g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àç 909.793.2469www.theholynameofjesus.org Office Hours / Horas de la Oficina Monday - Friday / Lunes - Viernes: 8:00am - 4:00pm (Closed for lunch 11:30am-12:00pm Sunday / Domingo: 9:00am -12:00pm For emergencies requiring the services of a priest, or for funeral needs, please call: 951-782-7246 Para emergencias que requieren los servicios de un sacerdote, o por necesidades funerarias, por favor llame: 951-782-7246 PASTORAL TEAM / EQUIPO PARROQUIAL: Pastoral Coordinator Deacon Steve Serembe, ext 112 Director of Liturgy and Music Carlo Argo , ext 140 Director of Faith Formation Karen Grozak, ext 135 Priest Moderator Rev. Erik Esparza, J.C.L., ext 127 Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries Carrell Jamilano, ext 131 Faith Forma on Assistant Martha Plumb, ext 136 Priest Ministers Rev. Francis Goode, O.P., ext 114 Rev. Hau Vu, ext 113 Youth Ministry Assistant Erick Marquez, ext 134 Confirma on Coordinator Monica Aguilar, ext 129 Coordinadora de los Ministerios Hispanos Ester Ruvalcaba, ext 126 Confirma on Assistant Carlos Uribe, ext 134 Parish Secretaries Maggie Rodriguez, ext 110 Maria Butler, ext 118 For the Mass and Confession schedule, please see the back of this bulle n. Deacons Mike Bellinder, ext 122 Ayed “Eddie” Khader, ext 110 Steve Serembe, ext 112 Business Manager Sherry Harder, ext 115 Development Data Clerk Vicky Magistrado, ext 128 Director of Mission Advancement Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128 Custodial Staff José and Maria Elena Muñoz, ext 110 Favor, mire al otro lado del boletín para el horario de Confesión y de las Misas. January 29, 2017: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Catholic Schools’ Week TODAY’S READINGS: Zephaniah 2:3; 3:12-13— You humble of the land, seek jus ce and humility, and the Lord will be your protection. Zephaniah is one of the least-known of the Old Testament prophets. He speaks in today’s first reading of impending judgment. But the Lord will leave a “remnant” in Israel. This image of a remnant, or remainder, was to become vital to both Judaism and Chris anity. Psalm 146— Blessed are the poor in spirit; the kingdom of heaven is theirs! Paul’s le er to Corinth makes obvious his deep concern for the Chris ans there. They are too self-confident, he says, too sure of themselves. He admonishes them to remember that Christ has given them all they have. 1 Corinthians 1:26-31— God chose the weak of the world, those who count for nothing, so that whoever boasts should boast in the Lord. Today’s Gospel comprises the opening of Jesus’ “Great Sermon.” As God gave Moses the law on Sinai, so now Jesus gathers his disciples on a hillside to teach them the new law. Each of these Bea tudes contrasts the humilia on of the present with the glory of the future: poverty vs. the riches of God’s kingdom, hunger for holiness vs. fulfillment in the Spirit, persecu on vs. the reign of God. © 2016 J. S. Paluch Co. Jesus is here speaking to God’s chosen “remnant.” Gospel according to Ma hew 5:1-12a — Jesus taught from the mountain: Blessed are the poor in spirit. Coordinator’s Corner Today’s Gospel is taken from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, more specifically, The Bea tudes. We are called to exercise the bea tudes every day, and Deacon Mike Bellinder has allowed me to share some symphonic ways of doing so here: The Bea tudes are the BE a tudes that your hearts, minds and souls are to BE___ COME. Let me address a few of these a tudes and virtues. Jesus tells us that there is true happiness that the world cannot give, if we live our lives according to the Bea tudes. By developing your poorness in spirit, you are called to depend on God for everything and to seek truth through humility. This is the piano of your orchestra, the keyboard to eternal life. The virtue of meekness is by no means a passive quality, but rather an ac ve virtue… it is the gentle courageousness of a Mahatma Gandhi. This virtue provides for the harp in your new orchestra. It is not harping on one another over faults and weaknesses, but rather encouraging and reassuring one another with kindness and tenderness modeled a er Jesus. The virtue of hungering and thirs ng for righteousness is an essen al part of your new orchestra — the trumpet. This Please turn to COORDINATOR’S CORNER on page 7 …for dropping your nets and viewing our DDF video with open hearts last week. Your enthusias c response and your financial gi s have been overwhelming! We are s ll coun ng DDF envelopes (as of the bulle n deadline). If you would like to see your parish friends or Father Hau’s journey from the seminary to the priesthood again, visit: www.theholynameofjesus.org Click on the RED IMAGE “Transformed by the Spirit”. 2017 DDF Goals $ 124,200.00 THNJ’s Diocesan DDF Goal: This amount will fund Seminarian Educa on, Ministry Leader Forma on, Catholic Schools, and charitable services to the poor throughout the Diocese. THNJ’s TOTAL DDF Goal: With every family’s par cipa on, we will meet this goal, and when we do... $ 174,200.00 $ 50,000.00 DIFFERENCE for PARISH USE: … WHEN we reach the TOTAL GOAL, we will receive this amount back from the Diocese - assessment free! This amount will be used to improve the technology and sound systems in both parish churches... and, we plan to take the improvements with us when we move. Have you forsaken your New Year’s Resolu on already? You can start anew TODAY — SUPER SOUL SUNDAY! Before the Super Bowl, do ONE NEW THING for your SOUL… something that will help you make 2017 a Holy and Transforma ve Year. * Read the Gospel of the day * Go to Confession * Watch Catholic TV * Invite a friend to Church A end Daily Mass * Donate socks, pillows, or blankets for the shelter * Sign up for Bible Study Pray with your children * Pray the Rosary on the way to work or during a break * Pray before meals * Give to the DDF Serve in a ministry 29 de enero, 2017: Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; La Semana de las Escuelas Católicas LECTURAS DE HOY Sofonías 2:3; 3:12-13— Yo dejaré en medio de , pueblo mío, un puñado de gente pobre y humilde; entonces serán como el rebaño que pasta y que descansa, y no habrá quién los perturbe. Salmo 146— ¡Dichosos los pobres de espíritu, porque de ellos es el Reino de los cielos! 1 Corin os 1:26-31— Es por la gracia de Dios que ustedes moran en Jesucristo. “El que se gloría, que se gloríe en el Señor”. Evangelio según a Mateo 5:1-12a— Dichosos los pobres de espíritu; alégrense y salten de contento, porque su premio será grande en los cielos. 2 Sofonías es uno de los profetas menos conocidos del An guo Testamento. Hoy habla en la primera lectura sobre el juicio inminente. Pero el Señor dejará un “resto” en Israel. Esta imagen de un resto, de lo que quedará, será vital para judíos y cris anos. La carta de Pablo a los corin os evidencia su profunda preocupación por los cris anos de allí. Están muy confiados, dice, muy seguros de sí mismos. Los insta a recordar que Cristo les ha dado todo lo que enen. El Evangelio de hoy incluye el comienzo del “Gran Sermón” de Jesús. Así como Dios le dio a Moisés la Ley en el Sinaí, ahora Jesús reúne a sus discípulos en un monte para enseñarles la nueva Ley. Cada una de estas Bienaventuranzas contrasta la humillación del presente con la gloria del futuro. La pobreza frente a las riquezas del Reino de Dios, el hambre de Dios frente a la sa sfacción en el Espíritu, la persecución frente al Reino de Dios. Jesús aquí está hablando al “resto” elegido de Dios. © 2016 JS Paluch Metas del DDF del 2017 Meta Diocesano del DDF: $ 124,200.00 Esta cantidad apoyará la Educación de los Seminaristas, la Formación de Líderes Ministeriales, las Escuelas Católicas, y servicios de Caridad para los necesitados en toda la diócesis. Meta Parroquial TOTAL del DDF: Con la par cipación de cada familia, alcanzaremos esta meta, y entonces... $ 174,200.00 $ 50,000.00 Can dad para USO PARROQUIAL: … CUANDO alzanzaremos el TOTAL, recibiremos esta can dad de la diócesis - sin impuestos! Esta can dad se u lizará para mejorar la tecnología y los sistemas de sonido en ambas Iglesias parroquiales... and, planeamos llevarlas cuando nos mudemos. GRACIAS por dejar caer tus redes y ver pacientemente el video del DDF la semana pasada. Apreciamos su respuesta posi va y estamos abrumados por su generoso apoyo… y, ¡seguimos contando sobres (en el momento de la fecha límite del bole n)! Si quieres ver a sus amigos o ver la transformación del P. Hau de un seminarista a un sacerdote, puede ver el video visitando nuestra página web: www.theholynameofjesus.org Haciendo clic en la imagen en rojo que lee “Transformed by the Holy Spirit”. por Delilia Vasquez, la Presidente de las Escuelas Católicas en San Bernardino, 909.883.2931 [email protected] Hay quienes creen que el educar a los hijos es fácil y hay quienes opinan lo contrario. El educar a nuestros niños puede ser visto desde el punto de vista académico y podemos creer que cuando los niños aprenden a leer y escribir ya están preparados para el futuro. Lo que a veces no consideramos es que al leer hay necesidad de interpretar lo que se lee y al interpretar debemos tener una base de lógica y moral para interpretar lo leído. La diferencia esta en que podemos decir a los niños, “aprende porque te enseño” o “aprende para que puedas decidir”. En la escuela católica ensenamos con valores y guiamos a los estudiantes a decidir por medio de sus valores morales. Cuando un niño está sentado en el pupitre de la escuela católica, aprende a ser responsable de sus actos al relacionarse con otros y al hacer sus deberes. Por eso cuando un estudiante asiste a una escuela católica las probabilidades de graduarse y de impactar posi vamente la sociedad son más altas. ¿Sabía usted que los estudiantes que vienen a las preparatorias católicas gradúan sin falla y están listos para seguir sus estudios sea en la universidad o en el servicio militar? Esto es evidente en los estudiantes la nos que vienen a la escuela católica. Esta educación ene su raíz en la educación católica desde la primaria. La Academía del Sagrado Corazón invita a TODOS a la Feria de Ciencias - el Domingo, 29 de enero, desde 9:00 am - 2:00pm, en el Salón de Olive. Las escuelas católicas ofrecen becas, planes de pago que se adaptan a sus ingresos y más que nada la oportunidad de recibir una educación con valores. En las escuelas católicas educamos al niño o niña en su totalidad; es decir educamos la mente, creamos conciencia y reforzamos los valores de la familia. Para más información o para un recorrido de la Academía, póngase en contacto a: Sra. María Downey, subdirectora, 909.792.3958 [email protected] This Week at Home January 29, 2017: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time SAINTS & SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Tuesday: St. John Bosco Thursday: The Presentation of the Lord; Groundhog Day Friday: St. Blase; St. Ansgar; First Friday; Blessing of throats Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday Treasures from Our Tradition SCRIPTURES FOR THE WEEK: Monday: Heb 11:32-40; Ps 31:20-24; Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14,17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 Friday: Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Is 58:7-10; Ps 112:4-9; 1 Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5:13-16 Un l very recent decades “Holy Thursday” and “Good Friday” were centered on personal pious devo ons, not public liturgy. In urban America, at least in ci es with a significant Catholic population, Holy Thursday was about veneration of the Blessed Sacrament. People were encouraged to walk to seven churches for a “visit” to each parish’s repository, a kind of temporary tabernacle on a side altar, closer in proximity to the faithful than the usual tabernacle on the distant high altar. On Good Friday, the most popular form of devo on was the Sta ons of the Cross, or a three-hour program of word and preaching beginning at noon. The Holy Thursday seven-church hike was a way of participating in a custom of the city of Rome. Tradi onally, each day in Lent was assigned to a particular parish church or basilica in the city. Each week of Lent thus had seven churches, and pious people tried to get to each one of them. The pilgrimage was a symbol of unity and also the journey of faith. Originally, the pope would go to each place for a liturgy, but poli cal strife removed the pope from Rome in 1305. With the papacy relocated in France, the custom ceased un l Pope Leo XIII expressed interest in restoring it in 1900, and Blessed John XXIII fully restored the custom in 1959. By the me Pope Leo began to revive the custom, many American ci es had enough parishes and monasteries that the faithful could vicariously par cipate in the revived tradi on of sta onal liturgies by a very long walk! -Rev. James Field, © J. S. Paluch Co. New Lenten Bible Study with Catholic History led by Jesse del Rio, THNJ Parishioner and Graduate of the Biblical Ins tute of Loyola Marymount University Begins Tuesday, February 28th, (evening before Ash Wed) con nuing each Tuesday for 6 weeks - Ending Tuesday, April 4th. WHEN & WHERE: 7:00 - 8:30pm, Academy Classroom #8 BRING: your Bible or use one of ours. NO COST! Nuevo Estudio Bíblico con Historia Católica para la Cuaresma con Gregorio Gomez, Parroquiano del SNDJ Y graduado del Ins tuto Bíblico de la Universidad Loyola Marymount NewBibleStudycomingthisLent NuevaEstudioBíblicoenCuaresma Iniciar el martes, 28 de feb, para 6 semanas (concluir el 4 de abril). HORA y LOCALIDAD: 7:00 - 8:30pm, Cuarto #7 de la Academía (Olive) TRAE: su Bíblia o usa uno de los nuestros. NO HAY COSTO! We remember and pray for those in our parish family 4 who have passed into eternal life: Recordamos y oremos a aquellos que han pasado a vida eterna: Mass Intentions - Intenciones de Misa Saturday, January 28 8:00am (O) Robert Sabatka 4:30pm (O) Helen Gidcumb, Mary Nedorostek 6:00pm (C) Elisa Rodriguez and Family, Jaime Ortiz Darlene Ghigleri Most Reverend Joseph Madera Carol Wasserson Sunday, January 29 7:30am (C) Rev. Francis Goode 8:00am (O) Fr. Leonard Krzywda 9:00am (C) The Holy Name of Jesus Parishioners 10:00am (O) Don Hunt 10:30am (C) Pedro Chayeb, Estela Sanchez 12:00pm (O) Helen Gidcumb 5:30pm (O) Carl Ganz, Sylvia Vazquez Plaza Notre Dame High School is administering the High School Placement Test for incoming 9th graders on Saturday, February 11th, 9:00 am—1:00 pm. Please RSVP to the school. Monday, January 30 7:30am (O) The Holy Name of Jesus Staff Notre Dame High School: 951- 275- 5869 Students who pass the placement test will be eligible to a end either Notre Dame High School or Aquinas High School. Tuesday, January 31 7:30am (O) Thanksgiving Mass Wednesday, February 1 7:30am (O) All Seminarians Thursday, February 2 7:30am (O) Blaise Ijebor & Family 6:30pm (C) Paz Mundial FIRST FRUITS Friday, February 3 7:30am (C) Pope Francis 8:45am (O) All Grandparents PRIMEROS FRUTOS Saturday, February 4 8:00am (O) The Olive Branch of Faith, Hope & Love SFC 4:30pm (O) Helen Gidcumb, Robert R. Flores 6:00pm (C) Por los Matrimonios Sunday, February 5 7:30am (C) Por los que se preparan para recibir sus sacramentos 8:00am (O) The Holy Name of Jesus Parishioners 9:00am (C) All Homebound 10:00am (O) Charles Jude Farrel, Rosemary Kotchey 10:30am (C) Por los Catequistas 12:00pm (O) Helen Gidcumb, Maria Clementina 5:30pm NO MASS The Gift of Treasure El Regalo de Tesoro Jan 22, 2017 Weekly Budget - Presupuesto semanal: Weekly Offering - Ofertorio Semanal: Shortage - Déficit: $ 24,326.53 - 19,258.88 ($ 5,067.65) * Total includes average weekly online giving. El total incluye la media de las donaciones en línea semanales. This year, sign up for Online Giving — the easy way to give your First Fruits to the Lord. Visit: theholynameofjesus.org and click on the “Donate” button. Scout Sunday, February 5th - A Scout is Reverent Superbowl Sunday We will not be offering the 5:30pm Youth Mass on Sunday, February 5th, due to very li le par cipa on and the lack of ministers for the Mass. Please come to one of our earlier Masses that day so that you can enjoy an a ernoon of fun watching the Superbowl. Thank you for your understanding. All parishioners who are Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venture Scouts and Adult Leaders are invited to wear their uniforms on Scout Sunday, and if possible, to a end the 10:00 am Mass at Olive as a group. Boy Scout Troop 11 is serving BREAKFAST / DESAYUNO: Sunday, February 5th, 7:00 am - 12:00 pm in the Olive Avenue Hall. COST: $5.00 / Person Pancakes, French Toast, Sausage. Juice, Coffee Panqueques, Pan Francés, Salchicha, Jugo de Naranja, y Café Purchase breakfast ckets a er Mass today OR at the door next Sunday. Thank you for suppor ng Boy Scout Troop 11. Compren sus boletos después de Misa hoy O el próximo domingo al desayuno. Gracias por su apoyo! Academically Enriching… Passionately Catholic Sacred Heart Academy admits students of any sex, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The school does not discriminate on the basis of sex, color, national, or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational, admission, scholarship, loan, athletic, and other school-administered programs. To our wonderful parishioners, A Ministry of The Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community Preschool 909.792.1020 Grades K - 8 909.792.3958 Beginning Sunday, January 29th, Sacred Heart Academy joins over 7,000 Catholic schools across the country to celebrate 2017 Na onal Catholic Schools Week with the theme: “Catholic Schools: Communi es of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” Throughout this week, we will honor those who help us be Strong Catholic Chris ans, Effec ve Life-long Learners, Self-Disciplined Individuals and Compassionate Caretakers of Crea on. Please li us up in prayer as we celebrate OUR PARISH’S CATHOLIC SCHOOL this week: Sunday, January 29: CELEBRATE OUR FAITH at the 10:00 a.m. Mass at Olive Avenue, and witness sacredheartredlands.com our students leading Catholic worship as greeters, lectors, altar servers, ushers, and music ministers. CELEBRATE OUR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE at our Annual Science Fair in the Olive Avenue Hall from Principal 9:00 a.m. un l 2:00 p.m. Browse the intriguing exhibits with donuts and coffee! Student Leaders Angela Williams and Faculty will offer classroom tours and answer ques ons about enrolling your children, too. Vice Principal Monday, January 30: CELEBRATE OUR COMMUNITY as we pay tribute to our local firefighters, Maria Downey (se habla español) police, City Council members, and the neighbors whose homes surround our school. Faculty will offer classroom tours and answer ques ons about enrolling your children, too. Fully Accredited by WCEA/WASC Academy Student Pledge I am a Sacred Heart Academy student. I am a Strong Catholic Christian. I will live Gospel values every day. I am an Effective Life-Long Learner. I will learn something new every day. I am a Self-Disciplined Individual. I will take responsibility for my actions. I am a Compassionate Caretaker of Creation. I will respect everything God created. I pledge to do these things with the help of Jesus Christ. Tuesday, January 31: CELEBRATE OUR GIFTS AND TALENTS with our Annual Talent Show. Wednesday, February 1: CELEBRATE VOCATIONS with a special luncheon honoring our clergy and faculty; and an a ernoon praise and worship concert led by students and our Music Teacher, Mr. Brad Turner. Thursday, February 2: CELEBRATE OUR STUDENTS at our Annual Teacher vs 8th grade Volleyball Game, plus a non-uniform day for all students who donate $1.00 for the Teen Hope organiza on. Friday, February 3: CELEBRATE FAMILIES with our Annual Grandparents Mass at 10:00 a.m. at Olive Avenue. ALL ARE WELCOME to join us for this special Mass! Saturday, February 4: CELEBRATE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS at the Annual Catholic Schools Week Dinner which honors educators, volunteers, benefactors and alumni throughout the Diocese of San Bernardino. At this event, Sacred Heart Academy will recognize the following community members: MRS. MARIE CANTWELL and MRS. JENNIFER TOURSARKISSIAN, Dis nguished Volunteers MR. PAUL BARICH, Dis nguished Alumni THANK YOU for your continued support of our Catholic school — from purchasing S.C.R.I.P. gift cards and attending fundraising events, to corporate sponsorships of homerooms and materials, to supporting the DDF; and, of course, for your continued prayers. Our students are excelling academically in this nurturing Catholic community. Come and experience the Catholic school difference: students working with iPads; honors classes; K-8 Spanish, Arts, and Music classes; Academic Decathlon championship teams; athletic programs; K-8 student ‘buddy families’; remedial tutoring; daily morning praise and worship, weekly Mass and an on-campus minister. Our School Community welcomes you! We have provided generations with an Academically Enriching and Passionately Catholic education for 120 years in Redlands. We look forward to partnering with you to give your child this unique founda on for life. Call us! May God’s blessings be yours, Angela Williams, Principal Esta Semana en Casa 29 de enero, 2017: Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario ESCRITURAS PARA LA SEMANA Lunes: Heb 11:32-40; Sal 31 (30):20-24; Mc 5:1-20 Martes: Heb 12:1-4; Sal 22 (21):26b-28, 30-32; Mc 5:21-43 Miércoles: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Sal 103 (102):1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; Mc 6:1-6 Jueves: Mal 3:1-4; Sal 24 (23):7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lc 2:22-40 Viernes: Heb 13:1-8; Sal 27 (26):1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mc 6:14-29 Sábado: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Mc 6:30-34 Domingo: Is 58:7-10; Sal 112 (111):4-9; 1 Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5:13-16 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Martes: San Juan Bosco Jueves: La Presentación del Señor; Día de la Marmota Viernes: San Blas; San Óscar; Bendición de las gargantas; Primer viernes Sábado: Santa María Virgen; Primer sábado Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe Esta semana recordamos la memoria de san Juan Bosco conocido como “Don Bosco”. Es curioso el apela vo de “Don” ya que es un tulo para nobles señores. En siglos pasados era el tulo común para un sacerdote diocesano, mientras que el tulo hermano se reservaba para sacerdotes y hermanos religiosos. En la Iglesia católica existen dos clases de sacerdotes. Unos son diocesanos o seculares quienes dedican su vida a la diócesis a la que pertenecen. Estos sacerdotes hacen voto de celibato y obediencia al obispo local. El otro grupo de sacerdotes son los que pertenecen a órdenes religiosas. Ellos viven en comunidad y hacen votos de pobreza, celibato y obediencia a su comunidad. En muchas partes a todos los sacerdotes religiosos o diocesanos se les llama “padre”. Este tulo fue usado en la Primera Iglesia y durante la Edad Media para honrar a hombres santos, ya fueran laicos o sacerdotes. Se les llamaba “padres” sólo cuando habían llegado a mostrar, con una larga vida, que podían animar a los demás con su buen ejemplo. Todos los sacerdotes debían vivir de tal manera que merecieran el tulo de padre, sin desearlo directamente. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Mensajeros del SNDJ ofrecen una CENA el sábado, 4 de Feb, a las 7:00 pm, en el salon de Columbia St. Vengan y disfruten esta cena! Gracias por su apoyo! Menu: Tacos dorados de papa 3 x $4.00 Flautas de pollo 4 x $5.00 Chicken taquitos 4 x $4.00 Quesadillas de chicharrón 2 x $5.00 Pozole $5.00 Sodas y agua $1.00 6 January 29, 2017: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario COORDINATOR’S CORNER continued from page 1 instrument trumpets and proclaims to your audience the necessity to pursue and eradicate the poli cal, racial, economic and social injus ces of our mes. Next is the quality of mercy. This is the violin in your orchestra. This may be the most necessary and versatile part of your band. Mercy not only includes forgiveness, but it also includes compassion, understanding, and empathy for yourself and for the world around you. It means prac cing uncondi onal love for those who are unloved or unlovable, for the poor and the oppressed, for the downtrodden and the marginalized. We cannot string people along with false compassion and empathy. Clean of heart or purity of heart as it is also known is one of the more difficult instruments to master. The drums call us to a create a pure heart rhythm, pa erned a er the innocence of a child. Jesus calls us to develop so ened hearts that beat like drums of love, instead of hearts that slap like frozen stones. I hope Deacon Mike’s symphonic imagery inspires you to dance a bit as you prac ce the Bea tudes. Blessed are YOU, Deacon Steve Ages 3-5 Morning / Afternoon Classes 909.792.1020 www.sacredheartredlands.com Sacred Heart Academy joins The Holy Name of Jesus parish in suppor ng the Redlands Cold Weather Shelter. The parish is collec ng PILLOWS and TWIN SIZE BLANKETS. Please drop off your dona ons at Mass. The Academy is collec ng ONE item…. MEN’S TUBE SOCKS: (clean, thick and tube sock style please) Please drop off SOCKS in the SCHOOL OFFICE. Essay Contest Open to boys and girls in grades K - 8 grades Winners for each grade level will receive a $25 gi cer ficate. Thinking about ge ng married? The Church requires a minimum of 6 months to prepare you for the voca on of marriage. If you have been married to another person previously - even if it was a civil ceremony only - you will need an annulment in order to marry in the Church; but, it is possible that this process may not take long. PLEASE - TALK TO THE CHURCH BEFORE making any arrangements or se ng any dates. We are happy for you and we want to help you! Deacon Steve, ext 12 • • • • • Contestants should write an essay for their grade level subject (below): K-1st grades: “What does it mean to be Catholic?” 2nd-3rd grades: “What are the du es of a Catholic in the family?” 4th-5th grades: “What are the du es of a Catholic in my neighborhood?” 6th-7th grades: “What does it mean to be a responsible Catholic?” 8th grades: “The Responsibility of the Catholic Ci zen in a Free Society.” Essays and Entry Forms are due no later than Sunday, February 12, 2017. Download forms and detailed instruc ons by visi ng: www.theholynameofjesus.org/events January 29 Sunday Domingo Monday Lunes OCH - Church O Ctyd - Courtyard OHall - Olive Hall Bsmnt - Hall Basement Atrium - Child’s Room in Basement StfRm - Staff Lunch Room Annex - Annex ORm201 - Room 201 (classoom above Hall) O = Olive Ave Campus ROOMS / CUARTOS 30 Tuesday Martes 31 Thursday Jueves 2 Friday Viernes 3 YthRm - Youth Room (next to 201) SHA- Sacred Heart Academy Rooms SHA Quad-Parking near classrooms Field - Grass Field C = Columbia St Campus CCH - Church CChapel - Tabernacle room Col Ctyd - Church Courtyard CPrkingLot - Parking Lot CPatio - Hall Patio Area CHalls - Columbia Hall (both rooms) CHallE - Hall EAST Side CHallW - Hall WEST Side CLibrary - Hall Library Room (A) - Arabic (B) - Bilingual (E) - English (S) - Español Saturday Sábado LANGUAGE / LENGUA www.theholynameofjesus.org/events FEBRUARY 1 Wednesday Miércoles 4 8 H T N J PHONE: 909.793.2469 C C WEB: www.theholynameofjesus.org OFFICE HOURS: 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday-Friday (lunes-viernes) & 9:00am - 12:00pm Sunday (domingo) O A 115 W. O L A (O R C ) , CA 92373 1205 C MassSchedule-HorariodelasMisas OLIVE LOCATION Academically Enriching, Passionately Catholic 6:00PM ESPAÑOL , CA 92374 Fully accredited by WASC/WCEA Preschool 909.792.1020 K-8th Grades 909.792.3958 www.sacredheartredlands.com Principal: Angela Williams Vice Principal: Maria Downey (Bilingüe) SUNDAY MASS - MISA EN DOMINGO 8:00AM ENGLISH 7:30AM ESPAÑOL 10:00AM ENGLISH 9:00AM ENGLISH 12:00PM ESPAÑOL 10:30AM ESPAÑOL 5:30PM ENGLISH (YOUTH) 12:30PM ARABIC Baptisms - Bautizos: 1st Saturday monthly; pre-registration, county birth certificate & 1 class required. 1° sábado de mes; certificado de nacimiento, 1 clase y pre-registración son requeridos. DAILY MASS - MISA DEL DÍA JUEVES: FRIDAY: R Sacred Heart Academy - Academia del Sagrado Corazón SATURDAY VIGIL MASS - MISA VIGÍLIA EN EL SABADO MONDAY - THURSDAY: 7:30AM ENGLISH SATURDAY: 8:00AM ENGLISH S PARISH SCHOOL - ESCUELA PARROQUIAL COLUMBIA LOCATION 4:30PM ENGLISH S L 6:30PM ESPAÑOL 7:30AM ENGLISH Marriage - Matrimonio: We require a minimum of 6 months preparation (we recommend 1 year). Rosary and/or Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited 30 minutes prior to daily Mass. Se requiere un mínimo de 6 meses de preparación (recomendamos 1 año). Rezamos el Rosario y/o la Capilla de la Misericordia Divina 30 minutos antes de la misa diaria. For Information & Required Forms, visit: / Para Información y Formas Requeridos, visite: www.theholynameofjesus.org/sacraments ADORATION OF THE EUCHARIST - LA SANTISSIMA FRIDAY/VIERNES: 8:00AM - 7:00PM TO REPORT THE SEXUAL ABUSE OF A CHILD by a priest, deacon, PARA REPORT EL ABUSO SEXUAL DE UN MENOR por parte de un sacerdote, diácono, empleado o voluntario, complete y envíe por correo el formulario especial que está disponible en el ves bulo de la parroquia o en la oficina parroquial, o llame a la Línea 3RD SATURDAY MONTHLY after the Vigil Mass or by appointment employee, or volunteer, complete and mail the special form available in the ves bule of the parish or from the parish office. You may also call the toll-free Sexual Misconduct 3ER SÁBADO CADA MES después de la Misa Vigilia o por la cita Hotline: 1-888-206-9090 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) SATURDAY - SABADO: 8:30AM - 9:30AM THURSDAY - JUEVES: 5:30PM - 6:15PM (or by appointment / o por la cita) ANOINTING OF THE SICK - UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS Directa para reportar Conducta Sexual Inapropiada al 1-888-206-9090 PRAYER GROUPS, STUDY GROUPS, and MINISTRIES - GRUPOS de ORACIÓN o ESTUDIO y MINISTERIOS Adoration of the Eucharist (scheduling hours of prayer) Mary Ann Smith 793-6191 Grupo de Oración Angelina Velazquez 951-941-4026, Pilo Montoya 951-505-2581 Adult Sacraments / Sacramentos para Adultos: Emma Mejico 864-1060 (Bilingüe) ICF: Italian Catholic Federation AJ’s Kitchen (Mondays meals at Columbia) Ken Jolly 709-1233 Knights of Columbus Annulments / Anulaciones Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128 (Bilingüe) Lectors Altar Servers / Monaguillos Eng: Mike Grothem [email protected] Esp: Felicitas Hernandez 855-3635 Arab Community Deacon Ayed “Eddie” Khader 521-4186 Matrimonios Renovados en Cristo Jesus y Engracia Sanchez 633-8097 Baile Folklórico Cynthia Ventura 335-5973 Boy Scouts Troop 11 & Venture Crew 11 Building Committee Cindy Hiebert 496-5840 Greg Chandra 760-455-9345 Building Campaign Committee John Grozak 798-3237 Consecration to Jesus through Mary Josette Letson 557-4150 Cub Scouts Pack 8 Jose Barr 619-961-8229 (Bilingüe) Cursillos in Christianity Zolita Lowenko 894-4130 Johnnie Walker 798-1191 Danzas de Guadalupe Irma Perez 801-9320 Eucharistic Ministers for Mass / Ministros de la Eucaristía en misa English: Web Prather 951-662-9064 Español: Ismael Velazquez 435-8520 E.S.L. Classes (Clases de ingles) Carmen Hernandez 389-1595 (Bilingüe) John Guerin 222-3372 Mark Miguel 794-0242 English: Ed Ferguson 951-313-4942 Español: Azucena Urquijo 553-5804 Mensajeros en Jesús (adultos jóvenes 18+) Nancy Esparza 435-1822 Music and Choirs / Música y Coros Carlo Argoti, ext 140 (Bilingüe) Nueva Evangelización Fidel Canovas 810-0094 Obras de Teatro Lorena Barcena 345-0515 Office Angels and Parish Historians Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128 Pastoral Council Enedilia Medina [email protected] (Bilingüe) Retiros Espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola Laura Renderos 838-8924 (Bilingüe) Quilters for Life Charlene Hall 335-9760 Quinceañera Ministry Ester Ruvalcaba, ext 126 Scripture Studies / Estudia de la Biblia Wed pm: Charlene Hall 335-9760 Thurs am: Rosemary Rea 794-6343 Offsite - evening: Jesse Del Rio 910-7600 Español en los martes: Gregorio Gomez [email protected] Filipino Ministry Margie Alejandro 336-8496 “SHARE”- Feed the Hungry (1st Saturday/month offsite) Ashley Bean 951-313-7468 Finance Council John Nolan 798-4185 Social Concerns Committee (Cold Weather Shelter) Frank Coe 951-990-2523 Funeral Team Ministry Dcn Mike Bellinder, ext 122 Ushers / Ujieres Girl Scouts Carrie Sichley 792-7918 Grief Support Ministry Fr Hau Vu, ext 113 Visitors to the Sick / Ministros a los Enfermos: Dcn Mike Bellinder, ext 122 English: Carlo Argoti, ext 140 Welcome and Hospitality Ministries Español: José Muñoz 557-8436 Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128 (Bilingüe)
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