Columbine massacre turned worlds upside down

Columbine massacre turned
Newark native Peter Hannan
worlds upside down
produces CatDog for Nickelodeon
.At the be­
ginning of the
assembly with
Newark High
School ' stu­
dents arid staff
children,.Rachel,Joy Scott, was the first of 13 people
to be killed a t the Columbine High School massacre
April 20,1999.
..Two Columbine students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, carried out the hellish shooting rampage, killing
' 12. fellow students and a teacher, as well as wounding
24 others, before committing suicide. This unthinkable
tragedy spawned, national debate about gun control
D a rre ll S co tt
laws, firearm availability, gun violence involving youths,
asked every­
biiUyirig and negative behavior among high school stu­
one who had
dents, as well as the effect of violent movies, music and
lost someone
games on culture.
close to them
And thankfully for Scott, the aftermath of the Col­
in the last two
umbine massacre also shed new light on and sparked a
years to raise
life-changing revelation for him and others whose lives
were touched by his daughters selfless acts of kindness
and her belief they could start chain reactions of good­
ness that would know no boundaries.
After reading • his daughters diaries and hearing
countless stories after her death about how her com­
He is a man on a mission with NO tirine to waste. passionate acts changed the recipients iives,. Scott later
He knows too well that in one instant, life can be unal­ founded in 2001 the compelling R a c h e l ’s C h a l­
terably changed forever.
le n g e program that he presented to students arid
Scott and his family’s world was horribly turned community members last week, (P lease tu rn to
upside down after learning the third oldest of his five page 1 2 )
161st Y E A R - N O . 8
He also produced Fetch, the CatDog theatrical short
subject and a 90-minute called CatDog
and the Great Parent Mystery He wrote and sang the
CatDog theme song.
He is the aythor and illustrator of The Sillyvilk
Saga. Sillyuille or Bust, Escape from C a m p Wannabarf. School A fte r Dark- Lessons in Lunu<.y. and The
B a ttle o f Sillyuille . Live Silly or Die'
Peter Hannan is an artist, writer, and producer. He
is the creator and executive producer of the Nickelo­
deon animated series, CatDog, overseeing all aspects
(writing, storyboarding, character design, art direction,
and post-production) of more than 120 11 minute ep­
isodes and holiday specials.
Friday, February 2 3 , 2 0 0 7
Hannan is working on a variety of film TV' game,
and book projects, including a series of six middle
grade illustrated novels for HarperCollms tailed Super
Goofballs, which features a staggering group of aveng
ing lunatics.
He’s also working on a picture book and another se ­
ries of middle-grade illustrated novels called Wally.
King o f Flurbal&o for HarperCollins
Hannan's writing, illustrations, and single panel car­
toons have appeared in lots of newspapers and mag­
azines and he has exhibited his paintings and drawings.
(Hannan grew up in Newark and graduated from
high school here. He now resides in California with his(
wife and children.)
Driving Park Ave.
resident agrees to
#2 in class A •
terms, won’t have
Lady Reds advance to leave her home
The Reds varsity girls
basketball team advanced
to the second round of
Class A Sectionals with a
60-36 victory over Wayne
on Feb. 21 at NHS.
N e w a rk is 2 1 - 0 on
th e y e a r a n d ra n k e d
n u m b e r t w o in t h e
C la s s A s t a t e p o l l s .
Newark led 18-8 in the
first period and 4 1 2 0 at
the half, thanks to 12
points-from Alyssa Fenyn
and 12 from Shakista
Woolfolk (pictured).
In the third period
Newark outscored Wayne 12-6. Fenyn and Woolfolk
each scored 18 points, with Marissa Bunce scoring 10
The Lady Reds will play Saturday, Feb. 24 at 7 p.m.
at Newark High School,
New team in
Newark offices
(Story and photo by John Zomow; pictured
are Steve Murawski, Lee Mikewicz and John
Soon, the Newark village clerk and treasurer's office
will be in the hands of Lee Mikewicz. and Steve Murawski, hired several months ago by the Newark Village
Board. Current Clerk/Treasurer John Trickey, has held
a dual role since April 1999 and is retiring May 31.
Murawski (new Village Treasurer) has jived in New­
ark on Hillside drive since 1981, having previously
been employed at Fold-Pak and worked in the account­
ing business. He is a graduate of Penn State University
Mikewicz is a native of Rochester and lived in Alba­
ny until 1986, before settling in the Webster area to
finish raising his family. He is a graduate of St. John
Fisher College and SUNY Albany. He will take the role
Murawski and Mikewicz are enjoying the commu­
nity. Trickey’s plans for retirement include time with his
grandchildren and spending summers at the family
camp at Lake Lucerne.
By J o h n Zomow
Barely avoiding being forced from her home for 30
days, Shirley Hulsizer of 920 Driving Park Avenue
appeared at a hearing Tuesday and admitted violating
Chapter 103 o j the Newark Village Code, specifically
“Nuisance Abatement.”
In the past 12 months Hulsizer accumulated 24
“points” worth of violations for two instances of a
dangerous dog running at large, and three charges of
endangering the welfare and unlawfully dealing with a
child, all at the Driving Park Ave. residence. An order
for Hulsizer’s Certificate of Occupancy to be revoked
was suspended on condition that she not be charged
with any further point-accruing offenses for a period
expiring November 30, 2007.
She agreed to these terms: No dogs be kept or
harbored at the property other than one terrier; No
more than one minor non-family member allowed
upon the property fo visit with Amber Hulsizer-Short at'
any given time, and no than three minor non-family
members on me property at any time to visit with and
provide care ana assistance to Crystal Short, who
suffers from Muscular Dystrophy. In addition, no-non
family minors shall be allowed on the property after 11
Should Hulsizer violate the terms o f the
agreement, she will be given five days notice that her
right to Occupy the premises will be revoked for 30
Mayor Peter Blandino said it is a serious
responsibility for a board to have the power to remove
someone from their home. But, he added, there is a
responsibility to neighbors, and he called the resolution
fair, “it is up to Shirley Hulsizer to be a friendly
neighbor, ” said Blamdino. Trustee Kurt Werts said it is
the goal of the village board to make Newark a safe
and pleasant place to raise a family.
Marco Fantauzzi, who lives across the street from
Hulsizer, accepted the resolution, reminding the board
of the illegal acts that he and his neighbors have
witnessed since 2003.
Trustee John Baiiey was not completely happy with
the arraiigeirient to suspend Hulsizer’s charges, but he
supported the unanimous 5-0 vote by the board, for
Blandino to sign the agreement.
Pirelli addresses T rustees - Former Mayor Fred
Pirelli, representing the Newark Veterans Council,
asked the board to approve dates,for the Memorial Day
Parade arid ceremonies (May 27), POW-MIA
Observance (September 21), arid Veterans Day
(November 11). Werts questioned the Veterans Day 11
a.m. time, since this year it falls on a Sunday and
would interfere sendees. Pirelli refused to
budge, indicating that the dafeahd time is set by the
federal government,
Werfs reminded Pirelli that Memorial Day was
changed to always fall on a Monday; "Why don’t we
move that back to the original date?’’ Pirelli will consult
with the Veterans Gouncff on the issue of Memorial
Day but will not change the ceremony time for
Veterans Day.
Waiver approved - Based upon recommendations
by the Newark PjanMng Board, die Trustees gave final
approval of a request by Larry DePauw to sell a portion
of his South Main St. property to Aaron’s Appliances.
Aaron's plans’?? remove a bam to provide parking for
their delivery Vehicles. Trustee Chris Avery, owner of
adjacent property and who reportedly has had a
dispute with Aaron’s over the use of a rear access to
the properties, spoke against the proposal. Avery
claims this will permanently compromise the parcel.
The board voted to approve the waiver 4-1, with
Avery abstaining from the vote.
Northskle Neighborhood Alliance - Police Chief
Bogan reported on the new association of residents
called the Northside Neighborhood Alliance, chaired by
Tom Furfaro. About 20 people gathered at the Newark
Housing Authority meeting room last week . The
association went on record as being happy with
improvements at Ross Park and Frey Street Park and
will schedule events such as a clean-up and planting
week. They asked questions about sidewalk plowing
arid the 920 Driving Park Ave. situation.
Blandino hopes this Is the start of something
positive and will spread to other parts of f ie village."
Neighborhood Alliance will "meat Tuesday, Match 6,
7 p.m. at the Housing Authority Community Room.
(Continued oh page 12)
Jayvee Reds finish with 20-0 record
The Newark Reds JB boys basketball team finished
its 2006,-2007 season with an outstanding 20-0 re­
M em bers o f th e R eds team are: (fro n t) R .J .
V a n D e M o rte l, O llie S m ith , Jace H a v rilla , A aron
B e ll, B .J . W ashburn, M ickel Solom on; (back
ro w ) Coach Bob H a v rilla , D avid Lee T a c k,
C hristian H agan , Javon M cC rea, R ob ert C am b lin , and Coach H enry K uperus. (Jim M ira n d a
Cemeteries are highly
valued by local commu­
nities. “Should Grave­
stones Be Cleaned?" is a
perplexing question that
has no easy answer.
One must ask first - be­
fore any cleaning may be­
gin in a cemetery, what is
the objective of the pro­
posed cleaning project? Is
the reason to read an
otherwise obscured in
T h is w eek’s N ew ark scenes included the Ira q w ar protestors Tuesday,
scription9 Is it to bring and th e snow p ile in fro n t o f P erkin s E lem entary School on W est M aple
back the beauty of an Avenue.
stone or statue? Although
the cleaning of a grave­
stone may seem quite
simple, this is not always
the case.
As a continuing part of
the Newark-Arcadia His­
torical Society "Winter
Lecture Series,” Barbara
Meeks, N-AHS member,
will communicate the pros
and cons of gravestone
cleaning on Saturday,
March 3 at 2 p.m. at the
museum, 120 High St.,
Meeks will give a dry
demonstration of recom­
mended cemetery associ­
ated cleaning techniques.