fw o
■M m
rau g u s county m an who was a candi- B ut unfortunately these are in the investigation of th e effects of the to th e railw ay brotherhoods, coupled came necessary, fo r instance, to have | his eyes and refuses to isee th e ohax*
for governor, F ra n k W ay land H ig ­ m inority, and over against these m ust Adamson eight-hour law as applied w ith th e fact th a t m any Ohio plant® an au th o ritativ e ru lin g on the ques­ aeter of th e brick th a t has heen pate A
B. B. W E B E R
one are paying xecordbreAking wages to tion of w hat trib u n a l has jurisdiction ed him will have only him self to th a n k
gins. W hy should not Mr. Ames be be entered on the wrong side of the to working agreem ents; I for
would appreciate his fairness, as it m unitions workers, th a t m akes the over a m ember of th e American ex­ when the day of disillusionm ent comes
. One year, in advance, $1.00; continued ‘in office? On W hat theory ledger a g reat m ass of pictures which,
pedition charged w ith m urder — a —th e day when he g ets his pay e n ­
t» y m e n t is -delayed more th an 30 should th e county forfeit the a d v a n t­ however, innocuous in the case of was deliberation which dem onstrated Buckeye sta te doubtful.
W hile declaring th a t i t is too early question complicated by the u n w ill­ velope and finds th a t a 100-mile ru n
fa. $1.50.
age of being represented in tb e sta te grown-ups, instill into the minds of the evils of th e proposed compensa­
yWKMlTANCES- may he made by ex- assembly by a m an [who has experi­ children all sorts of fantastic, lurid tion act in 1912,” says Mr. P inker - to a tte m p t a definite- forecast, th e ingness Of the adm inistration to ad­ n ets him $3.75 in stead of $6.
—— * — —
WM® o r postal money order, o r by cash ence and knowledge of the people’s ideas. I t is the sam e w ith the movies ton.
H erald in terp rets its poll to date as m it th a t this country and Mexico are
lit registered le tte r, or bank d raft.
indicating th a t California, Delaware,
business, and has rendered good s e r ­ as it is w ith lite ra tu re; the exploita­
f : fOLLOW ING the desire of the vice?
tion of drug fiends, struggling women which P resident Pinkerton so serious­ Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine M is­ authorities on the law of nations,
I t no longer is any secret th a t Sam­
ig re a te r portion of o a r readers,
uel Gompers h as com m itted himself,
Ntesfistder all subscriptions as perman*
“Sec. .4. T h at any person v io lat­ New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, f r o m th e c o n c lu s io n th a t the U nited body and breeches, to a n effo rt to de­
be or less sim ilar them es greatly in
|f tp t and do not discontinue sending the th a t P resident W ilson should
-'iKpftf * t expiration of time paid fer judged by his record. W hat is th a t vogue a t the p resen t tim e certain ly are ing any provision of th is act shall N orth Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, S tates is in a s ta te of w ar w ith Mex­ liver th e vote Of th e Am erican Fed­
tttuess requested so to do.
no less harm ful th an th e “blood and be guilty of a misdemeanor and u p ­ South Dakota, Vermont, Wyoming, ico.
eration of Lahor. T h at fact, long sus­
Inasm uch as th e argum ent th a t pected by observer* of th e course of
He was elected four years ago on a thunder” literatu re of the so-called on conviction shall be fined not less Pennsylvania arid U tah, will go for
ordering th e address of their paper
President W ilson has “kept us out of events a t W ashington and now defin alUuaged, m ust always give their for­ platform which pledged him to s u p ­ dime novel type. Probably they do th an $100 and not more th a n $1,000, Hughes, w ith th e ir 221 electoral votes.
w ar” is one of the tw o principal
port an am endm ent to the [United vastly more damage, for the very re a s-jo r imprisoned not to exceed one year,
m er »s well aa present address.
itely established th ro u g h the issuing
props of Ms appeal for re-election, the
COMMUNICATIONS should be ad- S tates constitution m aking the p re s ­ on th a t moving pictures appeal m ore i ox both,”
of his appeal, will cause no panic
dresaed, CATTARAUGUS REPUBLI­ ident ineligible for re-election; and vividly th an does the printed page.
Section 1 provides:
In th e stra w vote (which the Herald the sta te m e n t of th e W ashington cor­ among Republicans who have noted the
CAN, Salamanca, N. Y*
‘T h at beginning Jan u ary
first, admita is n o t y e t representative) respondents th a t adm inistration of - resu lts of Mr. Gomper’s excursions in­
a fte r his election he w rote a le tte r And in too m any instances attendance
M sht hours shall, in contracts W ilson has m ore th a n 50 per cent ficials are greatly incensed a t Gen.
to a leading Democratic congressman a t such movies has become little le s s !
F o r President,
. i f°r labor and service, bo deemed a in Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Crowder is not surprising. The gen - to politics in the pa*t. No m an ever
which killed the bill introduced for th an a m ania w ith children—a m a n ia 1day’s
- w ork
- and- the m’easure o r stand­
yet has succeeded in delivering the
F o r Vice President.
tbe purpose of fulfilling this pledge, whose possible effects on the rising ard of a day’s work for the purpose Idaho, K entucky, M aryland, Minneso­ e ral’s rep o rt was surpressed for sev­ vote of American labor, for th e sim ­
of reckoning the compensation for ta, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, W ash­ eral days, evidently th rough fear of ple reason th a t the g re a t b u lk of the
and now he seeks a second term .
generation are appalling.
of all employes who a x e now ington, W est Virginia, and W iscon­ its effect on P resident Wilson’s po­
He was elected on a platform which
It is this state
of affairs th a t has Qr who may jlcreafj;er
For Governor.
members of labor organizations (Prof.
denounced tb e preceding R e p u b lic a n I given rise to tlie suggestion th a t the
any common carrier by railroad, sin, w ith a to ta l electoral vote of litical fo rtu n es; b u t some sharp eyed "Woodrow W i ls o n to th e c o n t r a r y not­
F o r L ieutenant Governor,
127. To th is m u st be added the elec­ newspaper m an dug it up, and “p iti­ w ithstanding) are p re tty good c it i z e n e s
adm inistration for ex tra v ag a n ce ; a n d . state education law be so amended as j etc.”
as president he has signed appropria-1to give the school authorities a measHow th e employe who completes to ral votes of Virginia., N orth C aro­ le s s publicity” follows.
and men who have developed th e hab­
F o r Secretary of State,
W i t h t h i s au.thora.tive and official
tion bills exceeding by hundreds of [ure of authority in determ ining the his ru n of say 100 miles in less th an lina, $O U tb Carolina, Georgia, Florida,
it of doing th eir own 'thinking and
F or Comptroller,
millions of dollars the largest am ount j so rt of moving picture exhibitions eight hours and th en refuses to per- Alabama, Mississippi, Louisana, Tex­ decision th a t t h e U n it e d S t a t e s is a t voting in accordance w ith th eir judg­
ever before appropriated in the h is -j which school children shall be per- form oth er service for the rem ainder as and A rkansas. These bave 114 elec­ w ar, th e W i ls o n campaign is propped m ent, ra th e r th an a t the dictation of
F or T reasurer,
up chiefly on th e Adamson bill—and
t o r y of tbe country — bills so w aste­ m itted to attend. Such a plan is said of the eight hours can escape liabil - to ral votes, m aking a to tal of 241.
a n y of th eir leaders.
In Illinois, w ith 29 electoral votes, evidences m ultiply on every hand th a t
ful of the people’s money th a t tbe j to he favored by some of the m ost j ity to a fine of $1,000, or one year’s
F or A ttorney General.
T h at the present campaign affords
Democratic chairm an of tbe commit­ prom inent educators in the state, but imprisonm ent, o r both, is a question M assachusetts w ith 18, Michigan w ith those labor o r g a n i z a t i o n men who do no exception to this rule ia show n by
F o r S tate E ngineer and Surveyor,
tee on appropriations w as impelled to it is easy to foresee th a t the path of th a t has led m any of the brotherhood 15, M ontana 4 and Nevada 3, neith er th eir own thinking are becoming con th e fact th a t the ink on Mr. Gomper’s
w arn his colleagues of the “horrible , legislation of this so rt will he bestrew n men to th e conclusion th a t they have candidate has received more th an 50 vinced th a t th is was a serious blow, appeal had scarcely dried before th e
"i ■—
ra th e r th an a help, to the labor cause.
per cent of th e stra w votes.
and Representative Sisson, w ith obstacles. The problem is a del­ been very artistically fiim flammed.
Building Trades Council, including 34
F o r Chief Judge, Court of Appeals, mess.”
♦ ------o
D e m o c r a t, f r o m Mississippi, d eclared : icate and complicated one, and will re­
The Herald, however,, frankly ques­
trad es w ith a membership of approx­
F o r A s s o c ia t e J u d g e , C ourt o f A p p eals, “ We a r e w r i t i n g ourselves down
in quire extrem ely careful handling. “WHY DOESN’T HUGHES KEEP tions th a t eith er Michigan or MassaSTILL”
W . S. Stone ia the Grand Chief En­ i m a t e l y 165,000 w a g e earners, 75 per
t h e h i s t o r y o f the country a s being W hether or not anything comes of the
| chusetts is doubtful, giving it as the
F o r Ju stices of the Supreme Court,
The anxiety of the supporters of opinion of most political observers th a t gineer of th e Brotherhood of Loco cen t of whom are mechanics, adopted
the m o s t o u t r a g e o u s l y and most crim­ m ovem ent will depend largely on the
P resid en t W ilson th at Charles E. they will go Republican. Adding th eir motive Engineers — th e official head a resolution condemning th e Wilson
inally ex trav ag an t congress th a t ever attitude of the state education depart*, u ,
. . .
adm inistration “for lack of sympathy
. ....
. ..
.. ,
. Hughes should quit the stum p and 33 votes to th e 221 for Hughes, would of th a t organization. The following
sat on the American continent.”
ment, which has not yet been disclosed. I .
. .
. „
, seek seclusion and silence is increas- give him w ithin 12 of the required statem en t, m ade over his signature in •with th e .American workm en,” and
F o r United S tates Senator,
He w ent into office pledged to up­
ing from day to day. From all p arts of number. Minnesota, w ith 12 votes, and an official communication addressed appealing to the 1,500,000 voters who
theF o r Representative in Congress,
th e country are pouring in reports, W ashington, w ith 7, are also regarded “To the officers and. members of all constitute the Building Trade D epart­
service; and the country has never
m ent of th e American Federation of
atre m anagers are beginning to r ®c°S- •famjjja r to New Yorkers who learned
F o r State T reasurer,
before witnessed such debauehment of nie the -wisdom of providing whole
by moat observers as safely R epubli­ divisions and to the Chairmen and See- labor to “w ork and vote against the
the civil service as during the
past some, clean exhibitions for children, i when he wras governor the trem endous can, and the Republican leaders in retary-T reasurera of.all General Com­ re-election of Woodrow Wilson.”
four years in the in terest of w hat In some communities m others’ clubs effectiveness of his “appeals to the Ohio, Connecticut, Idaho, M aryland, m ittees of A djustm ent,” and issued
For Member of Assembly,
The BhH'dirfg' Trades D epartm ent
Mr. Bryan called “deserving Dem o­ and other organizations interested in people,” telling of the enthusiastic re- and W est V irginia insist th a t those from th e offices of th e executive de - constitutes more th an half of
c rats”—a debauehm ent which moved child welfare have tak en hold of the sponse of g reat audiences to Hughes's states will be found in the Hughes p a rtm en t of th e Brotherhood a t Federation of Labor. The appeal is
Cleveland, therefore cannot be dis­
F or Countv Treasurer,
Congressman O’Shaunessy, Democrat, problem, and have succeeded, through presentation of th e issues in this cam­ column.
one which will be of especial in terest
counted by th e most suspicious mem
to railroad w orkers as well, because
co-operation with the th eatre m anagers, j
F or D istrict A ttorney,
Interrupted in one of his addresses aid’s in terp retatio n of the poll in ber of th e o rd er as having emanated
the grounds on which it is based in­
in arranging for regular Saturday ex-1
For Superintendent of the Poor,
ber the fact th a t power does not give hibitions designed especially for child­ along the border of the Solid South by this state, will give Hughes a p l u r ­ from th e political opposition:
volve Gen. George W. Goethals, whom
‘We are receiving a num ber of let­
unbridled license to do as we please," ren—exhibitions not m erely featuring a heckler who wanted to know w hat ac- ality of 75,000 o r 80,000, and
President W ilson has ju s t appointed
. , tion lie would have taken regarding W hitm an considerably more th an th at. te rs req u estin g definite
and which was openly acknowledged one or two pictures ot the right Kina.
head of th e special commission on rail­
L usitania, Gov. Hu(,hes mado a
r e s u m in g o u r d is c u s s io n w i t h by another Democrat,
The Democrats will find it a d iffi­ regarding th e application of the A d ­ way wages and conditions, created by
Congressman but consisting of reels which any p ar­
t h e herald
Moon, when he announced, “If the ent would be pleased to have his child­ characteristically telling answ er by cult task, now as in th e past, to elect amson 8-hour law, b u t we are not in the Adamson law. The resolution is
Our genial Democratic contemporary power were mine, I would put none ren see. Such a co-operative effort has stating th a t in the first place he would a president w ithout the 45 electoral a position to give any definite in fo r­ based on th e trea tm e n t of organized
m ation on th is subject, FOR W E DO
...................have had the state departm en so votes of the Em pire State.
a t Olean, the Herald, is again amusing but Democrats on guard.”
labor by Gen. Goethals and the pres­
great possibilities both for the child^
M t0 command respect; th at
W ith election only tw o weeks away, NOT KNOW YET JUST WHAT THE e n t adm inistration in the Panam a Ca­
He w ent into office pledged to r e ­ vcvn
itself and its readers w ith an attem pt
nnn tfor
iyt* tno
ren smrl
and tthncn'n
eir fViemrlci
friends and
the mrtv_
to convince the Republican county of duce the high cost of living, which he ie houses. Many Salam anca parents secondly he would have followed a and w ith all indications, including the LAW MEANS. ”
nal Zone. The Building Trades’ ap­
The day before th is sta tem en t was
- —
>k> to
V W Mexico
V# which
* T 1 1 1 1 . XX would
MU ae
C attaraugus th a t it ought to be re p -; said was due to the protective t a r if f ; w o u l d r e j o i c e it it c o u l d be t r i e d o u t 2policy
sa y s: “Our several national or­
d e m o n s U .a t e d t h a l t I l e U n i t e d s t a t l i S
the Republicans and Progressives, the issued (it bears d a te of Oct. 10, b u t ganizations have vainly complained to
resented a t Albany by a m an of the and the cost of living is higher today
re *
stood for peace and good will and pro- supporters of Hughes have a rig h t to has ju st become public through re - th e federal governm ent through the
opposite political faith. The particular th an it ever was before.
form of its latest pleasantry 'is the 1 He was elected on a platform which ANALYZING THE GOLD BRICK tection at all events to Am erican li*e feel confident. B ut the Herald poll production in facsimile), Mr. Hughes w ar departm ent th a t alien, ignorant,
and property; th a t when it talked also shows th a t it is no time forov- in an address a t Newark, N. J., said unskilled laborers are being employed
suggestion th a t The Press shows i n ­ explicitly declared, “The constitution­
S triking colateral evidence of the
“strict accountability” t i e er-eoufidenee.
consistency in “arguing in favor of al rig h ts of American citizens should gold brick character of the ^egisla - about
Republican, w ith reference to the Adamson b ill:
in gradually increasing num bers in
“H asty legislation is likely to car­
-continuing” Mr, Ames ip office “ and protect them on our borders and go tion handed to the railroad men in world would have known tlfat it m eant every Democrat or independent who
mechanical division of our several
w hat it said; and finally th a t wrhen the w ants to .save th e country from an - ry w ith it unwelcome surprises. If trades a t a wage 50 p er cent lower
in th e nex t b reath arguing for
a w ith them throughout the world, and
the Adamson law Ls afforded by the t jire a t t0 sinjc the L usitania wa 3 pubchange a t W ashington."
oth er fo u r years of W ilson and Dem­ eight hours is to be a ‘measure or th an the prevailing ra te wage, which
every American citizen residing or developments during the past few
th e
lished he would have “made it known ocratic m ism anagem ent, should
W e m ight, of course , reply th a t having property in any foreign coun­ days.
al - stan d ard of a day’s, work’ for
is generally recognized and agreed to
in term s unequivocal and unm istak­ low nothing to prevent his going to purpose of reckoning th e compensa­ by our competitive contractors.”
th e re is nothing more
inconsist­ try is en titled to and m ust be given
I t will be rem embered th a t when
tion to be paid, how are those men
able th a t we should not tolerate a con
e n t in th is th a n in the H erald’s fav­ the full protection of the U nited
The most h itte r foes of organized
the board of railroad m anagers m et tinuance of friendly relations through the polls on Nov.
left who complete the prescribed num ­
------ 4»--- .--oring th e re-election of President States governm ent, both for himself in New Y ork City for a general conlabor—the
m ost grasping, avaricious
the ordinary diplomatic channels if SONS OF “BANDITS” AROUSED ber of miles in less th a n eight hours? aggregation of corporate w ealth th a t
W ilson and a t the same tim e arguing and his property.” And he has failed
Secretary of W ar B aker’s com pari­ T here is much food for thought in this
t im“
action were tauen.”
fo r a change in members of assem - to afford th a t protection, and American T
ever existed or w as imagined—could
of the
bill, it was reported
bly. T hat would be a complete d e ­ property has been destroyed, A m e ri­ th a t several of the railroad heads I “And, sir,” he concluded, addressing son of the soldiers of the American | legislation, not only on the p a rt of ask or hope fo r nothing that' would
and those for whom it does not provide
fense. B u t th e H erald’s argum ent, if can women have been violated, A m eri­ agreed not to oppose Mr. Wilson’s th e heckler while th e v a st audience Revolution to th e C arranzistas
play into th e ir hands more complete­
up b u t also on the p a rt of those
such it can be called, affords an op - can citizens and American soldiers re-election, and th a t some of them
ly th a n would th e success of Mr.
a ho rn ets’ nest. Descendants
of ■whom it expressly refers.”
p o rtu n ity fox directing public a tte n ­ have been slaughtered in foreign coun­ argued th a t, while they had opposed would never have been sunk.”
Gompers, or any o th er labor leader,
The idea which Mr. Hughes sug­
tion to certain im portant public p o l­ tries, American soil has been invaded, the Adamson hill, on second consider­ . The reply was so telling th a t the the forefathers who fought to estabin an e ffo rt to deliver th e labor vote
icies which is too inviting to pass.
and Americans have been m urdered ation they were convinced th a t it W ilson camp im m ediately got busy, ish Am erican independence and cre­ gested in th e form of a question is in an Am erican election. The gov ern ­
The Herald, if its present editors rig h t a t home, u n til the United S tates would prove to the advantage of the and Dudley Field Malone enters the ate the g re a t republic of the new sta te d w ith definiteness and positive­ m ent of th e U nited S tates is govern­
world do not relish th eir being l ik ­ ness. by Hon. Milton L. Clawson, the
are fam iliar w ith the columns of The is the laughing stock of the -world railways. Those who held to
th is lists to declare th a t such action as ened to the cu tth ro ats and m u rd e r­ forem ost attorney fo r organized labor m ent by all the people, not by any
P re ss in th e past, will bear us out in the and its flag has ceased to b o honored view (some of them were quoted a t Gov. Hughes described wras impossible
p a rt or fa c tio n ; and the m oment th a t
sta te m e n t th a t this paper always has and respected. W hat this means was length, in th e newspapers a t the time) because the notice th a t the Lusitania ers and assailants of women who have in Indiana, ■who s a y s o f th e A d a m s o n th e re s t of th e country becomes con­
been a supporter of the proposition th a t well stated by Champ Clark, th e Dem­ argued th a t w ith the governm ent was to be sunk “was published anony­ .been overrunning Mexico every since measure, in a carefully p rep ared vinced (should th a t time ever come)
th e sam e considerations which in the ocratic speaker of the Democratic fixing freig h t rates, hours of labor mously and m erely signed with the the protection to life and property af­ statem ent':
“We are of th e opinion th a t within th a t organized labor, or any o th er
forded by tbe H u erta governm ent
w orld of business lead to the continu­ house, at F o rt Meyer, when he sa id : and i>e schedule of wages, the next words, ‘German embassy.’
11 m onths as a maximum period, the single element o r combination, h as
ed employment and advancem ent of j “No country will endure, and no coun­ logical st>,p v'ould be compulsory ser
Perhaps to the W ilsonian mind ibis was removed th rough P resident W il­ train m an who trav els 100 miles in five se t o u t to ru n things, th a t moment
m en who dem onstrate th eir ability try is w orthy to endure, th a t will not vice lo r railroad employes', a n d ' tb a t constituted an insuperable obstacle to son’s personally conducted war.
hours will receive his proportion of the
R eferring to m any people’s f a il­ eight hour stan d ard pay”—th at is to will be sealed th e fate of th e g re a t
and energy and faithfulness in the protect all of its citizens w herever under such an arrangem ent the rail- Protecting Am erican life;
but a
ure to understand th e W ilson M exi­ say, the locomotive engineer urho now labor movement which has p u t the
m a tte rs en tru sted to them apply in j they may be, on land or on sea.”
roads would fare vastly b e tte r th an Hughes, or a Roosevelt, or a Clevc
makes $6 for his- day, or his 100-mile Am erican -workingman on a plane unth e ease of the adm inistration of pub The r e c o r d c a r r ie s i t s o w n c o n v ic - through bargaining w ith labor u n - land would have found a quick w a v can policy, Secretary B aker said, run, will, under th e Adamson law, of th e Buildings T rades Council fu r­
‘They have forgotten our own history when he' completes his ru n in five
lie affairs — th a t is, in looking a fte r j tion. President Wilson has
been ions and brotherhoods. The recent through by simply addressing the govnishes stro n g evidence th a t th a t tim e
th e business of the people; th a t a tried and been found wanting. Why announcement th a t President U n - ernm ent of the kaiser a t Berlin. “And and the D eclaration of Independence, hours, make five-eights of $6, or $3.75. has not y e t come.
W hen the suggestion was
public official, like the employe of a should he not be retired and Charles derwood of th e Erie and Judge L o v e tt'tlle L usitania would n o t have been and the president has not forgotten
Nor do we believe t h a t it ever will.
made th a t the brotherhods would find Members of labor organizations, like
business enterprise,
who “makes E. Hughes, who has been tried and of the Union Pacific would support . sun^*
icans w ere a rascally lot, b u t said
good” is en titled to “hold his job” as been found worthy, be placed a t the President W ilson is regarded in many
course R is m ean in the Re- th a t th e p atrio ts of the Am erican th a t President W ilson (w hether in­ oth er In tellig en t citizens n n d puffin
tentionally dr not) had handed them a
ag ain st th e newcomer, and th a t it is helm?
quartexs as a t least tending to con- Poblican nominee to direct public ai otic Am ericans, know th a t they can, -,
gpld brick, members of the organiza­
sound public policy to keep him so
firm the correctness of this, earlier tention io the m istakes of th e W ilson m inisters from them on th e ir m arch
prosper only a s th e country general­
long as her-gives satisfactory service.
report th a t some of the a stu te rail- adm inistration, he ought to stay qu:e\.- to Valley Forge. He said, “We had tion were inclined to become highly ly prospers; th a t th e ir individual wel­
indignant. Y et h ere is the head of
I f h e cannot do his work, then he has
Thouhtful parents who have noted xoad h e a d s are c o n v in c e d th a t th e 1
home—tO please the DemOCrUl f.. a revolution, and from its beginning
fare, like th e welfare of all oth er Am­
thG g rea t Brotherhood of Locomotive
no ju s t ground for complaint if a w ith uneasiness if nothing more, the b r o th e r h o o d s w e r e h a n d e d a s o lid
to its end conditions in this country Engineers confessing th a t he and his erican citizens,i & ’b ound up in the
m ore efficient m an is pu t in his place. effect of a certain class of “movies” brick.
were so like Mexico th a t i t is p e r ­ sta ff of A ssistant G rand Chiefs do common good, and they will ro te as
Now w hat is the situation eonfront- upon th eir children will read w ith in­
A m ericans first, w ith thought prim Now comes W illiam J. Pinkerton,
The New Y ork H erald’s poll, which fectly astounding to read.”
not know w bat the law m ean s; here
fro n tin g th e voters of C attaraugus tere st and hopefulness the news from Lodge 752, Brotherhood of Railway
arlly to th e w elfare of the republic
The Empire S ta te Society of the is a law yer and form er justice
of which will be th e land of th e ir child county th is year, when this policy is Albany th a t a movement is soon to be Trainmen, president of the Railway probably a ttra c ts more general a tte n applied to the two m atters to which launched with the purpose of m ateri­ W orkers’ N on-Partisan Association, tion th an o th er of the pre-election Sons of th e American Revolution, th e United S tates supreme court ren and th e ir children’s children.
th e H erald refers? So fa r as the as - ally checking the attendance of school and himself a Democrat, w ith a le t­ S“straw s” because it has been a fea - w ith a Democratic president, has whose name a t the bottom of a legal
o--------semblymanship is concerned, it is children a t moving picture exhibitions, j te r addressed to W. G. Lee, p resi- ta re of every im portant political cam­ prom ptly m et and adopted a resolu­ opinion carries w eight w ith every
paign for many years, and usually has tion severely censuring Secretary thinking man, asking w hat is to be CONNECTICUT FOLLOWS MAINE
frKlw. D eH art Ames is no unknow n One report has it th a t the officials i n 1
ident of the T rainm en’s Brotherhood, shown the d rift of sentim ent, indi- Baker for th u s likening the American the s ta tu s of th e railroad man who
Connecticut, which was carried each
jl ?
A .1
q u a n tity to th e people of th is county. charge of the state departm ent of ed­ protesting
AdamsonT. * 1 1 bill dicates th a t the election on Nov. "J . th patriots to the horde of Mexican ban­
e h e ra n by Cleveland and is needed
completes h is ru n in less th a n eight
They have know n him — a
g rea t ucation are likely to participate in this on the ground th a t i t —
will be more closely contested th an dits who have reduced th a t country h ours; and here is. a n em inent l a ­ by W ilson if he is to be re-elected, h a s
m any of them personally, for he has movement, being moved to such ac­
1. Confers on the railroads “the most political observers have antici­ to a s ta te of anarchy and perpetrated
bor atto rn ey predicting th a t instead been holding ita township elections.
a n exceptionally large acquaintance tion by inform ation from field agents rig h t to w ork employes up to sixteen
am ong C attaraugus county folk — for of the departm ent to th e effect th a t lo­ hours should they see fit to do so,” pated, and th ere still is much work unspeakable outrages on American of g e ttin g ten hours pay for eig h t The resu lt is th e sam e as i t w as in
to be done by supporters of the Re­ women, and it is expected th a t oth er hours work, th e trainm en will re ­ Maine—a Republican cleansweep. Tol­
m any years. They have watched him cal educational authorities in various and
grow , and have seen him “make good” parts of the state a re becoming con­ 2. T h at section 4 of the Adamson publican tick et if a sweeping and de­ chapters of th is society will take ceive as m any eig h ts of a day’s land chose a Republican selectm an fo r
resto res to the railroads
“the* use
cisive victory* is to be won.
sim ilar action th roughout the coun­ wages aa h e p u ts in hours, and no the first tim e in te n years. Enfield*
iu one position a fte r another, each vinced th a t good work a t school and of
_i* i.L<.
: ___t - .
the injunction, thL e- rig
h t to. >fine
more, while a section of the law pre­ an industrial center, w ent Republican
rep resen tin g an advance. As under­
too frequent attendance a t the movies individual members $1,000 should they the H erald poll of Sunday, but by a
quoted, in these columns rais - for the first tim e in five years. A nd
refuse to obey the co u rt’s rulings by
sh eriff, as sheriff and as assemblyman
do not go hand in hand. T here ap­ in any way interfering w ith in te r­ comparatively narrow m argin and
es a question as to w hether the m an so oh down through the lis t of 148
fo r th e p ast tw o years, he has never pears to be growing recognition among
s ta te traffic,” and
who completes his ru n in less th an townships. Thus vanish Dem ocratic
disappointed them . Always he has
not only teachers, but boards of edu­ 3. That fu rth e r exam ination of the Wilson in certain q u a rte rs, notably advocate general of th e U nited S tates eig h t hours cannot be compelled un - hopes of carrying th e sta te in Novem­
been a le rt to serve them to th e best
cation and others in touch with, the law will probably reveal o th er grave Ohio. The H erald notes significantly army, ought to be courtm artialled and
der fo rfeit of a fine of $1,600, to do b er; New England w ill be solid for
o f Ms a b ility ; alw ays he has sought
schools, th a t aside from taking th e results.
the Republican ticket.
o th er w ork to fiH o u t th e day,
to do w h a t they w anted done; always
Mr. Pinkerton came w ithin six votes
youth away from th eir studies m any
Is it any wonder th a t m any of . the
he has been honest, straightforw ard,
of the picture shows seriously interfere of defeating Mr. Lee for president of of the railw ay in dustry are tu rn in g to rep en t on the awfulness of lese railroad heads have come to th e con­
fa ir, efficien t; always he has stood
Flacing Ohio, Indiana and Illinois In
w ith the progress of the children in the T rainm en’s Brotherhood.
away from th e president oh the the­ majeste.
clusion t h a t th ere h no reason why
fo r d e a n , decent politics, and a l ­
school by inflaming th eir imaginations
By virtue of his office Gen. Crowder th ey should a tte m p t
ory th a t they are being deluded by
o v e r» the doubtful column, Charles W . ’Wor­
w ays he has had the respect and con­
and preventing th at concentration sociation, an organization of 16,000 the Adamson Jaw”~-which earlier in is the suprem e legal au th o rity on m at­ th ro w th e Adamson law on constitu - tham, manager of the Hughes cam­
fidence of not only Republicans b u t
railw ay w orkers, w as formed four
which is essential to good work.
the campaign gave promise of m ater - te rs pertaining to the m ilitary oper­ tional grounds, because they believe paign to u r, basing Ms conclusions on
citizens generally. If any proof of
years ago to defeat th e federal com­
personal observation, asserts
w ere needed, i t is afforded
pensation act proposed by President ially increasing the Wilson vot.e, I f is ations o f th e U nited States?) and sev­ ! th e railroads w ill h e b e tte r off under
th e official records of th e vote
last of great educational value, and there
the effo rt of th e Democrats to corral e ra l questions arising in connection ; i t .than w hen forced to deal w ith the Hughes is* certain Of * 400 electoral
t e a r w hen he received the larg e st are also exhibitions of a purely enter­ T aft.
votes, with 50 more probable and; 55
w ith the Mcxicah campaign were re - j railroad m en’s organizations?
“I care nothing for M r. Hughes’s the labor vote on th e theory th a t it
ilu r a iity b u t one every given to any taining character which afford ham *
discussion, b u t if he m eans by favor­ m ight secure from P resident W ilson I ferred to him In th e ordinary couse f The g ilt covering is w earing o ff. more possible, Therfr h rc 531 v o te r ia
nubile official in C attaraugus county,
electoral college,
ing; an ‘investigation ot tb e „iacta* a n .special favors sim ilar to .those g ra n te d io f procedure fo r determ ination. I t be* irapidly. T he railnoad m a s who hhttts
I h , Mft&k exception being a C atta­
-r-,.'- - ' v * v : '
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