Best Practices 1 - Information Builders

Best Practices 1
Best Practices for Data Quality: Putting Your Best Data Forward
Vincent Deeney, Information Builders
Jakub Bartak, Bartak Consulting
Maintaining clean, error-free data to drive growth and enhance key business processes remains an
elusive goal for many organizations. In this session, you will learn strategic steps within the data quality
management process to ensure the integrity of your organization's most critical information assets. Join
us to see how to improve data quality within your organization, where to begin your initiative, guidelines
and methodologies for implementation, and how our customers are combating bad data.
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Best Practices for Establishing Effective Business Goals and Metrics
David Cook, Information Builders
Performance Management Framework (PMF) makes it easy to automate the management of your goals
and metrics by providing dynamic agility to respond to changing business needs. But how do you make
sure your goals and objectives are attainable, within your control, and measurable? How do you make
sure that the measure doesn't have unintended results? This session will explore examples of good and
bad strategies and measures, and provide guidelines to help you make decisions on what goals and
metrics will be best for your needs.
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Big Data: When to Use Production Data vs. Data Marts
Justin Guthrie, AutoZone Inc
Todd Jones, AutoZone Inc.
Why isn't there a 'one size fits all' big data solution? When does it make sense to connect directly to a
data source for a report and when does it make sense to use a focmart? We will explore why AutoZone
still uses proprietary focmarts instead of direct connections.
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Data Governance Turns Information Into a Trusted Corporate Asset
Mark Hipskind, Information Builders
In the information age, data is king, but only if it's managed well. For those who want to harness its
potential, data governance is critical. Information Builders can help by providing a comprehensive
information integration and data governance platform that ensures only trusted information is delivered to
users and applications. In this talk, Mark Hipskind discusses what you need to know about Information
Builders' Information Asset Management Platform and Implementation Approach. It's a comprehensive
platform and approach that delivers an industry-leading portfolio of products, services, and best practices.
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WebFOCUS 8 Performance: Part 3
Vashti Ragoonath, Information Builders
Mark Nesson, Information Builders
This session will combine the capabilities of Information Builders' Scalability Tool and established process
for performance and scalability testing to benchmark core product features including Reporting Server,
InfoAssist, and data growth in the WebFOCUS 8 repository.
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WebFOCUS Charting and Visualization
Dan Weingart, Information Builders
Attend this session for a look at the new visualization capabilities in WebFOCUS 8.06 and 8.1, including
geographic information system (GIS) maps, matrix charts, bullet charts, sparklines, and much more. We'll
also take a look ahead at new HTML5 visualization capabilities that will soon be appearing in
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Best Practices 2
WebFOCUS 8 Performance: Part 1
Vashti Ragoonath, Information Builders
Mark Nesson, Information Builders
This session will walk customers through Information Builders' established process for performance and
scalability testing that can be executed at customer sites. We will show how this process was used to
derive Information Builders' published benchmark baselines using the our Scalability Tool.
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WebFOCUS 8 Performance: Part 2
Vashti Ragoonath, Information Builders
Mark Nesson, Information Builders
The WebFOCUS Scalability Tool is Information Builders' standard for executing our established process
for performance and scalability testing, which is covered in Part 1 of this series. This session is a must for
WebFOCUS Administrators and will include a live demonstration of how it can be used to gather
benchmark statistics as well as to troubleshoot and isolate bottlenecks.
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WebFOCUS Security and Administration Update
Jim Thorstad, Information Builders
The WebFOCUS 8.1 release includes many enhancements to simplify administration and make
WebFOCUS more responsive to your organization's security needs. Come learn about the new
WebFOCUS Administration Console, and important security enhancements to WebFOCUS,
ReportCaster, and the Reporting Server.
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Best Practices 3
A Guide to Developing and Styling Active Technology Reports
Maryann Federico, Information Builders
Mona Baker, Information Builders
This presentation provides tips and techniques that will enable users to review existing WebFOCUS
Active Technology reports and develop new ones that adhere to site standardization requirements.
Attendees will learn how to control the styling of certain or all elements in an Active Technology report
using the WebFOCUS StyleSheet feature and cascading style sheets.
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Synonym Editor and DataMigrator Update
Clif Kranish, Information Builders
DataMigrator is the extract, transform, and load (ETL) tool that shares metadata with WebFOCUS,
providing an easy way to stage data for analysis. This presentation will cover the new features in Release
7.7.06 of Synonym Editor in the Data Management Console and DataMigrator.
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Best Practices 4
CRISP-DM: Project Management for Predictive Analytics via WebFOCUS
and RStat
Bruce Kolodziej, Information Builders
Getting started with predictive analytics requires a project plan that can be followed to track progress, and
keep the effort moving forward. Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) is the
process to follow for ensuring project success. This session will provide a step-by-step review of CRISPDM, covering business and data understanding, data preparation, modeling, model evaluation and
deployment, and how WebFOCUS and RStat address these steps.
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Effective Data Visualization and Dashboard Design Workshop
Sandy Chiang, Information Builders
Yash Shrestha, Information Builders
Participants will learn and apply data visualization fundamentals and user interface design best practices
to increase user adoption and drive the success of their next dashboard initiative.
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Unraveling the Mysteries: Don't Migrate It! Use Change Management!
Mona Baker, Information Builders
Kishor Rao, Information Builders
This presentation will highlight techniques and best practices of the WebFOCUS 8 Change Management
tool through discussion and demonstration. We will discuss what Change Management is, what it can do
for you, and how it is different than migration. We will walk through the manual process as well as the
automated process, and what the differences are. We will also discuss what to be aware of, enabling you
to have a more rewarding Change Management experience when running at your site. Our goal is for you
to leave this presentation feeling more confident in using Change Management in your environment.
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Case Studies 1
Leveraging Oracle's Aggregate Awareness From WebFOCUS
Elias Gorsky, MasterCard Worldwide
Michele Mazzola, MasterCard Worldwide
During our conversion from BusinessObjects (BO) to WebFOCUS, we architected a WebFOCUS solution
to use Oracle's Aggregate Awareness in place of BusinessObjects Aggregate Awareness. The resulting
WebFOCUS/Oracle solution provided better aggregate awareness selection and more functionality, being
able to replace eight BO universes with one WebFOCUS Master File. In a nutshell, the solution uses
Oracle's Query Rewrite and Materialized View functionality to allow queries written against the single
WebFOCUS Master File to automatically access the appropriate and most efficient one of 100 aggregate
Materialized views. Furthermore, the base table on which the one WebFOCUS Master File is built and
against which WebFOCUS generates the query can actually be empty.
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Principal Financial Group: eStatement Application
Joel Elscott, Principal Financial Group
April Casteel, Principal Financial Group
The Interactive eStatement application enables Principal's external users to view, manage, and interact
with their defined contribution plans. This external customer-facing application features many out-of-thebox WebFOCUS functions, and houses custom coding methods, such as jQuery, JavaScript, HTML5
charts, CSS, and a responsive web design via Bootstrap.
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Reporting Objects: Empowering Powerful Ad Hoc Reporting for Less
Data-Savvy Users
Terry Constable, Black Knight Financial
Reporting Objects allow developers to give less sophisticated users the ability to build their own reports in
a more controlled environment. Reporting Objects allow the creator to predefine joins, defines, and
WHERE statements, but give the user nearly all of the power of InfoAssist for great reports.
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Self-Service Report Instrumentation
Steve McGuire, Elavon
Amarnath Panyam, Elavon
This presentation will provide an overview of how we built a generalized instrumentation framework for
capturing performance metrics every time a report is run. Output is used to identify performance
problems, manage development resources, and provide feedback to the business about how the
application is being used.
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Case Studies 2
Becoming Data Driven in a Fragmented Systems Environment
Ben Windling, Grand River Hospital
Kathleen Lavoie, Grand River Hospital
Grand River Hospital has followed a "best-of-breed" IT strategy. This has its benefits, but also creates a
fragmented system environment, limiting our aspirations to be data-driven organization. To overcome
this, we embarked on a data warehouse project with Information Builders. In this sessions, we will share
our project experience, its successes, challenges, and future potential.
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Changing Boring Data Into Dynamic Information
Wayne Meier, Stephen F. Austin State University
Stephen F. Austin University (SFA) wanted to increase the information available in the institution's fact
book while making it easier to use. Join us as we show you JackFacts, our new public-facing WebFOCUS
dashboard, which has more than 400 reports with almost one million records from SFA's Office of
Institutional Research. We've been able to release data to the public faster, more efficiently, and with
greater accuracy. This presentation will cover the basics of how this dynamically changing dashboard
was created and the benefits it has brought to SFA.
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Controlling WebFOCUS via EXCEL to Create Amazing Spreadsheet
Steven Burke, Siemens Energy
This session will show you how to use EXCEL Macros to run WebFOCUS programs and use the output
created by WebFOCUS to populate EXCEL. It's easier than using templates; users don't even need to
know they're using WebFOCUS. VBA Code examples will be provided.
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Empowering Self-Service BI: A Case Study From Fordham University
Ryan Green, Fordham University
Want to hear how this four-year institution is using dashboards and portals to make life easier for their
users? In this session, Ryan Green from Fordham University will speak to how the institution is resisting
the urge to build custom reports, and opting for an enterprise approach to BI using WebFOCUS 8. Topics
will include best practices, summary analysis with drill-downs to details, and using Stephen Few principles
for data visualization.
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Finger on the Pulse: A Healthcare Manager's Toolkit
Laks Padmanabhan, Lehigh Valley Health Network
Come to this session to get an overview of some of the applications that have become essential tools in
helping Lehigh Valley Health Network's managers to perform their duties, including Network Goals, which
display metrics measuring the network's fiscal year goals; Executive Dashboard, a one-screen view of
critical operational metrics; Labor Productivity Scorecard, to monitor labor productivity ratios against
budget; and Census/Occupancy.
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Integrating WebFOCUS and Ellucian Banner at a Medium-Sized
Community College
George Sullivan, Delaware County Community College
This session will discuss the implementation of WebFOCUS at Delaware County Community College
(DCCC). DCCC acquired WebFOCUS to be used as its BI platform and general report-writing tool. The
session will review some of the initial challenges that were faced and overcome using Ellucian Banner,
the school's enterprise resource planning tool, as the driving force for user authentication and access
rights. The concept was to use Banner roles, BEIS (Banner Enterprise Identity System), and Novell's
Identity Management System to control usage and access. The session will also review progress made
so far using WebFOCUS to develop and display institutional performance / key performance indicators,
budget analysis, and timely purchasing information not readily available in Banner.
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Kronos and WebFOCUS 8: A SaaS Implementation
Kevin Marshbank, Kronos Inc
This session will provide an overview of the business requirements and subsequent design decisions in
implementing WebFOCUS 8 in a large, multi-tenant, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) environment.
Attendees will gain an understanding of the concerns that need to be addressed in order to deliver a
SaaS reporting solution and how Kronos used WebFOCUS 8 to satisfy those concerns.
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Maintain Cures Budget Woes at Tenet Healthcare
Brad Scherzer, Tenet Health System
Mark Derwin, Information Builders
Tenet owns a proprietary software product called Tenet Innovate Budget System (TIBS) for internal use
to develop a detailed budget at the general ledger account level as well as quarterly high-level forecasts.
The TIBS application is written entirely in WebFOCUS and relies on Maintain for its user input and
transaction processing. Users interact with TIBS to input data, revise data relationships, and even create
their own data relationships. Data can be changed at the data element level, or across ranges of
accounts and even globally. This presentation will review how TIBS supports multiple facilities, multiple
years of data for a facility, and multiple versions within a fiscal year. Also see how TIBS uses modeling
capabilities to develop fixed and variable relationships among volume-based data and related financial
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Renown Health: Herding a Menagerie of Requests
Diane Hatfield, Renown Health
Renown Health built a reporting system in WebFOCUS to meet the financial and regulatory needs of its
business partners and sub-license clients. Once on mainframe FOCUS, this data has been migrated to
WebFOCUS on Windows, which accesses a menagerie of data sources. The reporting system provides
reports for all management personnel responsible for departmental salary information, HR Business
Partners and Accountable Group Leaders, the Business Office, and the Disbursement Department.
ReportCaster is also used to deliver reports, including exception reports such as 'Missing Punch', 'Missing
Approval' and 'Exceeding Max Accrual'. Attend this session to see the creative solution delivered through
our reporting system, including our reporting security environment, along with insights into our migration
from the mainframe, challenges in accessing some of these sources, current architecture, applications,
and report distribution models.
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Security and Your Students: University of Nebraska and Kansas Board
of Regents
Dwayne Dvorak, University of Nebraska
Patricia Biggs, Kansas Board of Regents
Attend this session to hear two WebFOCUS customers discuss FERPA security at the state level, and
Peoplesoft security at the university system level. Dwayne Dvorak from University of Nebraska will share
how its Nebraska Student Information System, NeSIS, shares one WebFOCUS server amongst seven
campuses, as well as the security structure designed to decentralize the WebFOCUS administration. An
understanding of WebFOCUS security roles and groups is recommended. Patricia Biggs from Kansas
Board of Regents (KBoR) will follow, addressing how researchers protect personally identifiable
information in accordance with FERPA legislation. Hear about dynamic, small-cell suppression, deployed
by the KBoR in partnership with Information Builders' Professional Services.
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Subqueries in WebFOCUS
Bob Zinn, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
A subquery provides an alternative approach to a traditional query. Its power lies in the relationship where
one query depends on the result of another. This presentation will discuss a number of techniques to
create simple and advanced subqueries in WebFOCUS. Topics will include the use of JOINs and HOLD
files to create advanced subqueries as well as new features available in WebFOCUS 8. WebFOCUS
code will be presented.
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Taking the Next Step in Embedded BI: Adding Predictive Analytics
Joby George, Sparta Systems
Matthew Kopecky, Sparta Systems
Join us for an overview and demonstration of TrackWise Analytics, Sparta's advanced ad hoc reporting
and analytics solution delivered via embedded WebFOCUS technology. We will look at a real example of
how TrackWise Analytics is being leveraged to drive business outcomes at a leading pharmaceutical
company. The discussion will include current usage and future plans, as well as the value TrackWise
Analytics has brought to the organization. Then, we'll discuss the use of WebFOCUS RStat to provide
TrackWise Analytics with advanced predictive analytics capabilities, which enables our customers to
harness existing data to predict the likelihood of an event occurring, such as a device failure or a recall.
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The BRAIN: Halifax Health's Business Intelligence System
Tara Olsen, Halifax Health
Halifax Health has very successfully launched WebFOCUS, branded as BRAIN. In its first 18 months,
BRAIN has been established as a valuable resource that helps our employees make better decisions.
Staffing for the application has been very small, but the amount of information has been large, from our
premiere emergency room dashboard to data exports which support a joint venture to government
compliance reporting. This presentation will discuss what we are doing and how we got there.
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Case Studies 3
How FirstCare Leveraged WebFOCUS 8 for Operational Claim Processes
in Less Than 90 Days
John Dowd, Firstcare Southwest Health Alliances
Attend this session to see how we were able to quickly build a portal that includes the following objects:
Visual Discovery, detail guided ad hoc, ranked guided ad hoc, key performance indicators, charts, and
drill-down reporting.
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Implementing the Insurance Performance Foundation
Christina Rodriguez, United Group Underwriters
Dean Kozlowski, United Group Underwriters
United Automobile Insurance Company will cover the challenges it was facing which created the need for
a data solution, the necessary project team, and significant obstacles it encountered during
implementation. A demo featuring highlights of the finished product will also be covered.
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Land of Misfit Toys: Building Your BI Team From Existing Resources
Rob Fosnaugh, Brotherhood Mutual Insurance
This presentation will outline how to build a business intelligence development team from existing IT
resources as well as savvy techie business people. To truly get the most out of your data requires a
culture change not only in your business, but also within your BI development team .
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Performance Management Framework Realized at the City of Irving,
Aimee Kaslik, City of Irving
As a 2012 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award winner, a key component of our success is our
customer focus and use of data to make business decisions. Attendees can learn how we use
Performance Management Framework (PMF) in our quest for excellence, including how we organize and
present data to staff, council, and customers.
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Practical Applications to Improve Performance by Child Support
Barbara Perkins, Oklahoma Department of Human Services
See how the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OK DHS) uses WebFOCUS to measure,
manage, and optimize outcomes. OK DHS was recognized with a CSS 2012 Computerworld award for its
implementation of WebFOCUS to help case workers, staff managers, program executives, and
administrators get a better understanding of how their programs and personnel are performing, automate
compliance reporting, measure usage, analyze data, and improve outcomes. See a live demonstration of
their application, hear why they have standardized on WebFOCUS in their enterprise, and how it has
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Sales Improvement Monitoring Using Performance Management
Joe Beydoun, Lipari Foods
Michael Hegarty, Lipari Foods, LLC
Roger Panfil, RDC Business Solutions
This presentation provides an overview of Lipari Foods' implementation of WebFOCUS, Performance
Management Framework (PMF), and DataMigrator. PMF was chosen for its close out-of-the-box fit for
Lipari and its ability to be implemented quickly. Following a successful product trial, the scope of the
ultimate deliverable was expanded to include a data warehouse that could be accessed for reporting and
analysis by power users with WebFOCUS InfoAssist.
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The Successful Implementation of WebFOCUS 8 at Wendy's
Matt Chapin, Wendys International
Nora Cordial, Wendy's International
Attend to session how Wendy's made the upgrade from WebFOCUS 7 to WebFOCUS 8. You'll see how
the corporation modernized its dashboards into portals, implemented an integrated security model with
LDAP to entitle users to WebFOCUS and its portals, helped pioneer the migration/modernization process,
and customized and branded the WebFOCUS environments to its business. Wendy's will also discuss its
need to move to WebFOCUS 8 and how it has simplified its business, as well as some of the technical
issues it encountered during the migration.
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Traffic-Lighting Current WebFOCUS System Volume
Tim Brynda, Ace Hardware Corporation
Steve Hodos, Information Builders
Do you ever get tired of answering the question, "Is the system slow right now?" We did. So we created a
quick "Current WebFOCUS System Snapshot" with a traffic light graphic to illustrate current system
volume and database CPU usage to our Managed Reporting end users. Attend this session to see what
we developed and learn how to implement it at your location.
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Using business intelligence to drive organizational strategy execution
Fernando Vallejo Lazaro, Globalvia
Adopting a business intelligence solution implies integrating many information sources coming from
different countries, businesses, subsidiaries and departments. This process should not only be aligned
with the existing structure deployment but also oriented to reinforce the objectives of the company
strategy and drive change to support the challenge of building the desired culture.
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Complementary Solutions 1
Achieving Accountable Care: The Data Integration and Analytics
Maury DePalo, Edgewater Consulting
This session will examine the challenges and experiences of several of our health system clients as they
strive to implement enterprise-scale data integration and management solutions to meet the evolving
demands of healthcare reform and related analytics. We will describe the emerging needs and objectives
pertaining to changing business models and delivery processes, new metrics, the need for increased
collaboration across the continuum of care, changing models for shared accountability and shared risks,
and the types of analytics these organizations are putting in place to guide them through these
challenges. We will outline some of the technical capabilities that support these initiatives, with the
emphasis on how these organizations are using business intelligence, multi-source data integration, and
self-service analytics in their pursuit of new models for accountable care.
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IBM Systems: Advantages for WebFOCUS
Troy Peterson, IBM STG ISV Solutions
Mark Nesson, Information Builders
IBM Systems provide unique advantages for running WebFOCUS. In this session we will discuss the
performance, RAS, and deployment advantages of running WebFOCUS on IBM PowerLinuxTM. We will
also present benchmark results that illustrate the power and speed of WebFOCUS on IBM Systems
Reference Architecture.
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The Convergence of Data Management, BI, and Financial Planning
Eric Estes, Axiom EPM
Leading-edge organizations are improving performance and decision-making by building a
comprehensive strategy for data integration, operational reporting, budgeting and forecasting, and
profitability measurement. In this session, you'll learn how to execute on a comprehensive performance
management initiative leveraging Information Builders' iWay and WebFOCUS solutions, along with
Financial Performance Management technology from Axiom EPM, one of Information Builders' newest
partners. See a brief demo of Information Builders' technology integrated with Axiom EPM's budgeting
and forecasting solution.
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Complementary Solutions 2
Leap Into the BI Portal With Dynamic Self-Service and BI Reports From a
Carol Sashi, Leap Ahead Solutions LLC
Leap Ahead templates generate perfect HTML and WebFOCUS code to deliver a fully functional selfservice and BI environment accessible in the new WebFOCUS BI Portal in minutes. Attend this session to
see the benefits of bundling the best WebFOCUS techniques, practices, and standards with powerful
functionality and capabilities in templates to dramatically reduce your ad hoc requests and empower
everyone in your organizations for any industry.
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Education: Advanced
Advanced Dialogue Manager Techniques: Add Some Muscle to Your
Joel Starkman, Information Builders
In this session, we will take Dialogue Manager beyond the basics of application flow and into the realm of
sophisticated control. The presentation explains what basic dialogue manager commands are
maintainable using the GUI, but will concentrate on showing advanced dialogue manager coding
techniques maintainable through the text editor. Examples will be used to drive home these advanced
techniques, and attendees get access to the Dialogue Manager code for a game giveaway at the end.
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Filtering, Selecting, and Wheres, Oh My!
Fraser Knox, Information Builders
Emily Duensing, Information Builders
WebFOCUS provides many ways to select data for reports and charts. Which method you choose may
depend on your tool, your metadata access, your data, or your depth of knowledge. Selecting data can
range from the simple to the complex. This session aims to introduce many of the methods for filtering,
selecting, and employing techniques for these purposes. Come and tame the dizzying amount of options
you have, and walk away with solid exposure to the various methods and abilities as allowed by
WebFOCUS tools, language, and metadata.
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Introduction to Data Source Security (DBA)
Maryann Federico, Information Builders
Mona Baker, Information Builders
This presentation will introduce the Database Administrator, also known as DBA, which is used to secure
Master Files. The syntax and essential guidelines will be covered, as well steps for creating simple and
more complex examples. All examples will be created manually, via a FOCEXEC and the Synonym
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Education: Basic
Basics for Building a WebFOCUS Application
David Denst, Information Builders
In this educational session, we will demonstrate how a simple WebFOCUS application is built by setting
up the metadata, creating security rules, building simple reports, and integrating the reports into a BI
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Demystifying iWay Service Manager Variables for Reusable Components
Michael Florkowski, Information Builders
Rob Mace, Information Builders
iWay Service Manager allows numerous variables to be defined. This can be somewhat confusing if you
are not sure where and when they used. We will review Registers, Special Registers, the Properties file
and Property Manager, and then discuss how to create these variables for use throughout many of the
Service Manager components.
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Introduction to Maintain
Mark Derwin, Information Builders
Mark Rawls, Information Builders
This hands-on lab introduces Maintain and the Maintain development environment to clients who have
not used it before. Attendees will be able to create a simple update/include/delete application, and see
how other organizations are using Maintain.
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Maximizing Your Report Distribution Solution With ReportCaster 8
Susan Trommer, Information Builders
Gerard Snyder, Information Builders
This presentation will provide an overview of ReportCaster 8 using the WebFOCUS Business Intelligence
Portal and ReportCaster Restful Web Services. Workflow and best practices will be discussed, to provide
an understanding of the internal and external considerations for report distribution. In addition, the highly
requested new feature for multiple distribution destinations for a single task schedule, as well as usage of
run-time variable values for schedule settings, such as the filename distributed, will be demonstrated.
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Using Variables Everywhere
Walter Blood, Information Builders
At the heart of Dialogue Manager are global and local amper variables, which are central to building
complex requests, such as guided ad hoc queries. Recently, amper variables have also shown up in the
Master File, and with the advent of the MFD Profile, they now play a role almost everywhere. This session
will explore the use of amper variables, from the navigational Dialogue Manager to the DBA generating
possibilities of the Master File Profile.
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WebFOCUS 8 Security for Developers
Emily Duensing, Information Builders
Fraser Knox, Information Builders
With WebFOCUS 8's new security framework, everything is tied to security. Administrators who were not
involved in creating the security model may have a limited understanding of this new framework. This
session will provide a better understanding of security for non-administrators. We'll walk through several
scenarios involving security situations, showing what is happening, and demonstrating how to work
through it.
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Emerging Technologies and Innovations 1
Developing a Location Analytics Strategy
Chris Ovens, ESRI
Maps are ubiquitous in our world today, but not in our analytics. This discussion will highlight how
organizations are taking a strategic approach to incorporating maps and location information with their
key analytics. In doing so they gain new insights and can achieve a comprehensive view across the entire
organization. Attendees will understand where to start in developing and implementing a location
analytics strategy for their organization.
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InfoAssist: General Updates for WebFOCUS 8.1
Vicky Lozovsky, Information Builders
WebFOCUS InfoAssist continues to deliver the most comprehensive reporting solutions to business
professionals. Attend this session to learn key features and updates for WebFOCUS 8.1.
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Introduction to InfoDiscovery
Kevin Quinn, Information Builders
Data discovery is a new market for tools that let you quickly access, blend, prepare, and visually analyze
data. At Summit 2014, Information Builders introduces InfoDiscovery, the first thin-client workbench,
allowing business analysts to visually explore their data and share the results with other users. Come
learn why InfoDiscovery is a revolutionary new way to understand your data and help you answer
pressing questions.
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iWay Roadmap
Inessa Gerber, Information Builders
Jakub Bartak, Bartak Consulting
Don Bowers, Information Builders
This session will discuss new features in iWay 7 Integration Suite, Data Quality Suite, and Master Data
Management Suite. It will review key functions and product roadmaps, as well as customer
implementations and market trends that have driven expansion and new developments within the product
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WebFOCUS InfoApps: Interactive BI Applications for All Users on All
Peter O'Grady, Information Builders
During this presentation you will see how to create highly stylized and interactive InfoApps that run on any
device and any platform. We will demonstrate various InfoApps running on a variety of devices and show
how to create them as well. Additional topics will include tips and techniques, styling guidelines, GUI
creation, and mobile deployment considerations.
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WebFOCUS Roadmap
Kevin Quinn, Information Builders
This session will cover the latest and greatest in WebFOCUS business intelligence,analytics, and data
discovery. Find out what is new and what is coming, via PowerPoint slides, demonstrations, and business
use cases. Participants will be asked to bring their own ideas to influence future directions.
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Emerging Technologies and Innovations 2
Achieving Better Operations and Analytics Through MDM
Tom Lovell, Information Builders
With master data management (MDM), you can create a golden record from your organization's
information assets and enable better reporting. MDM facilitates more informed and accurate decisionmaking for a better-run business. Join us as we discuss current industry trends, including operational and
analytical MDM, big data, cloud applications, and business process improvement initiatives, and how they
are reflected in the iWay Master Data Suite and Omni applications.
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Big Data and Visualization: How Much Is Enough?
Jim Lollar, Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company undertook a project to modernize the look and feel of its complex data reports to an
O-Click environment. Multiple iterations of the solution were completed in a short time frame, exemplifying
the use of Agile Methodology. Join in this session as we discuss this process, and the resulting customerfacing, business-to-business app, which is used by all Ford / Lincoln Dealerships worldwide. We learned
that visualization can be overkill and can dilute the simplicity of analysis.
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Big Data Trends: In-Memory Computing and WebFOCUS Hyperstage
Robert Newell, Information Builders
In this session we will review the in-memory computing options used today to support high-performing
business intelligence applications. The presentation will also include a deep dive into the in-memory
capability of WebFOCUS Hyperstage, as well as a scalability demonstration.
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Big Data, Hadoop, and Information Builders
Clif Kranish, Information Builders
In an effort to handle big data, many organizations have to come to rely on Hadoop, a collection of open
source projects managed by the Apache Software Foundation and supported by both specialist
companies and major relational database vendors. In this presentation we will look at how this technology
is being used today and what changes we can expect to see in the near future. We will also show you
how Information Builders can help with your big data initiatives.
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Building Dashboard Components for the BI Portal
Marc Schluper, Kronos Inc.
Building on Matthew Lerner's newsletter article, "Filter Reports Using the Portal," we'll show you how to
create dashboard components. You'll see how you can assemble dashboards from a catalog of
components. We'll also show you how to configure components with context menus to enable end-users
to perform actions on data displayed, e.g. export, print, and drill to detail reports.
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Complex Financial Calculations Using WebFOCUS
Prathima Bedadala, Geller and Company
Computing complex financial calculations such as Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Time-Weighted Rate
of Return (TWR) over large amounts of data is difficult with traditional spreadsheet macros. In this
session, I will describe how we leverage WebFOCUS to compute TWR for data with a large number of
rows, while allowing users the ad hoc selection and sorting flexibility across different asset classes and
time periods.
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Data Discovery Through GIS: Practical Decision-Making for the BI Expert
Mark Winslow, Information Builders
BI professionals have long been able to answer questions such as what and how many, but with the
advent of integrated GIS systems, they can now answer the "where" question as well. Decision-makers
who want to expand their data discovery capabilities with GIS can be baffled by the available choices.
This session will compare and contrast various GIS options with WebFOCUS. Attendees will see
examples of WebFOCUS integrated mapping, ArcGIS (Esri), and Google Maps to help decide which GIS
solution is right for their BI needs.
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Integrating WebFOCUS and InfoAssist to Standardize Business
Rita Shamlal, Social Security Administration (SSA)
The Social Security Administration's (SSA) Division of Management Information and Analysis focuses on
innovating new ways to conduct cluster analysis, anomaly detection, and predictive modeling of disability
claim appeals. We use current and historical case-level processing data. The team is presently working
with WebFOCUS and InfoAssist v8.0.3 to build a portal as an in-house standard analytic tool. In this
presentation we will review some of the challenges we've encountered, progress we've made, and the
functionality of the tool we believe will help us to achieve our goals.
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Self-Service Analysis for Epic Cogito Data Warehouse
Jennifer Kwapis, Information Builders
Mark Zimmerman, Information Builders
Cogito is Epic's data warehouse that is available now for download for Epic customers. This session will
showcase a self-service ad hoc use layer for non-technical users as it relates to common queries across
departments related to patient encounters. The Info App solution allows users to run their own analysis
while removing issues that traditional ad hoc produces.
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The Future Looks Cloudy: Is There a Silver Lining?
Larry Eiss, Information Builders
The cloud is talked about endlessly. Is it the right choice for your next project? Is security the defining
issue some seem to think it is? If you were to deploy WebFOCUS on cloud-based infrastructure, what are
the questions you need to be asking? What should you watch out for? If you've ever wondered about the
wisdom of deploying WebFOCUS in the cloud or if you already have plans to do so, this session is for
you. We'll get past all the jargon and you'll hear lessons learned and expert insights that will help you
make your decision with confidence.
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YP Analytics Roadmap: A Big Data Journey Using Information Builders,
Infobright, and Hadoop.
Richard Langlois, Yellow Pages Group
Jodye Yates, Yellow Pages Group
Yellow Analytics is an application used by advertisers and sales to report on the performance of the
products advertisers have purchased. The itinerary for this session includes optimization, replacing an
existing user interface (written in Grail/Groovy) with WebFOCUS 8.0.05, and deploying InfoAssist. We'll
also discuss issues we faced along the way, such as performance, security, HA, architecture, metamodel,
data quality, and look and feel.
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Emerging Technologies and Innovations 3
Social Media Analytics 101: Avoid Being Anti-Social
Dan Grady, Information Builders
It's well recognized that Facebook, Twitter, and other social media channels are vital sources of feedback.
But most organizations are struggling to understand the impact of social media interactions on their
organization. That is because social media analytics in most organization is very "anti-social". This
session will introduce you to how solutions from Information Builders can help you access data on social
media sites as well as the most effective ways to use the WebFOCUS platform to extract insights from
that data. Topics will include: which social metrics actually provide meaningful insight; connecting to and
generating metadata for Facebook, Twitter, and other social media networks; applying Information
Builders text analytic capabilities like sentiment and word frequency to quantify social conversations; use
cases that demonstrate how to maximize the value of social media data.
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The Mad Scientist's Dashboard Laboratory
Porter Thorndike, Information Builders
Next-generation dashboards leverage a wide variety of functionality - from visualization to mapping,
parameterization, and exporting to portal functionality and interactivity - that Information Builders is
uniquely positioned to support. This presentation will take you inside the mad scientist's dashboard
laboratory to look at all of your options for creating a next-generation dashboard.
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WebFOCUS Metadata Management
Abdullah Nasim, Information Builders
This session will provide a solid background in the creation, maintenance, and enhancement of
WebFOCUS metadata against any data source. A metadata reporting tool will be applied, to provide
insight into the content and structure of data to facilitate report development. Topics to be covered
include: Fundamentals of the WebFOCUS Reporting Architecture (WF 7.7x) Data Adapters and
Connections Components of Metadata Metadata Creation Master file: DEFINEs, COMPUTEs, FILTERs,
and other attributes Hold Files, Format Alpha, and FOCUS...and Why? Reporting from Relational DBs,
JOINs Business Views Cluster Joins Impact Analysis Metadata Reporting
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Emerging Technologies and Innovations 4
HTML Page Development and jQuery in App Studio
David Glick, Information Builders
Latha Gunashekaran, Information Builders
WebFOCUS App Studio is the forthcoming new development platform for WebFOCUS 8. In this session,
learn about the new interface with a concentration on how to develop HTML pages, autosizing for
different form factors, mobile design, and the product's automatic use of jQuery to allow users to add their
own jQuery code with ease.
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Search-Based Applications: Because You, and Your Users, Already
Know How
Dan Grady, Information Builders
When you are at home and have a question, what do you do? Google it, of course. You and your users
can have that same experience, with WebFOCUS Magnify. Magnify provides the unique ability to create
search-based applications to not only help users find business content across the entire organization but
also use business intelligence (BI) to better understand that information. In this session, we will focus on:
how merging search with BI creates end-to-end ease of use; how you can get more value out of your
unstructured (textual) data using Magnify; how you can use your existing WebFOCUS skills to create
Magnify applications; and several practical use cases that demonstrate the value of search-based
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Lab 1
App Studio Reporting 101
David Denst, Information Builders
In this hands-on lab, you will learn the basics of creating a detail report and an aggregate report with App
Studio, the development platform for building WebFOCUS applications.
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Build an Engagement Platform With the WebFOCUS 8 BI Portal
Gary Cliff, Information Builders
Kevin Kratzer, Information Builders
This hands-on session will introduce attendees to the new WebFOCUS BI Portal, which provides users
with a single entry point to all WebFOCUS features, a common user interface, and the ability to build
complete, modern websites with just a few clicks. After a thorough walk-through of the end-user
experience, participants will build a full portal from scratch.
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Building Content for Mobile
Arin Lipman, Information Builders
David Glick, Information Builders
Using the App Studio HTML canvas, you'll learn how to build content that is designed for mobile devices.
You'll see new features in App Studio that remove the confusion of developing content for multiple
platforms and screen sizes.
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Creating Powerful Infographics With WebFOCUS 8
Ira Kaplan, Information Builders
Nicholas Zavalkov, Information Builders
In this lab, see how to combine WebFOCUS and the open source D3 JavaScript data visualization library
to produce engaging charts. Using amper variables and HTMLFORM, we will create reusable chart
templates for word cloud, calendar view, and chord diagram. We'll also discuss time-series bubble charts,
deployment for self-service applications and BI Portal, Notepad++ for WebFOCUS and JavaScript editing,
and debugging in the web browser.
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Decisions to Go: Activate Your Analytics
Kevin Kratzer, Information Builders
Mark Winslow, Information Builders
WebFOCUS Active Technologies is a game changer for any organization, providing analytical capabilities
inside your existing reports, whilst simultaneously extending the ability to explore information to
individuals who are connected or disconnected from the network. This keeps your mobile workforce
informed and ready to answer questions when they need to. Active Technologies empowers users to
analyze information in different ways without the need for multiple reports or dashboards. These flexible,
single documents provide the agility needed to Sort, Filter, Rollup and Chart, and much, much more in
any browser, on any device, and in any location.
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Deliver High-Powered Information With Lightweight Maps
Dan Weingart, Information Builders
Mithu Datta, Information Builders
In this session, you will learn about the new, lightweight geographic information system (GIS) and map
capabilities built into WebFOCUS 8.06 and 8.1. Users will walk through real-world examples of the GUI in
InfoAssist to build location-based visualizations, such as Chloropleth and Bubble Maps. Additional tips
and tricks will also be discussed, including defining your own map layers and using multiple tile layers.
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Designing Snazzy HTML Pages With WebFOCUS App Studio
David Glick, Information Builders
Larry Braun, Information Builders
Today's HTML pages need to work on various desktop browsers and mobile devices. They also have
animation, styling, and JavaScript. WebFOCUS App Studio's HTML Canvas is chock full of features to
make web page design and creation easy. Come to this session to learn about the many new features in
HTML Canvas and how they lend themselves to the creation of content.
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Don't Build an App, Design It!
Brian Carter, Information Builders
Cindy Suriel, Information Builders
You've built your application, now how do you make it appealing? How do you pick and apply the right
palette so all of your reports, charts, and dashboards are consistent and come together? In this lab, you
will learn tips and coding techniques so you can apply the latest design trends to your WebFOCUS apps.
You will walk away from this lab with all of the tools you need to add design appeal to your app.
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InfoAssist Reporting 101
David Denst, Information Builders
In this hands-on lab, you will learn the basics of creating a detail report and an aggregate report with
InfoAssist, the browser-based user platform for building reports, charts, documents, and Active
Technology reports and dashboards.
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Magically Filter Reports in the New BI Portal
Gary Cliff, Information Builders
Kevin Kratzer, Information Builders
In this lab, you will learn how to take BI Portal to the next level by doing what was previously impossible.
You will use App Studio to build a launch page that has no knowledge of the reports it will run. You will
then build reports in InfoAssist that have no knowledge of the launch form. Finally, you will put them
together in the BI Portal and learn the secrets to what seems like magic.
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More Hidden Gems Hands-On
Walter Blood, Information Builders
Experiment with some of the techniques discussed in previous "Hidden Gems" presentations. Attendees
will get a chance to create indexes to provide the fastest data retrieval, work with multiple data instances
at the same time, work with McGyver and file connections, and explore the effects of various SETs and
uses of structured holds.
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Multi-Fact Star Schemas in Self-Service Reporting With InfoAssist
Vicky Lozovsky, Information Builders
Tony Hurrell, Information Builders
This lab will cover the creation of WebFOCUS metadata, representing a multi-fact star schema, and
enhancing the metadata layer with OLAP structures superimposed on top of the star schema. We will
then switch over to WebFOCUS InfoAssist to see how the metadata that we've built is presented to the
end user.
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Top-of-the-Line Charts in InfoAssist
Vicky Lozovsky, Information Builders
Jennifer Lalik, Information Builders
In this lab you will learn how to create and design persuasive charts to communicate information
effectively. You will explore why charts are important to your data analysis and how to build them using
InfoAssist, our powerful ad hoc tool.
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Lab 2
3i Mini Series - Integration, Integrity, and Intelligence at Your Fingertips
Louis Deturris, Information Builders
Anand Maheshwari, Information Builders
Inessa Gerber, Information Builders
Jeff Paoletti, Information Builders
Walter Zublionis, Information Builders
Cleansing all dashboards! Business intelligence and analytics platforms often pull multiple types of data
from disparate sources, leading to questionable validity, inconsistency, and poor data quality. Flawed
data leads to flawed analysis, which leads to impaired decision-making and lost revenue. Mitigate risk
associated with blemished data through implementing an effective data quality strategy using the
Information Builders product suite. Join us for the first portion of the 3i Mini Series, a three-for-one lab
session. You will learn how to prepare and leverage data for smarter business intelligence, analysis, and
best performance. There will be tips and best practices to configure iWay Service Manager and iWay
Data Quality Suite. On Friday, you'll be invited to join us from for a bonus session: a Q&A roundtable with
the iWay panel of experts. We guarantee you'll go home with tips you can implement upon your arrival
back to the office.
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Configuring WebFOCUS for External Authentication/Authorization
Jim Thorstad, Information Builders
Maria Trofimova, Information Builders
In this lab, you will configure WebFOCUS to authenticate and authorize users to Active Directory and use
the Reporting Server access control feature to authorize users to application directories. This makes it
possible to tightly integrate WebFOCUS into your organization's infrastructure for an installation that's
more secure and easier to administer.
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Configuring WebFOCUS Row-Level Data Security
Jim Thorstad, Information Builders
Maria Trofimova, Information Builders
In this lab you will configure WebFOCUS to dynamically filter reporting data based on user entitlements
defined in an SQL table. This will introduce you to DBA Security, MFD profile and DB_INFILE. You will
also configure Reporting Server Access Control privileges to properly secure Application directories
according to the user?s role.
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Deliver High-Powered Information With Lightweight Maps
Dan Weingart, Information Builders
Mithu Datta, Information Builders
In this session, you will learn about the new, lightweight geographic information system (GIS) and map
capabilities built into WebFOCUS 8.06 and 8.1. Users will walk through real-world examples of the GUI in
InfoAssist to build location-based visualizations, such as Chloropleth and Bubble Maps. Additional tips
and tricks will also be discussed, including defining your own map layers and using multiple tile layers.
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Don't Build an App, Design It!
Brian Carter, Information Builders
Cindy Suriel, Information Builders
You've built your application, now how do you make it appealing? How do you pick and apply the right
palette so all of your reports, charts, and dashboards are consistent and come together? In this lab, you
will learn tips and coding techniques so you can apply the latest design trends to your WebFOCUS apps.
You will walk away from this lab with all of the tools you need to add design appeal to your app.
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Enhanced Interactive Reporting With Accordion-by-Row Reports
Lisa Scipio, Information Builders
Kathy Kendall, Information Builders
In this workshop, we will provide tips and techniques on how to build interactive Accordion-by-Row
reports that place your sort keys into an HTML tree control to provide the quickest and easiest access to
your organization's most valuable information, aggregated at any level. Understanding the details of this
key feature will expand your ability to optimize the performance of and visually enhance these interactive
reports with your corporate branding.
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Excel Solutions: Tips and Techniques
Kathy Kendall, Information Builders
Terry Whitmore, Information Builders
Excel continues to be one of the most popular tools for storing, accessing, and analyzing business
information. This hands-on lab provides tips and techniques for building complex spreadsheets that take
advantage of the latest in spreadsheet technology. Examples will demonstrate WebFOCUS features
available for Excel 2007/2010/2013 (XLSX) and Excel 2000/2003 (EXL2K) report formats.
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Let Your Data Talk: How RStat Helps Business Decisions With
David Hall, Information Builders
Ali Rahim, Information Builders
This lab offers a hands-on tour of RStat's many features and how they can be used together for better
decision-making. This includes a review of the Data, Explore, and Test menu tabs. The lab will also cover
predictive analytics and the process of creating a predictive modeling and scoring application. Some of
the new features that were added to RStat in the past year will be reviewed. The acquired skills will help
attendees to better understand RStat, solve real testing problems, and provide decision-makers with easy
steps for educated predictions.
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Minding Everyone's Business: A Resource Management Update
Tony Hurrell, Information Builders
In this lab we will look at the changes to the configuration of Resource Management, specifically the
collection of messages and the translated SQL for a WebFOCUS request against a relational data
source. We will look at some of the new reports that are now available, including Request translation,
Optimization messages issued, and Procedures that failed due to errors. Information on the structure and
relationship of the Resource Management data will be given for customers who are interested in writing
their own reports.
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More Hidden Gems Hands-On
Walter Blood, Information Builders
Experiment with some of the techniques discussed in previous "Hidden Gems" presentations. Attendees
will get a chance to create indexes to provide the fastest data retrieval, work with multiple data instances
at the same time, work with McGyver and file connections, and explore the effects of various SETs and
uses of structured holds.
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New in Maintain: Updating Databases via Mobile Devices and More
Mark Derwin, Information Builders
Mark Rawls, Information Builders
Maintain makes it easy to collect data using mobile devices. In WebFOCUS 8, we give you the ability to
easily create applications that update the database even when you are not connected to the Internet. This
presentation also discuss new features available in WebFOCUS 8.
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Quick Access With Quick Data
Dimitris Poulos, Information Builders
Kathy Kendall, Information Builders
WebFOCUS Quick Data enables users to build reports in Excel and combine information from multiple
data sets that can be refreshed with the latest enterprise information each time they are opened, or upon
request. Excel workbook features, such as pivot tables and graphs, can be fed from these live data
sources. With WebFOCUS 8, Quick Data provides users with the selected functionality of InfoAssist
within Excel. In this lab, you will learn how your key business users who work in Excel can add Quick
Data to their Excel application, and build and maintain sophisticated workbooks with ease.
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Rapid KPIs: Datapoints to Dashboards in 50 Minutes With PMF
Bob Ferrante, Information Builders
Rob Palmer, Information Builders
New capabilities in the Performance Management Framework (PMF) enable business users to quickly list
and model key performance indicators (KPIs) and instantly publish them to enterprise-wide dashboards.
This hands-on lab will let you follow along as we interview participants and demonstrate how quickly you
can use PMF to collaborate and create a comprehensive KPI solution in minutes - even if the data is not
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Reporting Server Debugging and Monitoring
Maria Trofimova, Information Builders
In this lab, you will learn how to monitor your reporting server activities, debug and research user
problems, and create alert notifications.
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The Power of ETL With DataMigrator
Clif Kranish, Information Builders
This point-and-click data integration session is for anyone interested in building data warehouses, data
marts, and operational data stores, as well as those who want to extract data for application loading and
business intelligence. Attendees will see how easy it is, using DataMigrator's graphical user interface, to
build complex data flows to extract, transform, and load (ETL) data targets and process flows to control
the data flow. The lab has been updated for Release 7.7.06.
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Using a Web Service to Integrate iWay Service Manager and Master Data
Rob Mace, Information Builders
Michael Florkowski, Information Builders
Attend this lab to learn how to send transactions from iWay Service Manager (iSM) to the iWay Master
Data Suite (MDS), enabling you to update the master data management (MDM) Repository using a web
service call to process Delta.
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Tips and Techniques 1
Even More Hidden Gems in the World of Reporting
Walter Blood, Information Builders
WebFOCUS is a very deep product, with powerful functionality that is sometimes hidden. This session will
continue the search for hidden gems in the areas of data description, building powerful expressions, and
producing unique outputs. Are you maximizing the functionality that is available from the data description?
How can you create variable output dependent on the data you are working with? What are some of the
most useful user-created functions we have seen, and can you use them? These and other questions will
be explored in detail.
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Off to See the Wizard: FOCWizard and Focal Point
Art Greenhaus, Information Builders
In this session, the FOCWizard will show techniques developed based on support calls, and demonstrate
how FOCUS can do whatever you need: simply and easily. We will cover new features in FOCUS,
WebFOCUS, and, where applicable, solutions that will work in older releases (if you have not yet
upgraded). Special attention will be placed on code, whether entered via a text editor or generated by
GUI tools, with emphasis on producing reports with the right data in the most efficient way possible. Tips
and techniques posted by Focal Point wizards, who often have a different perspective, will also be shown.
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Ready, SET, Go: Quick Problem Solutions
Walter Blood, Information Builders
There are more than 100 SET commands available to the developer in WebFOCUS, each providing two
or more solutions to problematic situations that arise in the development process. This session will
explore these switches, and highlight the nature of the problem they deal with, as well as the
development opportunities they provide.
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Relational Efficiencies, Part I: JOINing It All Together
Renee Teatro, Information Builders
This demonstration on relational efficiencies will review a variety of WebFOCUS relational queries,
concentrating on JOINs. It will help attendees understand how JOIN requests are translated into SQL via
WebFOCUS tracing, and what can be adjusted in the queries to ensure optimal performance. Examples
will use SQL Server, but the information is applicable to all relational data adapters.
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Relational Efficiencies, Part II: Subqueries
Renee Teatro, Information Builders
This demonstration on relational efficiencies will review a variety of WebFOCUS relational queries,
concentrating on subqueries. It will help attendees get the most from their requests. Examples will use
SQL Server, but the information is applicable to all relational data adapters.
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Unintended Consequences: Why Did That Happen?
Walter Brengel, Information Builders
Have you ever wondered why the code you thought would work is not giving you the results you
expected? This session discusses the use of debugging techniques for resolving unintended
consequences such as being unable to locate formatting errors in the code, identifying where data is
missing/incorrect from multiple table requests in one focexec, fixing a TABLE request returning 0 records,
verifying that the amper variables (parameters) are getting the correct values, restricting the number of
returned values during development, and ensuring that the DATA column you are styling is really the one
you wanted.
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Tips and Techniques 2
Compendium of WebFOCUS Techniques
Yaniv Lusky, National Futures Association
Using the case study learning method, this presentation will discuss and review practical WebFOCUS
techniques, originally developed to solve difficult business problems or to improve the user experience.
Code samples will be studied in detail, so attendees can leverage these these techniques upon returning
to the office on Monday.
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Creating a Data Audit Routine Using Data Quality Server
Chris Reaves, Mid-Continent Group
Learn how Mid-Continent leveraged the iWay Data Quality Server (DQS) inside its new framework to
check record counts and premium dollars using some key fields to determine differences during ETL
loads. These routines are presented as online services through DQS, so they are universal and can
easily be used for multiple tables.
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CSC Reporting: The Next Generation
Malinda Linegar, Chadron State College
With the upgrade to WebFOCUS 8, CSC has completely revamped their reporting environment. See how
they are leveraging the portal to deliver data in an environment that is highly visual, drillable and gives the
end-user the information they need to make data-driven decisions.
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Fine Tuning for Application Performance: Hidden Techniques for
Improving Your User Experience
Charles Morris, Information Builders
You've reviewed all your code, run traces, and optimized everything you can, but your users still need
better response times. Learn about some additional techniques for getting another few seconds of
improvement from your WebFOCUS app. We'll discuss redirection settings, compression (especially for
downloads), stress testing for concurrency, security and module caching, dealing with very large HOLD
files, foccache and edatemp space management, and other tips to get your app "up to speed"!
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From Excel to FML
Dorota Badiere, CenturyLink
In this presentation, attendees will see a collection of Excel reports that have been transformed into a
WebFOCUS FML report. These legacy Excel reports existed in different versions across the organization,
and consisted of various calculations of sales. Although not exactly a financial statement report, the FML
report combines multiple functionalities, including effective color coding and different format setting.
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Integrating with Legacy Systems Using iSM
Raymond Cooper, Mark Anthony Group Inc.
In this session, attendees will learn about two methods for using iWay Service Manager to integrate with
legacy systems. One method involves using RPC with Unix scripting, and the other involves using XML
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iWay Error Handling
Walter Zublionis, Information Builders
Louis Deturris, Information Builders
This session outlines key strategies for iWay Service Manager (iSM) error-handling facilities. We will
review the lifecycle of an error, based on methods used by iSM agents and application design.
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Things You Can Use on Monday: Part 5
Rob Palmer, Information Builders
The fifth installment of the "Things You Can Use on Monday" series will expand on the last four
presentations. WebFOCUS offers many things that inform, explain, debug, facilitate, uncover, present,
and deliver. You can use them all on Monday. In fact, you can use them all right now.
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Trends and Strategies
Advanced Crime-Fighting in the Information Age
Major Michael Corwin, Kansas City MO Police Dept
Dan Mayo, Information Builders
Attend this session as the Kansas City, MO Police Department (KCPD) demonstrates the use of
WebFOCUS 8 and Storyboarding to support real-time crime-fighting. KCPD will show how it use
WebFOCUS 8 to provide an operational support system for officers and arrange information to coincide
with the crime-fighting work flow.
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Best Practices for Bigger BI Impact
Cindi Howson, BIScorecard
Business intelligence (BI) is helping visionary companies thrive in a tough economy and beat the
competition. What is so different about their approach to BI and how can you apply these secrets to your
own program? This presentation highlights how and why BI has made a difference in visionary
companies, yet floundered in others. Simply establishing a data warehouse and deploying BI tools is not
enough. Success hinges on how the technology is deployed and on organizational aspects companies
often fail to tackle, such as the business-IT partnership. These insights and best practices will let you
benchmark your BI deployment against the industry and help increase the impact BI has on your
company's performance.
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Business Analytics 2020 Market Trends
Rita Sallam, Gartner
This presentation will highlight a number of market tipping points that will drive more pervasive adoption
of analytics through 2020.
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Business Intelligence: Which Way Forward?
Howard Dresner, Dresner Advisory Services, LLC
In this session, we review the latest 2014 findings from our recently published, landmark Wisdom of
Crowds� Business Intelligence Market Study. In this presentation we will address the following important
questions: ? What are the key Business Intelligence adoption trends? ? Where and why are organizations
investing in Business Intelligence? ? What are some of the most critical related technologies to Business
Intelligence? ? What is the current ?state of data? related to Business Intelligence? ? How well is the
industry responding to customer needs?
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Data Discovery: Barrier or Opportunity to Gain Insight From Information
Mark Smith, Ventana Research
Tony Cosentino, Ventana Research
Providing fancy business visualizations and iterative discovery methods on data will not suffice
everyone's needs. A more definitive approach must be used to provide information in the right context
and format to ensure the best possible value from the growing reams of information assets from big data
investments. Best practices from early adopters of big data analytics and information optimization were
discovered in two research studies by Ventana Research in 2014. These research insights will help give
attendees the real truth on how to use data and visual discovery and exploration software across
business and IT roles that, according to our research, has become important to 48 percent of
organizations. This never seen before educational session will feature new and exclusive research facts,
and help you to be smarter and act more precisely when using discovery and exploration tools.
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Supporting Business Agility in the Age of the Customer With BI,
Analytics, and Big Data
Boris Evelson, Forrester Research
The Information Age of interconnected people and computers has arrived and is quickly becoming a
commodity. The Age of the Customer (AOC) - where customers rule and the ability to attract and retain
them is the only true differentiation for businesses - is now upon us. The AOC demands business agility
and flexibility to react to customers who have instant access to you and your competitors products and
services. This presentation will define business agility in quantifiable terms; discuss why agile business
intelligence, analytics, and big data are key; and cover how technology professionals can support and
enable business agility.
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The New Analytical Ecosystem: Reconciling Top-Down and Bottom-Up
Wayne Eckerson, Eckerson Group, LLC
For too long, organizations have tried to shoehorn all analytical users and activities into a single,
monolithic architecture. Forward-thinking organizations are now augmenting their classic report-centric
data warehouses with real-time, analytical, and content-based engines to support any type of user and
application. This presentation describes an emerging analytical ecosystem that reconciles top-down and
bottom-up intelligence environments, supports a federated business intelligence (BI) organization, and
gives business analysts and data scientists a legitimate seat at the enterprise computing table. You will
learn the characteristics of top-down and bottom-up BI, the elements of a federated BI organization, a
reference architecture for the new analytical ecosystem, and BI tool segmentation
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