Information about SÖREN HOLMBERG

Information about SÖREN HOLMBERG
Born in 1943 in Skövde, Sweden
Associated with the Political Science Department at Göteborg University as an
assistant, teacher and researcher since 1966
Graduate studies at the University of Michigan in the fall of 1970
Ph.D. at Göteborg University 1974
Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan in the fall of 1976 and research associate
in the 1976 American National Election Study
Chairman of the Graduate Studies Programme at the Political Science Department in
Göteborg 1979-1983
Director of the Swedish National Election Studies (SNES) since 1979
Wallin Prize to promising young scholars 1982, awarded by the Royal Academy of Arts and
Sciences of Göteborg
Visiting Scholar at Harvard University in the fall of 1984
Visiting Professor at the Department of Political Science in Uppsala in the spring of 1985
Research Fellow at the Swedish Council for Research in the Humanities and Social
Sciences 1985-1991
Co-director of the SOM-institute at Göteborg University since 1986
Visiting Scholar at the Brookings Institution, Washington DC in the spring of 1988
Visiting Scholar at the Claremont College Graduate School, California in the fall of 1990
Professor of Political Science, especially Election Research at the Department of
Political Science, Göteborg University 1991-2010
Chairman of the Political Science Department, Göteborg University 1992-1995
Visiting Scholar at the Brookings Institution, Washington DC in the fall of 1996
Chairman of Statistics Sweden´s Democracy Statistics Board since 1996
Visiting Professor at the University of Aberdeen in the fall of 1999
Member of the Johan Skytte Prize Committee, 2001-2007
Member of the Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities since 2002
Member of the Swedish Government´s Research Advisory Board 2003-2004
Member of EU Working Group on Energy Technology Surveys and Methodology
(ETSAM) 2004-2006
Co-Director of the Quality of Government Institute at Göteborg University since 2004
Royal Medal for Research on Democracy 2004. “H.M the King’s Medal (8th Class) in
the Ribbon of the Order of the Seraphim”.
Visiting Scholar at Georgetown University, Washington DC in the fall of 2004
Member of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters since 2006
Member of the International Advisory Board of the research project Democracy – A Citizen
Perspective at Åbo Akademi since 2006
Extended visit to Brookings Institution and Georgetown Public Policy Institute in
Washington DC in the fall of 2006
Visiting Scholar at Georgetown Public Policy Institute, Georgetown University, Washington
DC in the fall of 2008
APSA Award for Best New Political Science Data Set; Toronto 2009 (together with Bo
Rothstein and Jan Teorell)
Extended visit to Georgetown Public Policy Institute and Brookings Institution in the fall of
Professor emeritus in November 2010.
Sören Holmberg has published or co-published 37 books, 24 book-length SOM-Reports and about
80 articles and reports/chapters in edited volumes. The books are listed below.
BOOKS (the first thirty-one in Swedish, the last six in English)
1. The Riksdag Represents the Swedish People. Empirical Studies in Representative Democracy.
Studentlitteratur, Lund 1974 (diss., 452 pp)
2. Voters and Nuclear Power. Liber, Stockholm 1977 (together with Jörgen Westerståhl and Karl Branzén,
159 pp)
3. Within the Margin of Error. A Book on Polling in Sweden. Liber, Stockholm 1980 (together with Olof
Petersson, 272 pp)
4. Swedish Voters. Liber, Stockholm 1981 (432 pp)
5. The Nuclear Power Issue. Voters, Media and the 1980 Referendum in Sweden. Liber, Stockholm
1984 (together with Kent Asp, 568 pp)
6. Voters in Transition. Liber, Stockholm 1984 (254 pp)
7. Voters and Elections in Sweden. Bonniers, Stockholm 1987 (together with Mikael Gilljam, 328 pp)
8. Elected by the People: A Book on Members of Parliament and Representative Democracy in
Sweden. Bonniers, Stockholm 1988 (together with Peter Esaiasson, 296 pp)
9. Red Blue Green. A Book on the 1988 Riksdag Election. Bonniers, Stockholm 1990 (together with
Mikael Gilljam, 333 pp)
10. Voters Facing the 90s. Norstedts Juridik, Stockholm 1993 (together with Mikael Gilljam, 254 pp)
11. The Voters' Choice. Norstedts Juridik, Stockholm 1995 (together with Mikael Gilljam, 206 pp)
12. A Bare Yes to EU. Voters and the 1994 Referendum. Norstedts Juridik, Stockholm 1996 (together
with Mikael Gilljam et al., 298 pp)
13. Sweden’s First Election to the European Parliament. Norstedts Juridik, Stockholm 1998 (together
with Mikael Gilljam, 98 pp)
14. Opinion Polls and Democracy. SNS, Stockholm 1998 (together with Olof Petersson, 191 pp)
15. Candidate Choice Alongside Party Choice. A Study of the New Electoral System in Sweden.
SOU 1999:92, Stockholm (eds together with Tommy Möller, 382 pp)
16. Representative Democracy. SOU 1999:64, Stockholm 1999 (69 pp)
17. Democracy without Parties. SNS-Förlag, Stockholm 2000 (together with Olof Petersson, Lena
Wängnerud et al, 124 pp)
18. Choosing a Party. Norstedts Juridik, Stockholm 2000 (212pp)
19. The European Opinion. Department of Political Science, Göteborg University 2001 (together with Per
Hedberg, Henrik Oscarsson et al, 262 pp)
20. Democracy without Accountability. SNS-Förlag, Stockholm 2002 (together with Olof Petersson et al,
152 pp)
21.Valu. Sveriges Television´s Exit Polls. Sveriges Television, Stockholm 2003 (with Hans Hernborn et al.,
71 pp)
22.Voters. Swedish Voting Behavior During Fifty Years. Norstedts Juridik, Stockholm 2004 (with Henrik
Oscarsson, 328 pp)
23. The Battle over the Euro. Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Göteborg 2004 (eds. with Henrik Oscarsson,
485 pp.)
24. Valu – Serving the Public. Sveriges Television, Stockholm 2005 (with Hans Hernborn and Per Näsman,
86 pp.)
25. European Elections. Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Göteborg 2006 (with Henrik Oscarsson, 225 pp.)
26. Mass Media`s Electoral Power. SNS-Förlag, Stockholm 2006 (with Olof Petersson et al, 190 pp.)
27. Mass Media: The Voice of the People? SNS-Förlag. Stockholm 2008 (w. Olof Pettersson et al, 218 pp)
28. Changing Government. Voters and the 2006 Election. Norstedts Juridik, Stockholm 2008 (with
Henrik Oscarsson, 398 pp)
29. Valu is Public Service. Sveriges Television. Stockholm 2009. (with Per Näsman, 97 pages)
30. Focusing on Voters. Sveriges Television, Stockholm 2010 (together with Per Näsman, 104 pp)
31. Voting Behavior in European Elections. Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Göteborg 2010 (with Henrik
Oscarsson et al, 272 pp.)
32. The Political System Matters: Social Psychology and Voting Behavior in Sweden and the United
States. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge England 1988 (together with Donald Granberg, 254 pp)
33. Representation from Above. Members of Parliament and Representative Democracy in Sweden.
Dartmouth, Aldershot 1996 (together with Peter Esaiasson, 360 pp)
34. Policy Representation in Western Democracies. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1999 (together with
Warren Miller, Peter Esaiasson et al., 180 pp)
35 Valu. Swedish Exit Polls. Sveriges Television, Stockholm 2002 (with Hans Hernborn et al, 60 pp)
36. Media and Elections in Sweden SNS-Förlag, Stockholm 2006 (together with Olof Petersson et al, 189
pp; English version of No 26)
37. The Political System Matters. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge England 2009 (together with
Donald Granberg, 254 pp; Paperback Re-issue after 21 years of No 32)