Towing & Benefits Program
Attention Collectors:
We have Good News and Bad News
OK, let’s get the Bad News out of the way. Despite
the fact that, as car collectors, most of you have stellar
driving records, successful careers, cool friends and
are just all-around swell folks, your luck seems to turn
when it comes to roadside breakdowns. After intense
research, we came to this startling conclusion: Classic
car owners are six times more likely to experience a
breakdown (mechanical, that is) than to file a claim.
On to the Good News… Hagerty has created Hagerty
Plus not only for your roadside safety, but to actively
work toward preserving the future of the collector car
hobby. The following benefits summarize our one-ofa-kind program:
Flatbed Towing
• 24/7 flatbed towing services and other unbeatable roadside assistance benefits
We Don’t Stop There. Hagerty Plus members
also enjoy:
• Access to an endless supply of hobby-related resources – online and in print
• Legislative advocacy for the hobby
• Participation in the Collectors Foundation
for hobby preservation
• Hagerty’s quarterly magazine
• “Ask Hagerty” Concierge Service
“The dedicated efforts of Hagerty Plus members
have proven a vital component to SEMA’s legislative agenda. Together, we have persuaded lawmakers to overhaul existing statutes and create
brand-new programs to safeguard and expand
the collector car hobby. These successes demonstrate the grass-roots potency of collectors across
the country and the importance of programs like
Hagerty Plus to the future of the vehicle hobby.”
– Steve McDonald,
SEMA Vice President of Government Affairs
If this doesn’t give you peace of mind when you’re on
the road – or at home in your easy chair – we aren’t
sure what will.
So, think of Hagerty Plus as the proverbial icing on
the cake (or should we say the bonnet on your Jaguar,
or maybe the fins on your Chevy… Well, you get the
idea). The fact is, this membership program is about the
best thing to happen to your car since you decided to
spring for heat in your garage.
Just how good is Hagerty Plus?
Pretty darn good if we do say so ourselves. As fellow car
collectors, we know firsthand how unsettling it can be
to see your prized Duesenberg dangling from a wrecker.
Anyway, we prefer a nice comfy flatbed for our baby,
and we thought you would too. And that’s just for
starters. Check it out:
• Get answers on almost any topic: cars, events, selling, buying, restoration and even financing
• Ask our experts anything and we’ll get you pointed in the right direction
Emergency Roadside Assistance
• Available 24/7
• Guaranteed flatbed towing for your collector
vehicles (includes trailers)
• Dispatch for lockouts, battery jumps
and tire changes
• Emergency fuel delivery
Legislative Advocacy
• Join more than 225,000 collective voices across
the United States
• Help preserve the rights we currently enjoy
• Impact issues from emissions to scrappage laws
• Receive e-mail updates on legislative action in
your area
• Write a letter and contact your legislator via
our website
Hobby Resources
• Access hundreds of articles by hobby experts
on our website
• Learn more about restoration and maintenance
• Share advice and swap stories with other collectors
• Discover valuable tips on safety and protection
• Download brochures on a variety of topics that will
enhance your collector car ownership experience
Collectors Foundation
• This 501(c)(3)nonprofit foundation supports scholarships for students majoring in automotive
or boat programs
• The Foundation also supports hobby-related youth programs, libraries and museums
• A portion of your membership goes toward
the Foundation
Hagerty’s Magazine
• Receive this useful publication four times a year
• Get up-to-date information on vehicle valuation
• Learn buying and selling techniques
• Find out the latest trends in collecting and more
“Ask Hagerty” Concierge Service
• A unique service that gives you the freedom to call
us with virtually any collector car-related question you may have
We told you it was easy
Become a part of the nation’s largest collector car
enthusiast community!
All members enjoy our quarterly magazine and
hobby resources, concierge service, legislative
advocacy program and nonprofit hobby preservation
participation. You may already have a roadside
assistance plan, but Hagerty Plus is designed for the
collector vehicle enthusiast.
Select the roadside assistance benefit level that’s
right for you:
to home? This might be your option. This plan covers the first 10 miles of emergency flatbed towing (from point of pickup to destination) OR the first $50 or other roadside services (fuel delivery, battery jump, etc.) on up to three incidents per year for
your collector vehicles. $24 per year
• 50-MILE BENEFIT ALLOWANCE: If you cruise to local shows, this is a good choice. This plan covers the first 50 miles of emergency flatbed towing (from point of pickup to destination) OR the first $100 of other roadside services (fuel delivery, battery
jump, etc.) on up to three incidents per year for
your collector vehicles. $40 per year
All roadside assistance calls must be placed through our dispatch center at 888-310-8020, menu
option 1. There is no reimbursement for services we do not dispatch.
Premium Package
• 125-MILE BENEFIT ALLOWANCE: If you travel further with your car, consider this plan. It covers the first 125 miles of emergency flatbed towing (from point of pickup to destination) OR the first $100 of other roadside services for all of your vehicles (fuel delivery, battery jump, etc.) on a total of three incidents per year. Covers ALL of your cars, not just your collector cars!
$85 per year
Sign Up Now!
To sign up for the best package of services
around (and get a darn good bang for your
buck while you’re at it), call us today at
888-310-8020. Or visit www.hagerty.com, and
we’ll get things rolling so you can get rolling.
Membership in Hagerty Plus is provided by HagertyPlus, LLC, a non-insurance licensed affiliate
of Hagerty Insurance Agency Inc., a fully licensed insurance agency.
Hagerty Plus:
6 ways we’re helping you
and the collector car hobby
Emergency Roadside Assistance
Offering emergency service 24/7
throughout the United States and Canada
Hobby Resources
Providing access to a wealth of information to help
protect you, your vehicles and the hobby
“Ask Hagerty” Concierge Service
Offering expert advice and answers on nearly
any hobby-related topic.
Legislative Advocacy
Looking out for the interests of collector
vehicles and their owners
Hagerty’s Magazine
Quarterly magazine providing articles by industry
leaders on events, trends, valuation, buying and selling
Collectors Foundation
Ensuring the long-term future of the hobby by
supporting automotive and boat preservation
888-310-8020 | WWW.HAGERTY.COM