Warm Up

Warm Up
Fossils of lobe­finned fishes, which are ancestors of amphibians, are found in rocks that are at least 380 million years old. Fossils of the oldest amphibian­like vertebrate animals with true legs and lungs are found in rocks that are approximately 363 million years old. Three samples of rocks are available that might contain fossils of a transitional species between lobe­finned fishes and amphibians: one rock sample that is 350 million years old, one that is 370 million years old, and one that is 390 million years old.
(a) Select the most appropriate sample of rocks in which to search for a transitional species between lobe­finned fishes and amphibians. Justify your selection.
(b) Describe TWO pieces of evidence provided by fossils of a transitional species that would support a hypothesis that amphibians evolved from lobe­finned fishes.
AP Biology Agenda
1. Warm­Up ­10
2. Class Test Review ­20
3. Pre­Lab ­10
Due Wednesday: Pre­Lab Investigation
Due Friday, March 28: Evolution Unit Test Study Guide, Week 8 Spring Assignments, and BLAST Lab
Chapter 22 Notes
Carl Linnaeus Alfred Wallace Thomas Malthus 4
The Beagle
IV. Evidence of Evoluon
a. Biogeography geographic distribuon of species eg) ______________________ ___________________________.
b. The _________________________, most of which is found in sedimentary rock. c. ________________________________ (earth has changed slowly over a long me) and uniformitarianism (geological process remain constant) borrowed from the geologists James Huon and Charlyes Lyell.
d. _____________________, the study of the branching tree of life that represents relatedness of all species
e. Comparave Anatomy eg) _________________ structure.
Example: Arm of a human, leg of a cat, flipper of a whale, and the wing of a bat.
Comparave __________________________, similar development between related species Example: All vertebrate embryos have pharyngeal pouches in their throat regions at the same stage in their development.
g. _______________________ similar DNA and proteins between related species
Hardy­Weinberg ­Equations:
H­W Practice Problem
What is the frequency of carriers if in a population 25 out of 10,000 people are afflicted with sickle cell anemia?
Chapter 24 Notes
Chapter 25 Notes
Chapter 25 Notes
Chapter 26 Notes
Chapter 26 Notes
Lab Investigation A team of scientists has uncovered the fossil specimen in Figure 3 near Liaoning Province, China. Make some general observations about the morphology (physical structure) of the fossil, and then record your observations to the right of the fossil. Little is known about the fossil. It appears to be a new species. Upon careful examination of the fossil, small amounts of soft tissue have been discovered. Normally, soft tissue does not survive fossilization; however, rare situations of such preservation do occur. Scientists were able to extract DNA nucleotides from the tissue and use the information to sequence several genes. Your task is to use BLAST to analyze these genes and determine the most likely placement of the fossil species on Figure 4.
Exit Question
Which type of speciation is geographically driven?
a. allopatric
b. sympatric
c. divergent
d. convergent Reminders
Due Wednesday: Pre­Lab Investigation
Due Friday, March 28: Evolution Unit Test Study Guide, Week 8 Spring Assignments, and BLAST Lab