SHS Weekly Lesson Plans Teacher:Lisa Myrick Subject US History

Teacher: Lisa Myrick
SHS Weekly Lesson Plans Subject US History 2 Week of: August 15 Objective and CCRS Standard ● Identify the circumstances that encouraged farmers to organize politically during the late 1800s. ● Describe the origins of the Populist Party and the effect it had on society. ● Discuss the major political developments at the presidential and congressional level during the late 1800s Before Strategy Practice Games 1.03 Monday the students will analyze documents and reading from Active Classroom. Decision Making in U.S. History: The Gilded Age: Populism, 1892 Before Strategy ● Discuss the major innovations and cultural changes that emerged during the late 1800s. ● Identify leading inventors and popular figures from the period. What was life like during the Gilded Age? During Strategy Powerpoint­ Active Classroom used as resource throughout the unit. During Strategy ​Notes 1.04, short video clips, visual Complete 1.04 Notes worksheet. Groups for reading activities. Share with class. $5.00 summary After Strategy / Exit Slip Document analysis complete 1.03 Gilded Age Politics Dropbox. After Strategy / Exit Slip Use these 5 readings to complete 1.04. Glamour of American Cities Education Sports and Leisure Wright Brothers Video ● Assess the status of education during the Gilded Age, including the reform efforts of Horace Mann. The Print Revolution During Strategy After Strategy / Exit Slip Now that you've discovered what life was like during the Gilded Age, it is time to create a poster highlighting the key features of the era. Follow the five steps below: 1) Review the information from the lesson (use your outline as a tool!). Same as Above Horace Mann and Games with education content. reform notes. 2) Choose 8 elements that you feel best reflect life from the period (examples of elements include: inventions, inventors, political events, etc.). 3) Find a picture online or take an original photo that reflects each element. 4) Paste the images (along with the website where it was located, if applicable) in a Word Document. (Note: you may use another format for your poster with teacher approval.) 5) In 2­3 sentences, describe why each element is indicative of the era and how your image reflects that element. Poster Project 1.04. ​
Same as above. Continued work with poster project for 1.04. Poster project Due today. 1.04 1900 House Discussion. Be sure to answer thoughtfully in at least 5 to 6 sentences using material from the lesson and Task #1 to help support your answer. What would life be like in your house if you lived in a city in 1900? ● What would be your favorite pastime or entertainment and why? ● What new “modern” conveniences would change your life and home the most? ● How would school be different for teenagers in the cities during the Gilded Age? 2) Respond to the thoughts of one classmate’s post in 1.04 1900 House Discussion by writing at least 2 sentences concerning his or her post. ● Trace the growth of industry during the Gilded Age. ● Evaluate the business contributions and controversies surrounding Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, and John D. Rockefeller. During Strategy After Strategy / Exit Slip Group activity 1.05 Notes. Were big business leaders "captains of industry" or "robber barons"? Lesson Reflection: What went well? What changes will I make next time? Notes 1.05, short video clips, visual The Gilded Age Binding the Nation by Rail Overview of the Gilded Age The Second Industrial Revolution, 1870­1914