Unit 2 – Practical Sport - daVinci Community School

For P1 and P2, learners will need to complete a
series of practical sessions for a team sport
(P1) and then further sessions for an individual
sport (P2).
Learners should keep a practical diary that
shows their own involvement and the
requirements of each skill and technique they
have covered.
The use of diagrams may help learners in
describing each session they participate in.
For P3 and P4, learners must summarise the main rules,
regulations and scoring systems for a team sport and an
individual sport .
The rules that are selected should be the basic rules needed
to participate successfully in the sport.
For example, there will be no need for a learner to explain
the recent new ruling in football that it is a yellow card
offence if a footballer removes their shirt during a
competitive match (this rule will not enhance a beginner’s
knowledge of how to play the sport).
You must imagine that they are teaching an absolute
beginner how to play the sport for the first time.
Introduction to the sport – type of sport,
where is it played (court layout/dimensions)
Equipment needed – size, weight, height …etc
Basic rules
Scoring system of the game
Faults/fouls within a game
Helpful badminton playlist
t=SP073AD7BA32761473&playnext=5 –
the court
– basic rules
holding the racket
For P5 and P6, learners will identify the key officials in a team
(P5) and an individual sport (P6), for example, in football the
referee, the assistant referees, the fourth official.
After the learner has identified the key officials in a sport they
will describe the main roles and responsibilities of each
official in the selected sport.
You will have to consider;
equipment used,
qualifications required,
control of players,
health and safety of players,
other officials,
effective communication (whistle, signals, verbal and body language).
Roles and responsibilities of officials
For an individual and a team sport
Identify the different officials for that sport
Where are they located?
What does each official do, what are the
responsible for?
(health and safety checks, timekeeping, fair play, sticking to the rules...etc)
What equipment do they use?
What do they wear?
What qualifications do they need?
Effective communication (whistle, signals,
verbal and body language).
• A referee in rugby is the person
responsible for ensuring the rules are
fairly enforced on the field.
• They check equipment for safety, both
players equipment and the field.
• They are responsible for keeping the
time, score and making sure the correct
number of people are on the field. They
may be assisted by an assistant on the
side line.
• Before the game, they check players equipment, ensure the
front rows are clear about scrum instructions and toss a
coin to decide who is kicking off and direction of play.
• After the game they are responsible for sending away
scores, and writing any reports about the game, if there are
disciplinary issues.
• During the game there is a number of signals they use to
communicate with players (see next page.)
• Equipment, Rugby referees have a uniform, the colour
depends on the union they are working for. They need a
whistle and a red and yellow card. They also require a
watch and a scorecard. In international matches they will
be linked to linesmen with a microphone.
An Assistant referee is used in big
games to help the referee, they are
usually also a qualified referee. They
control substitutions. Help keep the
time and check that players coming on
are safe.
They also wear a uniform but will wear
a tracksuit over the top. They replace
the referee if they are injured.
Equipment, they have a board which
shows players numbers.
this can help with any areas your unsure about.
In club games these are often
substitute players rather than officials.
In professional games they will be
appointed officials who wear a
uniform. They need a flag.
Linesmen assist the referee with
decisions about offside, infringements,
out of play, conversion kicks and
forward passes.
For P7, learners must produce an observation checklist that can
be used to assess the skills, techniques and tactics of an
individual or a team.
The observation checklist should consist of the basic skills and
tactics of the selected sport.
The checklist should also include a format to assess the skills,
techniques and tactics separately.
The assessment may be a tick list with performance indicators to
choose from, for example, a table with columns: excellent, very
good, good, satisfactory, weak, and very weak.
(see PDF file)
You need to include all the shots, serves,
considering forehand and backhand, attacking
and defending shots (tactics) how the points
were won did they mean it or did was the point
won due to the other players mistake.
See PDF file for an example for football 
For P8, learners must complete the observation
checklist produced for P7.
The checklist should be completed by the learner
whilst watching the sport being played in a competitive
situation, either during the live performance or on a
video, providing a list of strengths and areas for
Using the checklist, learners will need to review
identify and discuss the sports performance of an
individual sports performer.
For P9, learners should conduct a selfanalysis of their own performance in an
individual sport or a team sport.
To do this they must complete the
observation checklist produced for P7.
The checklist could be completed by the
learner whilst watching a video recording of
their own performance.
After completing the observation checklist
learners should identify strengths and
areas for improvement in their own
performance in the individual sport or team
For M1, learners must discuss how tactics can and should be
applied correctly in an individual sport. (when and why to use in
sport box)
Learners should describe how, if applied correctly, tactics can
be used to improve attack or defence in each sport. (when and
why to use in sport box)
Learners should describe how to apply tactics correctly,
assuming that the reader has never applied a tactic in an
individual sport. (when and why to use the shot box)
Think about the shots you have covered, is their an attacking and defensive version of the shot.
State that an overhead clear is a defensive shot as it loops
high it gives the opponent time to get under the shot, however
it pushes the player to the back of the court (with the
intention of them being able to return it) so that your next
shot will be followed by an attacking smash at the front of the
court as this is more likely to gain a point.
For M2, learners must assess each of the key rules, regulations and
scoring systems for both the team and individual sports selected.
They must state in detail how each rule is implemented in the sports.
Learners should comment on examples of how these rules are applied in
the sport to show the reader how rules are used in the specific sports.
Give examples of when each rule would need to be
followed, and assess how they are put into place during
the game and if the outcome of breaking them is
severe enough.
What would happen if these particular rules didn’t
exist and how do they contribute to the game?
For M3, learners must, independently, produce an observation
checklist that can be used to assess the performance of skills,
techniques and tactics of an individual sport or a team sport.
The observation checklist should consist of the basic skills and
tactics of the selected sport.
The checklist should also include a format to assess the skills,
techniques and tactics separately.
The assessment may be a tick list with performance indicators to
choose from, for example a table with columns: excellent, very
good, good, satisfactory, weak, very weak.
To fully meet this criterion the learner must produce the
observation checklist independently, without tutor support.
For M4, learners must explain the strengths and
areas for improvement from the performances that
they observed and assessed using the checklists.
Learners should explain to the reader why the
strengths were strengths and what the weaknesses
of the performance were.
Learners should also identify what needs to be
done to improve the weak areas identified from the
observations of an individual sport or team sport.
For M5, learners must explain the strengths and
areas for improvement of their own performance in
either a team sport or an individual sport.
They should explain to the reader why the
strengths were strengths and what the weaknesses
of the performance were.
Learners should also identify what needs to be
done to improve the weak areas identified from the
observations of their own performance.