Project-Based Learning Roosevelt`s New Deal Flyer

US History
Name ______________________________
Hour ________
Project-Based Learning
Roosevelt’s New Deal Flyer
Directions: For this project, you will explore the social and economic problems of the Great Depression
and the New Deal programs that helped to solve them. Your final product will be a flyer that examines the
Great Depression problem, the New Deal solution, and how the program could be applied to your life
today in Belleville. You may choose a New Deal Program from the Great Depression, OR you may create
your own program. Solve an American problem today!
Essential Question: How do government programs help or hinder economic and/or social progress?
Choose one New Deal program to research:
Banking and Finance Programs
 Emergency Bank Relief Act (EBRA)
 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
 Farm Credit Administration (FCA)
 Home Owner’s Loan Corporation (HOLC)
Agriculture and Industry Programs
 Agriculture Adjustment Administration
 National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
 National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)
 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Work and Relief Programs
 Civilian Conservation Core (CCC)
 Federal Emergency Relief Administration
 Public Works Administration (PWA)
Social “Safety Net” Program
 Social Security Act (SSA)
Make Your Own Program: Brainstorm your ideas below.
Flyer: Once you have completed the attached New Deal Program Guide, create a flyer on a separate sheet
of paper that will inform Americans about your program. Include the following elements in your flyer:
 Name of New Deal Program
 Picture or symbol that represents your program
 Slogan (ex. Civilian Conservation Core: We Speak for the Trees or Farm Credit Administration:
Safeguarding Your Home and Livelihood)
 At least three statements that describe your program including:
o What it does
o Who it helps
o How it could help Michigan/Belleville
New Deal Program Guide
Directions: Explore the New Deal programs that helped to bring the United States out of the
Great Depression or describe the program you created. You will then use your information to
create your New Deal Flyer.
1. What is your New Deal program? ______________________________________
2. What does your New Deal program seek to accomplish?
3. What Great Depression/modern issue does your program address? Describe your answer.
4. In what ways does your program address the Great Depression/modern problem? (i.e. creates
jobs, provides groceries for the elderly, allows children the right to work, etc.)
5. How do you think Americans would respond to the government’s involvement in this issue?
6. What current social or economic problem might this New Deal program address today? If
you made a program to fix a modern problem, do you think your modern problem could have
been applied during the Great Depression? Why?
7. How could your program help Belleville/Michigan?