Effect of Pressure on the Surface Tension of Aqueous Solutions

R. Massoudi and A. D. King
more complicated treatment considering dielectric saturation effects
has been made: J. Padova, J. Chem. fhys., 58, 1606 (1972).
(41)H. Hartmann, A. Neumann, and G. Rinck, Z.fhys. Chem., 44,204,218
(1965).Original data were interpolated to 25'. Value of B'for water is
4.2from B. B. Owen, R. C. Miller, C. E. Milner, and H. L. Cogan, J. fhys.
Chem., 85,2065 (196l),see ref 27 and 36.
(42)M. Yamamoto, unpublisheddata.
(43)E. Grunwald. G. Baughman, and G. Kohnstam, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,82,
5801 (1960).
(44)E. J. King, J. fhys. Chem., 73, 1220 (1969).
(45)E. J. King, J. fhys. Chem., 74,4590 (1970).
(46)A. Bondi, J. fhys. Chem., 88, 441 (1964).
(47)P. Goidstein, K. Seff, and K. N. Trueblood, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B,
24, 778 (1968):M. Coiapletro and L. Zambonelli, ibid., 27,734 (1971).
(48)A. Einstein, Ann. fhys., 19, 289 (1906);34,591 (1911).
(49)J. E. Desnoyers, M. Arei, and P-A. Leduc, Can. J. Chem., 47, 547
(1969).The difference between the values of 6"and q5vo is sufficiently
small for this purpose.
(50) In water, the slope has been found to be steeper for organic ions22-49~51
and for
When the data for R4NI obtained by Gopai et
aIz3 are plotted against molal volumes, the slope is found to be equal to
that obtained from eq 8 in N-methylacetamide, to be smaller than that in
dimethylformamide, and to be larger than that in Nmethylpropionamide.
(51)K. Tamaki, Y. Ohara, H. Kurachl. M. Akiyama, and H. Odaki, Bull. Chem.
SOC.Jpn., 47,384 (1974);M. Tanaka, S.Kaneshina, W. Nishimoto, and
H. Takabatake, ibid., 48, 364 (1973).
(52)T. T. Herskovits and T. M. Kelly, J. Phys. Chem., 77,381 (1973).
(53)C. V. Krishnan and H. L. Friedman, J. fhys. Chem., 75,3598(1971).
(54)J. F. Skinner and R. M. Fuoss, J. fhys. Chem., 68, 2998 (1964).
(55)C.V. Krishnan and H. L. Friedman, J. fhys. Chem., 75,3606(1971).
(56) C. V. Krishnan and H.L. Friedman, J. fhys. Chem., 73, 1572 (1969).
(57)C.M. Criss and M. J. Mastroianni, J. fhys. Chem., 75, 2532 (1971).
(58) R. L. Kay, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,82, 2099 (1960).
(59)Millero has recently pointed out similar aspects from the results of apparent molal expansibility for NaBPh4 and Ph4AsCIin water: F. J. Miliero. J. Chem. fng. Data., 15,562 (1970);18, 229 (1971).
Effect of Pressure on the Surface Tension of Aqueous Solutions. Adsorption of
Hydrocarbon Gases, Carbon Dioxide, and Nitrous Oxide on Aqueous Solutions
of Sodium Chloride and Tetra-n-butylammonium Bromide at 25'
R. Massoudl and A. D. King, Jr:
Department of Chemistry, University of Georgla, Athens, Georgia 30602 (Received November 4, 19 74)
Publication costs assisted by the National Science Foundation
The decrease in surface tension with hydrostatic pressure has been determined for aqueous solutions of sodium chloride and tetra-n- butylammonium bromide under atmospheres of compressed gases at 2 5 O using
the capillary rise and maximum bubble pressure methods. Measurements are reported for sodium chloride
solutions having concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 5.0 M with the gases CH4, C2H4, C2H6, n-C4Hlo, and
C02, and for solutions of tetra-n-butylammonium bromide ranging in concentration from 10-3 to 1.0 M
with the gases CH4, C2H4, C2H6, C3H8, n-CdH10, C02, and N2O. In the case of sodium chloride solutions, it
is found that the change in surface tension with pressure is nearly independent of salt concentration. In
contrast to this, it is found that for solutions of tetra-n- butylammonium bromide the change in surface
tension with pressure is a sensitive function of electrolyte concentration. With hydrocarbon gases, the
change in surface tension with pressure is found to be larger for tetra-n- butylammonium bromide solutions
than for pure water while the opposite is found in the cases of C02 and NzO. The data are interpreted as
indicating the existence of hydrophobic interactions between alkylammonium cations concentrated a t the
surface and adsorbed gas molecules.
Previous studies have shown that an increase in the hydrostatic pressure over gas-water systems can produce
marked changes in the surface tension by virtue of enhanced adsorption of the gaseous component at the interf a ~ e . In
~ -an
~ earlier publication,g this phenomenon was investigated in some detail. It was shown that, in general, a t a
given pressure, the degree of adsorption of a series of gases
increases with polarizability of the gaseous component; and
that COz and NzO exhibit an unusually large affinity
toward the aqueous surface, presumedly as a result of specific interactions such as hydrogen bonding.
The work reported here utilizes pressure enhanced adsorption of gases as a probe to investigate the surface properties of aqueous solutions of two simple electrolytes, NaCl
The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vo/. 79, No. 16, 1975
and tetra-n- butylammonium bromide (TBAB). This particular choice of electrolytes was dictated by the wellknown fact that solutions of quartenary ammonium salts
exhibit a number of unusual properties. Of particular interest are the facts that, in contrast to ordinary electrolytes
such as sodium chloride, tetraalkylammonium salts frequently enhance the solubility of nonelectrolytes in aqueous solution^,^^-^^ and that such salts are moderately surface a c t i ~ e .Available
l ~ ~ ~ ~ evidence suggests that the unusual solution behavior of tetraalkylammonium salts is related
to the hydrophobicity of such salts in that they act as nonmicellar cosolvents with water.17y18 In view of this, it
seemed reasonable to expect that the hydrophobic interactions exhibited by such salts in bulk solution might also
exert a significant influence on the degree of adsorption of
nonpolar gases a t surfaces of such solutions.
Effect of Pressure on Surface Tension
Experimental Section
The capillary rise method was used to determine changes
in surface tension with pressure for the various solutions of
interest. The experiments were carried out in a thermostatted bomb equipped with a Plexiglas window. Capillary rise
was measured to 0.03 mm with a cathetometer. All Bourdon gauges used to measure pressure were periodically calibrated against a dead weight tester. The temperature within the bomb was controlled to better than f0.5', and all
measurements were made at 25' as determined by a thermocouple located in the central cavity of the bomb. A single capillary (0.5 mm i.d.) was suspended from a movable
rod passing through a seal in the top of the bomb to a micrometer drive outside, thus permitting a series of measurements to be made using the same cross section of capillary for the upper meniscus at all pressures.
In all cases equilibria with respect to the surface were established very rapidly and no variation in capillary rise
could be observed several minutes after a change in pressure. Data were taken as the pressure was increased and
decreased and no hysteresis effects were observed. Likewise, no effects attributable to deposition of solute along
the capillary bore were found id these experiments.
Surface tensions were calculated using the relation
( h + ;)(PI
- Pg)
where y is the surface tension, g is the acceleration of gravity, and e is the contact angle. The symbol h represents the
measured capillary rise while p1 and pg denote the density
of bulk liquid and gas, respectively. Experimentally h was
determined at a series of pressures for a given solution and
gas. The product ( h r / 3 ) ( p l - pg) at the various pressures
was calculated assuming liquid densities to be independent
of pressurelg and that concentrations of water vapor in the
bulk gas were negligible to the extent that PVT isotherms
for pure gases20 were satisfactory for obtaining accurate
values of pg at the various pressures. Values for this product were fitted to a polynomial expansion in pressure. A
short extrapolation to the low pressure limit was combined
with values for the surface tension of TBAB solutions obtained independently using the maximum bubble pressure
method in order to establish a value for the ratio (rg/2 cos
e). Surface tension data for solutions of sodium chloride
were taken from ref 21. A comparison with similar measurements involving pure water indicates that the contact
angle of sodium chloride solutions with glass is zero a t all
concentrations while that for TBAB solutions was 16'; the
latter agreeing well with an independent measurement utilizing the tilting plate method yielding a value 6 = 19'.
In two instances it was necessary to determine the surface tension of solutions by a means that is independent of
contact angle. The maximum bubble pressure method of
Sugden was chosen for this. Nitrogen was used as the bubble forming gas to measure surface tensions of TBAB solutions in order to resolve the disagreement at high concentrations between the results of T a m a k P and those obtained by Arnett and coworkers.17 The results, shown in
Figure 1,agree extremely well with those of Tamaki. In the
second instance, n- butane was used in order to provide a
direct measure of the drop in surface tension with pressure
caused by n-butane at ambient pressure (1.00 atm). In this
instance, the results agreed well with those obtained using
capillary rise thus confirming, in the case of butane, an assumption implicit in the analysis of the capillary rise data,
' \
' P=1 5
Flgure 1. Surface tensions of aqueous solutions of tetra-n-butylammonium bromide at 25' (solid curve). Isobaric values calculated for
various partial pressures of n-butane are shown as dashed lines.
namely, that solution-glass contact angles are independent
of pressure.
Results and Discussion
The surface tension data for the various gas-solution
systems have been fitted to a polynomial expansion in
pressure and the results are shown in Table I and 11. The
curves generated by these polynomials are capable of reproducing the experimental data to within an average deviation of f0.2 dyn/cm for C3H8, n-CdH10, COz, and N2O
and to within f0.1 dyn/cm for methane, ethane, and ethylene. Polynomial expansions of degree two provided a satisfactory fit to all data except that involving CO2 and NzO.
As was found with pure water! the y-P curves for the latter gases show a point of inflection at about 30 atm, thus
necessitating the inclusion of the cubic terms found in the
Representative examples of the experimental data are illustrated in Figures 2 and 3. In these, the data are presented as surface pressure, defined as ?r = yo - y, with yo and y
designating surface tensions of the various solutions in
equilibrium with pure saturated water vapor and dense gas,
respectively. The gases ethane and C02 were chosen because they illustrate the two basic classes of behavior exhibited by the gases included in this study.
With sodium chloride solutions, ethane, carbon dioxide,
as well as all other gases studied exhibit the same behavior,
namely, that the presence of dissolved electrolyte even at
high concentrations causes only slight changes with regafds
to extent that the surface tensions of the respective solutions are lowered in the presence of a dense gas atmosphere. This suggests that with solutions of sodium chloride, in which the electrolyte is negatively adsorbed from
the interface, the surface exposed to the blanket of dense
gas is substantially the same as that for pure water in
agreement with earlier conclusions by HarkinsnZ2
In contrast to this, one sees that the presence of small
amounts of TBAB in solution causes a marked change in
the sensitivity of surface pressure to hydrostatic pressure.
Furthermore, the effect produced by dissolved TBAB differs depending upon the nature of the gas. With COz and
NzO, dissolved TBAB has the effect of suppressing the
ability of the gas to lower surface tension. In the cases of
The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 79, No. 16, 1975
I?. Massoudi and A. D. King
TABLE I: Interfacial Tension as a Function of Pressure for Aqueous Solutions of Sodium Chloride
at 25" (y = y o + BP + C P DP3)
NaCl concn, JU
B , dyn/cm atm
C, dyn/cm atm'
D, dyn/cm atm3
+0.0003 3
+O. 003 16
+O. 00267
+0.002 93
+ 0.004 07
Data from ref 9.
ous solutions in the presence of compressed ethane at 25':
lutions of TBAB; ( A , D )solutions of NaCI.
Figure 2. Surface pressure as a function of total pressure for aque(0)so-
Figure 3. Surface pressure as a function of total pressure for aqueous solutions in the presence of compressed carbon dioxide at 25':
(0)solutions of TBAB; (A,O)solutions of NaCI.
ethane and the other saturated hydrocarbon gases, dissolved TBAB produces just the opposite effect in that it increases the degree to which the surface tensions of the respective solutions are lowered in the presence of the dense
Figure 4 shows the changes in surface pressure of pure
water and solutions of TBAB caused by n-butane. A comparison with Figure 2 as well as the data of Table I1 reveals
that, among the saturated hydrocarbon gases, both the
pressure induced change in surface tension and the sensitivity of this change to dissolved TBAB increase with gas
polarizability. Figure 4 illustrates another feature common
to the hydrocarbon gases, namely, that a t concentrations in
excess of approximately 0.1 M dissolved TBAB ceases to
have any effect on the sensitivity of surface tension to gas
The factors involved in the observed changes of surface
tension with pressure can be analyzed in a quantitative
The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 79, No. IS, 1975
Effect of Pressure on Surface Tension
TABLE 11: Interfacial Tension as a Function of Pressure for Aqueous Solutions of
Tetra-n-butylammonium Bromide at 25" (y = yo BP C P D F )
TBAB concn, IM
B, dyn/cm atm
C, dyn/cm atm'
-0. 190
-0.64 1
-0.61 1
+O. 000046
+O. 0005
D, dyn/cm atm3
+O. 00543
+ 0.0037 5
+O. 00446
+O. 00696
+O. 00234
Data from ref 9.
manner using the pressure derivative of the Gibbs equation:
p 10
01 M
Flgure 4. Surfacepressure as a function of total pressure for aqueous solutions of tetra-n4utylammonium bromide in the presence of
n4utane at 25'. The cross hatched symbol represents the value obtained for a 0.1 M solutions using the maximum bubble pressure
Here the symbols p and I?(1) represent the chemical potentials and surface excess concentrations of the various
components designated by the subscripts (1 = water, 2. =
gas, and 3 = TBAB). Since gas solubilities in the liquid
phase are low and' the total concentration of the gas phase
is in general quite small compared to that of water in the
liquid phase, the distinction between the surface excesses
defined according to the convention I',(l) = 0, and
those corresponding to the other common conventions is
The chemical potential of each component (i) is determined by the pressure and concentration of that component in either phase:
However, at the temperature of these experiments, the
The Journal of phvsical Chemistry, Vol. 79, No. 16, 1975
R. Massoudi and A. D. King
vapor concentration of water is quite low so that little error
is introduced by setting the chemical potentials of the gaseous components equal to those for the pure gases in the
gas phase.23 Also, at the highest pressure encountered (61
atm), the mole fraction in solution of the most soluble gas,
C02, is only ca. 0.02, with the hydrocarbon gases being between one and three orders of magnitude less soluble. Consequently, changes in the chemical potential of dissolved
TBAB with concentration will be small in comparison with
the first term of eq 3.24 Thus, to an excellent approximation, eq 2 can be written as
where Z is the compressibility factor of the pure gaseous
component and p3 designates the partial molal volume of
TBAB in solution.
The variation of surface tension with TBAB concentration at constant pressure has been calculated using values
for the surface tension against air (solid line of Figure 1)
, , # I /
and the appropriate polynomials from Table 11. The results
are typified by the isobars for TBAB solutions with n- butane shown as dashed curves in Figure 1. Since the chemiC2(crn-3)X10 - 2 0
cal potential of the gas is constant along each isobar, the
values of y along a given isobar are determined solely by Figure 5. The surface excess, r 2 yof C02 on water and aqueous
the concentration (activity) of dissolved TBAB and the solutions of TBAB shown plotted as a function of COP concentration
corresponding surface excess, ~p.
It is clear from the gen- In the bulk gas phase. Estimatederror in I’,(l) is f2%.
erally parallel behavior of the isobars that
does not
5 0
change appreciably with pressure.
While there has been considerable controversy regarding
the application of the Gibbs equation to solutions of ionic
surfactants, it now seems well established that in the ab4 0
sence of surface hydrolysis the Gibbs equation incorporati
ing the factor “2” is appropriate for relating surface tension
to surface excesses for binary solutions of univalent electrol y t e ~ .Accordingly,
~ ~ , ~ ~ the data of Figure 1 were combined
with activity coefficients of Lindholm and Boyd2’ to estimate values of r 3 ( l ) = r T B A + ( l ) = rB-(’) = 0.1, 0.4, 0.8,
0.8(5) X 1014 cm-2 at TBAB concentrations of 0.001, 0.010,
0.10, and 1.0 M, respectively. Here the slight ionization of
water has been neglected so that the surface excess of tetrabutylammonium ( r T B A + ( l ) ) and bromide ion (I’B-(l)) can be
equated to that of the salt according to the condition of
electrical neutrality. The partial molal volume of TBAB in
aqueous solutions ranges from 229 to 296 cm3/mol over the
concentrations encountered here.28It follows therefore that
0 2
0 3
0 4
the second term in eq 4 ranges between 0.01 and 0.04 dyn/
cm atm which is negligible in comparison to dn/dP for nC~(crn-3)X10-20
butane but amounts to about 10% of the observed change
in surface tension with pressure at the upper limit in the
Figure 6. The surface excess, J?,(l), of nC4Hloon water and aqueous solutions of TBAB shown plotted as a function of nC4Hlo concase of C02.
centration in the bulk gas phase. Estimated error in r,(l)is f 5 %.
Clearly, then, it is changes in the degree of adsorption of
the gaseous species that is the dominant factor responsible
for the variations in sensitivity of surface tension to pres- havior a t the aqueous interface by virtue of the fact that at
low coverages the degree of adsorption of these two gases
sure exhibited by the TBAB solutions.
Surface excesses, 19,
for C02 and n-butane adsorbed on water is greater than would be expected if physical forcon the various TBAB solutions have been calculated using es of the van der Waals type were the sole mode of interaceq 4 and values of d r l d P derived from the appropriate tion. Viewed in this light, an analogy appears to exist between the surface behavior of TBAB solutions and bulk
polynomials of Table 11. Values for Z were taken from ref
20. The results are shown plotted as a function of gas con- solubilization phenomena exhibited by solutions of tetraalcentration in Figures 5 and 6 where it is seen that dissolved kylammonium salt^'^-^^ in that short-range hydrophobic
TBAB has the effect of enhancing adsorption of n-butane interactions between gas molecules and TBAB at the surface have the effect of “salting on” hydrocarbon gases and
while suppressing the adsorption of C02.
In a previous paper of this series involving pure water: it “salting off’’ gases exhibiting hydrophilic characteristics. *
was pointed out that C02 and N2O exhibit hydrophilic beThe observation that beyond concentrations of 0.10 M,
The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Voi. 79, No. 16, 1975
Effect of Pressure on Surface Tension
addition of TBAB does not affect the surface pressure
hence degree of adsorption of the hydrocarbon gases
suggests that the surface active TBAB has achieved complete monolayer coverage at this concentration leaving the
surface exposed to the gas unchanged a t concentrations in
excess of this. If it is assumed that the surface thickness a t
monolayer coverages is the order of 6 A, then the total
number per unit area of TBAB ion pairs becomes 0.84 X
1014cm-2 a t 0.10 M , corresponding to an area of 120 A2/ion
pair. Areas of this magnitude can be explained by a model
in which the alkyl groups of the tetra-n- butylammonium
ions concentrated at the interface tend to align themselves
in the plane of the surface so that each cation assumes the
shape of an oblate spheroid whose principle axis is normal
to the surface. The smaller bromide ions can be assumed to
either occupy voids in the plane of the alkylammonium cations or to form a double layer below thus resembling a disorganized version of the structure proposed by McMullan
and Jeffrey29for the crystalline hydrate of this salt. In this
configuration, tetra-a-butylammonium ions would be expected to subtend circular cross sections 12 A in diameter.
A two-dimensional close-packed arrangement of these ions
would require an area of 124 A2/ion in close agreement with
experiment. In support of this model one can cite the fact
that aliphatic alcohols30 as well as normal alkanesgp31obey
Traube's rule when adsorbed on water. This is generally interpreted to mean that the alkyl chains lie flat on the surface. It is not unreasonable therefore to expect that the hydrophobic tetra-n-butylammonium ions should assume
such a flattened configuration a t the surface. The fact that
C02 (and N2O) do not exhibit such a clearly defined saturation phenomenon at 0.10 M concentrations of TBAB can
be rationalized within the framework of this model by assuming that the enhanced competition of these hydrophilic
gases for water sites a t the surface serves to either suppress
the surface concentration of TBAB slightly or simply disrupt the two-dimensional spread configuration of the alkyl
groups of the alkylammonium cations a t the surface.
The presence of dissolved tetra-n- butylammonium bromide has been shown to exert a significant effect on the adsorption of a variety of gases at the aqueous interface. A
simple model is developed that explains the observed phenomena in terms of hydrophobic interactions between adsorbed gas molecules and tetra-n- butylammonium cations
concentrated at the interface. Effects of this nature are
found to be absent when solutions of sodium chloride are
involved. This is in keeping with the idea that, for the latter solutions, negative adsorption of the dissolved sodium
chloride leaves a layer of essentially pure water exposed to
the bulk gas phase.
Acknowledgment. The authors are grateful for the support provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF
Grant No. GP-38386).
Supplementary Material Available. Tabulated values
for the experimentally determined surface tensions used in
this paper will appear following these pages in the microfilm edition of this volume of the journal. Photocopies of
the supplementary material from this paper only or microfiche (105 X 148 mm, 24X reduction, negatives) containing
all the supplementary material for the paper in this issue
may be obtained from the Journals Department, American
Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.
20036. Remit checks or money order for $4.50 for photocopy or $2.50 for microfiche, referring to code number
References and Notes
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The Journalof Physical Chemistry, Vo/.79,No. IS, 1975