Christogram - St. Christopher School

St. Christopher School
Recognized as a National School of Excellence
U. S. Department of Education - Blue Ribbon Schools Program
Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Celebrating 60 Years of Catholic Education
May 4, 2017
KA, Harlee Gaethe; KB, Aubrie Cedillo; KC, Reagan Flynn; 1A, Lucas Ovella;
1B, Carmella Burnthorne; 1C, Cayden Metcalf; 2A, Katie Kelly; 2B, Corey Kelly;
3A, Luke Hutchinson; 3B, Hudson Hughes; 3C, Katelyn Gauthier; 4A, Kara Rodriguez;
4B, Braden Hoang; 4C, Jake Weber; 5A, Lucy Naquin; 5B, Delaney Trosclair; 5C, Meghan
Mueller; 6A, Emily Roberts; 6B, Chance Latham; 6C, Haylie Lambert; 7A, Emilio Garcia;
7B, Caroline Graf; and 7C, Amelia Ott.
JUNIOR GIRLS INDOORBALL TEAM: Congrats to our Junior Girls Indoorball team members and
coach Vance Ott – they finished the season as undefeated district and conference champs, and City
Runner-up! Great job girls and coach!
2 01 7 -2 01 8 Chr is t ole t t e O f f ice r s : Con gr a tu la t io ns t o ou r ne w Ch r is to le t te
o f f ic er s : C ap t a in : K a t he r in e M on ta lb an o ; Co - cap t a in : M a r is sa R om er o ;
L ie u t ena n t s : A sh le ig h Le R oug e and A v yn Ra f id i .
C h ee r lead e r O f f ice r s f or 20 17 - 20 18 : C o ng r at u la t ion s t o ou r Va r s ity
C h ee r lead e r o f f ic er s : C ap t a in : O liv ia D ay an d Co - ca pta in : E m ily R ob er ts .
2 01 7 -2 01 8 Vo lley ba ll T e am : C on gr at u la t io s t o ou r v o lle yb a ll t ea m m em be r s f or
n ex t y ea r . T he y ar e : M a ck en z ie B lan ke , A le x Ca r te r , C a mr yn Ch a te llie r, I v y
D ilib e r to , L ily D uc o , D e la ne y Du rr , S am an th a Fa ir ch ild , E lle n Ga ud in , Av ah
G ilc hr is t , A bb y Ha r r ison , M o rg an Hu t ch in son , C am e ron K enn ed y , Ha ile y
L a mb er t , R a ch e l M ea r im an , L uc y Na qu in , Jay de n Na va r ro , R ea ga n Pa lmis a no ,
Fa it h Se rp as , M ia S ign or e lli, H ay de n T r a ub , an d M o rga n W illiam s .
S CS A w ar d Re c ip ie n t s a t t he A nn ua l K n igh t s o f Co lumb u s “ Ke ep C hr is t in
C h r is tm as ” Pos t e r C o n te s t : 5 to 7 yea r o ld ca t eg or y : W in ne r Co un c il an d 2 n d
Pla c e in th e Ar ch dio c e se – Em ma B a ts o n ; 8 t o 10 ye ar old c a te go ry : W inne r
C o un c il – G av in Dim ag g io ; 2 n d Plac e – M a d iso n Fo ns e ca ; 3 r d Pla ce – E lla
B e r tu c c i; a nd 11 to 1 4 y ea r o ld ca t ego ry : W in ne r Co un c il an d 1 s t Pla c e in t he
A r ch d io ce s e – J enn a Th om as
Ms. Sherri Eck, one of our kindergarten teachers, was nominated for the Cabrini High
School 2017 Distinguished Educator Award. She was nominated by Victoria Duke,
Cabrini freshman and former student of St. Christopher. This award recognizes the
elementary school teacher’s contribution in the formation of our most outstanding high
school students.
Summer Camp registration on JUNE 1st , 3:30-5:30 in the
Parish Center!
LEMONADE DAY sponsored by the Student Council will be held Saturday,
May 6, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. It will be located on the corner of Johnson and
Cleary. Popcorn and sweet treats will be sold. Proceeds will go to Animal Rescue New
MEN’S CLUB PARISH PICNIC: Will be held Saturday, May 6, 12:00-4:00 p.m. at
Lafreniere Park, Picnic Island – Shelter #2. The picnic is free of charge and the St.
Christopher Men’s Club will be serving hot dogs, hamburgers and soft drinks. There is
some seating, but please bring your folding chairs with you. All parishioners, faculty,
staff, students and their families are invited to take part in this fun-filled event. There
will be numerous activities such as bingo, volleyball, bounce house, sack races, egg
toss, horseshoe contest, cornhole contest, etc. 4:00 Mass will be held on the picnic
the gym.
Will be held Monday, May 8, at 7:00 p.m. in
City Park Night—May18th, 2017
7:00pm till 10:00pm
City Park New Orleans Amusement Park, 1 Palm Dr.
Orleans La 70124
one come all!
Please come join in the fun at City Park for our annual City Park Fun Night. This
fun, exciting event is a private party for St. Christopher families to enjoy rides, let loose and prepare for
summer vacation.
Tickets are $15.00 per child and $5.00 per adult. (A ticket must be purchased to enter City Park.)
Forms are available in the office or edline.
Please return by Monday May 8th.
Only pre-order tickets will be available. We will NOT be selling tickets at the door. All children must be
accompanied by an adult.
Please contact me with any questions:
Leslie Ellerbusch 504-914-0817
SUMMER CABBAGE BALL PROGRAM: The St. Benilde Men's Club Cabbage Ball
Program is still open to boys and girls, grades Pre K4 through 7th. The fee is $20.00 before
April 14th (includes insurance fee, free icee’s after each game, and a team shirt). The fee is
$25.00 per child between April 15th – April 28th, $30.00 after April 28th. Registration forms are in the
school office. Games are played Tuesday and Thursday nights from May 23 to June 29, 2017.
Please come join us for the last 2017 Home & School Club Meeting which will be held
Wednesday, May 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the school gym. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Faculty &
Staff, Room Parents, H&S Club Officers and H&S Club Committee Members will be
presented with year-end gifts for their hours of volunteer service to the school. Additionally,
new H&S Club Officers will be installed. Dinner and dessert will be served. CYO will NOT
provide babysitting services in the cafeteria during the meeting. The H&S Club wishes to
thank everyone for a great school year!
Wednesday, May 10 , will be the first Annual ‘ART Show”! It will be held in the gym (for
parents only) 7:00-7:30 p.m. before the Home and School meeting . Please join us in
celebrating all the hard work and creativity of our artists in a school-wide art show. This will be
a grandeur exhibition showcasing one piece of artwork from each student in 1 st – 7th grade. Don’t miss this
great opportunity to witness all of the artistic talent at SCS!
May 8 - Last day that any student may charge.
7th Grade – May 15
K – May 18 and
1st-6th – May 19.
The St. Christopher School office will be closed Monday, May 29, due to
Memorial Day!
CYO NEWS: Gym Night and CYO Information Night:
Sunday, May 7, 6:00 p.m. in the gym! All current 6 t h and
7 t h graders are invited. COME JOIN THE FUN!!!
EXAMS: May 9th, 10th & 12th
Tuesday, May 9th
English/Social Studies, Dismissal at 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday, May 10th
Religion/Science, Dismissal at 11:00 a.m.
Friday, May 12
Math/Reading, Dismissal at 11:00 a.m.
Students who are exempt from tests please do not report to school.
On Tuesday, May 18th the Graduation Mass and
exercises will begin at 11:00 a.m. All students should meet in the Parish
Center for 10:30 p.m. The appropriate dress is coat and tie for boys and
dresses for girls. No long dresses or semi-formal dresses (such as those
worn to winter formals, proms, etc.); sleeveless dresses are acceptable only if they
are worn with a cropped sweater or jacket. This also pertains to dresses that are cut
low in the back or that have a portion cut out. All dresses for the occasion should be
appropriate for Church (girls’ dresses/skirts must be an appropriate length, i.e., no
shorter than 3 inches above the knee); dyed or shaved hair styles will not be allowed.
Seating for the graduates is reserved; all other seating is on a first come, first served
basis. Following the graduation ceremony, cake and punch will be served in the
parish center, compliments of the St. Christopher Home and School Club. Please
cooperate with the dress policy as it would be a shame for a student to be denied
their graduation privileges due to a violation of the dress code.
SCHOOL RECORDS: Parents of 7th grade students - on Monday, May 15 we will
send home all personal records (baptismal, immunization and birth certificates).
FEES, BOOK FINES, AND LUNCH CHARGES) must be paid by Monday, May 8th
in order to graduate.
May 9th, 10th, 12th
May 9th, 10th, 12th
May 15th
Field Trip; collect books, etc. (full day of school)
Student medication will be sent home
May 16
Practice & Luncheon; 1:00 p.m. dismissal
May 17th
May 18
GRADUATION; 11:00 a.m.; students meet in
Parish Center for 10:30 a.m.
T he Pa re n t in g Ce n te r a t C h ildr en ’ s Ho spit a l is
s p on so r in g the nat io na lly a c c la ime d S a fe S it t e r bab ys it t in g tr a in ing pr og r am
a ga in t h is su mm er in co n jun c t io n w it h th e Jun io r L e ag ue o f Ne w Or le an s .
R e g is tr a t io n
inf o rm a t io n
th e
sc ho o l
o f f ice
w w w .t he pa re n t in gc e nt e r .n e t .
I f yo u h av e an y q ues t io n s yo u c an ca ll T h e
Pa r en t ing C en t er a t ( 50 4 )8 96 - 95 91 .
G r and pa re n ts ’ Su pp or t G rou p :
Fo r g r and pa r en t s wh o ar e r a is ing
g ra nd ch ildr en o r w h o p lay a s ig n if ic an t r o le in th e ir g ra nd ch ildr en ’ s liv e s . A ll
a s pe c t s o f t he gr an dp ar en t /gr and ch ild re la t ion sh ip w ill b e a ddr e s se d . T h is is
a n ope n gr oup b eg inn ing M ay 5 t h . W ill b e h e ld Fr ida y ’ s a t 1 : 00 p .m .; $ 2 5 p er
a t t en de e . W ill b e h e ld a t Be ha v io ra l H e a lth Co un s e ling an d C on su lt in g , 3 21 6 N.
T u rn bu ll D r iv e , Su it e A , M e t a ir ie , LA 7 00 02 . Ple a s e ca ll a t 50 4 /302 - 77 71 .
Lung Association Dress Down Day $1.00
5 Retention/ Detention
6 Men's Club Picnic
8 Guitar Concert (Gym)
9 7th Grade Exams; 11:00 Dismissal
9 English/ Social Studies
10 7th Grade Exams; 11:00 Dismissal
10 Religion/ Science
10 Art Show, 7:00-7:30 p.m.
Home & School Club Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
12 7th Exam; 11:00 a.m. Dismissal
Math & Reading
12 4th grade 9-weeks test: Math
Retention/ Detention
9:30 Mass (3rd-Fathers/ 6th Mothers)
15-17 4th-6th Exams
15 English (4th); English/ Social Studies
7th Grade Field Trip
7th: grades due, collect fines, books, etc.
16 4th-6th Exams
16 Reading (4th); Religion/ Science (5-6)
7th Grade Luncheon; 12:00 noon
17 4th-6th Exams
17 Vocabulary (4th); Math/ Reading (5-6)
Extra-curricular Awards, 2:00 p.m.
Advisory Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
18 EEC Closing Ceremony/ Last Day
7th Grade Graduation, 11:00 a.m.
EEC Progress Reports sent home
City Park Night
19 K Picnic; Last day for K and ASC
Student Council Elections, 2:00 p.m.
Retention/ Detention
22 Records Day - NO SCHOOL FOR
23 Academic Awards, 2:00 p.m.
Last Day of School
9:30 Closing Mass