Topic Web Term 5 - St. William of Perth Catholic Primary School

Pupils will be using The Way, The Truth and The Life to
learn about life in the risen Christ Children will learn
about Jesus’ resurrection and his follower’s reaction to it.
The children will learn about how the disciples spread the
gospel and about the feasts of the Ascension and Pentecost. The sessions will focus on the importance of prayer
and how to pray.
Children will read the short narrative story the
Midnight Fox. The children will reflect on Tom’s
experiences of discovering and observing the
black fox and her cub. The children will learn to
recount the key events in the plot and develop
their empathy skills. The children will write diary entries and newspaper reports based on
events in the story. In non fiction children will
consider arguments for and against school uniform and write formal letters arguing for and
against school uniform.
The children will begin by looking at place value
and how to order decimals to two and three decimal places. In geometry the children will learn
about how to find missing angles on a straight line
and in a circle or triangle. The children will also
learn how to find and plot coordinates in all four
quadrants. Adding and subtracting fractions by
finding a common denominator will also be a focus. The children will also read timetables and
solve time problems. In using and applying the
children will undertake calculator investigations
using the inverse operation.
The children will conclude their topic on Forces
before moving on to learn about properties of
Year 5
Summer Term 5
The children will write and publish blogs
based on their experiences during their residential trip to Margaret McMillan House.
The children will learn how to add photographs to the blog and how to manipulate
formatting and styles used within the blog.
Topic Web
PE, French, Music and Art
PE - In PE we will train how to become play leaders to help the children in Reception. Our outdoor PE top is athletics.
How to help at home
French - Mrs Delyfer will be developing the pupils’ conversational
skills weekly including how to explain clothing.
Read daily for at least 10 minutes.
Music - KS2 will be singing for 30 minutes weekly.
Ensure your child learns their spellings.
Our topic this term will be Anglo Saxons and Vikings.
The children will learn who were the Anglo Saxons and
where they settled. The children will also learn about
Anglo Saxon way of life. Battles and the fight for land
will also be explored.
Art and DT — Pop art. Children will study artists from the 1960s and
create pop art compositions based on Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. Go Kart construction and design.
PSHE—SEAL sessions developing emotional awareness and empathy.
Encourage completion of homework.
Play games that involve English and Maths
– Scrabble, Boggle, cards etc.