week of 17 – 21 march 2014 - MOC-FV

World History 2 – Spring 2014
Mr. Shane Williams swilliams@moc-­‐fv.k12.ia.us Mr. Ethan Raysby – Student Teacher [email protected] WEEK OF 17 – 21 MARCH 2014 This and all assignments are posted @ http://www.moc-­‐fv.k12.ia.us/teacherdirectory/lessonplans.php?teacher=swilliams A Week in Preview: Big Idea Monday – 17 March Tuesday – 18 March Wednesday – 19 March Thursday – 20 March Friday -­‐ 21 March The Great War Powder Keg: The War goes Global The Great War The War that Changed All Wars Technology & Warfare The Great War Seismic Shift The War on the World The Great War Flawed Peace Consequences of the War Test Review th
The 19 Century experienced enormous progress and growth – especially for the Industrializing nations of Europe and North America. This “progress” was certainly discriminatory – this “progress” was not spreading to everywhere in the world, leaving gaps, and not at the same speed, th
leaving more gaps. We saw nations forming and empires crumbling. We saw Democracies grow and autocracies fall. As a result of the 19 century, for the first time in human history, we have a significant stratified world – A world of “Haves” and Have Nots.” Industrialization was altering the “Haves” environments, economies, politics, and societies. The “Haves” advancing technologies and other achievements were changing th
people’s beliefs and attitudes. The 19 Century was certainly a century of Revolutions & Evolutions. A world, in which, we see the “Haves” also partake in the exploitation of the “Have Nots.” The race between the “Haves” to gain the advantage and the “Have Nots” being exploited and th
desiring to be in the “elitist Haves” is going to create a collision that creates the entire 20 century to today. It is with the watershed moment of th
the 20 Century , that we can see where the 19 century had taken us and also see where it has taken us and is taking us until today. We will th
begin our journey at the summit of the 20 century – World War I. Understanding the technologies that connected us into a single world and our search for world order since, are both better understood by understanding World War I. All Homework will be connected to the Novel: “All Quiet on the Western Front” Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday All Quiet – Chapter Reading Assignment Objectives & Essential Questions Read Chapter 10: pages 23 1 – 269 (for Tuesday) Chapter 7 – 9 Discussion about chapter and depression/ptsd Read Chapter 11: pages 271 – 291 (for Wednesday) Chapter 10 Review of chapter and quiz Read Chapter 12: pages 293 – 296 (for Thursday) Chapter 11 Continuation of Chapter 10 and review of Chapter 11 Reading Catch – Up Day Chapter 12 AQWF review of the book and final chapter Discussion of themes in AQWF Reading Catch – up Weekend / GET THE BOOK FINISHED!!!! (Study for Monday) Review Too late, you had 18 days to read the book: an average of 16 pages per day. Discipline, Time Management, & “Will Do” Attitude made this an easy, enriching, and fulfilling learning activity. This book reading was organized for you to be successful – if you chose success. If you made it – Celebrate! TEST – AQWF a part of The Great War Test Reading Quizzes Tuesday 3 / 18 Chapters 7 -­‐ 9 Friday 3 / 21 Chapters 10 -­‐ 12 WEEK O F 1 7 – 2 1 M ARCH 2 014 Objectives: 1.
Identify factors and events that led to World War I à How & why did the war start? Describe military actions on the battle fronts of WWI. à How & why was the war fought the way it was? Understand the spread and escalation of the conflict, allies push to victory, and the effects of the war à How & why did the war become a “world” war? Explain the impact of the Treaty of Versailles on the “post-­‐war” world. à How & why did the peace settlement fail? Main Ideas / Themes -­‐ Do not forget your GRAPES! The Causes and Effects of 1.
Science & Technology 2.
Economics 3.
1. Why was the first half of the 20 century marred by wars? 2. Why was World War I the “War to change All Wars”? 3. What was changed by the war? How does it change us? 4. Should we always support an ally? 5. Is War necessary? 6. How and Why do Wars start? 7. What were the MAIN causes to World War I? 8. Are causes to wars easy to identify? Preventable? 9. What if war takes place in the Ukraine? Essential Questions to our Learning Objectives 1. How and why did this “European” War escalate to a World War? 2. Where was the war fought? 3. Do we have an over reliance on technology and science? 4. Does warfare progress humanity or does humanity progress warfare? 5. What weapons were introduced during the Great War? 6. What tactics were used that led to the demoralization, destruction, and death rates? (D3) 7. Are Wars necessary? 8. How did war change the modern world? 9. How did it change humanity 10. How did our human attitudes change? 11. What were the immediate and long-­‐
term effects and consequences of the Great War? 12. Why was the Great War the th
“watershed” moment of the 20 century? BE8 Power Point th
3 major crisis of the 20 Century: WWI, Depression, & WWII •
Technology and Imperialism led to increased Global Connection •
European Military, Economic, Political Global Powers •
U.S & Japan emerge •
Decline of Europe’s Global dominance: WWI, Depression, & WWII st
We watched Crash Course Video: Archdukes, Cynicism, & World War I #36 (1 2 parts) •
WWI changed our outlook towards ourselves & the world •
WWI made everything possible for “today” •
WWI was viewed as a Tragedy – avoidable •
U.S neutrality???? Japan seizes opportunity to expand •
Identifying Causes is assigning blame •
WWI & GRAPES August Rush: Long-­‐Term and Short-­‐Term Causes to the Great War •
The benefit & use of history is establishing patterns and trends – the “lessons of history” which includes cause and effect. •
This means that the present is in the constant state of cause – effect for everyone at every moment. THE GREAT WAR THIS WEEK MARCH 17 – 21 In Class Agenda While your homework will be reading AQWF – This is what we will be learning in class each day Due Dates Powder Keg •
Understand the spread and escalation of the conflict •
How & why did the war become a “world” war? •
Theatres of War / War Fronts The War that Changed All Wars •
Technology & Weapons •
War Tactics – Total War Seismic Shift •
Art & Literature Changes •
Impact of WWI on Hitler •
Cultural Change Flawed Peace •
Lost Generations •
Global Political & Economic Stability •
A Wolf in Sheep Clothing – Economic Prosperity •
More Revolutions