Weak Spark 02-12 - Alamance Region AACA Car Club

The Weak Spark
Volume 10, Issue 2, February 2012
Burlington, NC 27215
President’s Message
We had a great start to 2012 with our January
meeting. After our usual good meal, our program
was presented by Jay Ashley from the Burlington
Times News. As an Alamance County native, Jay
was able to give we non-natives an interesting and
amusing presentation of his growing up in the county and his experience with cars in his life. Those
who are natives were able to relate to the times,
places, and people of an earlier time in the county.
The club voted to give the ladies a month off and
celebrate Valentine's Day by having our meeting
with a dinner at the Cutting Board restaurant. The
meeting will still start at 6:30 with a buffet with a
choice of two meats, two vegetables, bread, dessert,
with drinks. The cost is $22.65 per person. This is
the total cost as it includes beverage, taxes, and gratuity. This is a buffet so there will be plenty of food
for all. Judy and I will be attending the AACA convention in Philadelphia, but know everyone will enjoy a night out with friends and a great meal at a really nice restaurant.
As I was recapping our year of 2011, I failed to
mention an AACA tour in Wilmington several of
our members attended in May. As it was the first
tour for Judy and me, we found it a lot of fun to
drive our ‘52 Ford that distance and then tour the
city and surrounding area. There were eight couples
Next Club Meeting….
February 11, 2011
The Cutting Board
2699 Ramada Road, Burlington, NC
6:30 pm
Buffet & total cost per person ,$22.65
from our club who attended this tour and I know
everyone had a great time and would be ready to go
on another tour. Checking the AACA magazine
lists several tours for 2012. One I find interesting is
the AACA 2012 sentimental tour sponsored by the
Waynesboro-Staunton Virginia Region. Having
spent a little time in that area I can tell you it is a
great place for Civil War history buffs. Another
tour a little closer to home is one sponsored by the
North Carolina Old Salem Chapter in October. It
should be for '87 and earlier cars. The AACA magazine will have the details and how to register. Once
the registration date starts you have to be ready with
your application as the number of cars is limited and
spots fill up fast.
Our Hospice Healy project is coming along nicely. Several of the experts and tool holders met Monday night at Butch McKenzie's shop and worked on
some minor items and some internal work on the
engine. With Floyd Smith firmly in control of ticket
sales, this project has been and will continue to be a
I hope everyone will show up for our February
meeting for a great meal, good fellowship, and the
ladies getting to skip a month preparing a dish for
our meeting.
John Cox
President John
taking charge!!
2012 Officers
President: John Cox
V. President: Ed Tulauskas
Secretary: Dave Rich
Treasurer: Jeannie Johnson
Board of Directors
Ex-Officio: Tal Johnson
2013: Herb Klutz, Bruce Anliker
2012:-Billy Patterson, Rick Holmes,
Don Chaplin
Bldg/Grounds: Richard Holmes,
Editor: Andy Hunt,
Hospitality: Barb & Jim Ivey,
Membership: Floyd Smith,
Show Chairman: Chip King,
Chief Judge: Rick Holmes,
Webmaster: Ed Tulauskas,
Youth Coordinator: Rick Holmes,
Auto Project Manager:
George Milne
February: Larry & Elizabeth Coble
Otto & Mary Watson
March: George & Mary Jo Milne
Herb & Barbara Kluttz
April: Richard & Judy Holmes
Rick & Debbie Holmes
The Weak Spark Deadlines:
March Issue –2/24
April Issue—3/30
May Issues—April 27
Send articles to [email protected]
January Meeting Minutes
Alamance Region AACA
January 14, 2012
Weak Spark.
9) NC Regional meeting to be held Jan
20,21 2012 at Ramada Inn. Our
club will be funding the Saturday
10) Rick Holmes is working on the flyers for the spring car show.
The January 2012 meeting of the
Alamance Region AACA was held at
our clubhouse on Saturday, January 14
at 6:30 PM. The meeting was called to
Motions were presented and unaniorder by our newly elected president,
approved on the following
John Cox, who thanked the hosts, Tal
and Jeannie Johnson, and Floyd and
Elsie Smith. Jeannie and Elsie had the 1) February 2012 meeting to be held at
The Cutting Board restaurant on
clubhouse tables decorated with white
February 11, 2012. Price will be
snowmen and women. We had 39 peo$22.65 per person including tip, tax,
ple including 36 members and 3 guests.
and gratuity.
President John introduced Jay Ash- 2) Floyd Smith named as a lifetime
member of our club joining Willie
ley, columnist for the Daily Times
Long and Richard Holmes.
News, as our speaker. Jay gave us a
club to match national’s four
very detailed and funny phantom Powfree
memberships (These
erPoint presentation of the cars in his
to previous non
life and their meaning to him.
members who attended 2 meetings
in a row)
Following the program, John led
the business meeting by discussing the
Treasurer Jeannie Johnson gave the
following items:
Treasurer’s report. She reported that
1) Dave Rich to take photo of cars for 2012 was a good year financially for
our club based on the strength of a very
the May car show plaque and to
present plaque to club for approval successful spring car show. She also
encouraged us to send her our 2012
at February meeting.
2) George Milne to work on securing dues as soon as possible. Her report was
accepted as given. The December 2011
dash plaques for spring car show.
3) Thanked Floyd Smith for his efforts minutes were approved as written in the
in obtaining $7,500 contributions to January 2012 issue of The Weak Spark
date on our Hospice Austin Healey
Bob King reported that our Austin
4) Suggested starting a Founders
Sprite car would be at the NC
Award to be presented to a club
meeting at the Ramada Inn in
member that contributes a lot to
make our club successful.
5) Auditing committee of Mary Watson, George Milne, and Ray Fowler Respectfully submitted by your elected
would be auditing our financial rec- Secretary, Dave Rich.
ords for 2011 as required by our bylaws.
6) Thursday night, January 19th will be
a work night on the HAH car at
Butch McKenzie’s place of business.
7) Suggested someone volunteer to
change the pictures on the bulletin
board next to the refrigerator.
8) Encourage members to sign up to
write article about their favorite or
worst car to be published in monthJay Ashley Presents….
ly editions of our newsletter, The
Treasurer's Corner
Our year has started out well! We have more income
than expenses for the month of January. We still
have a few folks who need to pay their 2012 dues and
I have sent out reminders. Hopefully all our 2011
members will return and bring in some new ones as
well. Our new slate of officers has been sent
to National. I need to send our membership roster to
National by February 15 and we want all our members included, so send in your dues if you have not
done so.
You requested it and Judy Cox came
through sharing the recipe for her
delicious Derby Pie!! ENJOY!!!
Derby Pie
from Judy Cox
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1/4 lb. melted butter, cooled
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup self-rising flour
1 cup chopped pecans
1 6 oz. package of chocolate chips
New Lifetime Club members
Floyd and Elsie Smith
Mix all ingredients and pour into an unbaked
deep dish pie shell.
Thank you for all you do for
our club and the community!
Can be prepared ahead...it keeps several days
Serves 6-8
Bake 30 min at 375 degrees.
Happy Anniversary!!!!
orted f s know!!!
let u
No Bir missed you,
If we
Ande & Mary Shoe - 6th
Tal & Jeannie Johnson - 24th
Editor’s Note
I finally got to spend a week at home and the first thing I saw as I came in the driveway was our single
group of daffodils blooming. Really???… Have I been gone that long?
So, the year is moving along quite fast. Before we know it the car shows will begin. I’ve started the list
of local shows, so if anyone has more to add, please let me know as I’m sure my list is not complete.
I moved the deadline for submissions for The Weak Spark to basically the last Friday of each month.
The actual dates are listed on page two. This will help make sure I’m around to get he newsletter out.
Thank you all for your support of our club newsletter and…..Keep that information coming!!
January Vintage Car & Star
February 2012
Work is progressing. We keep getting closer and
closer but new problems keep cropping up. Eight of us
met Monday, the 30th, at Butch’s shop for some last minute work. Previously, we had removed the head so it
could be milled and Otto and Butch put it back together
and got it running. We still need to reconnect and check
a few things.
On Monday night, Billy Patterson and Kathy put the
tachometer back together. Butch had found an old one
that had the missing parts. It should work now.
I checked my parts source in Tennessee for the missing top bows, but had no luck. He suggested we get going on the internet.
Car: 1932 Chevrolet Speedster
Star: Johnny Weissmuller
This one stumped the club. No correct guesses.
2012 Car Show/Events Calendar
National AACA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
NC Region Spring Meet, Stoneville, NC
Hornets Nest Region Autofair, Charlotte, NC
Alamance Region, Burlington, NC
Butch has suggested we leave the car in his shop for
a few days, and we’ll check it out again. Depending on
what we need to do, I’ll let you know about a work
schedule next week.
Many thanks to you all for your efforts!
General Greene, Greensboro, NC
Zooland, Asheboro, NC
Hornets Nest Region Autofair, Charlotte, NC
Eastern Fall Meet, Hershey, PA
Furnitureland, Spencer, NC
My Favorite Car
by Annie Compton
My favorite car story is very similar to the last 2
months articles. Like Henry Gaither, I do not own
my favorite car and like Lynn Pickett, I have more
than one favorite car. I was the only girl in our family with four brothers older than me. One was killed
in a car accident when I was 6 years old, so I grew up
with three of them. My Dad and brothers were farmers and my Dad died when I was almost 4 years old.
That meant very little money for Christmas, so my
youngest brother, age 14, made me a little wooden
yellow car. It was my Christmas that year. It is all
original, a lot of sentimental value and priceless to
The black and white picture of the 1955 Chevrolet, which was red and white belonged to another
brother. That was the car that he taught me how to
drive and I drove to get my driver’s license. That car
leaves me with lots of memories and lots of stories.
The worse memory was getting my license and the
license examiner told me to park between two cars in
front of the old courthouse on the square in Yanceyville. I had never parked between two cars, so I
told him he would have to help me. When I finally
parked it between the cars, he told me one of them
belonged to the judge and the other was an attorney’s
car. By then, I wasn’t too happy with him.
Growing up with brothers, I couldn’t help but
love cars (even though I didn’t own one), going to
softball and baseball games, and going to races. Currently, the Sprint Cup Racing is my favorite sport, so
I guess the cars and racing overruled the others.
After Wallace restored his 1931 Model A Ford
and we started going to car shows, I suggested that
we find something for me. We spent about 2 or 3
years looking mostly for a 1955 Chevrolet, but
couldn’t find one in good shape and a good price.
Then, we started looking at Mustangs that wouldn’t
require a lot of restoration. Wallace had enough of
restoration with his. One Sunday night in 2006, I
saw a 1965 Mustang advertised in the newspaper and
I called the man in Mebane that had it for sale. I told
him we would come Monday morning to see it and
according to the picture we were interested. When
we arrived, he had already sold it and all he knew
was the man’s name. They were to meet after lunch.
I called a friend that works in Burlington on Monday
night and told him to be on the lookout for the car.
He saw it on Wednesday and told the man that I was
still crying because he bought the car before I could
get there on Monday. He gave Ricky his name and
phone number and told him to tell me to call him.
We called him the next day and he agreed to sell it to
us. We had to wait until he received his title before
he could sell it and I was scared that he would back
out of the deal. That was in September 2006 and we
have enjoyed it, but the 1955 red and white Chevrolet will always be my favorite car….that I will probably never own.
1965 Mustang
1955 Chevrolet
Upcoming Favorite Car Articles…
March—John Cox
April—George Milne
May - Bill Cox
Alamance Region AACA
P.O. Box 565
Mebane, NC 27302
Annie Compton’s First Car
Read her story to learn about this priceless gem!