Cara Deschermeier

United Federal Credit Union
Communication Intern
Cara Deshermeier
Communication Major
of school to get through, but she was offered a full time
position with the company upon graduation and has
accepted the offer.
Her Experience
Cara started off her SVSU career as a music education
major, following in the footsteps of her mother. Well into her
freshman year, however, she took interest in communication.
“It’s amazing to sit down and think about what is going
on around the world, and how we communicate through
technology.” The communication major completed an
internship with United Federal Credit Union where she got to
transfer skills from the classroom into the workplace as well
as learn plenty of new skill centered on web development
and graphic design. She loved the opportunity to learn new
things and found that she got along well with her supervisor
and teammates.
Cara said that the whole experience was due largely in part to
SVSU’s Career Services office. The staff led her to the position
once it was open on the Cardinal Career Network. “I might not
have even looked at the opening without them,” she said. The
SVSU Career Services office can help with nearly every step in
the job search process from applicaion to interview. They have
plenty of resouces available for current students and alumni,
both on the website and in the office. It is worth scheduling an
Advice from Cara
The Offer
Cara shows a great deal of professional adaptability, which can
be vital in the workplace. With technologies ever advancing
propencity, it is important that employees today can pick up,
and catch on to, new things in a heartbeat. Without this skill in
the workplace, companies will fall behind.
Through her internship, United Federal Credit Union
(UFCU) got a chance to see how hard of a worker Cara is
and how she would fit into the company. Cindy Swigert,
human resources chief officer from UFCU, expressed that
Cara impressed her supervisors by working very hard. They
were able to see that she was a quick learner, and with so
much changing in the field constantly, that is a quality that
the company greatly values. Cara still has one more year
[email protected]
Cara’s employer expressed that her ability to learn new things
very quickly was largely what got her the full time offer. It is
important to know your audience when you are working on
Wickes Hall 270