Week of Sep. 19

Week of September 19 Lesson Planning
Units, Chapters,
Materials and
"TODAY the student will
Mon Math:
3.1F Analyze mathematical relati
3.2 A, B I will use ideas to make
and confirm predictions using
topic sentences, key words, and
foreshadowing clues. I will
Comprehension: support answers with evidence
from the text. 3.8A I will
sequencec the main events and
explain their influence on future
Instructional Strategies
3.1Aiv We will use
knowledge of prefixes to
spell and predict meanings.
Review concepts: Rounding, 3-digit addition rounding rap? - hannahs
with regrouping, 3 digit subtraction.
idea? :)
Read "Chloe and the Lion" Stop at different points
within the story and model predicting strategies
using title, key words, and foreshadowing
language. Discuss the different roles of authors
and illustrators and why they are both so
important. They will use this skill during writing.
During STAAR Strategies students will read a poem
about dragons and make two predictions as they
Class creates a focus chart of the prefixes
and their meanings: mis (wrongly), non
(Not), un (not), re (again). Students
brainstorm words that begin with those
prefixes. All spelling words will be GIVEN
this week. misplace, mismatch, nonsense,
nonstick, unlock, unsafe, reread, return. Students will work in their daily five groups to
write a story. The students in each group will work
in pairs to create one section of the story going in
order from beginning, rising action, climax, and
falling action. One of the partners will do the
words (author) and the other will do the picture
(illustrator). Then a DIFFERENT pair from a
DIFFERENT reading group will continue the same
story. Stories can be used to make a class book to
be enjoyed by all.
3.22Ai We will identify and use
verbs correctly in speaking and
writing. 3.17 A-E We will
understand and practice the
writing process.
10A Identify the purposes of the
Social Studies: Declaration of Independence and
the U.S. Constitution, including I will watch a video on the Declaration of
the Bill of Rights.
Independence and write about why it is important. Brainpop Video
3.1c 3.1D 3.1G - Communicate
mathematical ideas, reasoning,
and their implications using
multiple representations,
including symbols, diagrams,
Tues Math:
graphs, and language as
appropriate. Display, explain,
and justify mathematical ideas
and arguments using precise
mathematical language in
written or oral communication.
3.2 A, B I will use ideas to make
and confirm predictions using
topic sentences, key words, and
foreshadowing clues. I will
Comprehension: support answers with evidence
from the text. 3.8A I will
sequencec the main events and
explain their influence on future
3.1Aiv We will use
knowledge of prefixes to
spell and predict meanings.
5.1 Estimate Differences- How can you use
compatible numbers and rounding to
estimate differences.
Read "The Reluctant Dragon" Stop and make
predictions as you read. During STAAR Strategies,
read the Dragon Poem and complete the making
prediction clouds along the way.
Practice Prefixes.
Students will work in their daily five groups to
write a story. The students in each group will work
in pairs to create one section of the story going in
order from beginning, rising action, climax, and
falling action. One of the partners will do the
words (author) and the other will do the picture
(illustrator). Then a DIFFERENT pair from a
DIFFERENT reading group will continue the same
story. Stories can be used to make a class book to
be enjoyed by all.
3.22Ai We will identify and use
verbs correctly in speaking and
writing. 3.17 A-E We will
understand and practice the
writing process.
10A Identify the purposes of the
will identify why the U.S.
Social Studies: Declaration of Independence and Students
the U.S. Constitution, including Constitution was created.
the Bill of Rights.
Brainpop Video
3.1c 3.1D 3.1G - Communicate
mathematical ideas, reasoning,
and their implications using
multiple representations,
including symbols, diagrams,
Wed Math:
graphs, and language as
appropriate. Display, explain,
and justify mathematical ideas
and arguments using precise
mathematical language in
written or oral communication.
3.2 A, B I will use ideas to make
and confirm predictions using
topic sentences, key words, and
foreshadowing clues. I will
Comprehension: support answers with evidence
from the text. 3.8A I will
sequencec the main events and
explain their influence on future
3.1Aiv We will use
knowledge of prefixes to
spell and predict meanings.
5.2 Use place value to subtract- Vocabulary
Inverse Operations. 3-digit subtraction.
Read "The Egg" Stop and make predictions along
the way. During STAAR Strategies use a book from
the class library that you have NEVER read
before. Make a flip book to show the predictions
you can make before reading, during reading, and
after reading.
Practice prefixes.
Students will work in their daily five groups to
write a story. The students in each group will work
in pairs to create one section of the story going in
order from beginning, rising action, climax, and
falling action. One of the partners will do the
words (author) and the other will do the picture
(illustrator). Then a DIFFERENT pair from a
DIFFERENT reading group will continue the same
story. Stories can be used to make a class book to
be enjoyed by all.
3.22Ai We will identify and use
verbs correctly in speaking and
writing. 3.17 A-E We will
understand and practice the
writing process.
10A Identify the purposes of
the Declaration of
will study and identify who wrote
Social Studies: Independence and the U.S. Students
Brainpop Video
Rights and why it is important.
Constitution, including the
Bill of Rights.
We will use an understanding of
place value to determine the
Thurs Math:
number that is 10 or 100 more or 5.3 Combine Place Values to Subtract
less than a given number up to
3.2 A, B I will use ideas to make
and confirm predictions using
topic sentences, key words, and
foreshadowing clues. I will
Comprehension: support answers with evidence
from the text. 3.8A I will
sequencec the main events and
explain their influence on future
3.1Aiv We will use
knowledge of prefixes to
spell and predict meanings.
3.22Ai We will identify and use
verbs correctly in speaking and
writing. 3.17 A-E We will
understand and practice the
writing process.
10A Identify the purposes of
the Declaration of
Social Studies: Independence and the U.S.
Constitution, including the
Bill of Rights.
3.1c 3.1D 3.1G - Communicate
mathematical ideas, reasoning,
and their implications using
multiple representations,
including symbols, diagrams,
Fri 9/23 Math:
graphs, and language as
appropriate. Display, explain,
and justify mathematical ideas
and arguments using precise
mathematical language in
written or oral communication.
3.2 A, B I will use ideas to make
and confirm predictions using
topic sentences, key words, and
foreshadowing clues. I will
Comprehension: support answers with evidence
from the text. 3.8A I will
sequencec the main events and
explain their influence on future
Read "Winnie the Lovesick Dragon" stop and
make predictions along the way. During STAAR
Strategies, Read a book from the class library that
you have NEVER read before. Make predictions
using the predictions summary sheet.
Practice prefixes.
Students will work in their daily five groups to
write a story. The students in each group will work
in pairs to create one section of the story going in
order from beginning, rising action, climax, and
falling action. One of the partners will do the
words (author) and the other will do the picture
(illustrator). Then a DIFFERENT pair from a
DIFFERENT reading group will continue the same
story. Stories can be used to make a class book to
be enjoyed by all.
I will complete the Newspaper Flyer
"Celebrate Freedom" and describe the basic
structure of government and explain the
purpose of the U.S. Constitution.
I will print a 3-digit addition
and subtraction quiz for
Students will complete an addittion and
subtraction quiz. They will use their skills to
answer 3-digit addition and subtraction problems.
Read 'The Three Pigs" Stop and make predictions
along the way. If time allows, make another
predictions flip book for an informal assessment.
3.1Aiv We will use
knowledge of prefixes to
spell and predict meanings.
Assessment: misplace, mismatch,
nonsense, nonstick, unlock, unsafe, reread,
Students will work in their daily five groups to
write a story. The students in each group will work
in pairs to create one section of the story going in
order from beginning, rising action, climax, and
falling action. One of the partners will do the
words (author) and the other will do the picture
(illustrator). Then a DIFFERENT pair from a
DIFFERENT reading group will continue the same
story. Stories can be used to make a class book to
be enjoyed by all.
3.22Ai We will identify and use
verbs correctly in speaking and
writing. 3.17 A-E We will
understand and practice the
writing process.
10A Identify the purposes of
the Declaration of
Social Studies: Independence and the U.S. We will review concepts learned this week.
Constitution, including the
Bill of Rights.