Imperial College London

Phil Mayers <[email protected]>
My name is Phil Mayers
I do various things at Imperial
 Core routing, multicast, IPv6
 Edge access control – macauth & 802.1x
Fully centralised IT @ Imperial
 ~1300 edge switches (~50/50 old 3Com 4400s, new
Extreme x450/x250)
 ~750 wireless points (Cisco lightweight)
 ~35k unique hosts seen on-net
TLA minefield
 SoH
At the time of network connect, the machine
submits evidence of its posture to the
The network may grant, restrict or deny
network access
Posture includes
 OS updates (set for auto-update, up-to-date)
 Antivirus state (installed, enabled, up-to-date)
 Firewall state (installed, enabled)
NAP – Network Access Protection (Microsoft)
NAC – Network Access Control (Cisco)
Both names for the same thing...
TNC – Trusted Network Connect
 EAP mechanism from the Trusted Computing
Group – posture-over-EAP
SoH – Statement of Health
 Microsoft extension to PEAP
TNC and SoH do the same job, differently
Assuming 802.1x for wireless/wired...
Client connects
Network issues EAP challenge
Client does EAP to identify itself
Client then sends posture info inside EAP
Radius server makes a decision about the
posture acceptability
Network access granted, restricted or denied
Out-of-band posture assessment can be done
 Wupdate or antivirus management logs
 Run a client / ActiveX control
Won’t talk about those here – because
Imperial don’t have any use for them
EAP-TNC is an EAP method
 It needs to run inside another EAP method – TTLS
 It ought to run after an authentication method
 It’s a cross-platform standard
 Support is (currently) non-existent
Picture by
SoH is a Microsoft extension to PEAP
 It’s Windows-oriented
 It’s supported on XP SP3, Vista and Windows 7
 It’s off by default
 It needs* Microsoft IAS
Not well-loved
 No offense intended to those who do use it
But have no fear...
FreeRadius can now do it too!
 git clone [email protected]:soh.git peap-soh
 git checkout -b peap-soh origin/peap-soh
Supposed to be in 2.2.0
 I wrote the patch – need to sync with 2.1.9
Quite a lot of info:
SoH-Supported = yes
SoH-MS-Machine-OS-vendor = Microsoft
SoH-MS-Machine-OS-version = 6
SoH-MS-Machine-OS-release = 0
SoH-MS-Machine-OS-build = 6001
SoH-MS-Machine-SP-version = 1
SoH-MS-Machine-SP-release = 0
SoH-MS-Machine-Processor = x86_64
SoH-MS-Machine-Name = ""
SoH-MS-Correlation-Id = 0x54468936cb494374b127a6a3cc3bb11c01ca78d858ee1ef0
SoH-MS-Machine-Role = client
SoH-MS-Windows-Health-Status = "firewall ok snoozed=0 microsoft=1 up2date=1 enabled=1"
SoH-MS-Windows-Health-Status = "antivirus error not-installed"
SoH-MS-Windows-Health-Status = "antispyware ok snoozed=0 microsoft=1 up2date=1 enabled=1"
SoH-MS-Windows-Health-Status = "auto-updates ok action=install"
SoH-MS-Windows-Health-Status = "security-updates warn some-missing"
Deny outright
Send back an access-list or vlan
Log to a database
 ...then send back ACL/VLAN if the machine has
“bad posture” for >2 hours
 Avoids all your machines falling off-net when a
new update is released!
 This kind of flexibility is a good argument for
FreeRadius :o)
SoH request can be sent to a virtual server
 Then write “unlang” policies
 Or use rlm_perl / rlm_python / shell scripts
eap {
peap {
soh = yes
soh_virtual_server = ...
server soh-server {
authorize {
if (SoH-Supported == no) {
# client NAKed our request for SoH
update config {
Auth-Type = Accept
else {
if (SoH-... != ok) {
It’s turned off by default :o(
Presumably because of the information
Clumsy to enable on unmanaged clients via
 Can be done via “netsh” CLI & XML profiles
Can be done with Group Policy on domain
Windows collates SoH data from various
Windows “security centre” by default
But also 3rd party apps in theory
 AntiVirus and other products can send vendor-
specific info inside the SoH statement
 FreeRadius patch doesn’t decode these yet; no
examples seen in the wild
Promising because it’s cross-platform
 Does anyone here really think that managed
machines will be the norm in 5-10 years?
 iThings, eee PCs
Needs kickstarting
 OpenSEA / Xsupplicant?
Will need to be on by-default, or a very easy
provisioning method (per SSID)
 Prompt user when first asked for posture?
Yes. Resnets will probably be first...
 Posture statement != posture proof
 Negative posture is probably not a lie!
 Log the posture statements, deal with lies via AUP
and/or physical device banning
Managed clients can be trusted “more”
 Mandate SoH for financial systems access?
Some work to support TPM signing of
Description of these is not an endorsement...
MS SoH can be run over non-802.1x transport
 MS Terminal Services (new-style)
 IPSec
FreeRadius doesn’t yet do these
 But the TS & IPSec stuff are Radius-based
 And FreeRadius can do DHCP...
 Let me know if this interests you
Lots of “innovation”, little standards-setting
 Cisco vs. Microsoft
SoH is (of course) proprietary
 But useful even so because of the numbers and
nature of windows machines
 Clearly an open standard is better e.g. TNC
Many vendors will try to sell you pricey clients
or supplicants
 Think carefully before doing that
Could we add posture checking to Eduroam?
 The posture is hidden inside the EAP tunnel
 Only the home site sees it
 But the home site could pass standard attributes
back to supporting visiting sites
 Better user experience than “it doesn’t work”
 Under investigation
Depends on demand
I’ve heard scepticism about posture checking
 Perhaps not for everyone?
Our IT Security team really, really want it
 Machines accessing our financial systems are
usually managed windows builds
 VLAN assignment into finance VRF
 Locked down desktops, 802.1x using machine
account credentials