Inattention and Inertia in Household Finance: Evidence from the Danish Mortgage Market S. Andersen, J.Y. Campbell, K.M. Nielsen, and T. Ramadorai Copenhagen, Harvard, HKUST, Oxford May 20, 2015 Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 1 / 27 Introduction Inertia in Household Finance Households respond slowly to changed circumstances. I I Participation, saving, and asset allocation in retirement savings plans (Agnew, Balduzzi, and Sunden 2003, Choi, Laibson, Madrian, and Metrick 2002, 2004, Madrian and Shea 2001). Portfolio rebalancing in risky asset markets (Bilias, Georgarakos, and Haliassos 2010, Brunnermeier and Nagel 2008, Calvet, Campbell, and Sodini 2009). An important example: Mortgage re…nancing. I I Inertia (“woodheads”) in prepayment models and MBS pricing (Stanton 1995, Deng, Quigley, and Van Order 2000, Gabaix, Krishnamurthy, and Vigneron 2007). Cross-subsidies from sluggish to prompt re…nancers (Miles 2004, Campbell 2006, Gabaix and Laibson 2006). Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 2 / 27 Introduction Mortgage Re…nancing Inertia: Questions Do prompt re…nancers look di¤erent from sluggish re…nancers? I I US HMDA tracks borrowers at origination, so we don’t observe non-re…nancers. American Housing Survey and other survey data are very noisy (Schwartz 2006). Does the opposite of inertia (too-hasty re…nancing) also exist? I I Optimal re…nancing solves a di¢ cult real options problem (Agarwal, Driscoll, and Laibson 2013). Errors of “commission” and “omission” when only re…nancers are observed (Agarwal, Rosen, and Yao 2012). Can household constraints explain sluggish re…nancing? I In the US, re…nancing requires positive home equity and su¢ ciently high credit score: inevitably imperfectly measured (Archer, Ling, and McGill 1996, Campbell 2006, Schwartz 2006, Keys, Pope, and Pope 2014). Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 3 / 27 Introduction Mortgage Data from Denmark We use high-quality administrative data from Denmark to surmount many of these obstacles. Denmark has predominantly FRMs, like the US, but with important special features: I I I I Funding with covered bonds, …xed-rate maturity-matched bonds with integer coupons. Re…nancing does not require positive home equity or a credit check provided there is no cash-out. Re…nancing involves buying back the underlying mortgage bond, either at market value or face value. When buying back at face value, the re…nancing incentive is the bond’s coupon rate less the current mortgage yield. Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 4 / 27 Data Administrative Data from Denmark All mortgages from 5 largest mortgage banks (out of 7) with a 94% market share. Demographic information from Civil Registration System. Income and wealth from the Customs and Tax Administration. Education from the Ministry of Education. Medical treatments from the National Board of Health. Start with 2.7 million households. I I I I Match education and income: 2.5 million. 953,000 households have mortgages in 2009 and 703,000 have a single mortgage. 282,000 households have a …xed-rate mortgage in 2009 and 272,000 have one in 2010. 60,000 households re…nance in 2009 and 23,000 re…nance in 2010. Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 5 / 27 Data Summary Statistics (Table 1) Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 6 / 27 Data 4.6 4.4 4 4.2 Interest rate 4.8 5 30000 20000 10000 0 Number of Refinancing Households Re…nancing by Coupon (Figure 4) 2010:1 2010:3 2011:1 Old Coupon <5% Old Coupon 6% Interest Rate Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia 2011:3 2012:1 Old Coupon 5% Old Coupon 7+% Mortgage Design 2015 7 / 27 Data Re…nancers and Non-Re…nancers (Table 3) Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 8 / 27 A Mixture Model of Re…nancing Types Re…nancing Types pih,t (yi ,t = 1jνh , βh , σe ) = pih,t (νh + e βh Ih (zi ,t ) + ei ,t > 0). Household i has type h, re…nancing is event yi ,t = 1. Parameter νh governs base re…nancing rate, βh governs response to incentive Ih (zi ,t ), zit contains mortgage characteristics. Stochastic choice error ei ,t is logistic (as in standard logit model). Woodheads: re…nance at …xed rate νW , ignore incentives so IW (zi ,t ) = 0 and βW = 0. Levelheads: respond rationally to incentives with some βL > 0, but νL = 0. Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 9 / 27 A Mixture Model of Re…nancing Types A Mixture Model Household i has mixing weight δhi on type h, where 0 < δhi < 1 and h ∑h δi = 1. We model h h δhi = e ξ i / ∑ e ξ i , where ξ hi can be a function of household characteristics. We can capture dynamic e¤ects using issuing quarter and current quarter dummies (interactions of these dummies have almost no explanatory power). I I I Pure time e¤ects (e.g. from media coverage of re…nancing opportunities). Age e¤ects (burn-in and burn-out). Currently working on modeling the persistence of type assignments. Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 10 / 27 A Mixture Model of Re…nancing Types 0 .1 Refinancing Probability .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 A Basic Mixture Model (Figure 1) -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Incentives Observed Refinancing Probability (i) Woodheads (ii) Levelhead (iii) Model-Predicted Refinancing Probability Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 11 / 27 A Mixture Model of Re…nancing Types The Re…nancing Incentive I (zit ) = Citold Yitnew O (zit ). Interest saving is old bond coupon less new mortgage bond yield. Use Agarwal, Driscoll, and Laibson (2013) approximate closed-form solution for threshold: s q σκ it 2(ρ + λit ). O (zit ) mit (1 τ ) σ interest rate volatility, τ mortgage interest tax deduction, ρ discount rate, κ it …xed plus variable re…nancing cost, mi ,t size of mortgage, λit base rate of principal reduction, which includes termination probability. I We estimate termination probability: median 8.4%, mean 11.0%, standard deviation 8.7% (ADL suggest 10%). Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 12 / 27 Re…nancing Incentives and Household Behavior Summary of the Evidence Danish mortgage rates have fallen substantially since their peak in 2008. About 23% of household-quarters have positive re…nancing incentives. Almost 90% of these do not re…nance (errors of omission). About 2% of the households with negative incentives do re…nance, but about half of these cash out or extend maturity so only 1% appear to be mistakes (errors of commission). Most demographic characteristics shift re…nancing up or down and therefore move these errors in opposite directions. Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 13 / 27 Re…nancing Incentives and Household Behavior 0 0 .1 .2 Refinancing Probability Number of Observations (10,000s) 5 10 15 20 .3 25 Incentives and Re…nancing (Figure 6) -3 -2 -1 0 Incentives 1 2 3 4 Number of Observations (10,000s) Observed Refinancing Probability Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 14 / 27 Re…nancing Incentives and Household Behavior Errors of Omission and Commission (Table 5 Panel A) Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 15 / 27 Re…nancing Incentives and Household Behavior Who Makes These Errors? Most household demographic characteristics have o¤setting e¤ects on the two types of errors (Table 5 Panel B). Characteristics that are associated with increased re…nancing in Table 3 increase errors of commission and reduce errors of omission. This suggests that a pure inattention model will not …t the data (since pure inattention would increase both types of error). Errors of omission are costly (Table 6): 1.9% of the outstanding mortgage balance for the average error-prone household, and about 0.25% of all outstanding mortgages (using 0.25 cuto¤, across both years). Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 16 / 27 Estimating the Mixture Model Mixture Model Results (1) Baseline model with no history dependence or demographic e¤ects delivers sensible estimates (Figure 1): I I 88% of household-quarters are woodheads who re…nance with probability 0.8%. 12% are levelheads who re…nance with probability 10% when the incentive is -0.88%, 25% when the incentive is -0.43%, 50% when the incentive is zero, 75% when the incentive is 0.43%, and 90% when the incentive is 0.88%. History dependence and demographics greatly increase model’s explanatory power from initial pseudo R 2 = 8.5%. Issuing quarter e¤ects are intuitive (Figure 8): I I Woodhead re…nancing probability increases initially, then remains ‡at on average (as in the PSA model used in the US). Levelhead probability declines in mortgage age, except for mortgages with few lifetime chances to be re…nanced at attractive rates. Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 17 / 27 Estimating the Mixture Model 0 Refinancing Probability .1 .2 .3 Mixture Model Fit (Figure 7) -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Incentives Observed Refinancing Probability Model-Predicted Refinancing Probability Fraction of Levelheads Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 18 / 27 Estimating the Mixture Model Mixture Model Results (2) Full mixture model has pseudo R 2 = 15.7%. Most demographic variables move levelhead proportion and woodhead re…nancing probability, or equivalently inattention and inertia, in the same direction. I Inertia and inattention as …tted from demographics have a cross-sectional correlation of 0.67; we can reject perfect correlation. Age reduces attention while education and income increase it among younger, less educated, and poorer households. Financial wealth and housing wealth have opposite e¤ects I Highest attention for households with large houses relative to their …nancial wealth. Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 19 / 27 Estimating the Mixture Model 84 70 65 60 56 52 48 44 39 34 26 -.02 -.01 Change in Probability 0 .01 .02 .03 .04 E¤ects of Age (Figure 9A) Rank of Age (Years) Levelhead Andersen et al (2015) Woodhead Refinancing Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 20 / 27 Estimating the Mixture Model 20 16 15 12 10 7 -.02 -.01 Change in Probability 0 .01 .02 .03 .04 E¤ects of Education (Figure 10A) Rank of Education (Years) Levelhead Andersen et al (2015) Woodhead Refinancing Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 21 / 27 Estimating the Mixture Model 61 0 1. .9 34 .7 84 .6 95 .6 27 .5 59 .4 76 .3 93 .3 20 .2 38 0. 13 6 -.02 -.01 Change in Probability 0 .01 .02 .03 .04 E¤ects of Income (Figure 11A) Rank of Income (Million DKR) Levelhead Andersen et al (2015) Woodhead Refinancing Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 22 / 27 Estimating the Mixture Model 67 2. 0 .5 68 .3 02 .1 72 .0 87 .0 3 -.0 32 -.1 24 -.2 41 -.4 23 -1 .3 -.02 05 -.01 Change in Probability 0 .01 .02 .03 .04 E¤ects of Financial Wealth (Figure 12A) Rank of Financial Wealth (Million DKR) Levelhead Andersen et al (2015) Woodhead Refinancing Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 23 / 27 Estimating the Mixture Model 60 0 5. 71 0 2. 12 7 2. 78 9 1. 53 4 1. 33 0 1. 17 6 1. 01 2 1. .8 38 .6 54 0. 39 0 -.02 -.01 Change in Probability 0 .01 .02 .03 .04 E¤ects of Housing Wealth (Figure 13A) Rank of Housing Wealth (Million DKR) Levelhead Andersen et al (2015) Woodhead Refinancing Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 24 / 27 Conclusion Re…nancing in Household Finance We propose a mixture model of household types to capture heterogeneity in propensity to re…nance. I I Distinguish inattention (low levelhead probability) and inertia (low woodhead re…nancing probability). Household characteristics generally move inertia and inattention in the same direction. Demographic e¤ects are intuitive. I I Inertia and inattention increase with age, decrease with education and income. Financial wealth (proxy for cost of time?) and housing wealth have opposite e¤ects. Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 25 / 27 Conclusion Next Steps Enriching the set of household types, looking for active behavioral patterns. For example, “roundheads” re…nance when interest saving or coupon reduction reaches a round number. I I I We …nd some evidence for a “new bond available with 2% lower coupon” e¤ect. But the improvement in the overall model …t is modest, because few households reach this point. Demographic patterns discussed above are robust to this change in model speci…cation. Also working on a better model of type persistence. Ultimate goal is a richer dynamic characterization of multiple household types. Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 26 / 27 Conclusion Some Thoughts on Mortgage Policy The Danish mortgage system is impressively well designed. But it still places the burden of the re…nancing decision on households. I I Many people, particularly poorer and less educated people, get this wrong. Errors of omission can be expensive for these people. Errors of omission increase the value of mortgage bonds, lowering yields in equilibrium. I I Thus, sophisticated borrowers gain at the expense of the less sophisticated. A troublesome phenomenon in an age of inequality. This cross-subsidy makes it harder for individual mortgage lenders to introduce new products (Gabaix and Laibson 2006). I I An automatically re…nancing “ratchet” bond would help the unsophisticated but hurt the sophisticated, who would otherwise be the natural early adopters. In this situation there is a case for public policy to force the issue. Andersen et al (2015) Inattention and Inertia Mortgage Design 2015 27 / 27
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