SOUND AND LIGHT WOOKSHEET NAME: 1. As the frequency of a

As the frequency of a sound wave increases, the wavelength
a. decreases b. stays the same c. increases d. flucuates
The ................ is the measure of how loud or soft a sound is.
Because sunlight can light up a room, it is definitely a form of matter.
Pitch is how high or low a sound is.
If a sound's pitch is high, its source is ............
Vibrating air creates a....................................................
When light passes from one material to another, you may observe
Unlike sound waves, light waves
a. carry energy
a. intensity
b. pitch
c. amplitude
a. True
d. energy
b. False
a. True b. False
a. an echo
b. must travel through matter
b. vibrating quickly
c. nearby
d. a sonic boom
.a. spectrum b. rays c. refraction
c. travel as compression waves
d. wavelength
d. travel as transverse waves
Which of the following is a characteristic of sound waves?
a. A medium is necessary for the waves to travel.
electromagnetic spectrum.
b. The waves are transverse.
c. Different types can be compared on the
d. They travel faster than other waves.
10. The law of reflection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of ________________________
.a. refraction b. reflection c. traction d. diffraction
11. The unit of frequency is measured in hertz.
a. True b. False
12. Which of the following sound sources would produce the LOUDEST SOUND?
a. jet plane b. pin falling c. doorbell d. whisper
13. An echo will sound most like the original sound if you shout
a. in a long hallway b. toward a hillside c. under water in a pool d. into your hand
14. Which part of the ear detects sound waves? a. auditory nerves b. ear drum c. ear canal d. outer ear
15. Which happens to light when it strikes a mirror?
a. It bends. b. It is absorbed. c. It bounces off. d. It makes a shadow.
16. Compared to visible light, the wavelength of ultraviolet light is
a. longer
b. shorter
c. the same
d. brighter
17. What is the type of invisible radiation from space that can be detected from Earth's surface?
a. gamma rays
b. X-rays
c. infrared radiation
d. radio waves
18. Various sounds were recorded using a microphone and the signal displayed on an oscilloscope. Which sound wave had the lowest
19. Which is the unit for the frequency of sound waves?
20. Which is the unit for the loudness of sound?
21. Which of the following is TRUE about light and sound?
amplitude measures the frequency of a sound wave
light cannot pass through a vacuum
you can have sound without anything vibrating
light waves travel faster than sound waves
22. Various sounds were recorded using a microphone and the signal displayed on an oscilloscope (CRO). Which sound wave has the
lowest volume?
23. Through which of the following will sound travel the fastest?
A. seawater
B. wooden plank
C. air
D. steel rail
24. Various sounds were recorded using a microphone and the signal displayed on an oscilloscope (CRO). Which sound wave had the
largest amplitude?
25. Various sounds were recorded using a microphone and the signal displayed on an oscilloscope (CRO). Which sound wave had the
highest pitch?
26. Why can't you see through cardboard?
27. White light is shone through a red filter.
What colour light comes out?
28. If red light and green light are shone at a white spot, what colour light is seen?
29. A penny is placed in a cup so it is just out of sight. Water is poured in and the penny can seen. What is this effect called?
30. The angle of incidence of a ray is 45 degrees from the normal. What is the angle of reflection?
31. A blue object is placed in green light. What colour does it appear?
32. A blue object is placed in red light. What colour does it appear?
33. Explain what happends in the pictures
34. .How is the way you see your keyboard different to the way a mirror works?
35. Why can't you see at night?
36. If you shine white light through a prism you get a spectrum. If you now pass the red light from this spectrum what would you expect
to see and why?
37. Where is the fish?
Where does the observer see the fish?
Position 1
Position 2
38. The image shows the position of a red object in the reallity. Where will the observer see the red object. Draw the pahth of light ray
to illustrate the refraction.
39. How does the bird see the fish?
40. Which light colour combination produces the WHITE?
41. Explain what will happend in both cases A and B and paint the result.
A. Mixture of red and green pigment
B. Mixture of red and green light
42. Where is really the fish? Where do you see it? Why?
Which is the real deph? A or B
43. The diagram shows what happens to a ray of light when it strikes the surface of a plane mirror. Which is the angle of incidence
and the angle of reflection
44. What is the difference between Ultra violet waves and infrared waves?
45. The diagram shows a transverse wave.
a) Which of A, B, C is: 1) the wavelength 2) the amplitude
Label the picture with the parts of the Ear
Name the parts of the eye
48. Some water waves pass through a gap between two stepping stones across a small stream.a) Finish the diagram to show what
happens to these waves after they pass through the gap
49. Where is the pencil? Why do you see it bended?
50. The picture shows two different shadows for the same object. How is it possible? Explain
what happends.