^rLV K.1t.'ltt:dJ. luetJay, April 4, 19i3. CHEDLET F©1 yKELIlF J H j W r l t e tor Booklet West ^ O o u n t r l o T o u r s " (tree), r ' Dept. A . APlI" * Barrett, etc., Llit'i Yeovil, Somerset.' E BENEFITS tHEESE TO.DAY'S W E A T H E R : F A I R ; NO. 10,267. TUESDAY, WARM. APRIL 4, 1933. OmS W A N HAIR' RLEY CAMERAMAN'S °" °' SK-J. i n i IN »cid rtacl nooa iciirf und icilo irrii^ R U S S I A N S ; : C O N F E S S HEAT WAVE .COMING TO STARVAITON LIFE PERIL elMlr.o •• »limu;itioii - a l l e a the hair. • PEASANTS DIE "OF HUNGER: CHILDREN BEG FOR FOOD OXYGEN LEAK STOPPED WITH HANDKERCHIEF l i n E . m d ..inteini . nod ol e i « „ i , , - | „ « : infliienta opon in , h i i r "d'wi." ' ° ly, »nd or oi!; vtmklcs and lice lio,. !lM and sunburn ^ ickheacU. Diraolt. „ j .. na.Ia. ejtbro^a THE SAFE BRAND Britons Encircle Summit 5 Miles High For 15^^^M PARKEB TENTS d PENNY. 320-MILE FLIGHT THE MARQUIS OK CLYDESDALE. road Ihia Imle book " A "ROUSE . — lh(? Giiataian ii'n" and •rc«loral:oTi "^'W ion w v, -.MedicahHrto," trom ^; CASE" OF ^rj^^j^.'*°"K 12), ^ad.. Belgravia, S.w.i 1 trenlmonls Eiven, THE_AIR? AMAZING CITY OF LIVERPOOL FIRE THEORY JOLLY . SPECTACLE NO HUMAN. EYES HAD EVER SEEN OUNT EVEREST, THE ONLY REMAINING ' L A N D M A R K ON" THF, EARTH^S SURFACE! :- , TO H A V E REMAINED UNCONQUERED BY MAN, HAS AT ' LAST PROVIDED ANOTHER TRIUMPH FORTHE-vJLXPLORER. Both of the airplanes of the expedition financed by Lady Houston yesterday flew over Its topmost peak, which soars 29,141 feet—more than five miles—into the skies. They cleared the summit by 100 feet, and during the fifteen minutes they spent encircling it secured some magnificent close-range photographs. MAN WHO PLANNED SUICIDE he •the nlly 103,000 MORE PEOPLE AT WORK UNEMPLOYMENT IS DOWN BY OVER 80,000 • II, you 'rt'jMM . don c became a aann<(. Hifdlnt'i tin n« yw «P jolhatyowcjnoncemora JO out in comfort iaJ_; 5\ without undue effort. 31 Full p.rticui.r. ol V hand-propellrf, electrte. and motor driven, ilw. - BaeS. Merlin and Suit • , Carryln£ Cliiin. • , l , , n in our rleW ua. froo on reque". ; Send ,11 model! deli.erad acrtue :ed lldeilred. PODS c t h e scasiil».<"' . T h e best h p h nre . l d » c r l i s e i l jRe 1 9 . by Iha 'f-'S'T^isX ShM-lanc. London, iaoche..i.;,4.;;;'"!:*'°,,-. -r - l?300 a year an 'f .«*|ms%,X"tf./"™'"« £4,200 FOR GIRL „n"i? H""^ odEastcr! f * Bread! We Are Dying' •nK""""' knd children I. 1/ 1^100,^200 i"^'*' b.in ipcnl 10 J! .ow would you answer questions? ANAS ivateo FREE MCINTYRE. T ne Fruit UnTlf^tT So.^- D. F . LORD CLYDESDALE'S STORY CONFECTIONERS awer Orlitol Road, BitIV l,h Holborn. W . C l . , 12, Coorge Straat; INVALIDS AND OTHSRJ: Fiishi-ueaienaoi T R A D E S THAT ARE IMPROVING W EJillSORTS CABINET CLIMB'DOWN : FULL REPORT TO BE ISSUED The flight almost ended in tragedy, the photographer, I t r . S. R. Bonnett, becoming faint and suffering severe pain-owing to a fracture of his o-vgen supply pipe. He managed to repair'the leak with his Telephone: Central 8000. BILL TO CONTROL IMPORTS AS Albert V o s s a " R o u s e handkerchief, and recovered suificieiitly to resnme work. There were four men who, by this historic flight, saw a spectacle , oittheair"? Didheset A Bill to control Russian imports will be debated in the House iive to the City of Liverpool on which no human eyes have ever looked before—the Slarqnis of to-morrow. Clydesdale, Hie thirty-yearrold boxing iX.P., Lieutenant-Colonel Deaths from starvation in the hunger-stricken Russian in mid-air in the hope t h a t he Unemployment figures L. y . S. Blacker, Flight-Lieutenant Jlclntyre,.'and Mr. Bonnett. villages are openly admitted by Soviet peasants in interview could escape and yet deceive Thirteen lives' have been lost in previous attempts to scale th showed a fall of more, than which Mr. Careth Jones describes below. 80,000 on M a r c h 20 as com the world into t h i n k i n g he mountain. - ' Following bis startling article in y e s t e r d a y ' s " Daily Express," pared w i t h those of a m o n t h which indicated thai the discontent'of the'disillusioned workers has -ivasdeadl DidNetaesis-over befor^. .JA:. y'^^'X^^i^:,driven th'e So"'\'iet Gov'erniireiit:;to-,'distract' their attenioii>by -arrestiiij^ take hint and m a k e him a vie • Moreover, the estimated num .tlie-^Biitisliren^|Vcers,,;Mr.vGaretlir;''ObnQ^^^ tim of his own foul deed? "peasaiUfy7 iiiiaUe'fo ber of insured persons agei -' ;-!;: ^ ; ' » i a ; t y ^ j ; % . : s ; 3 i ; ; ; ; i L i ^ ^ —^'^'-r^-v :•• The writer'bas^kftowiK;mi^siU-.f?6"in the^ a number of sixteen to sixty-four in employ< ."INQUEST .TO-DAY From Our Special Correspondent with the Houston Mount Everest years, .and his jusfre'tiiriied from there to write his revelations in an ment in Great Britain increased exclusive seriiis'of articles for the-"Daily Express." -Until recently Thosequestions'may &e an' Flight Expedition. by 103,000. The estimated total ho was IJese.arch Adviser on:Foreign Affairs to-JIr. Lloyd George. ' m r e j during the-,intiuest w h i c h was 9,443,000, opens at Salford to-da.y on _ . t b i s W O R L D COPYRIGHT : PUBLISHED BY A R R A N G E M E N T WITH THE " T I M E S , ; Yesterday's happenings in Parliament are reported on Page Two! Broadcasting Programines on Page 15 itaachcster dentist, wbo .perislied The dift'erence of 2-3,000 between P U R N E A (Bihar), two passed over Foibesgauj, our in tlie disaster at Dixmude, Belforward emergency ;lauding"ground the two figures apparently repre jiiiiii, last Tiiesda'v,' 'and. whose Monday, April 3 forty miles from Purnea', and at a sents 'yotuig people who have.bceh tuaerai was dramatically stoppea H E following. ofticial. re height,of 19,000 feet Everest first absorbed into industrj-; . on Sunday. became, visible above the haze. ^ Last night's Ministry of,Labour port h a s b e e n , d r a w n up -' ,." I t proved •impossible to'iden Tlie auswers will d e p e n d on the return shows that the improve result of the inquiries w h i c h are to by S q u a d r o n -'Leader L o r d tify, anyi,landmarks at all until ment in employment - occurred M made in ilariohester." by Chief C l y d e s d a l e : approximately within twenty miles chiefly in the . building, public Inspector Charles Weslev, of Scot of the summit. works contracting, and tailoring By GARETH JONES "This morning the Indian land-yard. , " A t nine we passed over.Chiim- industries. , Albert Toss had good reason to meteorological ofiicer.-at Purnea, larig at an altitude of 31,000 feet. Y~\NE cry haunts the-Russia of There was also some improve disappear. The " Daily -Express " Mr. S. ,N. Gupta, reported , from O n . approaching Lliotse, the ment in the iron and steel, engi ^ tp-day, and .that is " Hleba stated yesterday that he wa.s balloon'observations thai the wind, southern peak. of the Everest neering, motor vehicle, shipbuild niet." (There is-no-bread). w n t c d by the Contluental-police which previously bad been unsuit group, the ground rises at a steep ing and ship-repairing; woollen As,you walk througli the Tverin connection w i t h charges of cm- able, had dropped'to a velocity of gradient, and both -jiiachines ~ex- and worsted, boot and shoe, brick 67 m.p.h. at 33,000 feet, which, we perienced a steady down current, and pottery industries, and in tho sk.aya-street in Moscow, a roughbczzlement. , , _ bearded peasant in a sheepskin coat had decided, would-be the most diie to the deflection_of the west distributive trades. siiitable working height for photo wiiid over the mountain', causing a will lumber up to you and say: POISON ATTEMPT Hn was desperately an.tious to graphic survey. ; _ ' ,: "Give for the sake of God. 1 am LONDON AT THE TOP loss of altitude of 1,500: feet,, de Mcapo e.'camlnntion of t h e state of " O u r two machines took , off spite all our efforts to climb. from the Ukraine, and there * hlebii The exact figures for 'unemploj'niet:' In ' my' village . tliey .an fis finances. It is k n o w n t h a t he at 8.25 from Lalbalu Aerodrome in " Both airplanes Hew over the ment show-a total o£ 2,776,184, dying oft'. tad , recently attempted to: t a k e still air, .the Houston-AVestland summit of Everest at 10.5, clear comprising;— poison,in Manchester. Before.his ci-ewed by Colonel Blacker and ' I have come to Moscow for Wholly unemployed :.. 8,170,S.V2 ing it by a'hundred feet. ',;",J°",™oy he m a d e t h e statement myself, and.the "Westland-AVallnce . " T h e wincV.yelocity..w.as.notice T c m p o r a i i i y s l o p p e d 5U3,377 bread, '\vhicii I shall send' to uiy home by post; AVe are doomed' in ' w - he intended to commit piloted bv Flight Lieutenant ably high near the summit, but no N o r m a l l y . i n . casual e m p l o y ; • 102.555 the Ukraine. In my.village we had ."ficiile. , Mclntyre, with Mr. S. E . Bonnett, bumps were felt by either aircraft. m'cnl Can you say for certain how This total is 80,454 fewer than eighty horses. , Xow we have only aerial "photographer, as observe^. Voss tell troiu the'airplane beFifteen minutes were.spent-flying " Our route to the summit neces in the neighbourhood of th^ sum the number on the registers' on eighteen. We had a hundred and long you 'will live ? '«f« ,it crashed. - .His body was Answer these questions fiftj' cows^ \Now there are only Wed up nearly: two miles .from sitated . c h a n g i n g the compass mit, and on account of the smooth February 20 last. for yourself and then , A table giving the differences be six. . ' •oc scene of the disaster. course at intervals on .account of flying conditions' the, taking' of Are you likely to save money make provision for an . U i 3 parachute h a d tailed him.in the increase of wind velocity with tween ;the figures for March 20 and AVe are -dying. Give us income on retirement ''^last frantic bid for life.-. • February 20 last in, the - various breadi" for investment as regularly as lm.r?nr""l^l°' ""'"S s h o w s I h a l l h e areas of Great Britain reveals that of, say, . " I AM FREEZING" « „ " ' " » „ " ' ? , "^"y of-Liverpool .was oiilv in the north-western area and you would pay an insuiance Further, o n , a little girl, about «nij parly aligtil WIIOQ . lie left it at Wales has unemployment in tel ll""?"'" c r a s h . Tlieir eight years of age, with dark premiiun? creased.' eST h i s left s i d e was The largest decreases are ii brown eyes, her little face wrapped Ses - pari- of the London ,(19,235). north-eastern in a shawl, sells'you scented whit'e Is there any investment, other OR (17,612), south-eastern (15,751), spring flowers for-^ a rouble a L INFLAMMABLE BOMB ? than life insurance, which en and Scotland (12,723) areas. Thi bunch. " W h e r e do von come f r o m ? " I ^a^'m-to^""" s c a r r e d lefi local increases arc comparatively ables you to save income tax ? ChvS "'^"'""i inllammable small; Wales bad 1,219 more un ask. , -, " S I M "= Th"!''' ="'8"^ '"an h e employed, and tlie' north-western - " I am troiii the Crimea," she and at the same time tor iho e . ^ " " ' " " " ' I ) " a v e a c c o u n l e d replies^.f* where there is warm s u n area'1,147;. ' and lhVi/.'°"= b u r n i n g or the h a n d protect your depen shine..: Here it is cold, and I aui What will be .your income when dants in the event of freezing." .: you retire ? earlier deatli. "'Then why have you come, up north to Moscow?" ^?3s£-r-^^.''^onf£ •Because there is n o bread in Can you think of any foriii of CARNERA JILTED wSw' limped tor h i s ANY AGE the Crimea and people ai'e dying. investment which -vvill provide lit h-* '"I'ls" of ihe inferno.' . !»mV,nif "> I a n " b y . p a r a c h u t e Tbeio will be plenty o f fruit there ANY TERM " D a i l y Express" Special' Tfe nam? '™'" wrecked a i r p l a n e ? o f all kindsj but that will not be on retirement an income which T H E S N O W Y PEAIC of Mount Everest seen from the base camp. k'sond ^ consume t h e bodies Representative.ANY AMOUNT until the summer. a«nZd ',l=°sn,iiion. it , would, be Miss Emilia Tersini, the SoUo (Bllo3p„j',5;;'„J'J! had died w i t h h i 6 height, according to our weather close-range photographs was ren " S o my mother niid I. have is absolutely guaranteed ? toknp' "e c o u l d h i d e till ex-waitress, who was awarded brought flowers to Moscow and dered possible. '•"•eDoni '^'^nthe. City of report. have come to "Visibility of the distant high damages of £4,200 against Piimo "We had rehed.on overcoming tarso-,' " b u r n l n s llself, and its Inio nw,,",^'"^*^- ""^ "^onW slink,away to some extent the difficulty of ac peaks was very good. The great Camera, for breach of promise, find bread.' FILL IN A N D FORWARD TfflS COUPON I l w s M n f " ' ^ ' 'n ihe-same',way as yesterday, is an unhappy girl. Himalaya range^coulfl be seen ex Ask that car on When he left h i s b l a z i n g curate 'cpmpass,:navigation caused She gave her evidence in a inanner tending to great distances, and p o x - pitted by irequent- change 6f;-wiiKl3peed ?5 nn llie Greal Norlh-road. ,: youth wh0 by the go.od landmarks, neap-.and provided a.magnificent spectacle. whose very, restraint betraved the To T H E PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE CO. LTD WHERE THE FIRE BEGAN' along our track. s e. I I s " h i 1 ".1\he , return journey was, car depth of her feelings. Only once - ; .. Counsel Holborn Bars, London, E.C1 plan inav h a v e b e e n ' " A heavy dust haze rising'to a ried out at a slightly lower alti did her voice fail her: wobdeu bowl: "arachur^,, entrusted his his life to his his with : biirnt-iu tude, so as to secure better condi had referred-to an evening at a r a c h m e fa failed to o p e n . consider.able height almost com -Vo' w«-h''';-''^''»'^''nie dance,hall... ,. , : Please send me particulars of your Guaranteed designs- - o n ' ii. pletely obscured the' ground from tions for oblique photography. Many ..^".r'^s".'° '^^a-''" W h a t did Camera d o ? " street corner " B o t h machines landed at LalIncome Policy--which will secure me £--.... . a year tmrl'" 'a<:'s s u i t this t h e o r y , Forbesganj to the higher mountain " He ignored me." m a t the lire s i a n e d ni t h e w h e r e, , ,h balu at 11.25. Both pilots pay the " Y o u were distressed about for life at age i . . . . . . o r provision for m y dependants in Jl'airl'J!!; VOSS-occupied, a aiiges. T h i s made aerial siirvey higliest tributes to the splendid comes, f r o n t that'" ""irni <" " i r p l a n e . :The work impossible., and what.be is the •'vent; of earlier death. My age next birthday i s . . . " W e climbed slowly at low performance of engines and air I'lr '""'y c o n h n n thai he w a s Miss Tersini nodded in replv doing, in- the i"mpe(l lolS'rif " a m e s before he engine revolutions to a height of craft.'* ,' Her lijrs formed the word ' ' Y e s , " great city, and •NA-MiS. _ . _ _ The flight was .carried out with 10,000 feet. . By, this: height tlie .(Mr..M„.„Mi«) '"^•niai.m f " n ' . ihe Salfnrd c o r o n e r , - h e will say no more fuss than an ordinary ser but the barest whisper came; "'al W M s " " ' i l a y . : m a d e it c l e a r crews of both' lu.achines had les'tod " 1 come from the lSlJnl-^ovgorod " 1 still love hini," she .said out ADDRESS....,....,:;:.:.; _ _ -_ . 'l>ai W " ° "''"^ o n l Ihe p i w l b l l i l y their respective electrical heating vice flight at home. The only misregion, and there we have n o • THi- e v l , » ' " ' ' • a i r p l a n e - a l i g h t , - - ' V sets, and Mcintyre and I sig ha~p was' a . fracture ..of 'Bennett's side the court, after ,the verdict bread.- So we car\-e these wooden 1'ie5i'„n „ " l i i r i n K t n e , l n • nalled to-each other that every,- oxygen,pipe oyer the luoiintain top. had been given i n her favour, "Daily Express" Special Representative. OINAI. : A little heat wave is on the way. The warmest weather so far recorded this year is likely to be e.xp'erienced over a w i d e area of south-eastern E n g l a n d during the n e x t forty-eight hours. . There will be brilliant nnintcrrupled sunshine over practically R A P I D climb-down by the GovernmentMate last n i g h t ' " ' ' " ' ^ England and Wales, while shade temper.itures should followed organised obstruction by M.P.s who were dis attain (J5 degrees locally, and may satisfied with the Prime Minister's reticence over Britain's exceed this figure at a "few places I'aiiJ. steps to protect her arrested nationals in Moscow. At least three days of real W h e n Mr. MacDoiiald h a d refused to answer questions suuimer-like weather are antici about the arrested men or to issue sufficiently early a White- pated. . Hundreds of m i l e s of fine l)aper on recent Anglo-Russian conversations, the National weather are spreading northward Government, for the first time in their carreer, found them across Great Britain. ' All coastal resorts east and selves out-maiiceuvred by the H o u s e before the end of the south of a line from the AVash to evening Land's End should enjoy between The Ministers, having seen their busine.-is hold' up and their nine and eleven' hours of sun Parlianientavy tinic-table disorganised by Ihe rebellious M.P.s,,decided shine to-day and to-morrow. to issue the White-paper giving the diplomatic liistory of'our protests against the arrests of Metro|iolitau-Vickers employees. LATE NEWS BRITISH M.P.s REVOLT OVER MOSCOW ARRESTS „j NOTICES. WITH H U N D R E D S OF M I L E S OF SUNSHINE ''al ii n L^r""'*" ""lelher he 'was a viething'was ..•I.SiMster or of his o w n d e s i g n . ' , " After '"Pase.ThiruVn. • >*1 satisfactory. thirty minutes' flying! Tho case is reported on Page PAGE TWO, COLUMN ONE Seven. • iM D.E.4.4J3. PAGE TWO, COLUMN THREE li / >^
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