spring, ' »maschfe and 5ri1?h€ ws 4nd all-lout at'Wesjy A!ver lahdlife Dg«verysvinj of «f'the ir may ts iSnd re, the there’s ter St. y«tK The tegionJgdtiiraay TVith. a #t^,|the ^ st:h M n e:^ Ddrgejr'JRbad? ^ b b Ark, foriiier state^eemT; • OW NURSi o f - i »iai<db^6>yM e others;, dn?.-the speakerls C.. iPryer, ^punly coipinan-; K .V . u g u o i r s r j c m s r rin: I h e - w r l f 4 e ^ , WiJUdni dpflp»‘<B,.Hpworrf.Jo^!Op's . , at Stone Road. Present— » w il|t«be honoredy tincluding- John < BayM tt, -Milton H. ChrterTJHW-' IMPERIAL G R E E G liS G T I N G B i: inp«dv CuafhiM Milea and% Plpyd ' , BLENDED- WIHSKEY Xltfg? BK-qiegrge'-E^'Banders, Wfl; Fulf ^ uart $5.29 lianas* Diedrich, EdWin Pearsons! The new .Greece Hptary ^Gluh The Greece K. of ..C. team.,;has. Hai^Id'* Stephenson, Christopher illlreceixe^its charter at a 'din capturedi. the . IntertCoimcil .bowb ^ p |ffigeiW E < ^ agd ^ 4T abel,- jy^ ( PLENTY'Of.PREEJPARKING at DOOR ner 8 at'6:3b p!ih. W ebampionsrap for the thirdShiWt .andv Joseph H,; Smith. '. . IlliB H IiH IlH ilat - C r e s c e n t Successive yeara . Open DaUy.—10. a. m ..to 10 p. m.j Dimrer will he seived under Thetriumph gave the Greece: Fteachr Hotel. A t direction o f a- committee; o f ^tps?; Dudley Field , of ^Knights permanent possession of Jliairy ,jmembers, with -Marsha Hill [BOQbester R o t the trophy offered by State Dep^ andr*Amy Ver . Weirct as co^hair; v v v w v v v w v n jw w w r tw ^' w i v j w v m ary, former dis- uty Raymond L. Nary. Ross Attinasl was high man. t r i c t governor, A sidt wfli be presented by Al and Ralph .Mas with a three-game tally of 566. fred'. Bowers, .Bertram Wowe3E„ on " of Wolcott Doug Walker had 522. Milford Coon," Willis La Barr, will officiate. Crebrge Wyatt and Noel C. WernOfficers of Greece Council are '■ Representatives of all of the the Rev. John J. Steger, chapThe post a n d ' auxiliary win ['area’s 54 Rotary Victor De Simon, deputy grand sponsor- ih^ ix. aimual Easter. Egg 'pnits will attend lain; Bernard Pilot, grand knight; . Hunt for town children 10 yearsVictor D e Simon, deputy grand the fete, ■ old.-and under March 28. on ihje . JT lLe,. program' knight; “ Robert TTebergei^ ehanp o u n d s of- the post home. G r ^ Lwill include offii- celior; John Greeley, advocate; BRING a FRIEND or MEMBER of the FAMILY PowsU. form er' commander, is cia 1 installation William tSauers, recorder; Martin -chairman of the event. There will Offer Good Until March 28 ^ Brett SUauss of the new clubs Kolb, tresaurer; Pierre Reiland, ,nd th( officers, headed by Fred E. financial secretary; Kenneth Farr, vvill. be present. warden; Clifford Newman, inside Strauss, manager of Greece Of - In an impressive cereraoB3rv last fice, Genesee Valley-Union Trust guard; Michael H eberg^ and Mopday,... C o m m a n d e r ' Louise 3795 D ew ey Avenue— Corner of Sutorlus Francis V. Long, outside guards, s, j: Company, presiderit.^ Weenham of ‘■Greece Post and Opposite Nurthgate Plaza The staff includes Vincent L. and Vincent L. Tofany, RaymoniId !■ M^^ha auxiliary president, Tofany, town* attorney, vice-pres Cannan and John Degus, trustees. EVENING& Bt'APPOlNTMENTr-CHarlotte. 2-5918 presented ^Pledge _of Allegiance ident; the Rev. J. Ralph Shotwell _cards "to representatives of New, Modern Shop Air-Conditioned Dryers of Greece Baptist Church, secre The Greater Greece Press town’s public and paroc March 1 9 /1 9 5 9 tary; John L, Nolte of Ridgecrest schppls ,lo r distribution in Hardware, treasurer, and Fernan schools. do Di Nardo, builder,-Airector,. Avon -Rotary pssisited f h e new group in its-preparations for in duction- Into )the national organ ization. --U. , N ___ magic EdiatY GliA News-^i. ,girl Kbights. of .Columbus. ’ TWO $15 HELENE CURTIS | PERMANENTS— 5 For the_Price of ONE! | I tive mR. guy .M T h e B lB lega? be 1 in I beJhull ^yii^ ities. f. AMERICANA SALON OF BEAUTY W id t's “Doing IS : ii GeiiAeciiiaif Get*AGC|iiaiiiled O ffe r. le. self a . GREECE:. GLenwood c3€021 'Qlsble! pop Pays M e r g in g Greece Lodge o f Elks will elect officers for the coming year to night at a meeting at the Barhard Exempts Club. Formal installation ceremonies will be held April 2. C. Kaye Tomasino is scheduled to ,succeed George W. Badgerow as exalted ruler. He heads an un opposed: slate of nominees. Others who! are expected to be ^elected tom^ht to serve with him are Ken neth Smith,^ leading knight; George Betwlonan, loyal knight; Patrick Wittinan, lecturing knight; Georg. Kip^l^t" secretary; Fred Wood. ard| treasurer, and Edward Hess, Hess, tiler. Norman Gerhard, past exalted mle?, is slated for election to the office of trustee for a five-year term, and James E. Fraser is the choice for alternate state dele gate, A^anee~will be held by the seniorg o f the Youth Bowling League, spofi^red by Greece . Lodge, on Maich 31 at the Exempts Club. The.Spencerport Dance Band will projdde the music and a buffet dinper will be served. Bob Eox, seiiior .vice-president is ekaiTman. He will -be. -assisted, by Henry H ess and John Hudson. The lodge is the first organizer tioh in the town to present a book „ to4h e^ reece_ Puhlic_.Libraiy, * The book is a'history of Elkt organization. Fiiiemen 'Extiiiguish Gc^soHne^ Tank Blaze A gasolihe pump" at the, ^dw ar4 Nemec Service Station, Dewey Avenue at Denise Hoard, burst intej flames when it was knocked oyet by a skidding c a rla st IThursday, Assistant Chief Erie Jackson of Barpard Fire Department report ed ^hat the car, operated by Frj Preftifilippe of ' 3335 Edgemere Drite. knocked the pump several feet. Chemicals were used douse the blaze. Leaders Auuduheed For Fund CampMgn Twelve co-chairmen have been appointed to-serve with Fred E. Strauss in spearheading the town’s Community Chest - Red Cross- Fund Campaign, scheduled for May 7 through 18. The top aides, announced by Strauss this week, are Richard Holden, George W. Badgerow, Samuel Einhorn, Francis J. Cra mer, Fernando Di Nardo, Walter L. Whelehan, Laverne Burton, William' P. Cass, Thomas H. Prit chett, Frederick J". Conway, Mer ton Mitchell' and Mrs. Dorothy Foreman. The co-chairmen will appoint ckptains to head the campaign efforts in the town’s 44 election districts. GRftNfi 01>^ENIN6 TOMORROW and SATURDAY March 20th and 21st 10 a.'m . to 5 p; m. RIDGECREST SHOPPING CENTER 1968 RIDGE ROAD WEST FREE PRIZ E S EVERY H O U R Red Jacket District iScheduies Dinner At a recent meeting of the Red Jacket District Committee, Chair man John Holtman announced plans for the annual dinner meet ing to be held May 13. The dinner, offering an oppor tunity for Scouters to bring their, wives, wiU J3e -iield, at 6:30. p. m, : in the dining room of Holy Cross School. New - district officers will he elected i and* recognition wiU he given to outstanding units and 'th eb leaders. Dr. Murray Carly of First Presbyteiian Church will be principal speaker. ' ■ Longridge School In- science jve are studying en ergy. Heat, electricity and light are all forms of energy. We are going to have a Science F air Sat urday. Everybody hopes to win a blue ribbon. , ---------Christine Rodgers , Mr. Edwards’ Sixth Grade Chemistry ^Our classroom has a science la-* borato:^, We had five groups— Working on chemistry, gardens, magB^%~mach4n6s*.and, rocks. Science i s ftiii! ‘ ' G m r .J W a lt e r if - v , . ' IHiSs J i^ lb a m p ’s M b tirade I EGON - O -W A SH THE COST OF A SERVICE LAUNDROMAT 124 hours a day 7 days a week ; PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 22nd COlUPARE *3*LeADS SERVICE LAUNDROMAT Wash _______________$1.35 Dry ..............^______ — .90 ECON-O-WASH Wash ___ ___________ $ .76 Dry ...... ........ ............— .30 Total _______________ $2.25. Total _____ ___ ______ $1.05 , RAIN SOFT WATER - AS MANY MACHTNES AS YOU NEED - CONSTANT CORRECT TEMU- Do Your-BiG&ESTtiALINBRY ihL E S SJhon an HOUR >' B r in g ,T h is V a l u a b l e C o u p o n t o R i D a E C J s n 's e r s
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