Soy Yo -

NTPRS 2015
Presenter: Alina Filipescu
Romanian Language Class #expandingstories #expandingMovieTalk
Morning Workshop (3 hours)
Title: How to expand a 2 day TPRS story to 2 weeks
Workshop description: In this workshop participants will learn how to expand a
2 day TPRS story to 2 weeks. In order to learn different Comprehenible Input
(CI) techniques, participants will acquire Romanian through PQA, TPR, TPRS,
and embedded readings. CI brain breaks will be added throughout the workshop
such as games, songs, etc. In addition to the CI techniques, teachers will also
learn how to use fun movements that accompany expressions requiring all
students to show participation throughout the lesson (i.e. How sad!, What a
shame!, It is a problem, etc...). These movements make the lesson fun and
interactive and will be added unexpectadly in the storytelling process.
Participating teachers will see samples of some of the ideas presented via
pictures/videos of middle school lessons.
SOY YO activity (SUNT EU) – this is brain-compatible and helps you find
out info about the students without any output from them other than
SUNT EU (It’s me). Use this to find info about students, as an icebreaker activity, or a brain break during the period.
è Have sentences ready before class (i.e. I am a boy/girl, I like to
read/play videogames/go out with my friends, I am good-looking, I like
my friends, My friends are ugly (students love this sentence...they
always laugh...), etc...
è Say sentences to the class one at a time. I do this in the target
language, but at NTPRS it will be in English. If a sentence is true
about a student, then the student MOVES & SPEAKS. The student
moves by standing or sitting. The student also speaks by saying SUNT
EU/SOY YO/It’s me...etc.
Song in Romanian: just the real classroom, throughout the week
have a cloze activity with words missing and students listen and try to
write down the words...the words that are missing have to be
comprehensible to/aquired by the students.
PQA new structures
TPR (gestures) new structures (s/he is a girl, s/he has..., s/he wants...,
s/he goes...)
Teach class movements for CHEVERE, QUE LASTIMA, HAY UN
TPRS story...In Romanian the expressions are EXCELENT, CE TRIST,
TPRS story (do a 30-45 min. demo of a story)
Ideas on how to get details for story from students:
1. ask students to create details and choose the best, most interesting
and/or bizarre answer
2. use ideas from PQA
3. if not enough students volunteer the details, have them come up with
the details together with a partner, then one student in each pair
volunteers the answer. In my Spanish class, I tell students, ”Hablen
con su companero” (talk to your partner) and students spend ~30
seconds trying to come up with ideas together...
4. ask students to write the details on a piece of paper, collect papers
when class is dismissed.
5. the teacher collects papers, reads through them and chooses the best
ones. After class, the teacher types the best predictions and shares
with the class the next day (teacher types predictions in complete
sentences and projects on the board). The next day, the teacher
chooses the 3 most interesting details and has students vote on the
best one to use in the story) à this is a great way to engage students
in reading since they are curious about other students’ possible and
crazy predictions.
For every TPRS story I write 2 Embedded Readings (especially in level I)
àWith the embedded readings I do: Choral translations à Volleyball
translations à Other reading strategies
àDuring choral translations the teacher uses different voices, changes
voice in the middle of a sentence...students use the same voice when
translating as the teacher.... Therefore, teacher reads with a sad, happy,
singing, female voice, male voice, crying voice (one of my favorites!), etc...
In addition, during the reading the teacher asks questions about the
story and does pop-up grammar.
àRead embedded reading using TPR/gesture reading (one voice is the
teacher, the other voice is the class...teacher reads and acts out some of
the lines...students, as a class, read their lines while doing TPR of some of
the expressions/words read. An example of this is the ”Animal Book”
reading that I do with my 7th grade students. Teachers can find a video
of this TPR/gesture reading on Mike Coxon’s blog (”Optimizing
Immersion”), under the entry Teacher Spotlight (Alina Filipescu).
àOTHER: If TPRS story is not finished, then do a reading with some of
the missing details. Students compete to give teacher the most
interesting details, choose the best/most interesting details and add to
the reading. (see #5 above)
Share stories from the other periods, by taking pictures of the different
scenes and projecting them on the board in an ActiveInspire or Power
Point file. The teacher talks about the different scenes using
comprehensible target language. The language is comprehensible by
having sentences along with the pictures describing what is going on in
each scene. Students love seeing pictures of themselves and their
friends wearing props and acting out the story. Therefore, this activity
is comprehensible and compelling to the students. I have students come
during break, after school, or during the PRIDE period (30 min. at my
school,...this is an extra class meant for tuturing students in need or for
offering enrichment classes) to take the pictures. These pictures could
also be taken in class by a student whose job is to take pictures
throughout the TPRS story and to send them to me via email.
Create STORYBOARDS: students draw pictures of the TPRS story. With
my Spanish I class, we draw as a class. I break down the story for them
into different episodes, then I draw pictures under doc camera, students
draw on their paper. You can also have a student artist draw the pictures
under the camera.
Retells of story are done in class for a couple of minutes with a partner
(students use storyboards) à Homework: Parent Retell (students use
5 minute fluency writing (do 2-3 times during story over the 2 week
period). Students write the story for 5 minutes a couple of days into the
story. After a couple more days, students write the story again during 5
minutes. They like writing again because they will get more words the
second time. They like seeing their acquisition progress in their writing
(within the same story). They compare the new number with the initial
number of words, not with the number of another student in class. For
the 3rd fluency writing, students continue the story from where they
left off the 2nd time. In my class, the purpuse of the 5 min fluency
writing is for me to see a glimpse of their conversation level/acquisition
at that point in time, for the students to see progress within the same
story, and it is also a brain break for teacher and students.
POP QUIZ of TPRS story and structures (translations, true/false
sentences, etc...)
Video of a middle school Spanish class TPRS story (if time allows...if not,
then go to Mike Coxon’s blog, ”Optimizing Immersion” and find the entry
Teacher Spotlight and my name (Alina Filipescu). There are 4 videos
WHAT 2 WEEKS LOOK LIKE: #expandingstories
Monday: TPR of new structures à PQA with new structures à start
TPRS story, students add some details about the characters
Tuesday: TPR of new structues à review TPRS story from yesterday
and add more details with the help of students
Wednesday: review and continue with TPRS story...stop and TPR all of
the new structures (brain break) à add PROBLEM in the story à do a 5
minute fluency writing at the end of the period (students count words
before they leave)
Thursday: introduce 1st embedded reading of the story (do choral
reading with translations, ask questions about story, work on
translations, do pop-up grammar, read and translate with different
voices, etc... à have students take a pop-quiz during the last 5-7 minutes
of the period (5 questions)
Friday: SUNT EU activity (use structures from the TPRS story) à
Continue with TPRS story, attemp to solve problem (1st location) à
have students add details to the story by writing them down the last 5
minutes of the period...students turn in paper on their way out of the
class (at the end of the day, on Friday, read and choose the most
interesting details and type them up in order to have them ready on
2nd Monday: PQA about the weekend or any other topic by using
structures from story à show students the details that have been typed
up in complete sentences on the board...have students choose from the
top (3) most interesting details in order to add to the story
2nd Tuesday: Continue with TPRS story, review, recycle, add the details
that have been chosen the previous day, solve problem by going to the
2nd location à have students retell story to each other (1-2 minutes
each), then choose a superstar (who also does it for 1-2 minutes in front
of the class) à have students do a 2nd (5 minute fluency writing) on the
same paper (students fold paper so that they don’t see what they wrote
initially...they also count words before they leave class)
2nd Wednesday: Introduce the 2nd embedded reading à students do
volleyball translations and move around the room every 3 minutes as they
work with a different partner à have students do a 3rd fluency writing,
however they continue the story from where they left off in the 2nd
fluency writing...give students a minute to read what they wrote the
previous day before you time them during the 5 minutes...students count
words when they are done...collect at the end of the period à have
students work on a storyboard to use at home to retell story to parents
2nd Thursday: finish 2nd embedded reading or storyboard from the
previous day (most of the time it takes me 2 periods to finish volleyball
translations) à if time allows have students do a retell based on the
storyboard à homework: use storyboard to do a 5 minute parent retell
of the TPRS story
2nd Friday: Have students read story from the other classes or/and
project typed details (complete sentences) that students from other
classes guessed (students enjoy seeing what other classes came up with)
à brain break: Pancho Camacho à have students take pop-quiz at the
end of the period (test on the new structures from the last two weeks’
Afternoon Workshop (3 hours) #expandingMovieTalk
Title: How to expand a 1 day MovieTalk lesson to 1 week
Workshop description: The goal of this workshop is to learn how to expand a 1
day MovieTalk lesson to 1 week or more. In this workshop, participants will
acquire Romanian through Comprehensible Input (CI) strategies such as TPR,
PQA, Three Ring Circus, MovieTalk, and embedded readings. CI brain breaks
such as music and games will be added throughout the workshop. In addition to
the CI techniques, teachers will also learn how to use fun movements that
accompany expressions requiring all students to show participation throughout
the lesson (i.e. How sad!, What a shame!, It is a problem, etc...). These
movements make the lesson fun and interactive and will be added unexpectadly
in the storytelling process.
Brain Break: Romanian song
TPR of High Frequency verbs (el VREA..., el ESTE..., el ARE...)
Brain Break: SOY YO (SUNT EU) activity. See details in the description from
the previous morning workshop
PQA using high frequency verbs in the present tense (el VREA...., el ESTE...., el
Three-Ring Circus of structures from the video.
è TRAGE parul....VEDE o fata....SE BATE cu barba....
Use still shots of video along with reading (this is not demostrated in the
MovieTalk demo in Romanian ~30 minutes
2 Embedded Readings (choral translations with questions and pop up grammar à
volleyball translations)
è See explanation of embedded readings in the description for the
morning workshop
Brain Break Activity (game): Pancho Camacho
PANCHO CAMACHO NU ARE ________________.
PANCHO CAMACHO ARE_______________.
Brain Break: TPR with parts of body
Continue with Embedded Readings activities (ENVELOPE ACTIVITIES):
è Envelope activities: every pair of students gets an envelop with 5 or
more cut-up sentences fom the embedded readings. In every group,
students act out the sentences, taking turns. Choose a student or
have a volunteer act out a different sentence in front of the class.
The class has to guess what the sentence is that matches the
movement. Afterwards, students put the sentences in order.
Romanian Language Class
Intermediate/Advanced Language Workshop
NTPRS 2015
Reston, Virginia
Alina Filipescu
Question Words in Romanian
CE? = what?
CINE? = who?
UNDE? = where?
DE CE? = why?
CUM? = how?
CÎND? = when?
Structures to practice and circle
A fost (odată) o fată = [there] was (once) a girl
A vrut = s/he wanted…
Un băiat perfect = a perfect boy…
A mers la = s/he went to…..
Avea....= s/he had....
Versiunea A
A fost (odat ) o fat blond /brunet .
Numele la fat era ______________.
_____________ avea o problem .
_______________ a vrut un b iat ______________.
_______________ a mers în _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
În _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a fost un b iat cu barb
i p r în nas.
__________________nu a vrut un b iat cu barb
i p r în nas.
Un b iat cu p r extra este ridicol!
___________________ nu era fericit .
_____________________ a mers în _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Versiunea B
A fost (odat ) o fat în _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Fata era atractiv
blond /brunet . Numele la fat era ____________. __________
avea o problem . _______________ a vrut un b iat perfect cu
_______________ a mers la _____________ în _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
______________ a v zut un b iat interesant. B iatul avea barb
p r extra în nas. Barba nu era atractiva. _____________ nu a vrut
un b iat cu barb
i p r extra în nas. Un b iat cu barb
i p r extra
în nas este ridicol! ______________ nu era fericit .
_______________ a mers la ______________. Ea a mers la
______________ în _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . La ____________,
____________ a v zut un b iat atractiv. Numele la b iat era
_______________. ______________ avea
__________________! ______________ era fericit !
_____________ i _____________ au mers la ______________
în _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _____________ i _____________ sunt
Dragostea din tei
Song By O-zone (Romanian music group)
Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha (4x)
Alo, salut, sunt eu, un haiduc
Si te rog, iubirea mea, primeste fericirea.
Alo, alo, sunt eu, Picasso
Ti-am dat beep si sunt voinic
Dar sa stii, nu-ti cer nimic.
Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma nu ma iei,
Nu ma nu ma iei, nu ma nu ma nu ma iei.
Chipul tau si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tai. (2x)
Te sun, sa-ti spun, ce simt, acum
Alo, iubirea mea sunt eu, fericirea.
Alo, alo, sunt iarasi eu, Picasso
Ti-am dat beep si sunt voinic
Dar sa stii, nu-ti cer nimic.
Dragostea din tei (By O-zone)/cloze activity
Alo, salut, __________ eu, un haiduc
_______ te rog, iubirea mea, prime te _____________.
Alo, alo, __________ eu, Picasso
i-am dat beep i ___________ voinic
__________ s
tii, nu- i cer nimic.
___________ s pleci dar nu m nu m iei,
Nu m nu m iei, nu m nu m nu m iei.
Chipul t u _________ dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de _____________ t i. (2x)
Te sun, s - i spun, _________ simt, acum
Alo, iubirea mea sunt eu, ______________.
Alo, alo, ___________ iar i ________, Picasso
i-am dat beep i _______________ voinic
___________ s
Vrei să pleci dar nu mă, nu mă iei,
Nu mă, nu mă iei, nu mă, nu mă, nu mă iei.
tii, nu- i cer nimic.
Chipul tău și dragostea din tei,
Mi-amintesc de ochii tăi.
translates as:
(You) want to leave but don't want to take me,
Don't want to take me, don't want don't want to take me
Your face and the love from the linden trees,
Remind me of your eyes.
CE A VRUT ________________?
_______________ UN A VRUT_______________.
*_____________ A VRUT___________________.
Use the following words (to put on the students’
cards who will be playing the game up front):
MA IN , BARB ....
MovieTalk (Blind Date)
Versiunea A
Un b iat vrea o fat perfect .
B iatul este romantic.
B iatul este fericit.
B iatul are p r negru i nas gigantic.
Dar b iatul are o problem .
B iatul are un p r extra în nas.
P rul se bate cu b iatul.
B iatul trage p rul cu u a (door).
B iatul deschide u a de la apartament.
El vede o fat elegant .
B iatul este fericit.
Dar fata are o problem .
Versiunea B
Un b iat vrea o fat perfect . B iatul are muzic romántic .
B iatul este romantic.
B iatul prepar mîncarea i miroase mîncarea. B iatul este
B iatul are p r negru i nas gigantic. El are un pulover negru cu
pantaloni gri.
B iatul danseaz
i ascult muzic romántic . B iatul este
fericit. Dar b iatul are o problem . B iatul are un p r negru în nas.
B iatul nu vrea p r în nas. B iatul se bate cu p rul. În final, b iatul
trage p rul din nas cu u a. B iatul este fericit. Nu mai (no longer)
are p r în nas.
B iatul deschide u a de la apartament i vede o fat elegant
atractiv . B iatul este fericit. Dar fata are o problem . Are un p r
lung i negru în b rbi
Versiunea C
Un b iat vrea o fat perfect . B iatul are muzic romántic . Nu are
muzic rock, are muzic romántic . B iatul este romantic. În cas , b iatul are
multe fotografii.
B iatul se prepar cu flori i prepar supa. El prepar supa i miroase
supa. B iatul este fericit. B iatul nu este trist.
B iatul are p r negru, nu este blond. B iatul are sprîncene (eyebrows)
negre i are nas gigantic. El are un pulover negru cu pantaloni gri.
B iatul danseaz
i ascult muzic romántic . B iatul este fericit. Nu
este trist. Dar b iatul are o problem . B iatul vede un p r negru în nas. B iatul
nu vrea p r în nas. B iatul trage p rul din nas. P rul este lung. B iatul se bate
cu p rul. P rul are un cu it (knife) i se bate cu b iatul. În final b iatul trage
p rul cu u a. B iatul este fericit. Nu mai (no longer) are p r în nas.
B iatul deschide u a de la apartament. B iatul vede o fat elegant
atractiv . B iatul este fericit. Dar fata are o problem . Fata are un p r lung i
negru în b rbi
(chin). B iatul nu vrea o fat cu p r extra în b rbi
ridicol! B iatul nu este fericit.
. Este
TPR with Romanian words
Parts of the body
OCHII (eyes)
SUS (up)
MÎN (hand)
JOS (down)
DEGETE (fingers)
MÎNA SUS (hand down)
NAS (nose)
GUR (mouth)
STOMAC (stomach)
P R (hair)
BRA (arm)
BARB (beard)
“Romanian is a Romance language spoken by about 24 million people in Romania, Moldova and
Ukraine. Romanian still has a number of features of Latin, such as noun cases, which other Romance
languages dispensed with a long time ago. Romanian contains many words taken from Slavic
languages, French, Old Church Slavonic, German, Greek and Turkish.” (from The Omniglot, The
online encyclopedia of writing systems and languages)
Romanian alphabet
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ă ă (a with
 â (a with
Approximate pronunciation
a in "father"
the close central unrounded vowel as heard, for
example, in the last syllable of the word roses for
some English speakers, used inside the word, "bread"
= "pâine"
b in "ball"
c in "scan"
ch in "chimpanzee" — if c appears before letters e or
i (but not î)
d in "door"
e in "merry"
(semivocalic /e/)
ye in "yes" — in a few old words with initial e: este,
el etc.[6]
f in "flag"
g in "goat"
g in "general" — if g appears before letters e or i (but
not î)
h in "house"
no pronunciation if h appears between letters c or g
and e or i (che, chi, ghe, ghi)
i in "machine"
/e̯ /
a in "above"
Î î (i with
Ș ș (s with
comma) *
Ț ț (t with
comma) *
/o̯ /
y in "yes"
Indicates palatalization of the preceding consonant
Identical to Â, see above, used in the beginning and
at the end of the word for aesthetic reasons, ex. "to
learn" = "a învăța"; "to kill" = "a omorî"
s in "treasure"
c in "scan"
l in "lamp"
m in "mouth"
n in "north"
o in "floor"
(semivocalic /o/)
p in "spot"
k in "kettle"
alveolar trill or tap
s in "song"
sh in "shopping"
t in "stone"
zz in "pizza" but with considerable emphasis on the
u in "group"
w in "cow"
v in "vision"
v in "vision"
w in "west"
oo in "spoon"
x in "six"
x in "example"
y in "yes"
i in "machine"
z in "zipper"