
“Even in old age they will still produce fruit. They will remain vital and green”.
Psalms 92:14
From Cindy
Dear Cindy’s Family and Friends,
It's a new exciting season at Cindy's Celebrations! It's a time to give back to our community. In a time of
rising prices and receiving less service and goods for your dollar..... The Lord has led us to cut our fee
by 25%. Making our service affordable to more seniors and their families. A day at Cindy's Celebrations
which includes transportation, lunch at a local restaurant and 5 to 6 hours away is now about $10 per
hour! This provides socialization and respite for caregivers.
Please help us find the lonely, shut in seniors and weary caregivers that often feel forgotten in our community. God has laid on our hearts and given us the resources to do exactly that. If you know a senior
that a monthly luncheon would enhance their life, please let us know. Our community has a vast loving,
compassionate network of senior service professionals. Along with our staff we will enlist them to help
us search, locate and reach as many as we can. Those seniors in need of socialization and something
to look forward to. Which allows them to share their life experiences as well as develop friendships giving them a sense of purpose.
In the spirit of giving back to our senior community. The lion’s share of this year end appeal will provide a monthly luncheon celebration to lonely shut in seniors at no cost. This will allow us to make it
possible to honor and celebrate seniors that need a hug the most!
Amy, Comes to my mind and heart immediately....,.. She was a dear luncheon friend who had not been
out of her house in over a year! She would greet me with a big hug, tears and with her thick German
accent saying"I am so thankful to be out and about with good friends!"
You, my family and good friends! I know your heart is already bent towards us at Cindy's. Your love,
support and generosity is proof of that! Please help us reach as many isolated or lonely seniors to experience the blessing of being out and about with good friends!
Thank you so much for your generous response that will make a difference in the lives of our senior
community! It will bring great encouragement and joy to all of us at Cindy's Celebrations!
"Serving seniors in the love of Christ, with the hope He offers and the provision He provides”.
With love, hugs and thankfulness for you!
Romans 11:36
Cindy’s Celebrations
PO Box 1637
Capitola, Ca. 95010
(831) 479-7509
5th Annual BBQ Fundraiser Raised $25,903.00
The food was fantastic. The music of the Sparkletone's was fabulous 50s! A huge heart felt thank you to
our hosts Kimberley Dawn and Roger Findley for opening up their home! It's gorgeous park like- setting
offered areas for vintage cars on display, Tortoises, Ice cream soda fountain, And dance lessons just to
name a few.
Thank you to all of our Cindy's supporters who generously gave making this our most successful fundraiser ever!
Please plan to attend next year! May 17, 2014
Thank You!
In Loving Memory of Betsey Sodetani
July 25, 1913—February 27, 2013
Our new beautiful Honda van was purchased and given to us by
her generous family Gail and Bob Shiosaki. What a wonderful
Blessing! We thank our Lord with every remembrance of you and
our dear Betsey!
My Luncheon Experience
A day in the life of Cindy's Celebrations
As a board member I don't regularly attend the luncheons at Cindy's. But one day recently I brought a
friend to visit a Day in the life of Cindy's. I was pleased to see several new faces around the table.
Seated across from me were two husband and wife couples. We were in Restaurant Italiano in a semi
private area and the restaurant wasn't packed that day. One of the men across from me started singing,"Let me call you Sweetheart" Fairly loudly. I thought,"Oh dear now what do we do? This could be
embarrassing." Well right away the person beside him started singing with him, then the next and the
next..... And I have to admit, I joined in too. He went from one song to another and we all followed along.
It was fun and funny and surprising and we all had a great time! As other guests in the restaurant
passed by they didn't look appalled but actually looked delighted. What better publicity could we have
than a table full of seniors having a grand old time?
Bebe Barnes, Board of directors
Board of Directors, Staff & Volunteers
Board of directors: Bebe Barnes, Joyce Carroll, Kimberley Dawn Findley, Kathy Lamarche, Clint
Parks, Ray Richard, Jeanette Roumimper, Sandy Sanfilippo, Dolores Stagi.
Staff: Founder: Cindy Lash, Program director: Lindsay Lash Stover, Mary Bahr, Susan Doan, Linda
Mckitterick,Real' Ray Richard
Volunteers: Sue Cony, Roxanne Craddock, Bob and Phyllis Davis, Carmina Fernandes, Carol Gray,
Laurie Root, Carole Stanfield, Susan Simmons, Kaitlyn Tinker.
A Champion For Cindy’s Celebrations
A champion for Cindy's Celebrations steps down from our board after 21 years of service.
Sue Cony: Stanford graduate, Mom to 5 children, Devoted wife and caregiver to Ed. Ed was an executive for the Wall Street Journal. Pulitzer Prize recipient, and listed in who's who. His care was just as
high-powered, as the man he was.
I met Sue 22 years ago. She was about my age then. It was in the very early years of Cindy's, Sue
made arrangements to have Ed join our luncheon Celebrations. I look back now and realize God almost
immediately was knitting our hearts together. I had no idea then how Sue's love, support and friendship
would be an intricate part of God's development of this ministry! Sue, was the first one to use our services multiple days. She believed in us and trusted us from the start. I will never forget how God used
her husband Ed. It was a time when it was just hard to put one foot in front of the other for me. The
Lord knew I needed encouragement! Ed had Alzheimer's, it became hard for Ed to express and complete a sentence. Some people may look at this brilliant man of the past, and think he had nothing to
offer. But our God knew and used Ed to spur me on....... I was standing near the kitchen, Ed walked up
to me and simultaneously with a firm Pat on my back said "Great job!"(This is making me cry) .To have
this high-powered executive of the Wall Street Journal tell me that, still resonates with me today! God
used Ed in a mighty way! Thank you Lord!
Then as we needed to create a board of directors for our incorporation and then later for becoming a
501(c)(3) nonprofit. Sue, was the first person I asked to be on the board. Now 20+ years later she is the
only vice president our board has ever known. Wow! In all these years Sue has done every job and task
at Cindy's! Which includes washing dishes after the luncheon, wrote and created our newsletters,
enlisted her dear daughter Lauren to perform and create our annual "musical gala" fundraiser, her influence with the Alzheimer's support group filled our tables with their loved ones. It was Sue, that approached our dear Ed Twohig about hosting three lunches a week in his home. We were at Ed's home
for seven years.
I want to relay yet another story..... Once again God uses Sue. I remember this like it was yesterday!
Sue and I were talking at our home in Soquel, Sue said to me “I want to advance you some money for
Ed's future care”. She then handed me a check for $6000. I began to cry! She had no idea, but God
did! That funds at Cindy's were challenging, (Just like many nonprofits). I had been unable to cash my
check for several months. This led to not being able to make our mortgage payment. The bank was
threatening to start foreclosure proceedings, unless our payments were made current. Sue's advance
allowed me to cash my checks I had been holding. Which brought our payments current! It wasn't long
after that Ed's health became too frail to continue attending Cindy's. When I talk to Sue about a refund
on her balance she replied" Consider it a gift to Cindy's Celebrations"(This is making me cry again!)
These are just a glimpse of all that Sue has done to bless Cindy's over all these many years.
Sue, you are a true champion for Cindy's and a beloved friend. Your constant love, support and belief
in our mission at Cindy's has made a difference in thousands of seniors lives in our community! “We
love you Sue… Thank you for all you have done! It will always be remembered”
“We are so appreciative of the happy lunch outing's Mom was able to enjoy for over seven years, three
days a week. The cheery, loving care you all provided gave her much joy! Thank you. May God continue
to bless Cindy's Celebrations”. Gail and Bob
“Thank you again for the many lovely lunches you shared with Marietta. She's so looked forward to seeing you.... even when her memories were dim. She seemed to perk up when we mentioned that she
was going to lunch with all of you at Cindy's Celebrations”. Shrin and George
Please Pray For Us
Thank you Lord for your faithfulness to Cindy's Celebrations!
New luncheon friends to fill our tables
Expanding our days to Monday through Friday
Generous response to our newsletter
Funds for our faithful staff to receive a raise. It's been four years since their last raise. To be designated
specifically for that.
In need of an excellent used minivan
Pour out blessing upon blessing on all our luncheon friends and family
"Devote yourself to prayer, being watchful and thankful." Colossians 4:2
Thank you faithful prayer team!
Thank You For Continuing To Support Cindy’s Celebrations
Cindy’s Celebrations
PO Box 1637
Capitola, Ca. 95010
(831) 479-7509
Your Financial Gifts are Tax Deductible
501(c)3 Tax ID# 77-0410648
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