Bible Discussion 11: Slavery and Freedom

Bible Discussion 11: Slavery and Freedom
Text: Exodus 12:33-36; Exodus 13:17-19; Exodus 14:10-14; 21-29
Purpose: To become people who learn to wait for God’s timing and God’s direction for our lives.
Opening Question:
Read and Discuss: Exodus 12:33-36
The Israelites have been in slavery for 400 years and finally after many requests and plagues the
Egyptians release the Israelites in to freedom. Having no livestock, income, or provisions the Israelites are
allowed to ask for silver and gold jewelry and for clothing from the Egyptians, who divinely comply. This
fulfills not only what the Lord had promised to Moses at the burning bush (Ex. 3:22), but also what he had
originally promised to Abraham that his descendants would come out of Egypt with great possessions
(Gen. 15:14).
1. If you were one of the Israelites, how would you describe your faith during that 400 years before
freedom? (would you be hopeful in the past promises of God, angry by what seems un-met promises,
confused by God’s delay, understanding that God had a plan, etc.)
2. Looking at your current situation are there challenges, difficulties and areas that you long for
freedom/victory but haven’t seen yet? (freedom from anger, envy, sin; freedom from oppressive
relationships, past hurts, doubt and/or disbelief, etc) And how do you remain hopeful for a great
Read and Discuss: Exodus 13:17-19
The shortest and easiest route of escape was going through the land of the Philistines. God choose
another route that was longer and challenging called “the way of the wilderness” because He didn’t want
the Israelites to be attacked by the Philistines and retreat back to slavery in Egypt. This longer route would
pin them between the Red Sea and the Egyptians. Moses took Joseph’s bones with him to be buried in the
Promised Land. This reaffirmed for Israel that God had kept the promises he had made long before, it also
demonstrates Joseph’s faith in God’s promises that God would one day give them the Promised Land.
3. Can you identify times when you were confused about what God was doing in your life only to look
back and see how He was guiding, protecting and looking out for you?
4. On Joseph’s death bed, he still believes God is going to lead His people to the Promise Land.
(Gen.50:24-25) What are some promises or things you are confident in that God is going to do for the
next generation? (bring salvation, raise up leaders, protect their faith, bless them, provide for them, etc)
Read and Discuss: Exodus 14:10-14; 21-29
The Israelites became terrified when they looked back and saw Pharaoh and his army pursuing them.
They mocked and blamed Moses, but Moses lead the people to stand firm and keep going. Moses
stretched out his hand and God drove the sea back by a strong east wind making the land dry for the
Israelites to cross and then stretching out his hand over the sea so the water came back as the Egyptians
were chasing the Israelites.
5. Vs. 14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still & vs. 25 The LORD is fighting for them
against Egypt. What are the ways God is fighting for you today? (against sin, remain faithful, protect
your name, etc)