegurar que, como dice Pablo, dirigirás tus
pensamientos a lo que es verdadero, honesto, puro y decente?
Pregunta para los adultos: ¿Qué pasos toma cada semana
para asegurarse que está hacienda lo que Pablo indica:
"Vivir de acuerdo con lo que ha aprendido y aceptado"?
Misa Celebrando los Aniversarios 25, 40, 50+ El Arzobispo Pablo Coakley invita a las parejas casadas que
estén celebrando su aniversario especial de (25, 40, 50+) el
presente año 2014 para que asistan a una Misa Especial de
Aniversario el domingo 16 de noviembre, 2014, iniciando a
las 3 p.m. en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo
Socorro, 3214 North Lake Ave., (NW 32 y Western) en
Oklahoma City. Después de la Misa habrá una recepción.
Es muy importante que si usted desea asistir contacte a la
Oficina de Vida Familiar al (405) 721-8944. El Arzobispo
le dará su bendición y la comunidad local se alegrará en su
ejemplo y compromiso al Sacramento de Matrimonio.
Día de Todos los Santos
¡Guarde la fecha del 1˚de noviembre después de la Misa!
Vengan a celebrar la "Vigilia de Todos los Santos", con un
convivio y actividades para los niños. Vístase como su santo favorito, o personaje de la Biblia o de los animales.
No disfraces de miedos ni sangrientos.
Welcome to St. Monica Catholic Church
Misa Celebrando los Aniversarios 25, 40, 50+
El Arzobispo Pablo Coakley invita a las parejas casadas que
estén celebrando su aniversario especial de (25, 40, 50+) el
presente año 2014 para que asistan a una Misa Especial de
Aniversario el domingo 16 de noviembre, 2014, iniciando a
las 3 p.m. en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo
Socorro, 3214 North Lake Ave., (NW 32 y Western) en
Oklahoma City. Después de la Misa habrá una recepción.
Es muy importante que si usted desea asistir contacte a la
Oficina de Vida Familiar al (405) 721-8944. El Arzobispo
le dará su bendición y la comunidad local se alegrará en su
ejemplo y compromiso al Sacramento de Matrimonio.
Si usted tiene el deseo de participar en el coro ,
como músico, y/o cantor, llame a la Señora
Carmen a la oficina de la parroquia, 359-2700.
Necesitamos su ayuda.
“El que canta reza dos veces" es una frase célebre atribuida a San Agustín, muy utilizada para
expresar el valor de la música sagrada
“Si crees en el Señor Jesús, te salvaras tú y tu familia”.
(Hechos 16:31)
FAMILIAS PARA CRISTO es un apostolado de la
iglesia dedicado a la evangelización y formación integral de
la familia que incluye tanto a los padres como a los
jóvenes. El grupo se reúne los viernes a las 7:00 pm
en el Salón Parroquial. ¡Los esperamos! ☺ Para más
información, llame a Carmen a la oficina de la parroquia
(405) 359-2700.
Conferencia del
Consejo Arquidiocesano
De la Mujer Católica
sábado 18 de octure,2014
Iglesia Católica de San Eugenio
2400 West Britton Rd., Oklahoma City, Ok
Encontrará folletos de información e inscripción en la mesa
redonda del atrio de la iglesia. Si tiene preguntas, consulte
con la Señora Carmen, 359-2700.
(Rito de la Iniciación Católica para Adultos)
Si usted tiene 18 años o más y le falta algún sacramento
como el bautismo, la comunión la confirmación,
y el matrimonio contacte a la Señora Carmen en
la oficina de la Parroquia, (405) 359-2700. ¡Las
clases empiezan el jueves 23 de octubre!
October 5, 2014
Quiero compartir algunas palabras sobre el Santo Sacrificio
de la Misa, su valor, y la práctica de ofrecer Misas.
En primer lugar, la Santa Misa es la re-presentación del
mismo sacrificio de Jesús en la Cruz, que se ofrece ahora,
incruenta de acuerdo con el mandato de Jesús cuando dijo:
"Haced esto en memoria mía."(Lc 22:19). El documento
sobre la Sagrada Liturgia del Concilio Vaticano II dice: "En
la Última Cena, la noche que fue entregado, nuestro Salvador instituyó el Sacrificio Eucarístico de su Cuerpo y Sangre. Esto lo hizo con el fin de perpetuar el Sacrificio de la
Cruz a lo largo de los siglos, hasta su vuelta "(Sacrosanctum
Concilium, 47, Concilio Ecuménico Vaticano II, cursivas
mías). Note que la Iglesia ha sido siempre y sigue diciendo
acerca de la Santa Misa: Jesús instituyó un sacrificio con el
fin de perpetuar su sacrificio en la Cruz. La Santa Misa es,
ante todo, un sacrificio. Nunca podemos olvidar esto. Hay
muchas corrientes erróneas que circulan entre la mentalidad popular de la gente en la Iglesia que piensan que la
Misa es primero o principalmente una comida, una reunión
compartida con la comunidad de fe, o una especie de juego
en el que recreamos la Última Cena . Estas son falsas afirmaciones. Hay aspectos de la Santa Misa que pueden, en
parte, tocar en algunas de estas otras características; pero,
hay que tener en claro que la Misa es siempre y en todas
partes, en primer lugar, un sacrificio: el mismo sacrificio de
Jesús en la Cruz.
¿Cuál es el valor de la Santa Misa? El sacrificio de Jesús es el
que redime a todo el mundo por siempre. En la Santa Misa,
Jesús ha dejado a los discípulos de todas las edades un medio para conectar con el valor salvífico de su sacrificio. En
la Santa Misa, es como si fuésemos transportados a ser
testigos a los pies de la Cruz. Si vivimos en comunión con
Jesús, su Iglesia, y sus mandamientos entonces cosechamos
gracias incalculables por la participación en la Santa Misa y,
más perfectamente, por la digna recepción de la Sagrada
Comunión (habiendo confesado todos nuestros pecados
antes). Cada vez que se ofrece la Santa Misa, la Iglesia ofrece el regalo más perfecto que podemos ofrecer a Dios:
¡el mismo Hijo que envió como Su regalo más grande para
nosotros! Es este regalo ofrecido, hace la Santa Misa, la
mejor y más perfecta oración que la humanidad puede
ofrecer a Dios. Vaticano II dice esto sobre el valor de la
Sagrada Eucaristía hace presente en la Santa Misa, "[E]n la
Sagrada Eucaristía está contenido todo el bien espiritual de la
Iglesia, es decir, Cristo mismo, nuestra Pascua" (Presbyterorum Ordinis, 5b, Vaticano II Consejo Ecuménico, cursivas mías).
Debido al valor y el impacto de la gracia que se hace presente en cada Santa Misa, se ha convertido en costumbre
solicitar y ofrecer Misas. Mientras que en la oración de la
Santa Misa y el sacrificio siempre se ofrece por el mundo y
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
por la Iglesia, por los vivos y por los muertos, la intención
de la misa es la intención específica para la cual el sacerdote ora y ofrece la Misa. Animamos a la gente a solicitar
Misas por las intenciones por los vivos y por los muertos
o por alguna necesidad o evento especial. La intención solicitada debe ser específica. En otras palabras, "por una intención especial" es bastante vago, a menos que hayan
acordado directamente con el sacerdote (así el sabe por
lo que él está orando), no es por lo general el tipo de intención que debería ser solicitada. Intenciones de misas
siempre tienen valor cuando y donde la misa se ofrece. Se
le anima a solicitar intenciones de misas a través de la Oficina de la Parroquia. Es típico dar una ofrenda a la parroquia de $ 10 por pedido misa de intención. Esa oferta es la
tasa pecuniaria al sacerdote por cada Misa ofrecida. No
se trata de "comprar" una misa. Y por favor, nunca, nunca
utilice esa expresión. Las solicitudes de intenciones de
misas siempre serán honradas, incluso si no pueden pagar.
En épocas pasadas, la tasa pecuniaria de la misa era simplemente una manera para complementar los escasos ingresos
del sacerdote. Hoy en día es simplemente una pequeña
ofrenda de sacrificio por el cual se hace una donación a la
parroquia. En el boletín publicamos el horario de Misas de
la semana y las intenciones de estas misas. Muy a menudo
estas intenciones son para personas específicas. El nombre
de una persona que aparece con una cruz antes de su nombre, por lo general es una indicación de que la intención de
la Misa es por el descanso del alma de la persona mencionada. Se le anima a continuar con esta venerable práctica
de solicitar intenciones de misas. Muchas personas solicitan
intenciones de misas para una fecha específica, por ejemplo, en los aniversarios de acontecimientos importantes
(bodas, cumpleaños, día de la muerte, etc). Esto es una
buena práctica. Sin embargo, no siempre podemos dar
cabida a fechas específicas, por diversas razones. Por favor,
recuerde y entendía que el valor real es la intención por la
cual la misa se ofrece y no la es importante debido a que la Misa tiene un valor en la eternidad, no se basa
en una fecha. Comparto con ustedes que el pasado lunes
elegí ofrecer mi misa diaria para Adam Daniels y sus seguidores (sí, el satanista). Él ofreció una "masa" falsa. La Iglesia
Católica tiene la misa verdadera. Como sacerdote puedo
ofrecer la Misa verdadera y, como la Iglesia, Cuerpo de
Cristo, incluimos a la gente como él en nuestras oraciones. Estoy totalmente en serio que tenemos que ofrecer
una oración por su conversión y la libertad en Cristo Jesús.
Se trata de una providencia afortunada de que tan pronto
después de la "misa" satánica hoy, 5 de octubre, es el día
de la fiesta del Beato Bartolo Longo. Él es el que a través
de cuya intercesión he estado pidiendo que oren por
Adam Daniels y para otros satanistas.
Sinceramente en Cristo,
Padre Hamilton