Auburn Hills Public Library

Auburn Hills Public Library
MINUTES FOR November 24, 2009
Location: Small Meeting Room, Auburn Hills Public Library
3400 E. Seyburn Drive
Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326
1. Call to Order: Library Director, Karrie Waarala called the meeting to order at 4:03 pm.
2. Roll Call: Present: Nelson Phillips, Deanna Rohe, Paul Landsberg, Ben Sebrowski and
Nick Shone, Karrie Waarala, Library Director and Jean Smiley, Library Administrative
Assistant. Also present were members of the public: VeRonica Mitchell, Robert A.
Piraino and Matthew Golin.
Motion by P. Landsberg to move item 9(a) 2009 election of 2010 Board of Trustee
Officers to item 3 on the agenda. Supported by B. Sebrowski.
Yes: Rohe, Phillips, Landsberg, Sebrowski and Shone
No: None
Motion carried (5-0)
3. New Business
(a) 2009 election of 2010 Board of Trustee Officers
K. Waarala called for nominations for President of the Board of Trustees.
Motion by P. Landsberg to nominate D. Rohe for President. Supported by N.
Ms. Rohe accepted the nomination for the position of President of the Board of Trustees
Yes: Rohe, Phillips, Landsberg, Sebrowski and Shone
No: None
Motion carried (5-0)
K. Waarala turned the meeting over to D. Rohe. Ms. Rohe asked for nominations for the
remaining Board of Trustee Officer positions.
Motion by P. Landsberg to accept the following nominations:
Vice President
Nelson Phillips
Ben Sebrowski
Paul Landsberg
Supported by B. Sebrowski
Yes: Rohe, Phillips, Landsberg, Sebrowski and Shone
No: None
Motion carried (5-0)
D. Rohe welcomed the newly elected Board Member, Kenwood (Nick) Shone.
4. Approval of minutes from previous meeting:
Motion by P. Landsberg to approve the Library Board meeting minutes of October
27, 2009. Supported by N. Shone
Yes: Phillips, Rohe, Landsberg, Sebrowski and Shone
No: None
Motion carried (5-0)
5. Approval of minutes from October Executive Session
Motion by N. Phillips to approve the Library Board Executive meeting minutes of
October 27, 2009. Supported by P. Landsberg.
Yes: Phillips, Rohe, Landsberg, Sebrowski and Shone
No: None
Motion carried (5-0)
6. Financial Officer’s Report:
(a) Financial Officer B. Sebrowski reported that as of October 31, 2009 total liabilities and
fund balance is $1,214,053. Total revenues YTD are $1,477,999. Total expenditures
YTD are $1,156,089. Fund balance YTD is $1,069,269.
D. Rohe asked what the item “Due to Oakland County” was for. Ms. Waarala will ask
Gary Barnes, Auburn Hills Financial Director.
7. Public Comments:
The following members of the public were present at the meeting: VeRonica Mitchell,
Robert Piraino and Matthew Golin. D. Rohe asked if Ms. Mitchell had a comment to make.
Ms. Mitchell stated that she was at the meeting to observe. Matthew Golin asked to address
the Board. Matthew and his partner, Robert, represent the organization GPS Compassion
which informs and educates individuals concerning proposal 1 from the November 2008
election. Mr. Golin requested an exception be made to the $75.00 fee for the use of the large
meeting room which is required when 50% of a nonprofit organization’s membership does
not work or live in Auburn Hills. D. Rohe asked what the purpose of the meeting would be.
Mr. Golin stated that they would be informing individuals of the medicinal marijuana law
that allows patients with a doctor’s recommendation to treat their illness in the privacy of
their own homes. Ms. Rohe asked if either Mr. Golin or Mr. Piraino is a resident of Auburn
Hills. Mr. Golin stated that he was; Mr. Piraino is a student in Auburn Hills. Ms. Rohe
informed the guests that according to the Library Public Comment Policy, it is protocol for
the Board to listen to public comments, discuss the matter and respond within a 2 week time
frame. Mr. Golin thanked the board and he and Mr. Piraino left the meeting.
8. Library Director’s Report: Ms. Waarala asked if there were any questions regarding her
written report that was included in the Board packets.
(a) N. Phillips asked if the additional Wii being purchased was the same as what the Library
already has. K. Waarala responded that two Wii were purchased originally. The Wii
programs have been so successful that staff members have been bringing theirs from home.
The Adult Services Programming budget can support the purchase of approximately $200
(b) P. Landsberg complimented the quilt display that is ongoing for November and
December. K. Waarala stated that the display was Barb Gunter’s idea. It is a display that is
traveling between libraries.
(c) K. Waarala stated that the TLN Board did pass two changes to the TLN 2010 Budget.
The interlibrary loan service will be eliminated, and a fee structure for delivery will be
instated. AHPL will now pay $2200/year for delivery, and delivery will be reduced from 5
days/week to 4 days/week. P. Landsberg asked if there would be any advantage to paying
an additional $550/year and gaining an extra day of delivery. Ms. Waarala stated that the
Library support staff discussed the matter and her concern was that 2011 may be an even
worse budgetary year and it would be better to ease into reduces services by dropping one
delivery day for 2010. B. Sebrowski stated that most patrons will not miss the one day of
delivery and therefore it is worth the $550 savings. Ms. Waarala stated that the delivery
schedule will now be Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. D. Rohe asked if the
$2200 has to be absorbed in the 2009 budget. K. Waarala confirmed that the first bill will
be taken out of the 2009 budget as of December 1. Thereafter, it will probably be a
quarterly bill. B. Sebrowski asked if some state money will support delivery or if it will be
solely supported by the libraries. Ms. Waarala believes that TLN will do what they can but
the cost will mostly come from the libraries. Ms. Waarala stated that the shared automation
system users group has been working diligently to make sure that if anything should happen
to TLN, the libraries that are a part of the users group will not lose their assets.
9. Committee Reports: None
10. New Business:
(b) Approval of corrected Board meeting minutes of September 22, 2009
Motion by N. Shone to approve the corrected Library Board meeting minutes of
September 22, 2009. Supported by N. Phillips
Yes: Phillips, Rohe, Landsberg, Sebrowski and Shone
No: None
Motion carried (5-0)
(c) Appointment of the 2010 Personnel Committee
Deanna Rohe, Chairperson, Ben Sebrowski and Nick Shone
(d) Discussion and approval of 2010 Board Meeting Dates
P. Landsberg stated that if the 4:00 pm time for the Board meeting was a problem, that it
could be changed. The meeting time of 4:00 pm works for all Board members.
Motion by P. Landsberg to accept the 2010 Board Meeting Dates. Supported by B.
Yes: Phillips, Rohe, Landsberg, Sebrowski and Shone
No: None
Motion carried (5-0)
(e) Discussion of December Board meeting cancellation
K. Waarala stated that she was called for jury duty and may be serving at that time. D.
Rohe asked if anyone objected to cancelling the December meeting. There was no
Motion by N. Phillips to cancel the Library Board meeting of December 15, 2009.
Supported by P. Landsberg.
Yes: Phillips, Rohe, Landsberg, Sebrowski and Shone
No: None
Motion carried (5-0)
(f) Discussion of appointment of vacant Board position
K. Waarala stated that the public guest, VeRonica Mitchell, had expressed interest in
becoming a Library Board member. K. Waarala distributed Ms. Mitchell’s information
to the Board. D. Rohe asked Ms. Mitchell to state why she would like to be on the
Library Board. Ms. Mitchell stated her reasons for interest in the vacant position. N.
Shone asked what the process is for appointing the Board member. D. Rohe stated that
the Board can choose to appoint a member or post the vacancy. The current vacancy
would be a partial term that would be up for election in at the next election held in 2010,
and then the term would end in 2013. The Board discussed whether or not to post the
position. The Board decided not to post the position but to appoint a qualified individual.
Ms. Mitchell excused herself from the meeting. The Board decided that the public has
been informed of the need for additional Board members. Ms. Mitchell is well qualified
and has come forth to show interest. The Board decided to have Ms. Mitchell’s
appointment on the January Board meeting agenda. Ms. Waarala will contact Ms.
Mitchell and invite her to the January meeting with the intention that she will be
appointed to the Board and take her seat at the meeting. B. Sebrowski asked for follow
up on the length of the Board terms. K. Waarala stated that the term does indeed have to
be 6 years by State law.
(g)Proposed changes to the Library Card Acquisition Policy
K. Waarala and the Library staff have discussed not only how can the Library save
money but also how can we generate money. It is felt that raising the overdue fines on
print material from $.10/day to $.15/day would still be affordable for patrons and also a
good incentive for returning materials on time. The Library would not raise the fines on
videos. Patrons will continue to be allowed $15.00 in fines before a hold is put on their
Library card. The staff did discuss raising the cost to print materials from the computer
and decided that would hinder the patrons in these difficult times, whereas overdue fines
on print materials are a completely avoidable cost. The Library makes it very convenient
for patrons to renew items. D. Rohe asked what the limit is on checking out print
materials. K. Waarala stated that Auburn Hills residents have no limit. K. Waarala said
the Library staff has also discussed the need for patrons to be required to bring their
balance to zero when renewing their Library card every three years.
Motion by B. Sebrowski to accept the changes to the Library Card Acquisition
Policy raising overdue fines on print materials from $.10/day to $ .15/day and
requiring patrons to pay off all fines in order to renew their library cards.
Supported by N. Shone.
Yes: Phillips, Rohe, Landsberg, Sebrowski and Shone
No: None
Motion carried (5-0)
(h) Discussion of Meeting Room Policy
K. Waarala informed the Board that the organization, GPS Compassion, a subgroup of
the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association has requested to reserve a meeting room.
Neither they nor their parent group have a 501(c) 3 form filed, which is what is currently
required according to the Meeting Room Policy. In dealing with this situation, it has
become evident that the Meeting Room Policy can be interpreted in two different ways.
The policy states:
‘“Non-profit groups” shall be defined as able to produce a copy of their articles of
incorporation, as filed with the State of Michigan (501C3 Statement).’
In the past and currently, all groups requesting to reserve a meeting room are required to
have proof of 501(c)3 status. K. Waarala is asking the Board to determine if this proof is
necessary or if the articles of incorporation are sufficient. D. Rohe suggested that Ms.
Waarala speak with the City lawyer concerning the matter of requiring the 501(c)3 form.
The Board agreed. P. Landsberg voiced concern that perhaps lessening the restrictions
will open the Library up to too many options for too many groups to use the meeting
rooms. Ms. Waarala will speak with the City Attorney and inform GPC Compassion that
the matter will be discussed at a future Board meeting. B. Sebrowski stated that in the
meantime, the Library should stick with the current policy as it has been interpreted.
10. Ongoing Business: None
11. Adjournment:
Motion by P. Landsberg to adjourn the meeting. Supported by B. Sebrowski.
Yes: Phillips, Rohe, Landsberg, Sebrowski and Shone
No: None
Motion carried (5-0)
There being no objections, the meeting was adjourned at 5:46 pm.
Submitted by:
J. Smiley, Administrative Assistant
For P. Landsberg, Secretary