XPLM Publisher for Oracle Agile PLM

XPLM Publisher for Oracle Agile PLM
Content Management with Agile PLM
The importance of product documentation has changed dramatically. Product documentation has become a critical component of
product-delivery. Regulatory issues, customer expectations, timely delivery and product liability are reasons for this increased
importance. However, more complex products and processes, expansion into global markets, customized documentation, budget
and resource constrains are forcing companies to respond with an optimized documentation process.
Main challenges
› Reduce cost during the process of
document and output creation
› Enhance quality and consistency of
documentation products
› Reduce time to market during
documentation process
› Efficiently produce documents in
different formats and layouts
(Paper/PDF, HTML, Tablets,
› Publish customized documentation
› Reuse existing translated content
XPLM Publisher user interface
The solution
XPLM Publisher delivers an authoring
system tightly integrated with the Agile
PLM functionality to enhance and
optimize document development as well
as document production. It provides
publications across multiple media and
XPLM Publisher extends the Agile PLM
functionality and the PLM content objects
into an XML based Content Management
System (CMS) set up on the DITA
(Darwin Information Typing Architecture)
content framework.
These aspects establish the foundation
for content reuse across multiple
publications, integration with PLM data
and processes, publishing automation,
language and translation management and
cross media publishing. XPLM Publisher
integrates authoring functionality between the
PLM system and the Oxygen XML editor.
Document structure managed by Agile PLM
Benefits of XPLM Publisher:
› Reduces documentation costs through content reuse across
provides robust functionality for content editing and validation
of structured mark-up sources.
multiple publications
› Improves quality of documentation products by seamlessly
integrating engineering and documentation content
› Ensures continuous change and release management for all
document types managed by Agile PLM
› Improves quality of documentation products by supporting
the concepts of structured documentation and single source
› Accelerates time-to-market by integrating Oxygen XML
XPLM Publisher Dialog “Save to PLM”
editor to make document editing simple and easy
› Reduces translation costs by integrating translation memory
› Improves interchange of content by supporting DITA as
It observes and enforces standards in the authoring
environment and provides a graphical interface similar to a
WYSIWYG word processor.
industry standard
› Supports publishing automation and facilitates cross media
Supporting DITA in your authoring environment assures a
consistent content structure. Company or application
requirements can be introduced by DITA standard
The tight integration between XPLM Publisher and Agile PLM
delivers functionality like saving and checking out document
fragments (topics) with the PLM system, assembling
document fragments into a complete document structure and
storing them in PLM (as BOM structure), inserting of PLM
referenced images into the document. Companywide
integration can be achieved by applying standard PLM
functions and processes to the XPLM Publisher objects, as
change and release management or the authorization model
of Agile PLM.
XPLM Publisher ensures that the document is published to
the required final output formats and layouts. These
incorporate paper, PDF, HTML or MS Office based output in
company or customer specific layouts as well as output
suitable for tablets or smartphones. This publication process
is fully integrated into Agile PLM.
Editor and DITA support
Standard PLM processes for documentation objects
By integrating the Oxygen XML Editor, XPLM Publisher offers
the most advanced DITA editing support.
Oxygen XML Editor is a cross-platform application designed
for document development using structured mark-up
languages. Based on proven Java technology, the intuitive
Graphical User Interface of Oxygen XML Editor is easy to use
and provides robust functionality for content editing and
System Requirements
› Oracle Agile PLM 9.3.x
› Synchro Soft Oxygen XML Author V15 (or higher)
validation of structured mark-up sources.
Office USA
Office Switzerland
XPLM Solution GmbH
Altmarkt 25
01067 Dresden, Germany
Office +49 351 82658-0
Fax +49 351 82658-88
XPLM Solution, Inc.
250 Commercial Street, Suite 520
Worcester, MA 01608 USA
Sinteg AG
Ruetlistrasse 21
8307 Effretikon, Switzerland
Office +1 508 753-7500
Fax +1 508 753-7578
Office +41 52 38421-20
+41 52 38421-50